Why are Planeswalkers so weak these days?
Why are Planeswalkers so weak these days?
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I think planeswalkers are literally the worst thing to happen to the game. And I know I'm in the minority, which sucks.
Planeswalkers were a problem back in Zendikar block when the stupidly broken Jace, the Mind Sculptor nearly killed Standard as a format.
Now, the main problem is mythics ruining Limited formats due to the insane power imbalance between regular rares and mythic. Not to mention that mythics juice up the price of Standard and create a Yugioh-esque theft culture.
That was Scars block, dumbass. Jace didn't do jackshit back in ALA-ZEN.
this planeswalker isn't weak at all....
Magic has been pussified in general. Its become a "safe space for creatures, as burn, removal, and evasion are hardcore nerfed. It has also become a safe space for players, as SJW groups force autistic , tranny, and homosexual characters into the Magic universe. Magic has entered a new era where it has become more casualized than ever. The rules are dumbed down thanks to Maro's New World Order, and Heartstone has brought in a flood of nomie undesirables and hipsters who demand simpler rules and a low skill ceiling. In other words, the game is fucked. Magic is likely to be toppled by Force of Will and Heartstone by the end of the 2010s. I suggest those with asses tied up in the MTG card market get out while they still can.
I'd say the Chandra is average. Not as good as Gideon, but certainly better than the garbage pictured:
Planeswalkers are pretty cool tbqh and they are probably the biggest shake-up to the actual field game since the combat damage change but the problem is that they force a new walker every single set and always push them to be toolboxes instead of something actually cool
Wait, who are the homosexual characters?
you do know that Nahiri is amazing in older formats right?
Chandra and Nissa.
>Hearthstone has brought in
This post has lowered the IQ of the entirety of humanity
Hearthstone takes away from MtG, casuals don't fucking start with Hearthstone and then go "yeah I want to start paying out the ass for this other card game that I can't play on my phone or tablet and doesn't appeal to me at all"
So is Monastery Mentor. But that card still sucks.
Having good synergy with other cards doesn't make a card single-handedly good.
>Hearthstone invented timmys
this is a new one
yes it does.
... People play Force of Will outside Japan?
FoW is already dying out.
I would say, however, MTG seriously needs to stop trying to emulate Hearthstone. They are 2 fundamentally different games, and WoTC needs to realize that before it's too late.
FoW was growing until they stopped distributing it to tons of places. Turns out that when people can't play a game, they don't play that game.
She's a decent value engine with removal that can possibly cheat a creature into play. She's above average.
Richard Garfield would agree with you
Yes but her removal is a -3 and cant deal with anything above 4 toughness (*cough*Ishkanah*cough), her value engine forces you to cast the card immediately or lose it forever, and getting 2 extra red mana to cast a dude isn't exactly the same is cheating anything into play. Your description of Chandra fails on all levels.
You know your meme isn't ever going to catch on, right?
Planeswalkers and Mythics are the worst things to happen to Magic: The Gathering.
Hey Chandere, how's Sorin doing these days.
>Implying that an S-tier walker is garbage
Whoops meant to reply to
They're shipping Lilli and Chandra pretty hard recently.
Lili and Nissa are going to be Chandra's shoulder devil and angel respectively.
Shoulder lesbian and elf more like it.
>Two females interacting MUST be lesbos
The only actual lesbians in the mtg mythos that I can think of are Arlinn and her ded SO.
>worse thing to happen to the game
Fun fact, planeswalkers were supposed to make their debut as early as the Urza block but R&D didn't think they had the right formula yet.
Also the huntresses in Shadows over Innistrad.
They just made a lesbian character in Khaladesh. Incidentally, she is also an old woman mourning her dead lover.
I completely agree, fuck mythics, fuck planeswalkers.
bring back the simple mechanics of pre-kamigawa block cards and the waaay better card art/layout/fonts/flavor texts
sorry, i took a 10+ year break from magic and i feel like it's just not the same game :( last sets i really played hard were the onslaught block (lorwyn-shadowmoor was pretty sweet though)
Dude, how many times did they take the space to mention Liliana playing with Chandra's hair.
She's blatantly flirting with the pyromancer.
I would be embarrassed to play FoW in public because of the obnoxious weeb waifu bait art.
It's simply too niche to beat MTG. MTG core players won't generally stop because 1 legend is trans, or because 1 legend is autistic, or because 1 or 2 are gay. But that sure as hell might bring in some players.
So yeah, WotC has a product that appeals to way more people, as opposed to the all male, all weeb audience of FoW.
Magic wins.
SJW's will infest everything we know and love eventually. Just you wait.
>sorry, i took a 10+ year break from magic and i feel like it's just not the same game :(
It isn't the same game anymore, that tends to happen when a game is no longer overseen by a single individual and instead by a huge corporation interested in "maximizing profits."
