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>Shoot straight >Conserve ammo >And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon
Health and Healing edition. Who does your healing? Do you have some chummer that cares for you? Do you regularly visit you local 'Doc? Or do you all just use Medkits and hope those cut it?
Benjamin Hall
>Who does your healing? Do you have some chummer that cares for you? Do you regularly visit you local 'Doc? Or do you all just use Medkits and hope those cut it?
Saviour Medkit is a hell of a drug. Or swarm of nanobots that are better than any mere chemicals at keeping you on your feet.
After that, it's time for another sit-down with Sawbones, and another hour of getting stiched up while arguing that you really don't need some nearly new cyberlimbs, practically factory-fresh, no not even a foot, I don't care if it's the kind that 'Masher' Jones from the New England Patriots uses.
Ryan Robinson
>Who does your healing? First the medkit, then the mage.
>Or do you all just use Medkits and hope those cut it? With a 12 dice pool, it does better than most.
Alexander Gray
We just don't get hurt, and what damage that we do take is healed up by time.
Jacob Butler
>We just don't get hurt Good Dodge? Careful Planning? Very High Armor? (Although in that case you still get hurt, just with Stun) Reaction Enhancing of any kind? All of the above
Zachary Perry
Also: Does a medkit heal Stun damage or just Physical?
Thomas Ramirez
>Does a medkit heal Stun damage or just Physical? Both. Either. Look up First Aid.
Michael Green
Boob armour
Gabriel Kelly
You gotta protect your girls, user. They are precious things in this world
Plus one uncovers to reveal a cunningly altered nipple that doubles as a dataport while the other was converted into a machine gun barrel. In deference to being a medic she will try to aim her boobgun only at your ass.
Noah Phillips
Tactical boob pouches. This is boob armour.
Hunter Garcia
Mainly just planning, and outnumbering our enemies. That, and not getting into fights in the 1st place if we can help it, usually fighting means shit has hit the fan. Also, enemies seem to target the trolls first if our spellcaster hasn't done anything yet, and they're Body 9 and 8, so even when they're buying hits they're healing 4 boxes of physical damage per day.
Adam Peterson
>Tactical boob pouches.
Now there's a thought, is there cyberware for lots and lots of little pockets all over the place? Or would that just be covered under Smuggling Compartment?
Isaiah Myers
Skin pocket bioware.
Dominic Gray
Thanks to the brilliant coordination of team and our helpful DM we have 2 runners with 12 dice in medicine + first aid, another with 9 in first aid and the mage brought Heal and Stabilize
Now anytime the medics get together to do non-critical medical stuff they argue (in character) because they have completely different medical backgrounds
Thomas Nelson
See, I read that in the context of boob pouches and the idea fits, but you KNOW someone has tried to argue that the vagina already counts as one. Or if they didn't, they paid to make it one.
Oliver Collins
Who has points in medicine? That a big investment for something that is usually handled by a contact for long-term care.
Also, are you running with a bunch of eggheads? Decker and hermetic mage using LOG, sure, but who else?
Julian Robinson
Why is it so difficult to find the 5e rulebook in a physical form? Did they stop printing it or something?
Camden Gutierrez
>Did they stop printing it or something?
Yes. Supposedly there's another printing happening with Errata, but Ghost knows when that comes out.
Asher Jenkins
One of my favourite things about medicine in Shadowrun is that due to the resurgence of magical and alchemical healing, you can have leeching as a viable medical practice. Yup. CGL does a single big print run and waits for supply to run down before issuing a new run. Supposedly the new version should be released soon; no word on whether it's going to include proper errata or not. God knows Street Grimoire was a clusterfuck.
Jason Lopez
I wonder if boob armour works off the same principle as sloped tank armour
Asher Carter
>you can have leeching as a viable medical practice
How? Magic doesn't mean that the four humours suddenly become valid medical theory. Unless you mean it's a MysAd with that animal companion power, and a leech buddy specced for healing, which is impractical but baller.
James Cooper
Naturally the supplies run dry right when I'm looking to get Shadowrun onto the roster at my FLGS. I have the worst luck.
Cameron Smith
>I wonder if boob armour works off the same principle as sloped tank armour Nope, it works off the same principle as lingerie, or Greek muscle-plate.
Armor without cups protects better, the way way armor without pecs and abs works better.
