CYOA General

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Who is your favorite author, /cyoag/?

What good timing; I just finished this.
UPDATE - TWO new pages (4 new options).
It is done. Grand total 41.

I think the old pages are out of the archive, so I'm going to do the chore of uploading the whole thing.


I am my favorite author.


Well, then. What do you think your next project will be?


>It is done.

Chaos and the incomprehensible.
Making of seasons and making of dreams.

Forgot Image. Crud.

Fei La & Mishe


Twile & Harmony

Is Bedlam the Eldritch waifu? Because Hersi sounds like she has multiple personality disorder / she's being controlled by some demon.

The Scientist
For some day he will return and all true necromancers will rise up as one and give the TP Zom-bois a swirly they'll never forget.

We wipe our asses with your clothes, you SCARABIC faggots.

Omne & Pan


Alice & Andrea

Kaila & Jeanne

Well, my favourite CYOA is Conduit, but that would be necrophilia...

Kataline & Floof

Not sure.

If I added any more, Miya would be NSFW

I never said "eldritch" per se. I said overlap of traits. Don't get your hopes up on dating cthulu

Saki & Oki

How much NSFW we talkin bout

>no spidergirl/werewolf
>but there's a sheepgirl with a toptier design instead

Damn man, you quite literally nailed the next option I would have requested. Thank you for the OC!

Chere & Yin

There's not really any more clothes to remove if the trend continues.

Lillan & Bloom

That's good to hear. I hope you like her.

>White Magic

Wings offer too much of a tactical advantage not to take. Keep a distance and pelt monsters with magic and arrows.

#056 (Bunny) & Medi

>Don't get your hopes up on dating cthulu
Aw man...

Who is the best female cyoa author?

Flo & Beyn

Melody & Falchion

Caldera & Lyze

Avarice & Hex


...Crap, where's my document detailing my rankings? I need that to make a build.

Gia & Buoy

Ennui & Diane

>Miya would be NSFW

I feel like it's plausible to, say, find an image more modest and insert it between two existing pages.

Of course, if you just want to do another CYOA, that's perfectly fine too, because I'm interested to see where you go from here.

Sola & Eve

Always loved this one. Simple, but open.

Industrial Knowledge
Will of Iron
Hyper Metal
Electrical Knowledge

Basic science build, gonna make space stations and eventually a Dyson Sphere, but that's at least a few thousand years off. Maybe not taking Generator was a bad call, but I've got about 15,000 years to figure out a solution.

Does Reinforce make you heat resistant as well? Do you take on the weaknesses of metals, like being really conductive? I'm not gonna rust if I get wet, right?

Chirp & Apis & Mel

Bedlam & Hersi

Yuki & Fantasia

Library 1

Library 2

Friendly remind to point out typos you find so that I may fix them. Thanks!

Why don't you put this cyoa into a google drive like Pokemon Personified?

Miya Intro

I might append this to the bottom of page 4. I think it can fit.

It is.


Finally done.

Mainly, I want to move on because as people settle into an option for this one, they're less apt to read updates & post builds & overall enjoy it. Reception has been going down for the last dozen or so options.

>Just leabe me alone
can't tell if this is drunk speak or a typo

Aw, she's so adorably chuuni. She can be the chaos that always crawls up to me with a smile any day of the week.
>Chaos cooking
>Reality warp
Freaky Form sounds fun to begin with, but it will get annoying, especially since I still want to function in society.
I don't know what it does.

No thanks I don't want to force her into a relationship with someone she doesn't know yet.

Hersi seems really dangerous. Did they try and keep her occupied with her fake people to stop the murdery?

I'm surprised you didn't make Hersi a yandere option.

Oh, but I forgot: What happens when you break the Waifu Rule?
Will it be painful?

She isn't that dangerous since she can be sated just by having a horror movie to laugh at. Plus, she's just as content having tea parties as torturing people.

There's already Yan for that.

Choas doesn't equate to pain. It equates to mystery and change and chance.

I guess I'll fit in the rankings later, then...

Insane in the membrane...

Orb of Life
Library of the Supernatural - I'll clean up after her in case she does anything really bad.
Dream Home

>Chaos Cooking
I need to eat healthier anyway.

>Freaky Form
Reality warping, though extremely OP, sounds a bit... risky.

hahahaha not touching the other ones nope

Why not? It's only the insane thing to do.


But that's Hersi!

...This doesn't look to bode well.

(typo: "They we got to play hide and seek" should be "Then")

Orb of Life
*mashes "Library" button*

>Cute Practice
I need to get this girl to a therapist.

>Drippy Tentacles
Extra arms!

>Funbox Meal

Wild Sight. I'll deal with her so she doesn't go to kill other people as much.

...Are you all right, Beri?

No I mean, I picked two waifu from your cyoa. Is there no punishment? There has to be a punishment for breaking such a sacred law.