Listen buddy. One old lady liking pussy isn't going to end our hobby.
I'm sorry you're so triggered by girl Feldon.
Sure. Just wait until they go out of their way to force diversity and then tell me that it is okay.
I mean if you enjoy that kind of stuff, that is fine, that's your opinion, but I don't want too much chocolate in my peanut butter....if you will.
NWO is just MaRo's way of shutting up the liberal SJW scum. Unfortunately, it pissed off alot of older, diehard players at the time, and also skyrocketed the price of Legacy as collateral damage, because the new stuff just sucked so much. MtG has become the exact opposite extreme of Yugioh;while Konami has been power creeping Yugioh to oblivion, WoTC has become pussies about any power creep at all (i.e, won't even print Lightning Strike or Llanowar Elves into Stanard anymore, let alone Bolt or Birds, ffs)
This chandra is modern playable, right? At least in burn?
>4 loyalty, doesn't die to bolt
>+1 lets you dig and burn at the same time
I don't play modern, I just want to know if my card evaluation skills are on par
If she's actually trying to make a Robo-waifu I am okay with this.
Mythics don't actually affect the actual gameplay, aside from limited, where mythics make the format into an unplayable "whoever pulls the chase mythic wins the tournament" format.
What Mythics do is jack up the price of Standard to ridiculous, sometimes near-Modern levels.
Burn in its current modern iteration would probably not play a 4 drop. If she were to be slotted into a current Modern deck it would be either Jund or Jeskai.
Jund wouldn't play her over Kalitas, and Jeskai wouldn't play her over Ajani.
>Planeswalkers were a problem back in Zendikar block when the stupidly broken Jace, the Mind Sculptor nearly killed Standard as a format.
Holy revisionism Batman!
>Zendikar block
You mean Scars block, right?
That's because he's describing Nahiri
One of shitty artifacts that was reprinted in origins shows gay kings on it, Chandra and nissa are a couple now, and and one of the legendary creatures that we know of but dosent have a card yet lists her back story as employing the nallars after her wife dies.
Nahiri sucks
What exactly is at the end of the slippery slope that you're purporting?
When a set is released and every Planeswalker is is LGBT
Standard is the flagship format.
Planeswalkers are the flagship card type, they break Standard if they're too strong.
Also, no strong reprints in standard.
The Burger King Kids' Club.
Only shoved into environments where they don't belong so that nobody feels affronted.
At least that's one of the two ends of the slope as I've always seen it. You get a cast of characters made to pander to every spectrum of Social Justice even when it negatively effects the plot or ruins immersion. The other end is that all the stories turn into Social Justice moralizing meant to teach you a lesson and the franchise dies because being proselytized to in your children's card games gets very old, very quickly.
That said we'll never reach the bottom, because Wizards is still doing the same thing that most companies do, which is inserting just enough side characters that hit the SJW checklist to earn them praise from tumblr without actually doing anything.
There's no need to "force" diversity, a multiverse is the most diverse thing there is already. I browse /pol/ a lot and even I think that every plane being nothing but white Anglos is pretty stupid when the Multiverse spans in every infinite possibility.
Hence the 'if'.
>timmies are retarded
I take offense to that
Neat. The game needs more older characters.
He got the block off by one, but Jace the wallet sculptor along with the rest of cawblade basically killed standard. It was the first time in forever that they had to do an emergency ban from fucking standard.
He didn't say they were the worst, just that they blew a lot of design space by putting so much into them.
You are absolutely correct.
I just fear (and maybe it is an irrational fear) that shit will just be to PUSH diversity.
>the Burger King kid's club is an example of deliberately pandering to social justice in the '90s.
>White characters dramatically outnumber minorities
>The group is too white to have been created for the same purpose today
Fuck. /pol/ was right.
We're getting a new tutor?
The Mending happened and made them not automatically Wizardly Turbogods, now they have to work at it.
>bitches about power of plainswalkers
>posts "Chandra Mindbender" as example
Trade in your cards and buy Yu-gi-go, faggot.
Planeswalkers are shit. MtG was always based around the fact that YOU were the planeswalker, and that made you special. Now you have to share that with a bunch of one-dimensional DMPC godbabies that were designed to help pimp the shitty video game. I stopped playing magic when they were added and I genuinely can't see why they were added, other than the reasons above. Why does anyone with the tiniest investment in lore (IE probably only 1% of the people actually playing matgic) like planeswalkers?
yeah, this is also why I dislike how MtG is focusing so much on creatures.
you're supposed to be a wizard, not a general.
From what I understand the intention is YOU are still a planeswalker, planeswalker cards represent these other douchebags who will half-assedly help you out (in accordance with their loyalty) because they owe you one. Still hard to justify how half of us invisible rando planeswalkers happen to know these particular notable individuals well enough to call on them but whatever, I've made peace with it.
