Denmark looking into taxing Bitcoin up to the 48%-ish like rest of investments, final verdict could be out anytime.
It's been fun lads, ya boys gotta cash out now or lose half the profits.
Links are in Danish
Denmark looking into taxing Bitcoin up to the 48%-ish like rest of investments, final verdict could be out anytime.
It's been fun lads, ya boys gotta cash out now or lose half the profits.
Links are in Danish
welcome to the JUST club danebro, i hope you enjoy your stay
Fuck... Har du udbetalt for?
Remind me when it happens to a country that actually matters.
They are going to use that money to further destroy the country.
bitcoin atms i udlandet ;)
So just never cash out. No big deal. Everyone will be using BTC in 2 years.
thanks pal, not gonna enjoy the stay but feelsgood im not completely alone
kort, i starten af 2017
ill be alright, still have a few more opportunities to exhaust before itll come to that
ved ikke hvad jeg skal gore med en stak over 100k desu
wanna believe this, but i need the money in my bank rn
what are scandinavian women like? they look like they're the high maintenance bitch-y type cunts
> Taxing internet money
about right
Eurocuck here. This is why I'll probably be going somewhere outside of the EU to cash out. My country (Ireland) requires me to pay taxes for 3 years after I leave. By the time the three years passes most/all of the EU countries will probably be taxing crypto.
vil du ikke gerne have en stak over 100k? det er ikke ideelt, men du kan indsætte lidt ad gangen og sorge for at betale så meget som muligt med kontanter i hverdagen.
god pointe, men er det overhovedet muligt at trække så meget ud af en ATM i udlandet? tænker de må for fanden da have restriktioner eller noget så folk ikke bare tager derned for at cashe ud
Fandme ikke overraskende, vi bliver også snart beskattet for at trække vejret
Bare join en btc gruppe på facebook og litterally sælg dem for kontanter. Videre. Skat undgået. Ses på sydkysten.
That's what you get for voting communists. Seriously, you Danish are fucked in your heads.
How are the crypto taxes in Norway? Anyone know?
>48% tax on investments
jesus fucking christ what?
Extremely bad. Law is unclear, but some say you need to tax 50 % of your crypto gains.
mb its actually 42%
Fuck sake. Im not giving them anything. They can kiss my ass.
If you ever had money in an exchange, under your real name, they are going to track it and force taxes even if you are just holding, just like they do with some funds.
Friendly reminder that if you live in those socialist hellholes, you better start trading everything for Monero - and fast.
That sucks, man. I know how that feels.
For example, over here in the US, any long term (>1 year) holdings that you sell, you pay 0% tax only on the first $38k. After that it's 15%, up to $418k, where it jumps to 20%. It's like, what is this, the Soviet Union?
I always figured euros were cucks but holy shit y'alls situation is bad. People are actually ok with paying that over there
What stops people from flying to some crypto haven and cash out there?
I believe Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore or others will have (if not already) lovely "give us 5% cut and don't worry about anything" option.
Abdul and Tyrone need those benefits. The scandinavian femboys better pay up.
It used to be unclear as you had to pay VAT, but right now it is quite clear. You have to pay capital gains tax on any gains realized. This means for any sales done in 2017 you have to pay 29.76%, as well as a 0.85% wealth taxation on the total value assuming you have a net worth above 1.48mnok.
Damn, fuck those Danish cucks.
>Taxing internet fairy tale money
Enjoy living in communism
people here are generally oblivious to how much they get scammed - and the ones who aren't belief the solution to be more of that shit.
>thinking the government would allow massive money laundry pyramid schemes to go on without legislation in their own country
This is why tax havens exist, guess you should've planned ahead
> Når Skatterådet formentlig i det nye år er kommet frem til en afgorelse, kan de bitcoin-tilhængere, der har solgt kryptovalutaen de seneste år, desuden risikere en ærgerlig ekstraregning.
det er logn det her...
