Remember me Veeky Forums?
Remember me Veeky Forums?
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Yes, but why bring it up?
Never trust jews
I am bored and making a list of the definitive shitcoins
Remember this?
Literally unstoppable
Ahhhhhh yes.
how could i not remember you?
remember all of the smug dickheads on this board that were so happy that they managed to get in on the ico with 10-20 eth (even more in some cases), get all excited when the futures were trading for 20x ico price, and then proceed to get JUSTed hard over the next few months?
oh yes, bancor is definitely unstoppable. im guessing that those shills have killed themselves by now. thank fuck
It'll probably be the next gen exchange. Blocknet and dex is likely to be 3rd gen
I'm glad I couldn't get into this israeli trap
Got around 1000 of this sitting in some wallet since the ICO.
think I paid around $4.5k for it, and it's now around $3.5k
Check usd charts. I think we're looking at a transition from btc 1.0 to btc ?.0 soo . don't use btc as a standard of measure.
i do
that one ico that raised $150 million (lmao)
and has done literally nothing, except for liquidating their ethers at market prices
not to mention it single handely threw ethereum into a death spiral from 420$ to 130$ within weeks
never trust a fucking jew coin
>and has done literally nothing, except for liquidating their ethers at market prices
Bancoranon, how're things?
This shitcoin is going to moon once they add ERC20 tokens.
The Bancor protocol is making steady progress. Veeky Forums will of course miss out on getting in at the ground floor.
Q1 2018 will introduce buying BNT with fiat. Which means access to all ERC20 tokens with fiat. Which means everyone will buy BNT. Increasing the supply and driving up the price like crazy. There's nothing to worry about. Bancor is one of the most legit projects out there.
I have around 200 BNT, bought at 1.85 usd.
I will not reach my target of 500 (yes poorfag blabla) before it moons :(
I hope to atleast 4x my investment. I think it's going to work out, been following them and they seem to become an authority figure for normies. Which is good.
Ty for the fud mister dubs
Sold 15,000 Bancor a few months ago. Down nearly 90G on that Jew token. Never again. It also confirmed for me that /pol/ is indeed always right.
Yes, Jews as authority figures for normies always leads to great things like communism, feminism, and "diversity."
I love diversity. If you don't like other races then why not create a /pol/ ethnostate (people with money tried before and failed)?
There is only one race that matters: the human race.
Now go buy bancor for dem gainz son
future 100 dolla coin
but nobody has the patience, just wanna chase "moons"
>I managed to lose a lot of money on a skyrocketing asset
>Fuck the jews
Why would it go up?
Because math rules the world. BNT price is determined by a formula where increased supply results in a higher price.
the fact that you guys all hate jews is cause they know hoe to make money while you guys need to eat dry beard everyday .. just keep your bancor and get rich with them lul
Remember me, Veeky Forums?
still got me 4 million of this qt
long term hodl
Go get raped and eaten by niggers.