/pol/ told me that a white person dies whenever I buy one IOTA. Is that true?
IOTA=white genocide?
OP your mother tells me that you're a huge faggot and should've been aborted, is that true?
what is the connection with IOAT /pol/ and white genocide? I never understood that meme. But im hearing it a lot recently. Please redpill me.
The dev hates white people and wants to flood white countries with Muslim terrorists
David the developer got angry in a comment that dissed the fact that he wanted to use iota to create smart refugee cities. Thats about it.
Well /pol/ doesn't like it when IOTA devs give their tech to nonprofits who will use it to track refugees.
They always want to turn refugee camps into smart cities.
None of this has anything to do with Europe. But /pol/ seems to think so
Taking back Europe from the goatfucker hordes will flood it will blood.
Many good lads will lose their lives to insure a future for their children
>as in the future refugee camps will be cities
>not temporary
What did the cuck mean by this?
Thank you. very interesting. Sadly i bought IOTA before he made that post.
Isnt that a good thing? Allahuakbar
I bought iota after I saw what the developer said to the /pol/fag
*Ensure - To make certain something happens.
*Insure - To undertake to provide financial compensation in the event of loss or damage.
It might look like pedantry but it's better than stupidity.
Did you go to your favorite spot in the street to shit after that? And wipe your ass with your hand?
You would be more comfortable back at reddit you faggot
As a jew living in europe, fuck off, did you see what happened in malmo yesterday? Why are europeans behaving this way? I don't want to leave this is my home.
Yeah no offense man. I mean i nearly 10x my investment. So i keep holding them.
But i think killing niggers and sandniggers would be pretty good.
They clearly want funding/support from the jewish led norwegian government and certainly know how to get it. The Norwegian marxist jew press will probably also be interested in this criminal behavior by supporting it wholeheartedly.
Jævla korrupte rotter.
>/pol/ being this retarded
shit is cringy af, hope these guys are the bad apples
"everyone who doesn't want their tax dollars being used to fund the relocation of millions of barbaric third world savages into their neighborhoods, schools, and homes is a white supremacist. What, me? Oh hehe no i'm afraid I can't personally take any migrants into my own home, I don't have any room...plus uhh..its against the rules of my HOA to build a mosque in my yard. But if you don't let them into your homes you're literally hitler!"
-Reddit 2017
Shut up kike your home is in hell from where you spawned from the devil himself.
bought 1 million iota..
killed all u white pastey ugly mayos.
LONG white genocide, bought 5000 iota @ .30 cents
so the developer wants to segregate refugees but the low iq stormniggers get emotional about it
He wants to make permanent refugee cities retard. They have to go back.
>Creates third world colonies in europe/the US
>lmao this is a good thing, no bad at all
I'm more european than you
You don't want colonies? You want segregation.
>giving a fuck about europe
>pretending burgerland isnt already a nation of refugees and illegal immigrants
if you dont want to be rich in a few months, you could just say so
>did you see what happened in malmo yesterday?
No but just looked it up. Fantastic!!
Good bye, Jews!
Uh, no?
Who would want third world people setting up a colony on european or american soil and spreading?
>I care about nothing except money
If you could make 10 million from killing yourself, would you?
no, since i wouldnt be able to spend it. and thats not even enough to buy my parents a (super) nice apartment where i live
I considered investing in IOTA until today. Seems IOTA has more problems than the devs are willing to admit - people are bitching about it all over. To top it off, a dev trying to virtue signal is a massive red flag for me - it says something about him and the team. Experience says people like that are liars, frauds and hypocrites, not to be trusted.
What happened?
But fuck europe and the US, amiright?
Some of us want to build a better tomorrow for the rest of society as well and not just greedily benefit from its ruin
accesories to rape
nobody wants to admit holding iota
>Why are europeans behaving this way?
Your kind (jews) brainwashed europeans to take in gorillions of third world migrants and made speaking up against their crimes illegal
Your own people did this to you and innocent people got caught in the crossfire
>Some of us want to build a better tomorrow for the rest of society as well and not just greedily benefit from its ruin
You're doing neither
Society has never done anything for me. I don't owe it shit, I didn't ask to be here and neither did anyone else.
If I had money, I would help children in hard situations, but don't act like anyone owes something to society.
