Please don't post the ones everyone have seen already like sir Bearington.
Managed to save this one, before mods nuked the thread yesterday.
Greentext thread
Why nuke
Cont. of the roman story.
One of my favorites.
...what the actual fuck.
Please let this be real.
Slow thread so I'll dump.
i can fap to this
Anyone got the green text attempting to explain the gold price for magical item crafting as magical method?
At least it wasn't a dire duck.
>Why nuke
Probably the same reason these thread were deleted:
That pic is fucking glorious.
this is /k/razy greentext, not fa/tg/uy greentext
I had never read that before
What strange murderhobos those were
Oh yeah, I remember that: shame the answers were not capped: they were also pretty darn funny.
>tfw your players know nothing of Chinese fantasy
>tfw you will never run or participate in a wuxia campaign
Swaglord got drunk and missed [s4s]? And confused "sticky" and "delete" buttons?
I want to believe this is real
There is more just slightly lower, you special needs individual.
Their dicks work the same as Greater Ring of the Ram.
Yeah, I noticed my mistake, sorry.
what came up when I searched the archive
I think I actually remember reading that post. What thread was that again?
There is a missing gem here, gentlemen.
Anyone got the short cap of elves vs humans learning magic?
I hope that psycho eventually makes up with his little bro.
Hey, one of my hobbies is Blacksmithing! That's Dwarfey as fuck.
items in poor taste
Missed this thread by mere hours. God, I wish I could have been there.
I don't know if this is Veeky Forums, but I got it here
strictly speaking, it's /mlp/
The lesson I got from this is "stick to vaginal and anal sex with a horse. All other holes are no go
Who is the best of the chefs and why is it George?
Anyone have the Rogue Trader Great Quintuple Cross?
Been looking for it but I forget the exact name.
While that one is great, it's not the one I'm looking for. As I recall it involved the group promising the mcguffin to at least five different factions, making several fake copies of it, and then swindling everyone as they made off with the loot.
I don't. I was the little brother in a similar sibling relationship, and I hope that little brother is happy where he is and he never has to talk to his older brother again.
The recent screencap threads have been mostly crap. This one is no exception.
What gives? Who are you guys that keep posting the dumbest shit, that shouldn't have been screencapped in the first place? Most of these seem to have only been capped because of word count.
It was Traveller, not RT. Pic related.
Thanks user; you're the best.
Interesting, but this is from The Princess and the Frog--a Disney move that came out while I was in late highschool...
... how young are the people on this board? We're showing these kids porn you guys D;
>your games will never be this good
That's what the pelvic injuries were from, user.
I, too wish to run a Restaurant Empire campaign.
And if you know horses, you know that if they bite off a finger or chunk of you, they swallow it.
No Dick Rick can't even keep his ruined anatomy in a jar, because that horse ate it.
Pretty sweet of her desu, hope she did text him everyone wunce in a while~
Fucking cucks man, will they ever learn?