That Guy thread, my dudes?
That Guy thread, my dudes?
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since we're on the topic of cringey shit, i might as well give you this gem from the depths of /b/ screencaps, just cuz i like you guys ;-;
I popped a chubby....
Oh hey, I'm quoted in this one! God, that OP was a fucker.
Fucking amazing. Any chance someone can turn those into a single image?
What's so amazing about it?
Jesus fucking christ do people like this actually exist? I genuinely didn't think autism could get that bad without crossing into non-functional potato mode.
It features an absolute autist of a GM who manages to do everything wrong when it comes to GMing and it's just fun to read. Why?
Sometimes, Autism doesn't manifest as "hurr durr potato." There are times where it manifests as something darker. This unholy degeneracy is what happens when the seed of Autism, a fragment of the original Autist Soul that resides within all of us, actually sprouts in someone with enough cognitive ability to understand that they desire such dark actions. This is the kind of Autism that fully forms after someone has already developed enough to function on their own, so in a sense this is Autism when its not limiting its own ability for evil.
Remember, Autism isn't a medical condition. It's a fragment of the Soul of our true ancestor that resides within all of us. This is what happens when one is born with several fragments, or when their life somehow introduces and reinforces certain beliefs in regards to themselves and the world around them.
Yeah I guess it's Autism without the self doubting, when you're not thinking "is this ok, do normal people do this?" you really don't have anything holding you back mentally, it's a scary thought.
Intensive self reflection from an objective standpoint is the only thing that keeps me from descending.
Basically the same thing for me, I'm actually kinda scared that I could end up like that guy if I don't make some effort to stay connected to the real world.
>File: Larry the Transgender Rapist.png (304 KB, 1680x3505)
I don't fucking understand how this shit gets so out of hand. How fucking autistic do you have to be to let someone lovingly describe jamming their cock down someone's throat instead of telling them to cut that shit out?
Not a single image, but fewer than 5 is better, right?
Why have you posted a /v/ tier image composition?
jesus christ, what a way to meet your significant other.
im honestly not even wierded out or anything that's just amazing
i hope they're doing well
much better
Morbid curiosity or shock, I guess.
Maybe they think it would end in a witty/funny joke.
Gonna copy paste this from another thread. Have many James more stories if there is interest.
> 19, in college playing 3.5e with friends.
> the 3 rotating dms are me, Sam, and Franco. We are the 3 competent players as well. The others either never bothered to learn or didn't care much.
> Then there is James. James plays a self insert of his self inserted wow mage. In his mind this is a charismatic chaotic-stupid half elf sorcerer who only takes evocation spells. He also has a nasty habit of wanting every piece of cool sounding loot, even when the "loot" is really just an intricately described thing we are supposed to sell for gold as it does nothing.
> Sam is dming, he gives us a slull necklace which resonates of evil magic. Our quest is to iinvestigatethe necklace..
> Franco, being a Paladin, insists in character he take the evil artifact.
> Too late though, as James, being the self appointed party face has snatxhed the necklace and won't give it up.
> Fast forward, James is left unconscious after a fight, Franco goes over to revive him and before doing so takes the skull, not trusting a chaotic stupid with an evil artifact.
> James pitches an OOC fit then as soon as he gets up says he takes it back. Franco says no, Jaes says to roll initiative not understanding a low level evocation only sorc can't fight a well optimized paladin. Franco hits him over the head, James is now unconscious again.
> In a fit of rage he leaves.
> Later that night he confronts Franco in his room, demands an apology.
> Franco explains it was just roleplaying, he did what his character would do. James isn't having it.
> He backs Franco into a corner and demands an apology. Franco lays a hand on his shoukder and whispers "The skull is mine." James tries to choke him, not seriously but tonextort an apology. Either way it was pretty fucked, but funny.
Many more James stories*
That DM needs a pretty big lesson in how to not let your players become a goddamn talking corgi worshiping a fucking sock puppet.
also here's the whine thread the corgi made
He conveniently forgets to mention him being a corgi worshiping a sock but still calls Milforg or whatever a shit god.
I had to sit and listen to a fucking bloodplay scene at a vtm session. It happens more often than you think
>He conveniently forgets to mention him being a corgi worshiping a sock but still calls Milforg or whatever a shit god.
