>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
Other urls found in this thread:
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
7am AEST Saturday (Friday Evening for Americanskis)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Skype text; google drawings for maps
>Contact info
>Additional information
Homebrew campaign in small homebrew setting seeks fourth player. Level 4, PoW allowed, newbies welcome, come see if you like the setting.
I meant to post this, I am an idiot
But user, maybe the board just doesn't have enough RPG players to be worth it, and too many miniature wargamers, settingwankers, wannabe novel writers, elfaboos, quest arguers, totally-not-a-quest CYOAs, "stat me"s, and other people who don't play RPGs.
Don't forget all the generals we need.
Filtering, I'm currently seeing generals for Shadowrun, CYOA, Noun of Darkness, Warhammer, Towergirls, D&D 5e, Horus Heresy, Pathfinder, Custom Cards, Board Games, EDH/Commander, MTG Standard, Netrunner, Star Trek, GURPS, Other Warhammer, Battletech, Godbound, Historical Wargames, Traveller, WIP stuff, OSR, Flames of War, MTG Modern, 5 Rings, Worldbuilding, Magical Girl CYOA, Age of Sigmar, solo gamers, other other Warhammer (the RPG), Blood Bowl, and Alternative Wargames.
Looking at the archive, there are also frequently generals for Exalted, Dropnoun, Eclipse Phase, and Warmahordes among others.
Would you prefer if those 30 generals were split into 50+ different threads instead?
If we were a larger community I'd suggest /tgg/. Not that it would solve the underlying issue here, or that it's a real problem for the board or anything, but there are a hell of a lot of generals.
The real problem here is that there's no discussion happening in these threads so they fall off the board really quickly. I'd also hazard a guess that most people here are lurkers.
Maybe the best solution we can hope for is a sticky?
No. And I don't pretend to have a solution in mind. But it feels like something has gotten a little weird when we have 30+ generals. If you look at, say, (hits random board) Veeky Forums, they have 9 generals at present. Auto Sticker, devilish, Miata, BMW, Honda, Classic Car, N/o/rcal, Nissan, Toyota.
Maybe Veeky Forums has become too wide a board? It's not entirely obvious that Chess belongs in the same place as CYOA.
>But it feels like something has gotten a little weird when we have 30+ generals.
Maybe, but Veeky Forums generals serve a useful purpose. If I want to get one of the GURPS sourcebooks in PDF, I can just hit up the general and they'll have a nice archive set up where I can find whatever I'm looking for. Without it I'd probably have to go to the PDF share thread and dig through the gigantic clusterfuck PDFs of links to everything under the sun to find a link to a trove that has some GURPS stuff and if it's not in there, try the next one.
Alternately, when somebody has a problem with AD&D I can say "go ask in the OSR thread" and they can go get help from folks who know that shit like the back of their hand.
Generals on other boards tend to build up around waifus and namefags; Generals on Veeky Forums are generally utilitarian things.
Some of them probably are unnecessary as they don't have enough traffic, but then they just hang out at the end of the catalog until death, and who cares?
Dungeons the fucking Dragoning
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Sundays 12:00 GMT, 3 to 5 hour long sessions
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 for rolls, sheets and occasional map, Discord for voice, skype from OOC shitposting
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
Looking for someone to take up a mage and occasional lore-fucker slot. Space opera with magic. If you have no idea what D:tD is direct yourself here:
We are using BBoB to an extent and fucking around a bit with the system with some homerules. Game has been running for almost a year now. Also Jonh Cena is on the galactic council.
Dead thread.
Like this?
Yeah, but this one's still on the board, that one's archived.
Player with a newbie trying to help him learn Wh40krpgs and he wants to be apart of a campaign
40krpgs or Whfrp2e
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
EST for me but if I remeber correctly he said he gets off work at 5pm his time(He's canadian), and 3pm on saturdays.