Luis Reyes
I'm the decker and I sunk points into the Biotech Skill Group to cover all the bases The other healer is a combat medic (direct points in Medicine and First Aid)
It has paid off for both of us, the medic because he has done a lot of healing for the mage And mine got me almost 200K in nuyen when I relieved a hit squad of their wired reflexes and cyber eyes (to the disgust of the rest of the team but fuck them)
Aaron Cox
>How? The same way praying to God makes angels appear to help you, in Christian Theurgy. Beliefs contextualize magic into existence, even if the actions themselves are bullshit.
Justin Clark
No, CGL has the worst business practises.
It's not your fault, user. It's not your fault.
Hunter Perez
Different question.
Cyberzombies are badass fucked up things right? What keeps people from simply rather then making someone supercybered beyond belief, simply just take that juicy cyberware and make a robot from the ground up?
I dont really see bots in Shadowrun, even drones are distinctly nonhumanoid.
Asher Campbell
>I relieved a hit squad of their wired reflexes How you managed to completely take someone's nervous system out of their body undamaged is beyond me.
Joseph Perez
You don't think the sloped armour on breasts would help deflect shots (Whether to the side or to the sternum)?
Caleb Hill
In even more basic terms: Belief -> Power/magic -> Imbuing belief-related objects with power/magic = "Leeches heal people" -> Magical healing leeches
Jonathan Hernandez
Because humans are rather poorly designed for doing things they want robots to do.
Sebastian Thomas
That doesn't seem physically possible.
More like it'd crush a woman's chest in because the slope would effectively be an indent pointed straight at her ribcage.
Ayden Turner
GM approved, and they didn't raise any objections Might have had something to do with the auto-injectors filled with poison that was triggered remotely
Brody Green
Mason Gray
That doesn't mean leeching is viable. You're just good enough at magic that you can fix what's wrong with them, AND the fact that you're draining their blood.
They try making robots from the ground up. The problem is in the thinking. You can make a huge slab of steel that drives itself and uses a 40mm cannon, but they can't make it be as intelligent as a human. They've tried, and the results were Deus, Megara, all the other fucked up AI, and the first Crash.
Ryan Mitchell
So you took the body home? I guess that makes a little more sense.
Colton Thompson
>That doesn't mean leeching is viable. The leeching is how you cast the magic, you fucking nerd, the same way that waving a willow branch over someone doesn't do shit until magic gets involved.
That's the entire point of what yekka said.
Carson Peterson
>More like it'd crush a woman's chest in because the slope would effectively be an indent pointed straight at her ribcage. If the armour was sufficiently strong, I am sure it would work just like a tank's sloped armour.
Not saying booby plate is exactly a great idea anyways, because as I said, there's about a 50% chance that it will go right in to the sternum.
Brayden Ross
>That doesn't seem physically possible.
That's what Jimmy kept screaming, at least until the Narcoject kicked in.
Jayden Davis
Any of you chummers have an archnemisis? A guy always one step ahead of you? A moriarty, a dinkleberg, a Dio?
That shit is so cash. Just got through a job where a thief we met before on an earlier job ended up beating the team to the punch on stealing an exhibit at a museum, and he and my character quipped while knife fighting on a full sized model of dinosaur bones, before he kicked my character away and left via the roof access and a grappling hook.
I felt like Batman or something.
Angel Wood
This guy.
Ah. But then why are Cyberzombies like infinite kill machines and drones are just "Disposable and tough"? Like that Dragonfall ogre who was essentially a flesh drone? At least makes a interest rigger concept though.
Aaron Allen
Shoulda gone with the basis that they made Blade Wolf with. Everyone always makes AIs out of data archives and huge swaths of hacking capabilities.
Deus, Megara, none of Shadowrun's AIs were designed using other means than being able to replicate themselves and infiltrate and spread out like a virus, with perfect recall memory due to everything being archival.
Meanwhile, Blade Wolf's intelligence was literally based on a human brain and a learning algorithm that went off of impressions and the like. They had to teach it to speak, and then how to read before it could ever begin to gorge itself on literature and information, and because it was never created with the ability to connect directly to the internet via a jack or wi-fi, it had to be fed data directly (most likely via some kind of USB port on its body). Furthermore, Blade Wolf's memory is "faulty" due to it being based on a human brain. It doesn't have perfect recall, but instead it can remember things based on "I might have seen that guy once two years ago - he looks kind of similar, but that's about the best I can tell you."
Jacob Hernandez
>I felt like Batman or something. >he kicked my character away and left via the roof access and a grappling hook. user, I'm sorry to break it to you, but your nemesis is the Batman.
