40k Genestealer Cults Announced
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>this shit before SoB
What, are sales of 'Deathwatch' sagging already?
Well we see the new vehicle in the video and it isn't a cult limo.
No sign of the flyer though.
Hell I'm happy this was my favourite army from many many ages ago.
Also one of my hybrids from deathwatch overkill had a slightly damaged autopistol, so GW sent me a whole new sprue.
So I'm giving my moniez to GW again le sigh.
>we will rise and claim the engines of labour that have bound us in servitude
Fucking commies.
That sent chills down my spine.
My body is fucking ready.
>What, are sales of 'Deathwatch' sagging already?
What does that even mean? These things were designed months ago, before either were out.
Reddit please.
>coming out on my birthday
Talk about a birthday present
I never understood the generations. So they get more and more human and then inexplicably kick out a pureblood.
>Quick, to the Genestealermobile!
Shut the fuck up, we've been waiting a lot longer than the whiny bolter bitches, it's been literally like 20 years.
Yeah. It's like a recessive gene that is programmed to kick in after a certain number of generations.
Is that a hectin autocarrige?
they should just destroy every game faction that isnt CSMs or SMs desu
>2 weeks
I'm by nature a patient man but goddamn it
This. It's not a hard concept
>This. It's not a hard concept
No, just a completely fucking stupid one.
Is that the Vermintide music?
>Fucking commies.
>Recessive genes, something that actually exists in you is a stupid idea.
Kill yourself.
That is actually one pimpin' car
>"I don't understand science so it must be stupid!"
A blonde pale Norwegian goes to sub Sahara Africa. Breeds with a local who breeds with a local. For 5 generations.
Magically on number 6 Snow White pops out, because muh 40k is real life
That was pretty fucking gr8 m8.
I even like most of the slightly-shitty animation style.
Are they going to be putting out these kind of adverts regularly now?
Real shame that there was no cult limo though, true.
Firstly, this and secondly, it's a fucking great concept.
Coincidentally, SoB are said to go into Last Chance to buy in 2017 q2.
>Alien parasite genes can be compared to melanin differences on humans
Sure thing user.
It's an alien race/virus thing that implants eggs and memetic viruses in people, shuffles genes as it's hobby, is tailored to be the perfect infiltrator, and you're complaining that recessive genes don't work exactly like you think they should?
You're a fucking womble, mate.
Is it a short, stubby autocannon or a small, shitter battlecannon like on the taurox?
yes it is, cheap ass GW
If they give us that vehicle exactly, I am so making it into an IG thing for Scions, or even Arbites.
>I even like most of the slightly-shitty animation style.
It worked pretty well. They should tell this artist to stick with these trailers and stay the fuck away from codecies.
Autocannon. Hopefully it doesn't have a shitty firing ark
>melanin is the only difference between races
hey reddit
>that ripper baby
too spoopy
What kind of battle cannon do you know of spits shell casings?
autocannons are caseless too.
A similar sort of style has been working for Magic, so I could see it working for GW.
In the same style, it's the WoW little videos like Harbringers and Warlords that I absolutely love.
Looks decent. New armoured car looks quite good in the art. I'm hoping they'll have a limited access to Imperial Guard vehicles.
and battlefleet gothic and alfabusas videos
Jesus Christ, that's some rushed art. But the hype for the codex makes up for it all.
Well i must have been painting them brass wrong all this time.
>What does that even mean? These things were designed months ago, before either were out.
What it means is that I can easily see GW including a few units / models in the Genestealer Codex that can only be found in the $165 board game. How convenient for GW!
Is that obvious enough for you?
It's just a throwaway video, they're not going to spend thousands on it.
>that's some rushed art.
That's standard art these days sadly, the codex will probably include some pictures seen in the video
>they should just destroy every game faction that isnt CSMs or SMs desu
Judging by the shit-tier codex writing that's been going on since 5th edition, I think GW has you covered there user.
The same rumours that predicted all of this are saying all the Deathwatch minis are getting repackaged.
Overkill was testing the waters on the demand for these two new factions. Obviously it was high enough to commit to a full release.
I hope this model is in there, i wanna convert them into naval armsmen.
>Chaos Cultists are BB with other chaos factions
>Genestear Cultists aren't
It's not even an issue of money in this situation it's an issue of time, speaking as an animation student who's done many an all nighter themselves. Random bits of photo-texturing, sloppy masking and the most basic of photo tweening. This was probably put together in less than a day.
Could you imagine the "hilarity" if there was a genestealer cult and Chaos cult on the same hiveworld, both unaware of the other, and both launched their penultimate plans on the same day?
With local authorities struggling to fend off Chaos cultists and genestealer cultists, with all three sides in a bit of confusion on where the other side suddenly came from. Oh course things would get real interesting once tyranids begin descending from the skies as Chaos daemons flood out from summoned Warp rips......
Oh course it would all be in vain as soon as Imperium forces show up and declare Exterminatus, reducing everything upon the planet into burning ash......
>things would get real interesting once tyranids begin descending from the skies as Chaos daemons flood out from summoned Warp rip
This literally happened in the Tyranid codex. Spoiler alert there was no exterminatus. The Imperium took one look at that clusterfuck and noped the fuck out.
Nids won.
True enough, these were absolutely gorgeous.
>waa waa, he got a new toy why can't I get a new toy
It would make even less sense if Genestealer Cults have Genestealers as Elites like Overkill because then the hivemind would only like these Genestealers over the other identical ones
Remember BRB says ACs are caseless. Go to forgeworld site, look up the autocannon description, they repeat it:
>Robust firearms that fire bursts of high-velocity, caseless shot, autocannon are excellent all-round weapons.