We'll work somethin' out
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Discord, Roll20
>Contact info
>Additional information
Again trying to look for someone just to play with, doesn't really matter because me and him have been looking for a game forever and I need to teach him the through-and-through that isn't character creation.
nWoD, first edition
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
5:00pm MT
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
Supernatural templates can be acquired in time through game play.
5e West Marches
>>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
West Marches doesn't really work like that
>>Voice or Text
Voice only because text is aids.
>>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 for gameboard, discord for everything else
>>Contact info
Skype: Nay440 (add me, if you aren't cancer, we'll add you to the game)
>>Additional information
West marches is a clusterfuck of differences compared to "normal" games, effectively it's been going on for a while now, and we want to cycle in some new players, as old players have left due to random circumstances, many players have been here since the start and we're a good few months in now
Starting level for new players is currently 8
Man I had an online deathwatch game going it lasted literally 2 sessions. I just wanted to be Spess mareens
>Thread immediately poisoned by salty questfags who are angry that generals for actual Veeky Forums content are more related to Veeky Forums than their shitty fanfic
>>Thread immediately poisoned by salty questfags who are angry that generals for actual Veeky Forums content are more related to Veeky Forums than their shitty fanfic
Read the first couple posts in the thread, fampai.
I think he's saying that that post is several layers deep into conspiracy/false-flag theory crafting. IE it's crazy and dumb.
GURPS preferred, any is ok
>Time available
12 PM-10PM, CST. Every day of the week
>Voice or text
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Add'l info
Brand new to tabletop, been wanting to play for a year but never had any friends who wanted to.
>It's conspiracy to think that questfags are salty about being kicked off Veeky Forums, as made plain by the guy who fumed over generals still being allowed
Yeah okay friendo.
Why the fuck do you think the guy who hates generals has anything to do with your pro-quest shitposter boogeyman?
Hating on generals is a fairly common thing across a lot of different boards and sometimes it leaks onto Veeky Forums..
Stop being retarded.
>Why the fuck do you think the guy who hates generals has anything to do with your pro-quest shitposter boogeyman?
Because it's been the argument used by questfags since forever, because in their eyes there's no difference between Pathfinder General and Dog Days Quest in terms of what's actually related to Veeky Forums?
Why are you in denial about a fairly self-evident reality that can be verified by even casual knowledge of questfag vs antiquestfag threads? You seem to have a personal stake in this.
>Because it's been the argument used by questfags since foreve
Horseshit. I've never seen them use that, ever.
And what is even the point of bringing it up except to give you an excuse to shitpost?
Both you shut up. This is Gamefinder, not Shitpostfinder.
>Horseshit. I've never seen them use that, ever.
I would consider not talking about subjects you are clearly so dismally ignorant in, then.
There's at least three of us there, but point taken. There's no use in engaging with the guy, he's nuts.
If only the day was saturday, i'd be super down
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
6pm - 12 midnight -7 UTC
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll 20
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
Looking for 2-3 more players for a module, we have a forum for talking outside of gametime, as well as bullshitting.
Current party members include someone whos looking to play a warpriest or cleric type character, and an alchemist,
Homebrew setting, a modified Paizo module to be played.
Forgot to add day
Saturday. 6pm to midnest UTC -7
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
6pm - 12 midnight -7 UTC saturdays
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll 20
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
Looking for 2-3 more players for a module, we have a forum for talking outside of gametime, as well as bullshitting.
Current party members include someone whos looking to play a warpriest or cleric type character, and an alchemist,
Homebrew setting, a modified Paizo module to be played.
>signs that this GM is not up to code
at least try to not fuck up your advertisement not just once, but twice
put some damn effort in and proofread your post before putting in an advertisement, or people will think you'll put the same zero effort attempt at your game
which is probably correct. this is why you don't get players, because they can tell you're just going to not actually prepare anything and shit all over the plot with whatever you have in mind
>being this assmad about a game you're not gonna play
shiggy diggy
Nigger its 3am thats why i deleted shit and unfucked myself
No need to be a faggot about it.