>Actually, it's those two that are the outliers in the setting, I get that it's goofier than most games, hell I'm playing a corgi warlock that worships a sock-based Cthulhu knock-off, it's just that the majority of the party act with some semblance of intelligence and morality, but these two cause trouble, and I always get turned into the bad guy when I try to fix their shit so we don't have to fight angry villages or scores of violent woodland critters(the cleric stole alcohol from a bear's cave, and then blamed the entire thing on me...).
Actually, he forgot to mention the part where he was purposely being a liability to the party and the part where he was an annoying prick
Ah shit, I can't fucking read.
It's still weird how NO ONE mentions or thinks a corgi worshiping a sock god is weird compared to mr viva la revolution
They don't mention anything but almost the moment he mentions he's a corgi warlock the thread dies.
What is wrong with this?
more please!
You are talking about people on /b/, the same board where someone asked for advice on what to kill Osama bin Laden with and took a gun, sword and grenade to the airport and got arrested and someone posted the pictures of a woman he murdered and got arrested shortly afterward
>be in highschool d&d club (senior, just turned 18)
>homeschooled kid joins club
>lacking in social skills, really weeby, but acceptable otherwise
>after a few games with him, it becomes apparent that he really, really likes dragons
>only plays dragonborn or dragon-related characters
>current character is pact of the chain warlock with weird reverse familiar situation (human character who is the familiar and puppet of psudodragon)
>has tons of dragon t-shirts and multiple dragon figurines at his home, talk about how cute other players dragonborn characters are (player seemed mildly uncomfortable with this)
>I suggest playing Stars Without Number, volunteer to GM
>he privately messages me expressing how sad he is that there are no dragons in SWN
>asks to play a homebrew draconic race who was mutated by The Scream and is now basically a dragonic
>Tell him that I need to think it over and will get back to him
What do Veeky Forums? I don't want to shoot his idea down, but it's shit.
Shoot it the fuck down. Be ready to fend off attempts to blow up your campaign.
As the DM it's your job to make sure everyone is having fun. If you think it would ruin you and the other players enjoyment of the game to have a draconic mutant running around then sure, veto it, but otherwise, what's the harm?
Shoot this fucking yiff fag down
There doesn't seem to be any indication that this guy is planning to go all magical realm, what's the harm in letting him play a dragon mutant thing?
Well if his obsession stays as "i like them" instead of "i want to fuck them and will express that desire like there was a megaphone super-glued to my face" then it's entirely up to you if you think it would even work within the setting or if it just doesn't match the tone and setting.
For starters
>talk about how cute other players dragonborn characters are (player seemed mildly uncomfortable with this)
that's already showing the soil on which the piss forest shall grow
Second, the more you let him do, the more obsessed he'll get.
Give 'im a good old speech about how roleplaying is trying out something different etc etc
I witnessed two neckbeards, two bards actually, roleplay their characters flirting and then having sex.
My horror turned into laughter when the male bard went
>As soon as I put it in, I shoot.
There's nothing better than humor to stop magical realms!
Didn't see that, you're right, if they're making other people uncomfortable then that stuff has to stop.
Be gentle though. I've been there, I had a breakdown in year 7 and homeschooled until year 9. It was really tough reintegrating, and I was lucky enough not to have picked up any weird fetishes/delusions along the way.
>started DMing a new campaing recently
>party gets tricked by street kids and some of them manage to steal a few coins
>start chasing them and manage to get every single one of them
>one of the players murders 3 kids, the other two enslave the rest of them
>Mfw i dont even understand how the party touched ground so quickly
Alright, thanks for the advice. I'm planning to vetoing the mutant bit but allowing him to play a (toned down) lizardfolk-y race. I'll see if I can nudge him towards trying something new while I'm at it.
Make them learn there are consequences. Don't be a dick about it, but weave it into the story. Make the city investigate the death of 3 children, have law enforcement chase them, etc. Make it fun, but make sure actions have consequences.
And worse come to worse, sudden impromptu legal drama.
We had a brony in our RT group who wanted to play as a pony. Our GM went ahead and made a planet of abhumans (some with wings, some with horns/psykic powers) and called them not-ponies. Our brony made a character with these rules, ended up being chill, and game continued as normal.
