>outcast from human & elven societies
>nobody fucking likes them
Are half-elves made for bullying?
No this is a serious question: Is a GM supposed to basically have every NPC the party meets treat the half-elf PCs like peices of shit?
>outcast from human & elven societies
>nobody fucking likes them
Are half-elves made for bullying?
No this is a serious question: Is a GM supposed to basically have every NPC the party meets treat the half-elf PCs like peices of shit?
And now, I shall reveal the greatest wisdom this thread has to offer:
Depends on the setting.
If it was a serious question, you ought to have phrased it better tbqh
>Are half-elves made for bullying?
Wait... What? Aren't Half-Elves typically given bonuses to Diplomacy because they wind up being smooth-talkers?
If anything, half-elves are that hot interracial guy/girl that had an awkward childhood but grew up attractive and successful.
What are half-orcs?
No this is a serious question: In most setting, people don't really mind half-elves if they are not jealous. They are just a bit excotic unlike half-orcs who are plainnly hideous.
However, that is the fun of playing one
Why be scared of the basilisk? Gonna taste like chicken
If it's Dragonlance, then they're made for being emo, except with beards instead of stupid hair.
>+2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks: Half-elves get along naturally with all people
Doesn't seem like it.
In the 13th Age setting half-elves are considered a wonderful symbol of cooperation between the two races, to the point where the Emperor of Man and the Elf-Queen cast a joint spell altering their peoples' genetics so that half-elven children would occasionally be born from pureblooded human or elven couplings.
>passive-aggressive non-answers are wisdom
name a setting where half-elves aren't made for bullying.
Fucking planescape, the setting that encompasses all other settings, has "half-elves are made for bullying" as the primary defining trait for half-elves.
So yeah, it'd be easier to state settings where it's not true than those where it is, so name one because I can't think of one. Even shadowrun half-elves are despised by full elves, even though elves are just another kind of trog and you'd think the half-elves would be allowed into their holy pointy eared potato shire.
I like how between the editions some things went upside down. Elves used to be the charming ones while half-elves were outcasts. Now what we got are half-elves being good with everyone and high elves being too arrogant for their own good. And don't get me started on tiefling.
>Fucking planescape, the setting that encompasses all other settings, has "half-elves are made for bullying" as the primary defining trait for half-elves.
[citation needed]
No, seriously, [citation needed]
Half-elves in Eberron are widely respected.
Consider that "depends on the setting" is the same kind of wisdom as "lurk moar" used to be. Just because it's not nice doesn't mean it's not true.
4e tieflings were a terrible mistake.
>descendants of an ancient magical empire that made pacts with devils to survive a war against dragons, but was forever cursed
>exist alongside ordinary tieflings from previous editions of D&D too
Sage this and filter this cringey autistic fetish shit, scumfuck retarded op
theyre just offering the poor girl food, how is that a fetish?
Planescape player's guide, dumbass, both human and elven societies don't trust them because they don't fit into either, so they tend to be vagabonds and emo fucks so no one likes them.
Keep your innocence my poor sweet summer child.
He doesn't know about inflation/expansion fetish.
You're confusing expansion/inflation with feederism, different fetishes entirely.
How hairy are half-elven males?
According to 5e (and implicitly 4e as well), the idea is that half-elves are generally trusted by most races; however, in dealings between humans and elves, both sides suspect them of being on the other side.
Don't forget that mixed-race babies are the cutest babies.
Like blondes. Not very.
"lurk moar" is still just being passive aggressive and not particularly helpful.
"Depends on setting" is an attempt to dismiss a broad question because the person feels it's too open-ended for their tastes.
Neither are wisdom.
>just offering the poor girl food, how is that a fetish?
It ultimately is going to depend on how well human and elven society gets along at the time. If they are close allies against the orc hordes or whatever it's probably not a big deal. If the elves arrow anyone who comes into the forest and humans are contaminating sacred elf glades or something you're going to see them universally outcast.
Half-elves are like white-asian mixes, if they're ugly then everyone thinks they are an abomination but if they are attractive then they are suddenly the chosen ones
>Emperor of Man
Retard generic fetish shit
Your players hate your setting and likely you but are too beta to tell you
It should definitely come up at least once in a while. Ideally you'd emphasize or deemphasize it based on whether or not the player seems to enjoy roleplaying through it.
>roll a sheltered half-elf noble from a proud line of military battle-mages, venturing away from home for the first time
>excited to roleplay through him experiencing the completely alien concept of being hated for his mixed ancestry for the first time
>someone else rolls a half-orc and becomes the sole target of any racial contempt directed at the party
Half elfs, well half breeds in general should make the most obvious adventurers.
