That Guy thread? I'm a bit bored rn
That Guy thread? I'm a bit bored rn
I got a story. How I was unaware I was That Guy
>roughly 2 and a half years ago
>meet friends in college
>couple months later find a tabletop group
>meet up
>play Castles and Crusades
>make a fighter (oh boy)
>have fun at first
>as time went on, I felt a lot of things were unfair
>I would fail a lot and got mad that I would get shit xp
>this was due that I was a faggot that still had that vidya rpg mindset (more on that in minute)
>this went on for more sessions and other games
>one day, the DM and co. Stage a meeting
>DM confronts me on my shit and asks if I'm deliberately sabotaging his games
> I deny it as I really don't mean to hinder things
>he explains, I see my faults but not completely
>tries to ease me in actual roleplaying
>some sessions later I stopped going due to a mix of anger and depression due to some other factors I'll not bore you guys with
>one month later, I look back at my actions
> realize how much of a shit heads I was and realized I was THAT GUY
That hit me like a truck. I decided to better myself. Read more on the subject and try to Roleplaying better. I still play with one of my friends from the group and after every session, be it is was DMing or playing I ask for his feedback if I gothen better. He tells me I am but I still feel I can do more.
It still eats me to this day, how horrid I played, the shit I said and done. Even now as I read more books and see my dice, I'm just reminded of my failures as a player. I wish I can just see my old DM and apologize, but my shame is too great.
Remember that time someone was in an entire party of That Guys?
Go on and say you are sorry, just try not to be a sperg about it.
Oh my god. Well, I can understand why Veeky Forums is so shit now.
Dude - don't let it eat at you. Everyone starts from somewhere. If anyone in that group hasn't done some dumb newbie shit when they first picked up rping it's just that they don't realize that they did yet. I did some of the most embarrassing things when I look back on my early RP days. Part of gaming. Just pull up your socks and look forward to the future.
I mean...the dude basically outsmarted the GM. That's pretty impressive.
I din't want to know the story here, no, I want to hear the justification.
She sounds like a biter cunt m8
I dunno, I've met some pretty stupid GMs in my time.
It can be hard to break old habits. Harder even to atone for past mistakes. But you're *trying* to better yourself. That Guy never does that. That means, if nothing else, you're not That Guy anymore.
You know, telling you GM you're sorry will make you feel better.
Here's the story in full thread form, for those interested:
I swear there's more context than provided in the four caps montages, but I'm doing other things and can't confirm. Interesting That Guy story, though. (Also, a really fucked up montage available to give context for the "You may have her for two nights. You may do as you wish." meme pic in post 1/4 here:
>Have an online group that runs frequent oneshots/short campaigns.
>Decide I ought pull my weight and try to GM.
>Get backer copy for a game that just got translated to English.
>It's easy, won't matter that I'm a newb GM. Comfy feels game - should be ok.
>Someone I'm unfamiliar with signs up for the game.
>Must be someone in the extended group I haven't met yet. Private groups - he must be vetted.
>Gametime. Unfamiliar guy is loud and obnoxious.
>He must be nervous. Me too. NBD, he's vetted.
>Guy immediately makes a big deal about his tanuki being a "little scamp" and strewing garbage gleefully all over the quaint little town. Also destruction of property. In the comfy game.
>Gentle prod that maybe it's not as lovable scamp as he thinks?
>Guy proceeds to: make questionable comments to female player, talk obnoxiously over the other players - even when I pointedly say it's their turn, interrupt me multiple times when I'm talking, brag he understood the rules another player didn't, cause more random destruction, and ignore the plot.
>My usual GM, the female player's husband, tries to assist, basically bullying him IC to keep him in line. It is glorious.
>Able to halfway get the plot back in order.
>Make fewer and fewer nice-girl responses to his bullshit.
>He's still oblivious.
>Game finally ends and he proceeds to brag about his rapey games of Maid and lulzrandom other animu bullshit.
>Decide never to play Maid with strangers.
>Most players bail while he's talking.
>Guy leaves, very pleased with himself.
>We all ask who the fuck that was.
>Husband admits that he joined basically to troll me (in good fun) for running weeb trash and turned his troll powers on the Guy to keep him from trying to make awkwardly sexual comments at his wife or shit on my newbie GM attempts.
Never figured out how he got into a game posted to private groups, because he wasn't a member of either and my settings for keeping it private were correct.
Go apologise my friend, you'll be better off with that off your chest
Yeah, I'm planning on that soon since my friend still plays with him.
>you're not That Guy anymore
I still feel vestiges of my habits, which scare me and I try to rectify immediately. According to my close friend I've improved but I still feel a bit nervous before playing. On the brightside, roleplaying has become greatly enjoyable since I dropped that blasted "vidya rpg = ttrpg" and learned to roll with wherever the dice fall.
I never want to go back being That Guy.