So long as he doesn't try to hijack your game or blow up your campaign, I don't see any problems with this.
This isn't quite That Guy territory, I just want to share an anecdote from my recent campaign start
>good friend joins the group
>never roleplayed before, but I know he writes a lot of fantasy by himself
>he's very excited
>during character building he asks me to play as his homebrewed race
>literal god in human form walking the earth with superpowers
>tone it down so that he's a god trapped in a human body with human limitations, but he may be able to unlock some divine aspects through questing and trials
>second session he hands me a note across the table
>"tomorrow a divine messenger brings me a quest to find the Sword of Truth"
> /B/ you fucked me
God I'm dying
I feel the need to point out that "autism" isn't an umbrella term for mental sickness or psychological issues. An autistic person is trapped inside their own head and has severe difficulties in connecting to others. A person who masturbates onto a sleeping child and blames others for putting the idea in their head, is simply deranged.
Then again, it's possible you know this well, and you're simply using autism as a buzzword.
Kick him. Now.
Furries are degenerate trash who should be gunned down in the streets.
Shock is a hellava thing
Thing is, they were in the shady parts of town, and no one important enough to do something cares about some street urchin... So i rlly dont know if doing something about it would make me a shitDM
Perhaps the kids had friends who hold to the "mess with one of us, mess with all of us" credo? Or perhaps they were runners for some mid-level crime boss, merely stealing from people as a way to supplement their income?
I'd definitely say that's That Guy territory, but not beyond the point of no return, since he's new to the medium. Just take him aside and explain that's not how it generally works, and make sure he understands, agrees to and is comfortable with that.
Mind you, I don't have high hopes for his writing if that's his standard of character.
Yeah, I'd peg him for That Guy clean and square, if not for the fact that I know him. I'm almost entirely sure that this is because he simply wants to play the part of an amazing, epic protagonist, and not because he's trying to powergame or something. In the end, I came up with a side objective for him and explained that that mission is why he's human in the first place, so that he can intercede in the mortal realm.
I really should read some of his writing to see if it's all Mary Sues there, as well.
>never played with a That Guy
>campaigns I was in have always been pleasant and mostly tasteful
I feel like I'm missing out.
>protagonists of his writing are all him, but with 20s in every stat and an 11 inch dick
Well, his character does sleep around as much as he possibly can, but I'll have to give him props for that one, because he actually based that off Greek myths depicting gods as horny bastards. So his character is simply hyper-sexual and goes after fat, ugly and crippled women just as readily as the attractive ones.
You know, I've been to a million that guy threads, but I've never really told the that guy story me and my friends recall (not very) fondly. It involves psionics, dragon rape, tolerable furfags, intolerable spergs, and being chased around a hotel. If anyone's interested, I can start typing the fucker out.
Well, I'm sure as hell interested now.
You can't seriously be this retarded. 'Yiffing' is not some generic term for sex with non-humans, you giant spastic horse cunt.
It refers to the stupid yelping sounds that foxes etc make when they mate (if you live with urban foxes, you will have heard it). Dragons don't make that sort of noise because they're enormous fucking reptiles, not small mammals.
You are stupid. You are wrong, Kill yourself a thousand times. Yeah I mad - not just at one ignorant little shitposter like you, you're some rando from /v/ anyway, but at the entire apathetic shitposting culture on the internet that lets sloppy inaccurate shit slide and destroys everything useful about language. Fuck you.
For what it's worth, here's one user who is entirely in your camp.
I don't really have That Guy stories, but I do have many, many stories from my online roleplay days involving sparklewolves. Some involved me, some didn't. Some are absolutely chaos, some were fun as hell.
Three come to mind instantly - The Assassination, The "Cleansing," and The Sex Rock.
So here goes...
>Years ago. Going to a comic/anime con with friends, everyone's hyped
>Party going in: Me, GF at the time, Best friend, Raver friend there for the end-of-day raves and not much else and Cosplaybro
>Have fun for a while, splitting off and doing our own thing. Me and GF go to
>Eventually we reconvene downstairs.