Eli Adams
You should look up what would happen if you had boob plate in real life.
It's not pretty.
Jonathan Wood
>If the armour was sufficiently strong Then it would have a hole punched straight through it instead of flexing (like metal) or deforming (like kevlar).
Boob plate is bad.
Aiden Ramirez
I'm considering a run I thought would be interesting, but I don't know how viable this will actually be.
The runners are supposed to kill a high ranking member of a Humanis group, no one will pray for him when he's dead, the hats fairly white for this.
However he has one thing that makes this a bitch, he bought a Super Platinum Docwagon contract and as soon as he takes serious injuries a HRT team will forcibly extract him.
But im worried that the players wont just, blow his head off and resolve the issue before the wagon people even show up.
Cameron Collins
I was never a huge fan of the notion that arrows or bullets would somehow deflect into the heart off boob armor. I can see the argument that anything that can trap a blade would be bad, but typically how often does armor outright deflect in the real world? Maybe if it was a glancing blow or otherwise a low impact projectile. All is said and done there is really no place on your chest you want to be shot or stabbed. Heart, spine, lungs - ribs breaking and puncturing the heart or lungs. Sufficiently sized breasts could theoretically be helpful if anything that penetrates the armor stops in the fatty tissue reaching vital organs.
But forget all that shit. These are games where people take a fireball to the face or a grenade thrown at their feet and it shaves off some HP. Who gives a crap if armor has boob plates or is a chainmail bikini as long as the armor rating is the same. It's when people try to jigger the rules claiming it shouldn't be that it gets pissy. It's a game with cyberpunk elves and orks, if people are trying to push realism they should just be told to sit down and shut the fuck up. Game on.
Dominic Nelson
>But then why are Cyberzombies like infinite kill machines and drones are just "Disposable and tough"?
I don't understand what you mean by this. Cyberzombies are always on the brink of coming apart, their souls nailed to their chromed bodies with magic. Full on 'less than 0.0 essence' cyberzombies are already dead, medical science can just keep them going for a few months more than regular corpses.
As for drones, it's dead easy to make a factory that cranks out 200 Duelists a day, but much harder to get a team of specialized cybersurgeons and medimages to turn a metahuman into a cyberzombie.
Lucas Russell
Have a bigger pic.
Nathaniel Reed
IMPROVED ABILITY (SKILL) Cost: 0.5 PP per level This power increases the Rating of a specific Combat, Physical, Social, Technical, or Vehicle skill per level of the power. You need to know the skill in order to buy this power for it, and you can’t buy it for skill groups. The maximum improvement possible is your current skill level x 1.5 (rounded up).
If you have a 6 skill, how many points of bonus can you add?
Can you add 3, up to a cap of 9?
Or can you add 9, since the improvement cap is skill x1.5?
Joshua Walker
Okay so cyberzombies are effectively dead inside.
However cyberzombies tend to also be stuff like the Willies or MK VI. Aka, really really dangerous. I was confused why that 1% of humanity was such a game changer.
Adam Phillips
Morgan/Megara was based on a human brain, iirc. Alice Haeffner, member of Echo Mirage, who got trapped in the Matrix due to her work as the first e-ghost.
Deus, Imago, etc., were either attempts to recreate that, to create artificial intelligence wholesale, or strange misfirings within the dense codejungle of the Matrix that bred new life.
Gabriel Baker
Man, the Beyond Batsuit must be some fuckin' Delta-grade shit if you consider all the things crammed into it.
Off the top of my head, it has at least the following: - A full-body armour with strength-enhancing gyros - Claws capable of penetrating concrete - Jet-thrusters - Foldable glider wings - Projectile (Batarang) launchers - Grappling hook launchers - A retractable breather mask - A cloaking device - An electricity field/aura projector - Multiple frequencies of vision, from infrared to ultraviolet - A commlink with vidfeed
Logan Rivera
It was all part of the plan. The two times he got the better of me was just act one and two of the show. Once I find his crime lair loaded with memorabilia, I'll be able to beat him just fine.
Robert Nelson
The problem with modern armor isn't that the force gets deflected to the sternum - that's more the issue with historical breastplate. Historical breastplate domes outward and often has a keel running down the center because THAT is how you have tank-like slope armor, designed to deflect blows away from the organs.
Rather, the problem with modern armors having individual cups instead of just a uniform, fitted, flat slab of armor is that kevlar works best when it's firmly fitted, and the boob cups give it WAY too much room to deform all the way into your rib cage before the kevlar will finally go taught and spread the force out.