Think of if, The immortality of elves means they can be remembered for centuries, have a family, continue their line. Humans live brief lives but are remembered in great deeds and progeny.
A Half breed is sterile, they are denied the immortality of man and the immortality of elf. Their only hope of being remembered is in great deeds or works, art, they must do something to inspire epics, plays and songs in order to live on in people's memory. the adventure gives meaning to their somewhat brief lives and compels them to go out in the world.
>Feeling sorry for some runty lil' git who can't swing an axe or grab a snake mid-strike
Cull the wheat from the chaff.
Oh wow, those are truly life skills the average civilized person should have.
Next you're going to say only a true man can make flint arrowheads, or we're all idiots for not knowing how to hit a bird with an atlatl from 100 meters.
They can, and you are. Weakling.
We don't need to snatch snakes anymore because we don't live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere where snakes are a clear, constant and very present danger.
>being an office cuck and living a life free of any kind of stress/tension/danger so as to not hurt poor babby's ego is something to be proud of
You're only saying that because we haven't had any snakenados recently.
>responding to a cro-magnon
>free of any kind of stress/tension/danger
You really don't understand how the human mind handles negative situations, do you?
>Implying living a life free of any kind of stress/tension/danger is a bad thing
>When living a life free of any kind of stress/tension/danger is one of the core tenets of civilization and a near universal goal for philosophy
It's even more ironic when you realize people a hundred years ago were working 14+ hour days in high-risk factories or coal mines, 6 days a week. Compared to them, you're the pampered little bitch.
>Are half-elves made for bullying?
That's not nice, user-kun
Yeah no shit, but it's probably better than living in this synthetic evinronment that complacency has us in. First worlders live in a bubble wrap world with padded walls and floors. People don't have genuine feelings or emotions anymore, just prescribed corporate and government approved response to stimuli.
Wasn't perfect back then by any stretch but at least people were humans and not these neutered and sedated devolved pseudo-humans
In 3.5, this was true - they never properly belonged in either human or elven society. At best you'd have some half-elf enclaves.
But in 4e and 5e, everyone loves half-elves, to the point where I wonder why they don't just breed humans and elves out of existence. They're considered the perfect middle ground between the two races, master diplomats, that sort of thing. Guess tieflings took the bully spot.
>not Half-Orcs
Ya blew it
user, i'd rather be a bubble-wrapped first-worlder than the europoor i currently am
3.5 still had the Diplomacy bonuses, though. I guess they were good with everyone except their parent races.
It was more like 'they were so used to not sticking around anywhere that they got used to having to work with people.'
Well I don't, humanity isn't a child's ant colony kit and we shouldn't live like this
>had an awkward childhood but grew up attractive and successful
Honestly, this describes the course of the half-elf over the editions.
Yeah, you get a diplomacy bonus but you also got a penalty to... fuck waht was it called? the "first appearance" roll thingie.
I think the reason why helves and full elves flipped over was because 4e wanted to keep that diplomacy bonus, make helves into basically "party face": the race, while tieflings became to magic what horcs were to hitting things really hard with an axe.
Yeah, that second one never happened.
The first one - the eredar wannabes that we keep pretending weren't because muh tentacle beards - got shoved down everyone's throat.
You're free to remove yourself at the earliest convenience. Might i suggest 40 .cal?
user, I hate to tell you this, but it's an actual published setting.
I don't want to kill myself but you really want to live in this fast foodized society? Can you even name the last time you sincerely felt something?
Which one
Pretty sure we're comparing to significantly more than a hundred years ago.
Literally read the fucking post.
>Can you even name the last time you sincerely felt something?
That's kind of hard when you're in depression for years due to being a lonely europoor, but i suppose you have it worse
I think you'll find that people sincerely feel a profound dislike of you.
>seriously recommending .40 cal
What are you, a fudd?
Reading is hard :(
Kek probably but I'm not wrong
So live life, nobody is stopping you, not the government or money and that is the truth because deep down you know it's true too
You're a sheltered, pampered idiot, aren't you
In the latter setting, half-elves are going to be rare outside of slave rape-babies.
Simple solution: become close friends with the half-orc.
What are you suggesting here, that living on a farm is preferable? You'd rather live out in the Alaska and fuck your sister like those freaks on the Discovery Channel?