>Cosplaybro has a second place victory in a costume contest for his pimped-out IG getup (first was some hot weeb girl, natch)
>Raverbro got a girl's phone number and a bunch of weeb swag
>Best friend loads up on comic books
>Spirits are high. We realize that the room downstairs we've convened by is a conference room. It has a sign over the door.
>"Tabletop gaming area"
>It's dead. Empty. Nobody home.
>Decide we'd run a game in our collective homebrew system, see if we couldn't drum up interest.
>Raverbro has places to be, but he's coming back so he figures he can find some extra players
It always starts so simple, doesn't it?
>Cosplaybro plays (surprise, surprise) a dimensionally-stranded IG
>GF Plays a blood witch
>Best friend plays an old character of his, a goomba (a la mario) who was transformed into a 40k ork via a mad scientist
>Eventually raverbro comes back as we finish up char creation, brings some new people and helps with Gming stuff
>None of them are that guy, so based on their characters we'll call them Ninja, Werewolf and Furfag
>was iffy on furfag because he seemed low-key furry
>Furfag wasn't actually much of a furfag (publically) but I'm calling him that cause he played a cat-person
>I set up something that a lot of people could drop in or out of
>Everyone's captured, big prison in a cordoned-off part of the city, secret police everywhere trying to hunt them
>New players are newly-escaped prisoners who meet up with the group during the prison break
>Players start in individual cells but break out
>Ninja is fist out, uses his lockpick to get IG and Witch free
>Witch uses her blood magic and a bit of IG's blood to pick another lock while ninja scouts ahead
>Furfag converses with his cellmate, werewolf, and learns the normal-looking dude hulks out in moonlight
>One racial for cat people is the ability to sense where the moon is in the sky
>Furfag gets out a coin, shines it a bit, and uses it to reach a hand out the cell window bars and reflect moonlight
>Werewolf goes kool-aid man into goombork's cell
>Commence dispatching guards and advancing out of the prison
>Everyone's having a blast, newcomers really like the homebrew.
It all looked so promising, to start...then HE showed up.
>Ninja, unfortunately, has other con shit to go do. So he demolitions his way through a wall and then 'goes to get his clan'
>The girl raverbro was hitting on shows, and now he's out too because the pussy calls
>Down a player and a co-GM, we hoped someone new would show up
>Monkey's paw
>This dude shows up. Looks like he's balding at age 20, greasy strands of combover everywhere
>Glasses have goku on them
>Smelled like aftershave. Violently so. To the point where furfag looked visibly nauseated
>Nasally Urkel voice Seriously, like a white Steve Urkel
>He asks about the setting a little and we tell him it's cyberpunk meets MTG meets the warriors
>He doesn't listen, goes off about the song of ice and fire for like five minutes
>Continue to GM as he bugs peripheral players deciding whether or not he wants to join
>Tell him, since dimensional travel is a thing, he can play just about anything from anywhere
>His eyes light up like a napalm sunrise and he starts telling us about his book
>His fucking book
>He starts by telling us that 'his book would give us iron poisoning'
>'Because it has so much irony!'
>nobody laughing. He tries to push it like it's comedy gold
>'Iron? Irony? That's how you'd get poisoned.'
>After awkward moments of nobody laughing, he just lapses into a story about his setting
>I'll call him Iron boy
>actually knowing the jargon of furfaggots
... son
>Keep in mind, he hasn't decided to roll a char yet, the game is still going, he's literally just hovering at the table talking
>I can't even tell you what the hell his storyline was about, but it had a few central components
>Dragons raped humans and that's what made elves/dwarves/orcs etc. He mentioned this several times
>Loads of generic fantasy trite. A lich threatens the kingdom of not!Bretonnia and a generic party stops them
>Basically the dragons come back to deus ex machina the lich or some shit, and 'tell people how to live right'
>Create some freakish race of 'super people' that are your average tryhard PART ELF/DWARF/ORC/DRAGON/FAIRY
>More fractions in his race than a 3rd grade math test
>The dragons gave them psionics to beat evil magic or something stupid, because OF COURSE THEY DID
>Dragonspawned master race makes everything sparkly perfect the end
>Guess what he wants to play?
>I'm immediately ready to boot him, but furfag (filthy degenerate he was) wanted to give the guy a chance
>I admit, I pity the mega-autists too. It's gotta suck with zero social interaction.
