Sups get's into the 30k universe in the midst of the great crusade, what happens next?
Sups get's into the 30k universe in the midst of the great crusade, what happens next?
He's just one man. On a galactic scale, almost nothing changes.
Is he immune to psychic power shenanigans?
he gets mindraped immedately
Yeah, but one man could change everything in 40k, especially with sups abilities. I mean look at lorgar, even that pathetic faggot have managged to fuck up a lot of things.
Depends who is writing him that day
Only if he went full Red Son and created his own state and military with him as a leader. Which is very much against standard Supes usual ethos (which is why Red Son was such an interesting comic.)
He could be discovered by the emperor as 19th primarch and given his own legion.
Horus was just 'one man'. If he died before the Heresy reached Earth, the Emperor wouldn't be placed on the Golden Throne. That changes everything.
Question is if Supes could pull that off.
No chance. He looks human but he's a Xenos.
He can bench press several times Earth's mass, scorch the surface of entire planets with his heath vision, fly somehow several times faster than light and has tanked basically anything thrown at him by a universe far more stupidly insane than 30k's. On the other hand, he's ridiculously weak to anything magic, and while it's hard to tell what's magic in 30k, there surely are a lot of things that would screw him.
Probably Emps would get a biological sample to replicate his ridiculous powers and make an army of properly indoctrinated, Warp-resistant hypersoldiers.
No, he's only invulnerable to physical force. Weird things like mind control or turning him into animals are just as effective on Superman as they'd be on anyone else. That said, he does have some impressive willpower and integrity, so if nothing else he'll be able to avoid falling to Chaos.
Pre-Crisis Superman could pretty much do whatever the fuck he wanted though
Now I'm just imagining the Horus Heresy suddenly ending when Superman chases down Horus' flagship, then bursts through the bridge. Taking Horus with him when he leaves.
Even inside D&D he would be immune to about 90% of the spellbook, merely of the virtue that spells end up having stat saves.
Its very hard to tell, when the bonus point is that a lot of spells is physical.
>that pic
I've never realised what a horseshit all comixes are untill now.
>Question is if Supes could pull that off.
He wouldn't kill Horus.
He'd give him a hug and everything would be fine.
He would snap his neck without hesitation.
Nah. Kryptonians wouldn't get stat based enhancements to saves like regular folk would. He's as vulnerable to magic as a regular person, so he'd get wrecked.
He'd punch his way through legions of heretics and chaos spawn only to get wrecked by the first psyker and or sorcerer that he ran into.
>get wrecked by the first psyker and or sorcerer that he ran into.
if they can react at the speed of light maybe
He doesn't move at the speed of light routinely. In most situations, combat or otherwise, he moves much slower.
>what happens next?
Depends on the writer.
Supes is a high level adventurer bruh.
And his con/reflex/will saves must be incredible.
Depends. Supes only does that shit when its REALLY important or necessary, same with killing, as he has that damned subconcious mental block his parents good intentions gave him.
Unless he KNOWS that wave of bullshit flying at him will fuck his ass he'll just sit there and tank it like he usually does.
You can also do shit like sonic attacks which surprisingly his super hearing is incredibly weak to.
He had however PHYSICALLY punched and entire dimension into pieces thus shunting him back to his and willed himself back to life so maybe he could punch apart the warp assuming he knows that its absolutely necessary beyond a doubt, though he'd need a gellar field of some sort.
No nova, beam, or witchfire could hurt him.
He'd only be vulnerable to maledictions. And many of them would suck. Oh no, you've decreased his strength slightly. Now he might not be able to hold an exploding star in one hand.
Well let's count only the decent ones, there isn't many options left: Abnet, ADB, Macnill.
>psykers kill him!
By this logic, every non-psyker special character should be dead.
Marneus has no more protection than Supes, and he's still kicking despite being vastly less powerful. C'tan are vulnerable to warpshit, yet they still wreck the fuck out of psykers.