That and dome-shaped ceramic panels will push the edge of the panel against the wearer when hit, rather than the flatter, larger back side, and that's also a recipe for pain.
Connor Collins
That's what they all say. It never works.
Eli Sanders
Pretty much this, yes. The leeches essentially act as a geasa. Same reason psionics are a thing in the sixth world. Not really how the Shadowrun AIs work,almost none of them have been created intentionally. Nope, Morgan emerged from a semi-autonomous knowbot, what's now called an agent. Have a bigger pic. 9 or your MAG, whichever is lower.
John Hughes
>Delta-grade Only affects Essence costs. It wouldn't give anything higher Capacity.
But yes, it'd be some bleeding-edge shit, and considered as remarkable in Shadowrun as it is in Beyond.
Lucas Young
9 total rating, including the boost, or 9 total rating BOOST from the power or magic whichever is lower?
Liam Watson
"Blowing his head off and resolving the issue before the Wagon people show up" sounds like exactly what they want to do, and the challenge of the run.
Super-Platinum is the kind of thing that responds in 3 minutes or less with a full HTR team if there's so much as a blip on the biomonitor, with a load of personally cloned blood and organs. The players need to kill the guy, do it fast, and do it so thoroughly that even the advanced technology of Shadowrun can't bring him back, and do it FAST.
I'd play that run.
Cameron Baker
>Have a bigger pic. Too big. Emersion ruined!
Andrew Gonzalez
Fair dos. Someone once told me Delta-grade referred to 'military-grade', so I just kind of took to calling anything in the 'ridiculous, experimental military' territory of tech as Delta-grade.
Easton Hall
>I was confused why that 1% of humanity was such a game changer
Again, I'm not sure I follow you. It's way less than 1% of humanity (there's probably less than twenty full cyberzombies, considering only a couple of corps have the know-how and resources to make them). They're not game-changers in the practical world so much as they are valuable research subjects in how far you can push Essence, and a fucking horrifying event once in a blue moon in some backwater state.
Dominic Myers
Delta-grade is the opposite of military-grade. The military runs on 'lowest bidder' mentality. They want all of their shit to be from the most cost-effective supplier without it being downright faulty. Standard-grade 'ware is the military standard.
Delta-grade? That's for rich people who are too rich for normal custom jobs, they need a goddamn unique work of art as their 'ware. Something so perfectly fitted down to the last micron that every custom-designed piece of it feels as natural as their organic body ever did.
And all of that only refers to 'ware - cyberware, bioware, that kind of thing.
What you're thinking of is 'milspec.'
Samuel Diaz
Sorry, Nygma, that bat won't roost. At least you have your quints to console you.
Jacob Edwards
New player here, friend has roped me into playing a game with him. Any tips on how to keep alive? Making a boring as fuck Street-Samurai Human.
Brayden Gonzalez
Armor, Reaction, Intuition. That's how you keep alive.
That and having enough Initiative to shoot your enemies before they can shoot you.
Jose Reed
The fact that it's a fantasy-scifi game makes it moot.
Modern weaponry, especially military grade, typically is the bigger problem. Bullets eventually drove the old plate armor out of style. Things like kevlar, man, you get hit in the chest, even if it doesn't penetrate you'll still have the wind knocked out of you. You'll have a monster sized bruise, could still have cracked or broken ribs, and a sufficient impact over the heart could damage it. Our defensive technologies struggle as best they can but are usually very much outpaced by our ability to kill.
What's the next big thing after ceramic? Nanocarbonfiberblahblah, spidersilkweaveyaddayadda? Pray for forcefields, which are probably physics bending bullshit pipedreams.
Carson Diaz
There's also the way that they're basically an Astral version of Tim Curry's pollution-monster from Ferngully.
Justin Phillips
Again, fair dos. Was just a habit of mine, is all.
Elijah Stewart
>The fact that it's a fantasy-scifi game makes it moot. It doesn't. Shadowrun uses ballistic fabrics and ceramic impact plates, same as real life.
Individual boob cups are bad, and work against modern armor design for a different reason but just as thoroughly as they did with archaic plate.
Tyler Miller
Spend the money on a good armour jacket with nonconductivity and fireproofing mods, and a helmet. Get lots of initiative.
And play an Orc or something, man. It's Shadowrun, live a little.
Jace Nguyen
>The fact that it's a fantasy-scifi game makes it moot. If that were true it wouldn't be possible to die from shit that kills normal people in real life in Shadowrun if you don't have a mage or Doc Wagon handy to save your ass.