>I gave him a shot
>I shouldn't have
The fun's only begun. Next, he rolls his character...
>The entire time he was talking, people were trying to give him tidbits on how the system worked
>Not-so-subtly telling Iron Boy to roll a char or STFU
>In this system, physical stats are determined by the size of your race (buffed by skills) while mental stats WERE skills
>Dude says his race has maxed out stats. Completely broken
>Tell him he starts out with human physical stats and he's not happy
>Says I'm 'stepping on his vision' in a whiny tone
>About to kick him then and there, but it's been such a good day and I'm too damned nice
>Just tell him he can take his retarded strength in skills if he wants to later. He grumbles but moves on
>Next we try to figure out the character's base HP and MP, pretty standard. I let him take above average HP to shut him up
>I start to set up MP and he holds me up. I figure he's gonna ask for a ridiculous sum of points again, but it's worse
>'I don't use MP, I use Psi Points'
>'MP is just a cover-all term here. You can activate spells, psi, trained skills, even martial arts with it, so it's--'
>'But it's not magic it's psionics, so it should be Psi Points.'
>'I'm telling you, that wouldn't matter, and it's already on the character sheet as--'
>'I'm changing it to psi points'
>Okay what the fuck ever, I'm not gonna have an argument over terminology that changes nothing
>We move to skills. he spends all his points on hovering, telekinesis, mind reading etc.
>Points are spent, and he starts adding strength-boosting skills to his sheet
>Tell him he can't have those unless he swaps some psi powers
>Iron boy insists it's 'what his race would have' even though for racial abilities I already let him take free psionics
>Players are already so sick of this. Werewolf says 'just let him have the strength'
>I say fuck it, fine, no matter how scary he is I'm the GM and I can come up with something scarier
>Figure char creation's over, but he wants the ability to 'overjoy' people
>Ask him what justifies him having that ability
>In his setting, apparently the emotion the mother of these bastard mutant freaks 'is tied to' is something they control
>Ask him what he means by 'is tied to'
>'When the dragons bred her, she was overjoyed to have their seed, and thus her son spreads joy!'
>Everyone, including furfag, looking uncomfortable
>I say something about how I've given him a ton of stuff already, he argues that it's 'what's right for the character'
>I make up some bullshit about how 'being taken to this realm has stifled your emotions' and he grumbles but accepts it
>At that point, he actually joins the game
I wish I could say he integrated well and the game went smoothly, but this is a that guy thread.
>Glasses have goku on them
>Players bust into one of the prison facility buildings to find a sort of 'maximum security' cell.
>This weirdo's inside, 'whispering to the minds of the party'
>Whispering things like 'don't be a fraid' and 'I will protect you' to my GF's char
>The blood witch who could probably murder even his bloated, overstatted concession of a character
>Specifically tell him that, aside from telepathy, none of his psychic powers work in his cell
>Continually tries to telekinesis this or that, failing, getting frustrated
>Werewolf figures out there's a key card reader, is about to go out and see if any of the guards that were killed had one
>Iron boy says don't bother, and then does something stupid
>'I beam moonlight to him psionically so he can break me out'
>I ask him how he expects to do that, but he just says 'I beam the concept of moonlight to him'
>I go with it. Werewolf has a feeling like he's about to walk into moonlight, nothing else happens
>Werewolf says it's stupid and tries to look for that card reader
>Iron boy is trying his hardest to get him to stay because HE KNOWS THIS WILL WORK
>Werewolf finally disregards, goes and quickly finds a key card, gets him out without incident
>Iron boy AIN'T HAVIN' IT.
>His eyes light up like a napalm sunrise
This is a lovely turn of phrase, user. Well done.
>Iron boy is pissed now, tells werewolf he should have waited
>Werewolf starts listing numerous problems with the plan, including how he has little control over actions in beast form
>Including how he wasn't even sure if he could break through the special, high-tech walls of this cell
>Including how 'beaming the concept of moonlight' is stupid
>Iron boy has had it, and literally says 'stand back, fair lady' to GFs witch
>He decides to telekinetically slam werewolf, in human form, into the ground.