Am I, though? Or is this just projection to justify why you're miserable but won't do anything to change it? I mean, surely I'm just a pampered idiot, what could I possibly know of your soul crushing obstacles? Better to continue on living in self pity and misery and postpone any kind of further introspective self reflection on how I got here and what I can do to fix it
Truth is dude, you don't want to be happy because then you won't have the sweet vindication to be a sore "cynical" and "jaded" loser who can mope and try to convince everyone else they're as miserable as he is
Do humanity a favor and neck yourself as soon as possible
In Errant Story, Half Elves are made for murdering by Elvish kill teams. Because they got used as the scapegoat for a bunch of societal problems that arose after Elves discovered a bunch of dirty mindless almost-people called Humans wandering in the desert who looked weirdly like elves but with disgusting ears, and a few half elves do happen to go fucking crazy for some reason.
Errant Story had kind of a fucked up relationship between humans and elves. It was briefly fashionable for Elves to take human lovers because they would grow old and die in less time than it took for a normal elvish relationship to sour, letting the relationship end on a high note and allowing the Elf to remember them fondly and pine after them forever. When Elves date elves its all rainbows for the first 200 years, and downhill after that until eventually you drift apart or end on a bad note, and that ex sticks around FOREVER because you are both semi immortal.
LOL, I rest my case. You're fucking miserable dude and the medicine will only get you half way. You need to put in the other half but you already knew that didn't you?
I may be miserable, but i'm still a better person than you'll ever aspire to be
Only if they're orphans or at odds with their families or something. You can be as much of a genetic mongrel as you want if you have tons of brothers, half brothers, cousins, uncles, etc.
>everything needs to be extreme hyperbole to le max xD LE slippery slope, ur just so irrational
No, just stop sucking the cock of punk ass corporations and government politicians. We have a generation of young men and women who are aimlessly drifting through life unhappily without purpose because their parents kept them protected from the outside world, didn't teach them values/morals, and were tricked by Hollywood into believing sitcoms mirror reality
Everyone's a pseudo-nihilist right now and being passionate about something is considered lame and worthy of ridicule
I never said I was better than you
Yeah, everyone knows true patricians use only .45 calibre hollowpoint bullets for suicide.
Wouldn't falling on a sword be the most patrician way though?
Reading between the lines is simple. Go preach to someone who is equally ignorant of everything as you are
No, technically the true patrician way would be hemlock, like a real Roman.
>using .45 hollow points for suicide
>Not using HE 88
>Planescape player's guide, dumbass, both human and elven societies don't trust them because they don't fit into either, so they tend to be vagabonds and emo fucks so no one likes them.
Completely and utterly wrong.
>not drinking a fuckload of 1,2,3-trinitroxypropane and jumping off a building
>not caving your own skull in with a zweihander
>"first appearance" roll thingie.
reaction rolls?
You know I've honestly never considered that take on human-elf relationships. I kind of like it. It makes sense, sort of.
I imagine elf relationships are hella awkward if they're on the "ideal" elf island or whatever. Half the people have date each other over the centuries and everyone knows dirt on everyone else by two degrees of separation at most.
No wonder some elf maidens crave the BHC. The human knight is fresh start free of the drama and expectations with all passion. He doesn't know her not so secret rep for that one time she got talked into embarrassing butt stuff by Delunir the Hunter after a tiresome decade of pressuring.
>he doesn't want to fuck his sister
Not my fault you've got ugly kin, dude.
Yeah I went through this phase when I was 16, too.
You'll grow out if it when you realize your faux-intellectualism just makes you an insufferable twat and you actually are completely clueless about all the shit you wax philosophic about. Oh I'm sure you'll deny it now and make some rebuttals about how I'm just some pawn of the system or whatever it is you're prattling on about, but in 10 years you'll realize it's true.
Also reported for underage b&.
>tfw i will never cuddle with my half elf waifu who i was the only one to accept and love
>Not just accepting the tiefling
I felt really proud doing well (for me) at FNM.
>Kierkegaard, the Dane, came up with a noble and rational philosophy involving what might be termed as self sacrifice to some
>The common Swede hears about the actions of this educated man
>this is the result
It teaches people to put more effort into their questions if they want good answers. He did not ask if how people treat elves in their setting. He did not specify a setting. He asked how you are "supposed to" treat elves as if there was a single unified setting. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
They are just as hairy as anyone else, the hair is just harder to see. I have a friend who is so blonde his eyebrows disappear in certain lighting.
Good goy, those reduced stress environments are cutting into our profi- I mean making today's men weak! A real man would settle for less!
They're made for the same things all elves are.
/k/ is a weird board. Imagine if only a quarter of them owned cars and the ones that did only drove in a parking lot for a half hour every other month. They would mostly shitpost about people who drive regularly for not following their meme wisdom concocted by people pretending to be experts on things they've never done.
She's a demon, though.
The absurd level of jiggle ruins what could have been an absurdly hot animation.