Protip: You can, and you will.
Robert Allen
So whats the process for how an ex cop ends up in the shadows?
I know there are plenty of why's but how? to be a cop you need a SIN right? do you just throw it away and move to another city? do you pay to have someone erase you like at the start of Hong Kong? Do you fake your death?
Jason Young
>It doesn't. Shadowrun uses ballistic fabrics and ceramic impact plates, same as real life.
They just have different armor ratings form each other that aren't modified based on whether the character image has boob plates or not. THAT is why it doesn't matter.
If someone tries to argue that the character image negates the armor rating or should be substandard, that's just silly nonsense.
Jace Flores
I'll keep that in mind. I usually play other races in DnD and other stuff, never really tried playing a human before. Orc might be good for being a street samurai I imagine however.
Blake Bell
Sorry, pressed send too early. 9 total rating including the boost. HAVE A BIGGER PIC.
Gabriel Williams
>nonconductivity and fireproofing Personally, I go for chemical protection and a medkit on my armor (plus a biomonitor for the medkit, and electrochromatic clothing because it's worth it to look fly). But, then, my runner's in Seattle, so he needs to worry about acid rain. If he was in LA, he'd probably be more concerned with radiation.
The protections you pack on your armored jacket should usually represent whatever hazard you're likely to run into in normal life, assuming it's what you wear when out in the streets.
That, and medkits built into armor are just the absolute fucking shit.
Andrew King
The game merely provides base armors for the materials of the armor, it doesn't care about the actual design. The fact that you're arguing both real world and fantasy (mages and Doc Wagon aren't real user) should clue you in that the game ignores reality where convenient. Whether an armor has boob plates or not is one of those things it's ignored, at least in every edition I've read.
Dominic Robinson
Probbably all of the above.... OR your a cop in deep cover and Lone Star is temporarailly obscuring your sin for the length of the mission.
Could be a fun pc, so long as you arent intending to turn on the actual pcs.
Adam Jenkins
Cops would have a SIN, yes; either a national SIN, or they're one of the rare few citizens of Lone Star (or the somewhat less rare Ares citizen who worked for KE), or a citizen of some other corp who worked for their security.
Faking your death doesn't really work with SINs; it'll list you as dead, but if your DNA and retinal scans show up someplace, that's that. You can get the Erased quality from Run Faster, move to where nobody knows your face, or just hide in plain sight. Be Joe Doughnut, retired beat cop during the day, and at night you make sure to bring plenty of C-squared with you on your runs. Handy for keeping your contacts on the force and staying in the loop about any investigations.
John Gutierrez
>Orc might be good for being a street samurai I imagine however. Orks are great for melee. They have huge Strength and Body, and don't take a penalty to their movement speeds the way Trolls and Dwarves do.
Pick up a cyber-spur, and go to town.
Logic and Charisma are your dump stats. They're the only attributes that it doesn't really matter for a Street Samurai to have.
Body is for soak, Strength is for melee damage and recoil compensation, Agility is for your accuracy to hit people, Reaction is for your initiative and your ability to dodge, Intuition is for your initiative and your ability to dodge, and Willpower is for your Stun (nonlethal) damage track.
I'd describe Street Samurai as being the most attribute-intensive character archetype, personally, but others might disagree.
Nathan Hall
>Could be a fun pc, so long as you arent intending to turn on the actual pcs.
Naah hence the ex cop part. He left the force after...something. I dont know yet, probably dead friends and corruption.
Austin Lee
I was just curious what makes WILLIEs super powerful threats that lie in dumpsites and equivalent drones are mostly not seen.
Levi Smith
I could see someone with a lone star sin losing their job and sin when lone star lost the Seattle contract.
Matthew Anderson
>Whether an armor has boob plates or not is one of those things it's ignored Because the game just assumes you wear real, reasonable armor, rather than including separate stats for 'and if you're dumb enough to go with a shittier, less-protective design, here's the stats for it.'
Holy shit, this is some of the most autistic shit I've ever seen in a Shadowrun thread, and that's saying a whole fucking lot.
We get it. Your current character is wearing an armored corset and you want to justify it as acceptable. We get it, and we don't care. You do you - enjoy your character and your game, chummer.
Nathaniel Brown
You're a madman!