Unsure. He gets burned by magically conjured fire whereas previously he's napped inside a sun so it doesn't seem to matter if the actual thing becoms physical so long as its base existence stems from magic or psionics. it's why Shazam can kick his ass in a fist fight even if the blows are physical the source of said blows is magic/non-physical.
It's also why the Flash can go faster than him.
Given this, it might actually be possible for a chaos marine to fuck supes up with all their shit assuming its powered by or properly drenched in warp.
We're not saying they'll kick his ass with a single finger (unless he's in the warp sans gellar field) but that they are probably the only people who can actually hurt him. Assuming one lands a hit, that hit would actually hurt supes.
>his heath vision
When could he turn any land into heath again? I guess I missed that issue.
it's pretty much standard that supes routinely loses to supernatural forces in comics. because he's just a really really strong man, who has a lot of physically-based abilities. somehow eye lasers and thermodynamic-headache flight count for this.
>strap superblank wierdo onto supes
>since he's such a swell Guy, he gets along with the blank.
>He gets burned by magically conjured fire
Depends on the writer, but not usually. The 'magical' things that generally effect Superman are things like curses and such. That said, a magic sword that is enchanted to specifically be able to cut through any substance would hurt him. A magic sword that is heated by magic fire, however, would not.
>it's why Shazam can kick his ass in a fist fight
Superman has literally beaten the fuck out of Captain Marvel in 99% of their fights. Captain Marvel can hurt him because he's in the same strength/invulnerability range.
>It's also why the Flash can go faster than him.
Flash can run faster than him because that's his entire thing. He's not magic, he's connected to some sort of cosmic force of motion that supplies infinite goesfast.
was meant for
>Noise Marines
Better question: The Phoenix Five (Cyclops, Namor, Emma Frost, Magik and Colossus imbued with the vast powers of the Phoenix) appear in 30K during the height of the Great Crusade.
What happens next?
Why do you think italy's having heathland fires?
Everybody loses?
No no, it transforms things into chocolate toffee bars
Superman has at least some resistance to mental domination. Folk have tried it on him a lot so he's trained his mind to block mental intrusion.
It's brought up in this vid (though it had no effect on the fight), which uses post-Crisis Superman
Can't remember what it was exactly but he once had a octupus thing attached to him that basically showed him what he most desired. He just sat there blankly as inside his mind he enjoyed a family and life on krypton. Off course he eventually broke free as inconsistencies piled up but if it was a perfect trick he would have just sat in his fortress of solitude forever staring blankly into space.
Tl;dr it depends what kind of mind control. If it's direct mind to mind then it's just a battle between wills. If it's subversion or indirect then it better be perfect.
Makes me wonder what would happen if Doom and supes had a battle of wills.
>Hate the mutant, you say?
Could each one of these guys solo the Emperor?
He gets destroyed with a black hole cannon, or vaporised, or crushed into a single molecule
Isn't Superman only strong when in a star system with a yellow sun? Red suns turn him to a normal human tier, right?
He continues leading Humanity's armies, just like he has been for this entire crusade.
I believe some writers make his powers psychic-based, like with Superboy. Still has the weakness to magic, however.
Depends on the series and/or if his yellow sun fuel tank is topped off.
Superman has literally flown through black holes. It's like a cleansing bath for him.
That was For the Man Who Has Everything.
The "octopus thing" was actually a plant called Black Mercy. And I believe in both versions Superman didn't actually break free himself, Batman actually had to pry it off him (though it eventually just got stuck on him too).
As far as battle of wills goes, hard to say. Supes is Supes, but Doomsday is basically no more than an animal, a pure killing machine.
Nooo. I meant DOCTOR Doom. The dude who can stare Purple Man in the face and tell him to fuck off. I'm not even sure supes can do that.
Oh. Yeah, I think Doom would win then. Supes can't even fight off Poison Ivy's stuff if he's brought down to normal. Heck, I think he might lose to Lex. Of course, we're also getting into powerlevels here, in which case the answer is whatever the writer wants it to be.