>I cheese. I cheese really hard in werewolf's direction.
>A pair of sixes from Iron Boy indicates that no amount of cheese bests a crit
>Werewolf, however, had the ability to change when in life-threatening danger, and popped it off
>Mid-transofrmation, he was slammed into the ground hard enough to knock him out
>Blood witch tries to get him back up with restorative blood magic, Iron boy furious that his 'fair lady' isn't taking his side
>'Now, we go to find this prison's warden and convert him to the side of justice!' Iron boy proclaims
>Everyone else is arguing for getting the fuck out of here, tell him that's a dumbass idea
>At that point he threatens the party with psionics for 'obstructing justice'
>Says the werewolf can 'stay here and think about what he's done'
>Werewolf and furfag are realizing where this is headed, and want no part
>There's other con shit to do, they decide that their characters are taking off to look for a way out in the sewers
>Actually have them roll before they leave, they pull it off. Never see either one again.
Two players down now, but he's not content to leave any of us unmolested.
>Iron boy is pissed now, tells werewolf he should have waited
>Werewolf starts listing numerous problems with the plan, including how he has little control over actions in beast form
>Including how he wasn't even sure if he could break through the special, high-tech walls of this cell
>Including how 'beaming the concept of moonlight' is stupid
>Iron boy has had it, and literally says 'stand back, fair lady' to GFs witch
>He decides to telekinetically slam werewolf, in human form, into the ground.
>I cheese. I cheese really hard in werewolf's direction.
>A pair of sixes from Iron Boy indicates that no amount of cheese bests a crit
>Werewolf, however, had the ability to change when in life-threatening danger, and popped it off
>Mid-transofrmation, he was slammed into the ground hard enough to knock him out
>Blood witch tries to get him back up with restorative blood magic, Iron boy furious that his 'fair lady' isn't taking his side
>'Now, we go to find this prison's warden and convert him to the side of justice!' Iron boy proclaims
>Everyone else is arguing for getting the fuck out of here, tell him that's a dumbass idea
>At that point he threatens the party with psionics for 'obstructing justice'
>Says the werewolf can 'stay here and think about what he's done'
>Werewolf and furfag are realizing where this is headed, and want no part
>There's other con shit to do, they decide that their characters are taking off to look for a way out in the sewers
>Actually have them roll before they leave, they pull it off. Never see either one again.
Two players down now, but he's not content to leave any of us unmolested.
>>'I beam moonlight to him psionically so he can break me out'
What is this supposed to mean?
I'll take things that never happened for 400 Alex!
Seriously, I take everything that happens on /b/ with a grain of salt.
Ah, nevermind. Werewolf. Gotcha.
Fuck, double post
>Iron boy is now content to try and hijack everything.
>Every time goombork is about to do something orky, Iron boy steps in and uses psi
>Every time the witch gets into a fight, Iron boy steps in to 'protect' her
>IG is playing in character, regarding the psionics as heretic forces
>Iron boy is trying to 'convince' (brainwash) the IG into thinking psi is good
>I fudge in IGs favor constantly, so that this is all little more than telepathic pop-ups to him
>PCs decide that, while they're dragged along to this warden (which, btw, Iron boy has no idea the location of) they'll escape
>When breaching a room, they cause as much havoc as possible, blowing open walls and firing wildly
>Attracts a fuckton of guards to the area who are all on him while the rest slip off
>I'm not playing nice now, so I have guards with anti-psi armor and psi-kill rounds show up
>They surround him and they ask him what made him think coming back to the center of the prison was a good call
>He decides he's going to 'overjoy' them because that's (apparently) magic and not psionics
>I tell him he doesn't have that skill, and he flips, saying that he's always had it and it's a part of his race.
>I tell him we agreed in character building he doesn't have it
>He lies and basically tries to tell me that I allowed him to do whatever he wanted
>Iron boy is arguing for this like he's arguing to evade the death penalty
>Finally give the fuck in and let him joy out the commander, causing the others to open fire and initiating combat
>At this point I'm just fucking done, and I decide to do a happy ending version of 'rocks fall'
>Basically the clan that ninja went to go get came, started a ninja riot
>Main party escapes through the breached wall and get away.