>GM or Player
The Mutant Epoch
>Time availability
Wednesday, at 9 PM, UTC+2
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: jaso111111
>Additional Information
I have the books and im willing to provide them for anyone new to the system, as well as help with generating characters.
I expect you to be on time of course, and have at least some investment in char gen. No fancy backstories are needed since this will be a one shot.
-Weekly, Tuesday 7pm UTC+1
Places open:
- 2-3 players
Campaign theme:
-Blackshields only, a bit more talking while not purging the unclean
-Roll 20 for sheets and maps, discord for voice
-ThaHummel on Discord
Voice or text?
GM looking for players.
Houses of the Blooded
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20, voice on Skype
>Contact info
Skype: flash.gitz.waagh
>Additional information
Must be willing to read at least the first 50 pages or so of the book, if you haven't done it already. The more you know, the more smoothly the game will go.
>GM or Player
Lamentations of the Flame Princess (D&D B/X clone). Rules are free on the official website.
>Time availability
7PM EST Fridays
>Text or Voice
>Method of Playing
>Contact Information
[email protected]
Contact me to get a link to join and ask questions. I will ask you a decent amount of questions in turn just to get a handle on who you are.
>Additional Information
This is a LotFP game using an official module, set during the Thirty Years War. The PCs will have 8 days before the surrounding towns are razed by the Swedish army.
While I have a decent amount of experience GMing, this is the first time that I have GMed an OSR game. All levels of experience are welcome.
One guy dropped, so I am looking for one or two more guys to round out the group.
T_T this ad fills me with sadness everytime I see it because I want to join but have already sold my soul to Satan(Pathfinder) on fridays.
I'm considering running a game of Mutants and Masterminds set in Brockton Bay Wormverse
before I commit I'd like to see what sort of interest there might be in something like that.
Dark Heresy (2nd edition)
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Weekend afternoons and evenenings, GMT+3
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 and Skype or Discord
>Contact info
visionandvoice on skype
>Additional information
Need 1-2 more players, preferably soon.
Just checking if anyone is running any Play-by-Post games. Working all day every day sucks ass when I want to get my RP fix.
I'll try any systems (Fatal included, lel), but this is my IRL application, I live in the Bay Area - namely Berkeley
this looks incredible, id get in if it werent for conflict schedules
Nights Black Agent
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 3:30 PM until 11:00 PM, UTC -4.
>Voice or Text
Text or Voice
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20, Skype, Discord, or IRC
>Contact info
ManOfTrojanWars on skype.
>Additional information
I just wanna play Nights Black Agents and I can't find any other games actually running. Please send help.
Jesus Christ...
D&D 5E
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Friday, Saturday, Sunday after 8PM EDT (GMT -4)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
Forever DM (2e, 3.5/PF, 5e) looking to kick back and play for once. I like homebrew settings, but if you're running a published adventure, that's cool.
No promises at the moment, but I'm THINKING of running a 5e game of Dark Sun/Planescape (because 2e has best settings), if I can catch up from my long D&D hiatus.
Would you be interested?
Any other ways to contact you?
Dark Heresy, 1st or 2nd
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
weekends, or after ~6 eastern time
>Voice or Text
whichever is preferred
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
also whichever is preferred by the group
>Contact info
>Additional information
awh hell, I forgot to put contact info
Skype: xanaqi
Group of 3 (2x eager to learn, 1x experienced) players. Could bring more if desired. Will gladly play with other people, too.
Anything that's not specifically Shadowrun or a pure dungeon crawler.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
EU, CEST (GMT/UTC+2) evening - early morning
>Voice or Text
Both possible. Spoken English might be a bit rusty at first.
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Whatever works.
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
No reason for P&PTSD. We know that you, as our potential GM, put a lot of time and effort into this hobby and we appreciate it greatly. Aside from that expect 3 individuals and not some kind of shitter herd or whatever that one guy thinks all loose groups are like.