It was the Silver Age. Nearly every comic back then was basically just click bait. They would have covers with improbable situations in order to get people to buy the issue out of curiosity. This is a pretty good explanation.
He fights the Imperium because it's a dogmatic, tyrannical dictatorship
He fights the Orks because all they do is stomp around breaking shit and killing people purely for fun
He fights Chaos because it's fucking Chaos
He fights the Tyranids because they want to eat everything
He might ignore the Eldar, depending on whether they do anything to antagonize him
He'd fight the Dark Eldar because they're BDSM space elves
He might ally with the Tau briefly, until he learns about what the Ethereals actually do
In short, he'd be enemies with damn near everyone.
How would he feel about the necrons who have legitimate right by conquest to their planetary systems
I highly doubt that. I think he would feel pity for their lot in life, but I'm pretty sure he would oppose waging war on the living.
Supes loves non-normie types like mutants and such as he feels for their apprehension and anxiety about society and life as a whole being different from the rest. He'd fucking love that blank like a fucking son once he finds out they have a field that literally makes others ostracize him. Only issue i see would be the fact the blank's still human and the G's supes pulls during basic anything, if he's not taking massive fucking kinetic energy or acid or some shit, would simply liquify the poor guy.
Physically speaking some of them might, but I don't know how strong a Emperor's mind powers compared to Phoenix Emma for example.
Supes isnt immune to magic but that doesnt mean hes weak to it. You can't mind fuck him because he's has too strong a will and has trained for it. At one point specter said he had the strongest will in the universe, he has also broken green Lantern constructs before. He's still strong, he can tank magic on the sole fact that hes a tough motherfucker. Magic fire balls might hurt him a lil but it wont kill him because hes fucking tough. Super DC COMICS level magic can fuck him up but nobody in 40k is that ridiculous. And if they are then he'll just get stronger to compensate because he's the fucking hero.
tl;dr Depends on the writer but supes can't stay dead
>he'd fight the imperium
and get swiftly crushed by a Primarch
How? Can primarchs destroy entire dimensions using only physical blows? Do they inherently have magical or magic imbued attacks? Can they move at the speed of light? Breathe in a vacuum?
The issue here is the supes is fucking OP even by his universes standards and theres plenty of shit in DC that would easily blink 40k out of existence as they are legitimate gods with actual god powers like death aspects that let them just drop people whenever and wherever no limits or time aspects that not only let them stop time but erase events from time again with no limits. Supes has fought both of these and won just using his fists and will to live, primarchs die to fucking swords.
supes is just a dude with powers, Primarchs are dudes the emperor created with help from literal gods
therefore they have more plot armour
I assume you mean Nu-52. The Imperium might consider him a Xeno. I doubt they can eliminate him without extreme effort though.
>Do they inherently have magical or magic imbued attacks?
Some do, yes. Magnus the Red in particular is basically a powerful sorcerer.
The issue is the gods in 40k aren't actually gods by DC standards. They're just dudes who can only do shit in one specific dimension. Supermans taken on actual full blown gods that have legitimate supreme control in the universe they fought in and he's won. He basically told death to fuck off and made time unerase his birth. This just means that the emperor who couldn't fuck up one minor godish type being wouldn't stand a chance let alone lesser specimens such as the creations of the emperor. Again, the primarchs AND emps have been hurt/killed by far lesser physical means. Supes has tanked a punch from an entirely seperate reality and lived to tell the tale unscathed.
It's just as unfair a fight as i OP said "The Culture in 40k what do?"
He might stand some sort of chance assuming he can move faster than the speed of light and is physically incapable of dying. Then it would just come down to whoever can fisticuffs better.
Which Superman?
Gotta remember that Superman is actually a very long running series with many iterations and universes.
There's no one defining Superman. There's plenty of Supermen that aren't any stronger than humans.
Lets just be like OP and and go full retard with Cosmic Armored Superman Super-Guardian to the Multiverse.
I'll also accept silver age pre-crisis superman or superman prime.
He would break down and cry at what humanity has become.
