>One of the only coins that ignores the huge BTC dip/spikes
>Testnet dropping in less than two weeks
What are you doing anons
>One of the only coins that ignores the huge BTC dip/spikes
>Testnet dropping in less than two weeks
What are you doing anons
>fucking pajeets still trying to shill their shit coin
have fun with your bags, maybe you can drop them in the loo? Next to the poo? Shouldn't attract too much suspicion, really...
>What are you doing anons
Holding obviously.
Holding giant bags and looking at my blockfolio with amazement that I'm getting gently JUSTed rather than heavily.
Good fud, REQ brother.
i sold my req for more link. I think the news at t he end of this month will be more of a profit than req
What app
blockfolio fgt
Where are you from? I might donate some.
Blockfolio of course, now buy some Request
Been hodling long
Yukon, Canada. The land of the midnight sun.
Just being comfy while watching dinosaur coin turn to shit
Shoot me an email at [email protected]
>tfw REQlet
>get picked by ING in a contest due to a previous project
>debut a new project with an ICO
>"OK guys we can't officially back you because of this but we'll still provide advice"
>being unable to understand this
Okay, for once and for all, lets clarify what that statement meant:
Just as YCombinator selects teams, ING selects teams. Their team won from 65 other european teams, which is a big deal. So why is ING asking for this? Moneytis (their first project) was not an ico, whereas Request, is an ICO. Why is being an ICO such a big deal? Because of the uncertainty of the european laws concerning ICOs. Does that mean their team was suddenly not the best over 65 others? No. Does that mean ING doesnt believe in them? No, the laws for ICOs are just not there yet.
On 21 September, the three startups (ONE BEING CURRENT REQ TEAM) will begin a six month journey in the ING Innovation Studio in Amsterdam together with three internal ING teams selected via an internal innovation contest. The six teams will work to validate their ideas and business model and create a viable product that is ready to launch. They will be supported by mentors and coaches with different expertise and skills, coming from different ING business units and external organisations.
PS: How about you all stop being so reactionary? Would you all have sold when ETH dipped from $3 to less than $1, where it then stayed for fucking months? Would you have believed the FUD with everyone was calling ETH, DETH? Y'all don't make any money by FOMOing in and out of positions.
"but muh 10% increase/decrease". Who gives a fuck when you can just hold for a 5-10x or more?
Time in the market > timing the market.
Also, reminder request didn't dip when bitcoin went on a tear a few days ago when EVERYTHING ELSE was down 20% or more.
Damn, I only got 75k, gotta buy some more
They are just being cautious until the ICO laws/rules are defined.
Can't believe how REQ is sailing through this shitstorm...
When will REQ dip again so I can buy more?
never, i expect the testnet to be dropped sometime this week put on your seatbelts boy were going to the moon
Buy now or buy when it hits dollars a month(s)
>965 sats on binance
>not affected by btc
cents minimum by eoy
hop in boys
wow that actually links to a post from 2014
0.11 is the new price floor
The only way it gets lower than that is if testnet doesn't come out in the next two weeks
REQ is a proof that pump and dumper are manipulating the price.
If Bitcoin is so powerful, REQ will dipped. But REQ is pumping like Bitcoin doesn't exist, while all altcoins are crashing. REQ proved that altcoin price is completely unrelated to Bitcoin price. Altcoin crashed during Bitcoin movements because it's pump and dumper that are manipulating the price, they deliberately crash altcoin price to reflect Bitcoin crash.
LOL Logic of peace
you make no sense at all pajeet.
thank god i could witness that.
If all other coins follow what REQ is doing right now, none of them will crash during Bitcoin crash. Bitcoin has no power over REQ, so Bitcoin has no power over any altcoin. All the altcoin crash are fake manipulated crash. REQ doesn't want to fake a crash so they keep pumping.
The fakewalls littered all over REQ say otherwise right now. Its being slowly and deliberately pumped.
can you send me a sample of what you're taking so I can see how strong it is?
this guys knows wassup
Think it'll be safe to sell once it moons after the testnet releases (assuming it dips afterwards so i can rebuy)? I'm letting the phrase "buy the rumor, sell the news" get to my head
An actual release of a product doesn't apply in buy the rumours sell the news.
nah man rip those pants off and go screaming down the streets letting everyone know about lucrative gains
but its not an actual release of the product
only a shitty mvp on the testnet
You must be new here, because more often than not it does.
Those red doji literally say IOTA wants to just dip but the pumper won't let it with the massive sell walls.
I mean Buy walls, you can literally see it trying desperately to go back to where it wants to be but failing.
That's true. And API developement will start and go crazy. This will be the start of the moon mission.
Then tell me what to do? You seem like you know your stuff. Lmao
>the second btc does anything this shitcoin will be the first to fall. have fun sleeping with no stoploss on binance
But Bitcoin already dips like shit and REQ keeps going up? Mhm, very weird.
Nothing is guaranteed but personally I'm going to sell once the release is near, or shortly after release. Half of biz holds REQ and you can be sure that not all of them will not try to flip their money elsewhere.
it's interesting to see the bot reactions of the prices
holy shit im cumming.
The worst part you can see the pumper literally have nothing touch his wall.
I mean at this point it's like watching a stopped car impede traffic but everyone can drive around it so it's really not too inconvenient
Just look at the volume compared to the last time it hit 330, literally non-existent. no one but that one bored faggot is trading that shit.
Stop. Poorfag here buying in 300 every paycheck. I'm not done accumulating. Stop making REQ threads
No its going to cause it to crash and burn the moment the walls gone.
I only have 500 req
then I can buy more
why else would you devalue a company before a major release?
Knew this one was gonna moon by how hard Veeky Forums idiots were fudding it a couple weeks back, feels good man