Absolutely agree and I have been saying the exact same shit for years now. Before then you had a very reasonable mana cost/power ratio but they've completely thrown that out the window and you have a billion and one 1/2 mana creatures that do fucking everything so the meta revolves around them. Everything is just some shitty mob rage and zero effort is going into making interesting or complex combos, which would spawn entire new kinds of decks altogether.
Liliana's manipulating he a bit though. She still has feelings for Jace I think.
As far as pushing diversity goes this is honestly the best way to do it. Mention it offhandedly without drawing attention to it in the bio of a minior side character. Steampunk Grandma seems to have an established personality and goals beyond being gay and her sexuality is not the focus of her character, which is the right way to do it. It doesn't harm anything nor does it warp the plot or focus of the story. The only real reason to object to it is if you buy the slippery slope argument that user used upthread.
Oh look an elitist douchenozzle raving about how MtG has gone down the toilet.
Crawl back under your rock and have a good whine, because nobody cares.
I think they've done an okay job of giving all races some sort of rep in the game such that it's a "believable" kind of diversity, just so long as they don't start giving everybody radioactive hair colors and genderisms, I think we'll be okay for another 10+ years
And older female characters as well.
Who are actually their stated age.
Lil' your a cute and all, but you don't represent old people.
I do like that WotC actually took the time to figure out how she looked before she got reset to her twenties.
Tsunade from Naruto is in her 50s, looks like in her late 20s, and even has (using too much of her power makes her look old), but do that bumblefuck bother to design her at her "natural" age?
Fucking nope.
>he doesn't realize that magic cards get much better when the economy shitty
>complaining about elitism on Veeky Forums
>Cheap BR tutor with the choice of discarding or losing life as a downside
I want this.
Stop Spiking out and get your Vorthos on, man.
If your gonna complain about how PWs are too weak, don't post ones that are OP like 4AbilityChandra and Nahiri 2.0. Maybe if you posted things like Kiora 2.0 or Inspector Jace, you'd validate your point a bit better.
It makes the card fun and enables non-midrange decks to be a thing. Synergistic cards allow the older formats to exist.
>or Inspector Jace,
Nothing bad about him.
And yet somehow, completely not worth it.
I agree, that's why I dropped this game in Urza's Saga.
The reason she left ravnica was because her tsun-tsun act didnt fluster jace it just pissed him off. She cant get the dicking she wants so shes going to manipulate chandra to setting people on fire. If she cant mill his load shes going to work out her frustration somewhere else.
worldwake is part of zendikar block
Wrekt'em. Jace sucked because of bloodbraid, when it rotated out jace became everything he was supposed to be.
Why not just reprint Chandra Nalaar?
I wonder how much your jimmies are going to be rustled when you'll discover that for a consistent time the main characters included 2 furry bait and a black girl
Just look at how they handled trans character.
Aleesha was much more than "look, I have a dick", and you won't even know it hadn't you read the UR.
Olivia, on the other hand, was the pure futa waifu we all want
Completely not related, I'm loving how Liliana is being portayed in her interaction with the other walkers.
Always scheming, always calculating. She's perfect, just a little too moustache twirling on kaldesh
>too mustache twirling
the more cartoonish the B aligned characters are the better
Things were simpler back then
>Making the game pay to win not considered alerting gameplay
>Mythics don't actually affect the actual gameplay
Depends how abstract you want to get. A more expensive game means less people playing it. Less people playing it could mean a different metagame (the people with less money who don't play could all lean more towards aggro as it tends to be cheap).
Torch of Defiance isn't that weak overall. Say she survives one turn, then she's a mana rock with emergency Flame Slash.
Really, it's only Jace the Mind Sculptor and Liliana of the Veil that are "drop for instant power" format-warping dickbags. Other 'walkers don't come close, Karn or Ugin or Nahiri. Even if they have their places in Modern or whatever.
>less people playing it
Yet from the introduction of mythics the number of players only kept grewing larger
Quite simply because the vast majority of players are entirely casual and play only for fun.
Mythics are only a problem for people who want to be competitive.
The biggest issue with walkers is that WotC has a quota to make a certain amount every set - most of the walker design space has been used up at this point and it is straining design. This causes walkers who just plain suck and never get used or ones that HAVE to be played (in Standard, anyway - walkers are hardly used in other formats).
The only thing that mechanically sucks about walker cards is they give effective life options to colours that shouldn't have them.
The number of players grew because the cake was a lie. Standard was in a decent place in Innistrad and Return to Ravnica, so lots of people jumped onboard. It wasn't too expensive, the mythics weren't THAT oppressive. Admittedly Thragtusk was ass fucking the format at the time, but that's no worse than the flood of green we've had since then.
Competitiveness is shit in a game about painted cardboard and Wizards is right to spurn them