One man who can shatter planets with his fists and can go anywhere in the galaxy without resorting to the warp
But warp powers are psionic, not magical.
Except his stats would be huge, so his saves would be as well.
He's weak(read "not immune") to any supernatural force whether thats psionics, magic, some shard of foreign reality before the big bang, etc.
So long as it's not an attack native to physical scientific(by dc standards) reality, he's weak to it.
And preserving his own life and free will isn't important? I can prove Superbro is faster than teleportation, no psyker in 30 or 40K is that fast.
The true Emperor of Man
No, he just can't absorb it. Using his powers near a red sun just means he can't recharge, he doesn't just get weaker. Just look at how he pushed Superboy Prime through a red sun and lived.
Same thing that happens when something ends up in 450k, or 30k.
He dies
whats 450k like
The Ship has moved out the galaxy, the tyranids are just about to finish and follow the Ship.
Again, depends. If he knows him flying faster than light is the way to avoid a possibly lethal attack but he knows he's in atmo and casualties would stack if he did that shit in atmo then he'd probably try and tank it, and because he's superman and his will often times gives him power beyond normal he'd more than likely survive.
>can memorize all of Earth's medical knowledge in ten minutes
Who gives a shit about flying? Quick draw heat vision will instantly kill anything in 30K that tries to say shit to him.
Basically. Knowing supes any deathwave of chaos could be blown away by his super breath. I'm just trying to find one way to make this not seem like a bodybuilder knife fighting a blind newborn.
>Isn't Superman only strong when in a star system with a yellow sun?
It basically works like a fuel tank. His powers run on sunlight, and if he's not near a sun he'll eventually run out of power and be reduced to a normal human. Yellow light is great for him, blue sunlight is even better because it contains more energy, and red sunlight doesn't do much at all for him. Red light isn't like kryptonite for him, but he'll only be able to last until he runs out of juice. Same for the depths of space; he can and has flown between star systems in the past.
>More plot armour
>Than fucking SUPERMAN
Eteigsn blasted him from Earth to the moon with hellfire once.
He was fine.
Honestly, it will come down to what the writer at the time thinks. I personally tend to roll with Busiek's interpretation of the "vulnerability" as it were, but other writers over the years have wanted to make it like a second kryptonite.
You know what fuck superman i wanna see how SHAZAM would fair the guy could smack around the specter and for those who don't know the specter is canonically stronger then superman
Lex Luthor becomes the God emperor of mankind. mean Captain Marvel?
No, Shazam.
They kill the Emperor, kill the Primarchs, and set themselves up as the rulers of mankind.
The real question is what Rightclops' Imperium looks like.
Rampant Psykers.
marvel trademarked captain marvel so DC had to change SHAZAMS name
One of my favorite things on /co/ is to call Marvel's Captain Marvel Shazam.
I'm just happy they brought back Magik
Fucking this
He would get shrekt by Emps, who would either adopt him as a semi-primarch (but just a really dumb one) or kill him outright b/c Superman is a xeno and gift his cooling corpse to the magos biologis. Really, Superman meeting up with E-Money and chilling for a while sounds pretty rad.
Remember, Superman's canonical weakness is magic/kryptonite. He's great at tanking conventional damage, but sucks balls at absorbing any sort of magical damage, which nearly all of the player-races in 30K have easy access to.
>Every other special snowflake post-human character in 30K is a psyker/sorceror. Any member of the Thousand Sons could royally fuck Supes.
>All the craftworld Eldar are psykers. All of them.
>The Dark Eldar don't use their psyker potential, but they wouldn't hesitate using magical artifacts or enslaved psykers to crush Supes.
>Orks aren't generally psykers, but the gestalt field would probably fuck Supes up, and any Weirdboy worth his salt could give the Boy in Blue a run for his money.
Really tho, suffer not the xeno to live, Superman is dead.
>X in 40k
This is really just a thinly-veiled "You faggots will argue over anything thread.
Manchester Black thought the same thing. Now he's lobotomized and his team in pieces.