people trying to FUD the price down to buy cheaper
ARK Thread: Ruined Hopes and Dreams Edition
Jayden Turner
Dominic Williams
ark has hovered around this price for months.
all other shitcoins went up a lot in price.
Christopher Smith
Nobody actually sells ARK, they just want to accumulate more.
Wyatt Cruz
Posting in ebin thread.
Tyler Roberts
Best fundamentals of any coin.
$10 EOY
$300 Q3 2018
Ryan Harris
if you are looking for short term PnD's then i will gladly take your bags while you chase potcoin, idiot.
Andrew Smith
>was 84 cents at beginning of august
>currently $3.50
>not yet $4 only because of bitcoin's bullshit which tanked every shitcoin the past 36 hours
Quality analysis you got there
Daniel Russell
Dreams can happen at 100x the speed of normal life, sorry user. Even if you're psychic this wouldn't be a ckear case.
Easton Scott
Already price in and old .