Within the context of the CYOA, user, I imagine Miya just plain does not set you up with anyone else.

Does she know I broke the waifu-rule?
Is Miya God?

Italics > Angel

> >Pandemonium
>I don't know what it does
Are you saying you chose it because you don't know what it does (being random) or that you chose it and also you don't understand what it does (being poorly worded)?
It should have said "There's a selection of a few hundred CARDS"

Afraid of Chaos Confetti?
And I see you're helping Hersi.
Thanks for pointing out the typo.
Why wouldn't I be alright?

Well, they'd have to be accepting of polyamory or you could only be in a relationship with one. Alternatively, if you're wanting a harem, then depending on the members, they might try to kill you. Miya is only offering you one roommate, though, so picking two isn't quite an option (except for Harmony and the bees)

Consider that she's the one giving you these roommates. You don't know or now how to contact the girls you don't choose.

anyone have the cyoa where your some kind of magic battery for a witch

Just have her remove her outer jacket.

>you chose it and also you don't understand what it does (being poorly worded)?
This one.
No, I definitely don't want a harem. I just don't want to learn what the punishment for taking one than one waifu is.
I forgot i had already made a build for your cyoa. It's been about three months since I did.



Orb of Life
Library of the Supernatural

Yuki Yuki Yuki... Don't worry, I'll protect her.

>Toasty Snuggle
Yay for cuddles!

I'll move up north, because now I won't freeze to death.

>Scrying Snowglobe
Lots of versatile applications here.

She probably prefers Winter with the Library anyway.


Fantasia, having a party is not my idea of a fantasy,
especially right now.

Dream Home
Library of the Supernatural

I'm not really one for adventures in my dreams, unfortunately, and Reality Plus would just hurt more when I woke up.

>Easy Sleeping
As an insomniac, this would be a godsend.

Typo: lst any longer --> last any longer.

>Dream Journal
I'm going to either screw with people or make them very happy.

Whoo, obligatory little girl!

page 2

It's fine if it has been a while & is a separate build. Especially since there's new options now.

>Why wouldn't I be alright?
Because you mentioned you got an emotionally draining job, and Hersi mentions that she considers jobs with long hours and little pay a form of execution.

Thank you

extra arms



page 3

Oh, that. Don't pay any mind to it. Their views are different from my own. You'll notice that the CYOA is tinted against escapism, even though it is something I wholeheartedly support. I appreciate your concern, though!

>It's fine if it has been a while & is a separate build
I pray you're right.
Forgetting about the Waifu Rule is a super embarrassing way to die. I don't want to tell the other dead people that's why I'm in Hell.

page 4 (items)


>You'll notice that the CYOA is tinted against escapism
Is it?

>Reinforced, Tauric, Aquatic

Ha! I am the hippocampus!

>Regeneration, Growth, Agility

It just keeps happening!

>Practical Magic, Summoning, Immortal

I meant Miya's comments toward Fantasia's love of escapism in particular.

FYI there's a meta thread up now (allowed by orders of hiroyuki) discussing which threads should be allowed/banned on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums rules/moderation generally.

>CYOA are /b/ material that cater to /b/-tier people.

Ah, I see what you mean.

Bedlam might equal or surpass Diane for me. 2cute


Dream Home

>Mayhem Massage
Variety is the spice of life.

>Freaky Form
Never tire of my body. I can also do unhealthy things and every day it'll change and be repaired.

>Chaos Card
Could potentially be used to destroy cancer, bacteria, and viruses in someone's body. Could also annihilate dangerous radioactive and industrial waste.

Sure, start dating while living together in separate rooms. If things work out - great.

I'd say most cyoa's are more /d/ than anything. There might be an idea in splitting the thread into a Veeky Forums and a /d/ thread, but dividing a small community is bad.
Then we also have to discuss where the limits are: Is a "be a schoolgirl" cyoa /d/ enough?

>I don't like CYOAs so that means they're all hardcore fetish porn

Well, if you take Yuki's library, there's no real harm in the bonus. Just hand her the scarf and she'll be in winter mode.
>that explanation for Lewd
I'm sure that's it. *wink*
I figured Easy Sleeping would be popular among the sleep deprived.
Thanks for pointing out the typo.

Chaos Card doesn't work well on small or entrapped things like infections. It requires contact (but can be telekinetically controlled) It's fine for eliminating waste, though.

It's much easier to have a conversation when you read the other person's posts.
Is a "pick one of these girls to fuck" closer to /deviant/ or /traditional games/?

Angelanon is the most entertaining.

Rolled 6 (1d10)

A'ight, let's do this.

>Orb of Life
>Dream Home

This is fine.
>Can't decide between Jeanne, Flo, Oki, Floof, Melody, Falchion, Diane, Apis/Mel, Sola, and Yuki

It hurts. