>anonymous developers
>in crypto
>the audacity
What do you think, biz?
>anonymous developers
>in crypto
>the audacity
What do you think, biz?
>anonymous developers
Are people seriosly this stupid to put money in things like these?
TFW i still don't have the linkedin page for the guy who started ChainWorks Industries
>who is satoshi nakamoto
Another thing is this, coming from another guy that is skeptical.
Was just speaking on Discord with Lead Communications Manager - Frogman and there is a lot of sketchy things going on.
1.) They still don't have Whitepaper - Go ahead, try to download or find it on their website, you can't
2.) None of them have LinkedIn page and communication manager is pretty much making excuses to why they don't have it.
3.) All of their names on site are made up, not one real name, possibly even their image. Tried reverse image search, got nothing. It can basically be 5 pictures of random people with random names.
4.) I visited their FB page and searched for likes on news, because I thought that the team itself is probably liking it. This is where things get even more weird.
Stay poor, altcoiners.
>anonymous team is actually anonymous and understands opsec
... sperging intensifies
1) This coin is a DASH CLONE
2) This coin is a DASH CLONE
3) This coin is a DASH CLONE
4) This coin is a DASH CLONE
5) This coin is a DASH CLONE
6) This coin is a DASH CLONE
in case someone didn't get me I'll repeat one more time
It is not anonymous, it does not plan to be anonymous, it doesn't bring ANYTHING new in crypto, it doesn't have a GROUP OF IDEOLOGICAL DEVELOPERS WITH A VISION, it is A CLONE OF DASH designed to make some MONEY.
Now it could prove successful similar to shit like PIVX because human's greed is what drives it.
However in no case does anyone cares about things like WHITEPAPER or TEAM CREDENTIALS. The only thing that matters is to constantly bring in new people who will try and buy MASTERNODES.
Have you gone into the discord? The team actively refuses to shill people into buying the coin and says they'd rather deliver rather than hype.
a weeb
>no link
Stay poor forever faggot
1.) coins been out for a week and WP is being finalized. Don't like it don't buy in.
2.) TFW "i don't want to doxx myself so some fuck loses me my day job" is an excuse.
3.) Jack and Patrick are real names, the fuck are you on about. Black and White filter apparently ruined the ability to be reverse image searched. Oh no.
4.) So... the dev's personal facebooks not interacting with the BWK one... is suspicious.... when they don't want to doxx themselves.....
Being skeptical is fine. Don't buy in. But Don't pretend that this is somehow unreasonable or unheard of.
> Where is Satoshi Nakamoto's linkedin?
entire dev team was directly involved with signatum. totally legit, guys.
There's a guy with name Jack on Bulwark team (marketing director), who has a pretty normal white guy picture on official Bulwark site. There is a random guy called 'Jack SP' that liked the news on facebooks Bulwark site and looks nothing like him. Maybe it's coincidance, maybe not, idk?
There's a guy named JACK SP liking this, etc.. I don't know, maybe a coincidance, but be careful.
These are two completely separate things. It's like comparing Tesla with physics student lol.
So this is the power of the Link Marines...
>I did hold LINK but sold high and never looked back
Double dubs
Also, 'frogman' you don't want to hype things up, remember?
> $7k
> calling people poor
lol that's not eatbatteries..
too handsum.
hes on his pc literally all day.. hes a nolifer.
Bulwark is just another pivx fork, smallcap coin. This coin is being pumped and dumped, it had a fuckton of mining power the day after it was released.
There is absolutely nothing special about this coin and its being pumped and dumped. Basically.
I remember some of these guys being involved in the signatum shitshow
>coin still has 1 TH/s
>most profitable
>biz not mining
None of these things are surprising.
they were the only good thing to come out of that pajeet shit show. I'm glad they're finally doing a legit project.
>dev team from signatum
>no working mining pools
>no whitepaper
>discord filled with children
seems legit
See, this is the main difference with LUX Coin.
>no working mining pools
weak fud
There are already 60 nodes up. 48,000 coins are added to the network per day. The coin has been around for about 9 days and the network has added ~7 nodes/day on average.
You really think that number is going to fall to below one per day all of a sudden?
I'd conservatively estimate that there will be 1000 nodes by the 1 year mark. The community fund is apparently intended to have a vote / consensus mechanism to fund future support and development of the platform. Every masternode has an equal vote.
What about this is bad?
assuming 25 million coins in circulation.
25 million / 5000 coins per node = 5000 total possible nodes.
assuming the coins are fairly distributed to people who are actually interested in this coin, there wouldn't be anymore than 5% of that 5000 possible nodes. 5% of 5000 is 250.
If your about to tell me that everyone is going to want to buy a node, then you don't understand economic distribution, supply and demand.
Not some guy who made shitcoins and hung out in that cesspool for underage retards you guys call discord (appropriate name!).
Please find me Masternode coins with only 5% of their supply locked in nodes. The number is usually 30-60% based on my research and experience.
Look @ masternodes.pro, masternodes.online, mnrank, masternodez.top and try to find coins with 5% or less of their coins locked in nodes.
Are you actually a retard or what? The reason there is no linkedin profiles is to prevent people like you snooping and doing malicious shit, which i'm sure you would as you probably lost your weekly welfare cheque by investing at the top
Why does the dev team continue to hide crowetic's involvement in this project?
Is it because he is a convicted felon?
feel sorry for that guy, but he's not involved in bwk
Pls show me Crowetic. Very bad man! Hopefully not involved in this wonderful project bros.
>crowetic given 5 bwk masternodes by dev team
>"but he's not invloved in bwk"
1. bitcoin was seen as a scam when it was released and nobody gave a shit about it until 2016
2. he released the whole bitcoin protocoll open source
in the year of ico shittoken scams youre a idiot to give them a lot of money
Now this is some hard core FUD. Please, provide the slightest bit of evidence. I'll wait
No? Still waiting. You could just tell me to hang on while you grabbed screenshots, but i'll take your continued silence to mean your just spewing shit with no substance.
>Veeky Forums misses out on yet another great early buy-in and then FUD's the coin in autism driven rage
Why am I not surprised..
just follow eatbatterys around on discord
wont take you long to realize crowetic's involvement in everything eatbatterys does
still waiting on proof
holy shit this butthurt sigt bagholder
Sorry the devs have you fleeced about crowetic's involvement in the project.
I guess you'll have your proof when you get exit scammed :-)
>wheres the proof for something that doesnt exist
this is how dumb you sound
Im mining like mad. At what point should I cash out? scared I'm gonna wait to long and it will die.But also FOMO.
don't be afraid to take profit. Also don't let "what could have been" bother you too much.
Sure thing m88, totally don't have the ability to watch every movement of the dev funds if i really cared to, I'm just gonna be a salty faggot on Veeky Forums because people are making money and i'm not.
Oh wait that's you.
doesnt mean I cant be smart with my free coins though. I think if it gets on binance or something it will get pumped even more and I can sell it before it dies.