>Iron boy is still in a crowd of guards and ninjas but IDGAF about him or his stupid story
>It's over, thank god. IG goes to hang with another friend who're at the con, leaving the rest of us
>And him. Waiting.
You thought it would end when the game ended? So did I.
>The game's over, he has to leave, there's no reason for him to stay
>But he didn't leave, user.
>He didn't leave.
>We start carrying on like we're going to head out, do other stuff. The three of us wander a bit.
>He tags along. He waves when we see him, and tries to get closer despite obvious evasion.
>Constantly starng at GF. Just...staring.
>At one point I swear he was going to follow my GF into the women's restroom
>Eventually he actually comes up to us again. 'Hey guys! I almost lost you! Where are you going? Wanna go see the AMV contest?'
>Best bro, god bless, decides to man up and make the ultimate sacrifice
>Mostly because he saw how creeped out my GF was during all this shit
>'I'm going there now, come with me?' he asked
>I shot him an 'are you sure?' glance.
>He was ready. If the autismals took him he'd go out fighting.
>Me and GF go around doing ordinary con shit. All the while I'm wondering if best bro is okay
>Raverbro eventually finds me, best bro in tow. Said he saw best bro in his seat looking visibly uneasy
>Used the old 'hey I left something in your car, can you come unlock it?' excuse to evac him
>We're all slowly congreagating, IG and a buddy of his come back. Party at full strength.
>Head up to the hotel room to commence late day plans
>Plan is we go to the con rave and then switch a real rave downtown after 10:00
>All of us in raver gear, glowsticks and neon and shit, save IG because 40k is popular and costumes play well at raves
>That means IG still has some distinct armor on. Guess Iron boy spotted him
>'HEEEY guys what's up I see you're all here in once place what are we doing where are we going?'
>IG's buddy has no idea who this is, so assumes it's one of the group
>'Oh we're getting ready for when the line to the con rave starts' while the rest of us look at him with death in our eyes
>'Oh awesome! I need to ask my grandma if I can stay late enough to go to the rave so hang on!'
>Front doors to the convention center are to our left. Out front in the pickup area, is a red minivan
>Its driver is an old woman.
>Balding, with strands of greasy combover everywhere
>Coke bottle glasses
>Just staring. Not blinking. Staring at Iron boy. Mouth agape like a goldfish as Iron boy moves out the sliding doors
>Don't know why, but just the look in her eyes scared the hell out of me.
>Baba yaga, the bald hag.
>Only saw her for a second, but being raised by that? Yeah, I'd end up like Iron boy, too.
Fortunately, her gaze towards Iron boy was matched with equally intense autism, which was our salvation.
>I realized he's not looking at us and give the only order I can.
>'Split up. everyone make their way to floor 7 where the room is.'
>We scatter like roaches seeing a strobe light
>Eventually meet back up, see he's not following
>All the normie hotel guests looking at the group of ravers and a single imperial guardsman by the ice machine bewildered
>Occasionally one of us would go out to the window and look out front
>Red minivan still there. Waiting.
>We wait. And wait.
>An ENTIRE HOUR passes. The fact the minivan wasn't ticketed for parking in the unload zone that long is fucking baffling.
>Finally, FINALLY, we see it creep off, ten minuted before the rave was set to start.
>All had a great time raving. No telepathy was used, but I did have something nagging my mind
>If I had to guess, I'd say he was downstairs that whole hour, hunting for us.
>Hunting on behalf of Baba Yaga
And that's how we all narrowly escaped being potion ingredients for some wizened hag and her son, cursed to do her bidding through an autism spell.
Oh jeez user. Go on.
Why would you know that? WHY?
Which one peaks your interest?
Screengrabbed that for future storytime
Sorry to make some big linkpost, but that was a great read, thanks for sharing. Wish my community would host conventions/raves like that. Minus the autismo, of course.
It was nice at the time. Unfortunately this was like 5 years ago and the con in question stopped happening. Now it's hyooge comic-con stuff, anime cons or nothing.
Rave scene is still pretty dope out here, though. Haven't been in too long.
That was a weird thread, though evidently I left before it became interesting
Are you going for the dark souls analogy or something?
Doing God's work.
Welcome to Veeky Forums.
But WHICH god, user?