>0.85% wealth taxation
Haha, jesus. Did no one tell them that's supposed to be collected through inflation?
If I move to Denmark, do I get free housing and a hooker pass?
Gibe monei, plz, i report u, hueheuheuehuehehehueuheehehue.
kek, the northern cucks are beyond saving
I think some Scandi bros ITT would be useful contributors and could be saved by immigrating to the US, so long as they see Trump as a moderate/liberal, that the 2nd Amendment is currently too restricted, and that private healthcare is responsible for all recent medical advances.
Så at en atm i Zurich havde grænse på €3000 per transaktion uden id. Lav en lille ferie ud af det
taxes should be meet by violent resistance.
Thieves that will steal your money from you by gunpoint. kill them all
tbqh you're getting a fair share of justing from IRS
anyway, it's virtually impossible for us eurocucks to get a green card in the US
Trump and the federal reserve giga ZOGs hate crypto
They bombed the shit out of Iraq and Libya for the petrodollar
There’s no limit on what they will do to crypto
>thinking US is a crypto haven
I'd rather go to a civilized place. Such as Luxembourg, Switzerland, Eastern Europe (not Russia)
>civilized place
>Eastern Europe
pick one
Du må betale formueskatt hvis du cæsjer ut. Best å reise til Thailand og ta ut kontanter fra en bitcoin ATM. Deretter åpner du et INTL Bank account fra Siam Bank, betaler inn kontanter og skaffer deg et visa kort, med dette kan du cashe ut i Norge.
Pro-tip: There are Bitcoin ATMs in Jersey and Guernsey (British Channel Islands), which are technically not part of the EU or the UK (they are Crown Dependencies with their own government) and have NO tax on capital gains.
Just set up a company in Jersey, go there, pull out your crypto gains in cash, set up a Jersey business bank account, deposit the gains as company capital and then pay yourself dividends via the company.
Interesting. What are the withdrawal fees in those ATMs? Can you withdraw anonymously?
See for current long term rates. IRS has strict enforcement and any holdings you sell before 1 year do get taxed as ordinary income though.
For green cards, just come over on a tourist visa and marry some fat chick off Craigslist. Freedom ain't free.
And when it came to the petrodollar, would you have rather been in the US or in Iraq/Libya?
Lux/CHF/Singapore are nice too, I gotta agree.
Pick none. But top tier places such as Luxembourg and Switzerland are harder to migrate to.
Hva får deg til å tro at du slipper unna med dette?
>For green cards, just come over on a tourist visa and marry some fat chick off Craigslist.
Bruh I'd rather go fight sandniggers than this.
Luxemburg is in EU, can't be that hard. Imo Singapore is GOAT. If I make it with crypto I'll definitely go live there.
Hvorfor tror du at du blir tatt? Så lenge du ikke reiser med store summer i kontanter kan du ikke komme i trobbel.
I tillegg utleverer Thailandsk myndigheter ikke finansiell informasjon til Norske. Kun hvis du har begått et forbrytelse (snakker om ran eller mord)
Hvad har folk investeret i?
I think if you withdraw big amounts you have to scan a form of ID, but you will be under the jursidiction of Jersey laws if you have a Jersey registered company.
I work in finance here in the UK and thousands of companies register their holding companies in Jersey primarily because of no capital gains tax and hardly any corporation tax.
It is a complicated set of steps so if you got lambo'd and end up doing it then I'd pay for a Jersey based accountant to do this on your behalf - e.g. registered office at their address. Maybe even use a proxy to be the registered director of the company.
In my case I'm going to go down the route of transferring crypto to girlfriend's relatives in E. Europe who then cash out into Euro based accounts, then gift cash to my grill who then gifts it to me into pounds.
No tax on cash gifts between relatives in her country and no tax on cash gifts between spouses here in the UK.
They fart lots.
>I think if you withdraw big amounts you have to scan a form of ID
The ATM in my country requires phone numbers (which are tied to your ID).