Setting/System sounds very interesting.
General interest for WH definitely present.
How much actual nation management is involved?
If 3 is too many, I totally understand.
Yes, No, Maybe?
>6pm - 12 midnight -7 UTC saturdays
I can't join but you are my MVP for using universal unit for time zone.
Thanks you user, I didn't have to deal with figuring what mt cest est west mean.
It bumps thread at least
To add people on Discord you need their username and #sign.
You can see your own by clicking on your avatar on a server. It should look something like ThaHummel#1234
Also, this
D&D 5e
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Thursday, 7:30pm GMT+9
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20, Discord
>Contact info
One shot of the Roll 20 scenario "Master's Vault". Characters start at level 3
Added you on skype
The few sessions that happened were done per text, but people (of which most left the game) wanted to switch over to voice to try and see if things would move along faster that way.
Thus i am open to both text and voice, depending on what the majority of people wants.
Sorry, forgot this was a thing:
Yes, see below. Though general OOC chatter is happening on discord.
ThaHummel on Skype
[email protected]
Well just tell me if you're fine with Deathwatch as the core of the game. Though i didn't plan on bringing in other game lines into this I'd be fine with something like a PC Inquisitor tagging along with the Kill Team. All depends on the final character ideas, I'd at least want to have 50% Marines in the party.
>How much actual nation management is involved?
According to the book, you can get married and be the submissive in the relationship and let your spouse run things, or let someone else run your lands and people, though it's not recommended... you're a noble. Why would you let someone else hold ownership of your stuff?
If you do decide to run things, character creation can be a bit crunchy and time consuming (it's based partially on the FATE system, so making Aspects takes a while for most people), and when you get right down to the meat and potatoes of gameplay, it's rather straightforward.
Most sessions cover a span of 1-2 months, and at the end of each month, you determine what your Season actions are. You give orders to your vassals, roll to harvest and spend resources from your land, move your men about, etc.
Then you go back to not worrying about it for another 2-3 sessions.
Sent ;^)
Player recruiting other players
Dark Heresy 1nd Edition
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Not sure yet, GM is in germany so probably sometime in the morning-afternoon PST.
>Voice or Text
Voicechat using skype
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
Syntac or ergoreaper on skype
>Additional information
Basically looking for someone to back me up, it's a home brew campaign and it could either turn out great or be a case of that dm.
man, i would love to play this but goddamn, our timezones are literal opposites!
Are you fellows interested in testing homebrew?
D&D 5E
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Saturdays 16:00 GMT
>Voice or Text
Voice for IC, text for OOC
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
aggums#2124 on Discord
>Additional information
Running a homebrew game, fairly new GM but have ran a campaign and played before.
Something high fantasy, or Low Fantasy. I avoid L5R cus of bad experiences and lack of interest in feudal asia
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Generally flexible, currently unemployed. GMT timezonee, but I have a habit of staying up until dawn.
>Voice or Text
Either's fine, prefer text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Skype, but I can look into other options
>Contact info
[email protected] (New account, apparently Skype doesn't like just using account names any more)
>Additional information
Had very few positive tabletop experiences, which left me salty about min-maxers. I don't mind min-maxing as a whole, but I'd like to know ahead of time if we're going all out, as I like characters that have the room to be flawed. Basically, I've been repeatedly reduced to hiding behind X piece of terrain and hoping the enemy doesn't notice me.
Either high fantasy or low fantasy
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Generally flexible, currently unemployed. GMT timezone, but I have a habit of staying up until dawn.
May have a night shift warehouse job coming up though, so don't nail me down on this one
>Voice or Text
Either's fine, prefer text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Skype, but I can look into other options
>Contact info
[email protected] (New account, apparently Skype doesn't like just using account names any more)
>Additional information
Had very few positive tabletop experiences, which left me salty about a lot of things. Looking to have an actual roleplay experience, as opposed to "The powergamer kills the new guy to make a point"
If I come across as salty sometimes, my apologies, my only table top group was awful.
applying now
Shit, there were a bunch of spoilers I used for omitted information for flavor, but Veeky Forums ate them for some reason.