Kiki's Delivery Service is such a good movie
Rewatching today, thanks for posting this
but fuck the people who've been displaced by wars and things that legitmately want to start new lives in a place their families can prosper, right?
i may not know the details of the political climate of your home country but i know that not every displaced person who moves there will want to rape and murder. you can claim that you want to better society as much as you'd like, but you're not fooling anyone into thinking your anything more than a xenophobic, racist, fearmongering shithead.
Fake microsoft partnership. No reason to believe anything else they say since the devs got caught lying
You owe everything you have to it - internet, electricity, house warming, lighting, the ability to freely express yourself, the ability to move unobstructed, ... everything. Even the ability to buy, sell and trade cryptos.
Just sell under the average price after it rises. best of both worlds.
>You're doing neither
>"I know how people are IRL on a hungarian basket weaving forum"
its not about having a debt to society, not at all.
its about trying to improve the outcome for not only yourself but those around you too.
Whats the point in living if you live in a country that is plagued by violence?
>the people who've been displaced by wars and things
I dont know where these people are because thats not whats been coming to Europe since 2015, what we have gotten is men aged 18-45 and ''''children''' who in reality are also men aged 18-25.
According to a PEW study about the migrants in 2015 ~30% of em came from Syria, the rest came from countries that there was no war in.
>your anything more than a xenophobic, racist, fearmongering shithead.
You hit ALL the -isms, good work!
I dont hate people who are diffrent but im not blind to the fact that many of those who come are economic migrants of a criminal nature
In Sweden they had problems with street kids from Morroco who came there and do you seriously believe that kids who are 15-20 want to build society?
If you really want to help refugees then help them where they are, there are aound 65 million who are displaced and the west cannot absorb this many people. Stating this simple fact aparently makes you a "xenophobic, racist, fearmongering shithead."
Btw, how many third world migrants are you housing?
They're the product of a failed society. I'm holding them partially responsible for that just to be safe. don't want their degenerative values or genes spreading. Collectively they failed to form a working government. They didn't reign in their destructive religion. They didn't assassinate corrupt leaders. They should go down with the ship.
Buy RaiBlocks
>Racist/xenophobic statements
Fuck these guys and their shit coin that doesn't even work. If you buy into this bullshit don't be surprised when the devs fuck you. That's all I'm going to say.
can be found inside the code
Jesus, who taught the codemonkeys commie stuff?
no, its your opportunity to buy these things now and sell them to refugees in "smart cities" later
literally the only way you can profit because your tax dollars will be used for the construction of smart cities
pol btfo yet again
this looks so fucking sweet.
This is what happens when you have an entire continent of christians (aka ex-jews) rule over you. Go pagan and let your country be led by pagans
Mind my newfaggotry, what do you guys use to trade these coins? Where does one buy? Is Bitfinex a good start?
Fuck off to Tel Aviv, filthy kike
Just sold all my IOTA
Mailing Notch now to see if he can pump and dump this shit-tier coin
It's ironic considering the USD$ is even more jewish owned and controlled
the irony is Raiblocks has done more to help hungry 3rd world brown people with their CAPTCHA system then IOTA ever has which is owned by a minority of insiders.
should i sell at 250%?
Fuck jew tricks
Why do you care so much, when we all know that /pol/ are spastic nazi larping virgin NEETs who will never reproduce anyway. Let them jack off to their own "superior aryan genetics", while we make money with IOTA. I couldn't care less about their fears. They call race mixing "white genocide", I call it natural selection. Let nature decide which genes will stay, not some racist german scientist cuck.
iota accomplishments
>5000 trillion coins
>Developer (1 guy) can set balances to 0 and reset transactions
>No blockchain
>No work to secure transactions
>No code
>No developers
>10 billion dollar market cap
you forgot
>triggering the racist /pol/tard losers
that in itself is an accomplishment worth investing in it.
>b-but muh white genoc-
HAHAHAHAH You've been screaming in your echo chamber for so long, that you actually believe the majority of the people think like you. Get rekt, racists. Your BS will not be tolerated in the smart cities. You WILL be censored. hahaha
It's not fake partnership. Articles were just taking microsoft participation out of proportion there to get clicks
No integration. Keep the cult of muhammed alive. Massive taxes. Many bombings. Nobody happy.
Everyone happy.
Heil Varg
buy Odincoin