If the ones in Jersey are completely anonymous then I could simply withdraw few hundred bucks at a time. It's not like I'd be withdrawing $200k at once even if I'd somehow made it that far. Anyway, my endgame is to pay for everything with ARK. Should be possible next year hopefully.
>Crypto now worth 5 billion
>Can only cash out 500$ a week
>next week crypto crashed now worth 1$
>they look like they're the high maintenance bitch-y type cunts
I can speak only for the Danish, but pretty much this, plus they are likely to be fat and ugly, especially outside of major cities.
t. /int/ college student in Denmark
>eastern european girlfriend
you're the first one in this thread that's going to get justed hard
Så hvis jeg vil gerne til cash out, skal jeg sende min profit til udlandet bank? Jeg har konto i lettisk bank
Profit made off art like pantings etc doesn’t get taxed in Denmark
How do we buy art with crypto lads?
Kommer an på mængden du holder. Jeg hvidvaskede mine 50.000, ved at skrive det var på baggrund af dba salg eller noget lignende.
b-but trading crypto IS art
First Chine now the Danes?
Why are do nordic countries have such a cucked mentality?
but where? im in spain and i like it here. i dont want to go to some shithole like panama. also i want to make my ex friends and family members mad when i flex with my lambo once BTC reaches 1 million funbucks somewhere next decade.
Men det er jo litt rart når NAVerne kommer kjorende i lambo.
rare pepes should count right?
Nobody fucking cares
draw a painting.
tell that some anonymous faggot bought the painting from you for $100k and paid with crypto.
Now just withdraw the crypto.
hvis du er for dum for å hvitvaske penger kanskje du bor betale skatten. Eller invester i Alis kebabsjapp
Throw together an app that prints out public keys/transaction hashes/whatever. Each hex character corresponds to a color. Then you just need to call up a printing & framing shop.
Bam, your crypto is now, literally, art.
Nah she is Estonian, they are more Finn than Slav.
Can someone please redpill me on germany?
Germany made a law 2 years ago that stated that Bitcoins are private money and for that reason tax free if you hold them for more then 12 months. Why is germany so based? Is germany the bitcoin haven of the future or do i miss something?
>suddenly all Danish anons are earning millions drawing pepes
lmao. The Finanzamt will rape you. You have to tax vermögensteuer on BTC.
any takers
A large part of the Euro population lives on benefits. They don't care that someone with money has to hand over almost 50% to the government.
>Being Danish
>Not being Danish
synd for dig, guttermand
De får aldrig en nikkel... Planerne er at leve af mine Ark og POSW masternodes anyway
This is exactly Finnish woman.
Hvor sende du det?
Stop fucking memeing, there is no Vermögensteuer anymore
you would also have to pay a 48% tax on income, so doesnt really make a difference, danes are one of the most cucked nations i've seen
thats why no one works
Helvete danskjävlar! jag hade räknat med att åka över bron för att casha ut.Tar dom crypto på cristiania?
No, seriously
Actually the picture for sweden should be for all scandinavian countries (finland can come too) because the jews have flooded all countries to such an extent that you think you are in a foreign country. It's no just sweden.. it's just they that gets all the hate.
Vil samtidig oppfordre alle gode nordmenn som har kryptofortjeneste om å gjore alt i sin makt for å sorge for at den jodestyrte norske stat ikke får henda sine på så masse som en eneste krone.
In Finland you are taxed 30% of your realized gains when cashing out. They're treating it the same way as gambling - you need to pay tax for profits and losses cannot be deducted from anything.
And I was just starting to get into bitcoin....
Spot on
Suddenly my 30% tax in Finland isn't that bad
Fuck me I haven't kept records of my trades properly, what do I tell the taxman?
tell him to eat lead
>the 48%-ish like rest of investments
48% capitals gains tax??
that is as close to communism as it gets. soviet denmark