--Archived post from ------------------- . Dated ----- , 2005--
**I found a HUGE abandoned ship, willing to take anyone interested to it for 75 bucks!**
I was out catching halibut the other day and came up with nothing, so I took the boat off the coast and out there I spotted the damn strangest sight I'd have ever seen! There was this huge Soviet looking cargo ship just washed up ashore, hell, looked like nobody had been on the thing since the Berlin Wall fell, too! Now, I don't want to set foot on the thing, but I got a buddy down south who loves this sort of stuff and I figured there has to be more people interested in this like him online, right? If any of you out there are looking to explore this thing somebody's probably gonna come looking for it in a few days, so I suggest you reply back to me soon.
My boat's gonna be in ----- next, so expect a drive if you're in Anchorage. I'm not liable if anything happens to you or your belongings yadda yadda yadda, you know how disclaimers go.
Cash only, I'm not an ATM.
Unknown Armies 2nd edition (I won't be using the sanity mechanics or Adepts/Avatars though)
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Fridays, GMT-8
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
IRC, Roll20, or Discord, whatever the group prefers
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
This is a mini-campaign primarily only for people interested in a horror game with heavy roleplaying, but I'm also fine with anyone relatively new to rpgs. If you've never played Unknown Armies I can teach you the rules pretty quickly without a rulebook necessary.
D&D 5e
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
West marches campaign.
>Voice or Text
Voice strictly. No autists.
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 and discord
>Contact info
dangerous_prostitute on Skype
Majestic 12 on Skype if you prefer to search by username
>Additional information
Looking for a few more people to join our 8th level D&D games. After a bit of a summer slow down, we're getting ready to get the campaign moving again. Add me on skype to discuss details.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
West marches campaign.
I'd be interested, but could I get a day of the week and time?
Game is full again.
40k Dark Heresy 2e
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Wednesday, 8:00pm GMT +9
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Discord, Roll 20
>Contact info
Roll20 LFG Thread
>Additional information
We play one week from now.
I'm interested. Aaron on skype.
3 Players
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
We are free Wednesdays at 18:00 GMT+1
>Voice or Text
Text for IC stuff, Voice for the OOC.
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 for IC play and rolls, Skype for OOC
>Contact info
Contact me through my skype: Minorass
>Additional information
The concept we are looking to play is a Hedgeknight and his retinue: Currently the party consists of, A knight (cavalier), a peasant longbowman (fighter), and a minstrel (bard). I'd really love to play the Rise of the Runelords module but that's purely optional.
update we are now 4 players, though the last one is undecided on what to play. None of us have made char sheets just yet, we are waiting on a GM to tell us what point buy and how many traits we are allowed... as well as how we could integrate character backgrounds into the game
bumping because I found my group in gamefinder and I hope other anons can find the same happiness that I have
I might be interested. What day tho.
I stopped putting my games on Veeky Forums cause the players suck ass.
make your own game you fucks.
No one wants to play your game anyways. They think they do, but that's because they don't know you.
I was thinking of trying out the test version of Mutant Crawl Classics (scifi based off DCC) if anyone is interested. I'm starting it out as a short adventure but if it turns into a real campaign that's cool too.
This would be a voice game on roll20 and probably discord. I'm in PDT and my weekday mornings/afternoons are best. If this sounds interesting to you email me at [email protected]
As one user pointed out, discord kinda sucks and I'm open to any free voice service.
Masks: A New Generation
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Weekends (Fri. - Sun.) GMT -3
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
I prefer Google Hangouts, but I'm open to suggestions.
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
I'm aiming for a game set in the wormverse, knowledge about the setting would be nice but it's far from being mandatory. High-stakes, high lethality, a good balance of social interactions, interpersonal drama and combat.