ACs are caseless. If you see spent shells being spat out, it's something else.
Yeah, then again Bernie sanders probably is a magus, he shouldn't still be alive at his age
holy shit
thought I was the last man alive who remembered they even existed
ya, was funny. Nids could not eat daemons, and daemons found no souls.
Such a sexy model
>Play Tyranids
>Buy Overkill as it came out with 2 new factions
>DW codex come out and I start collecting them
>Now this comes out And I want to still collect all 3
>Motherfucking Custodes modles soon
GW, pls my wallet is already empty
Still kinda regret not putting those riddick goggles on my Magus.
>get raped one night
>child looks a peasant so I'll keep him as my barstard son
>fine I'll make him a minor Lord
>10 gens later
>wtf the Lord and his house guard were all killed
Speaking of Tyranids V Daemons what even happens if a hive fleet enters a warp storm does it just vanish due to shadows in the warp or do Tyranids just avoid them?
I truly hope you are correct. I've just seen GW dick over gamers for a long time now when it comes to them making an extra $ along the way.
The fluff used to say that the Nids blocked out / jammed the warp when they were present in large numbers making anything like summoning / navigation / communications extremely difficult.
Probably depends - warp-bound space hulks are often infested with genestealers and other tyranids who got caught up in it.
But I imagine the bigger hive fleets have a strong enough shadow to smother a warp storm before it's close.
Warzone Valedor involved a fragment of Hive Fleet Kraken emerging from a warp rift into the path of Leviathan. and back in like 2nd ed there was a story about a fragment (ouroboros) that got thrown though time all the way to pre-heresy, that one has probably been retconned though.
They don't seem to really mind.
I have always thought that the imperial guard should be battle brothers to all but specifically tyranids.
Simply because it is entirely possible for the guard to fall to the sway of xenos and demon influence.
Oh well it seems GW doesn't share my opinion.
If they come out with a start collecting box with one of those fancy cultist trucks i'm still buying it.
While I think they should be BB, the Tyranids should at veryleast be BB for the Cults and Cults be AoC to Tyranids. The Cults think/believe that Tyranids love them and they take up arms FOR them. Their invasion isn't a convinced, it is the reason for their existence
Cultists and Tyranids should be BB as long as they have a rule that Cult HQ's cant join a Tyranid units which I think is the main reason why they are AoC
Also A termagant shouldn't be allowed to drive a armed trick
They are a real object in non-real space which is controlled by Daemons. I have no idea if Shadow in the Warp is enough to protect them, but I wouldn't count on it
Is ben10 a genestealer user?
Rapid-fire battle cannon on knights?
Then again, pic related.
They're in an unpleasant situation where BB just doesn't fit the majority of the fluff, while AOC restricts way more than it needs to to properly function. All those cult psykers, including the freaking patriarch are going to be permanently under the effects of shadow in the warp
SEE! Shell casings. I knew i hadnt lost my last sanity point.
And Patriarch can summon daemons (unless they fixed that)
fair enough,
I just want some of these cultists and to not be penalized for it in game.
I mean come on in the lore there are
renegade guardsmen
tau auxiliary guardsmen
genestealer infected guardsmen
There is no lore reason for not letting guardsmen be BB for all.
Noice. Ihope that the codex's art won't be in the same style as the trailer, though, this has zero personality.
Honestly Chaos did it nice with Daemonic Instability that would have solved the problems in
>implying a true guardsman would ever stray from the Emperors light
I know true guardsmen never stray but from a lore and gameplay mechanic there should be a "I will teach the noob who bought the wrong starting army, army" and I think that could be use guardsmen.
*us guardsmen
>Also a termagant shouldn't be allowed to drive an armed truck
Or creativity. These are just copies of models made by an artist.
I know it's a cliché to say that you miss the old days/art, but I really do miss it. Now it's either this, old art pieces or pictures of models.
>"Well that's grea0t, guardsman, but I'm afraid heaven is under constant attack by daemons. Form up, souldier."
>Now it's either this, old art pieces or pictures of models.
Well okay, FW does take pictures and shop/add layers to them which actually look pretty lovely. Though IMO FW does it successfully as where GW doesn't
To be fair, I don't think they should be able to team up with anything but Imperial armies, Orks, Tau and Chaos. Maaaayyyybe Dark Eldar, but not necessarily.
I just can't see a Guardsman fighting for Necrons or Tyranids, and Eldar probably would be too high up their own asses to accept help from mon-keighs.
>Also A termagant shouldn't be allowed to drive a armed trick
At first I agreed, but I wonder if having an armored transport would help Tyranids diversify beyond 30 flyrants.
How do know this bitch isn't already a genestealer cultist?
Are all sjw secretly planning for a coming hivefleet?
Yeah, and eldar DNA is triple helix, but can be muxed with human DNA. Stop defending stupid design choices made in ages past by people who don't know or care about the subject irl, kid.
What if they had an MC transport like a big bug that eats lots of smaller bugs and vomits them out again
>genestealer infected guardsmen
>If by "hive fleet" you mean "migrants" then yes. The example also works because if the migrants manage to take over, the SJW remaining life expectancy is measured in seconds.
Nah the female one's that aren't too ugly will be kept as recreational aids (i.e. in rape-camps).
Forge World is basically fan fiction.
notto this shitto again
I like to think genestealer cultists have the personality of the engineer when they don't have to act seriously zealous for the whole patriarchy thing.
Why not? Gellar fields protect human in the warp, and those are far weaker.