Bentley Kelly
>The fact that you're arguing both real world and fantasy (mages and Doc Wagon aren't real user)
I'm arguing that shit that kills people in real life kills people just as easily in Shadowrun, you mook. For example, if I drop a fucking car on your unaugmented chest, you're going to die, or at the very least have a crushed ribcage, regardless of your armour's materials.
Your cocky 'mages and Doc Wagon aren't real' falls short when the argument isn't about the existence of magic and super-medicine, but about basic common sense on design structures. Or would you argue that since the game doesn't mention any kind of ruling about putting a left-foot shoe on your character's right foot, that it ignores reality on that front as well? After all, the shoe is made of the same base material as the other one.
David Thompson
Cheers chummer!
Jordan Foster
>Because the game just assumes you wear real, reasonable armor, rather than including separate stats for 'and if you're dumb enough to go with a shittier, less-protective design, here's the stats for it.' user, I hate to break it to you but they don't care if it's realistic armor or not. They don't care if your armor has a cleavage cut or not.
The autism is expecting a blatant fantasy game to appease your need not to be triggered when you feel reality is broken by a game that otherwise breaks reality on every page of the manual.
Jeremiah Ramirez
Maybe he left the force after he was asked to kill a cybered up kid during a SWAT raid gone wrong.
Daniel Wood
The game accounts for the blunt for trauma of something like a car falling on you, user. It doesn't account for "bullet deflecting off your boob into your heart" or other bullshit.
This isn't difficult.
Jayden Fisher
>I was just curious what makes WILLIEs super powerful threats that lie in dumpsites and equivalent drones are mostly not seen.
Because that's a story, user. 2D's GM wanted there to be cyberzombies, and lo there were cyberzombies. The ones that Aztechnology actually uses canonically are Shorn Ones: a pair of special deep-infiltration operatives, one initiated mage and one cyberzombie, sent on the most covert and dangerous missions.
There are dangerous drones out there (just read Rigger 5), it is just cheaper and more efficient to have 5 roto-drones that tag-team someone than it is to try and build one super-awesome robot.
Parker Morgan
You'd think that cops would have their own 'deniable assets', SINless detectives and trained agents who go deep cover or engage in questionable activity. Make your cop one of them.
Jose Baker
>You'd think that cops would have their own 'deniable assets' They're called Shadowrunners. Sometimes they're put on retainer, when they've proven too valuable to leave as freelance.
Ayden Flores
>there's probably less than twenty full cyberzombies, considering only a couple of corps have the know-how and resources to make them More than you'd think, by the 2070s.
>Aztechnology’s model has since been reverse engineered by several megacorps, though exactly how remains a mystery
>Saeder-Krupp’s cybermantic program has been running almost as long as the Azzies
>NeoNET inherited both Novatech’s and Transys Neuronet’s cybermantic research programs and R&D has continued to pursue this project under Celedyr’s direction
>Ares Macrotech got a leg up on Azzie cybermantic research somehow—I suspect their acquisition of Cross’s intelligence assets and Info- Santé may factor in to the equation
>Mitsuhama went the other way; they assembled an elaborately capable medical team at their Kyoto clinic and then extracted a team of “dissident” cybermantic technicians from Aztechnology during the project’s purges
>the founding members of the [Universal Omnitech]’s project [...] all three hailed from an obscure Zulu tribe, known as the Heavenherds
Wyatt Nguyen
>trusting shadowrunners for long term undercover operations
I'm talking the sort of shit that you dont go to mercenaries for. I mean shit corps use runners, doesnt mean they dont have spies and spec ops as well on the payroll
Bentley Thomas
>Ares Macrotech got a leg up on Azzie cybermantic research somehow The meta reason is because the devs want Ares to be able to go full Robocop. Robocop is, after all, what cyberzombies are based on, and Ares is based out of Detroit for that very reason.
Alexander Green
>Personally, I go for a medkit plus a biomonitor
I usually take a definite 'inner layer' for that - either a HEL suit or YNT Softweave FFBA. Whether you need the biomonitor is up to the GM. I'd want to assume a wireless capable medkit is capable of telling whether the patient is dead or not.
Robert Barnes
>Whether you need the biomonitor is up to the GM. I take the biomonitor for various contingency triggers. I'm sure the medkit can tell all on its own whether you need to be resuscitated, but I have it kick in at certain levels of Stun/Physical, when I'm poisoned, all kinds of shit. Having the kind of comprehensive medical readout that a biomonitor can feed to the medkit is just the smart thing to do.
Also, I avoid layering non-stacking armor like that, at least in 5e.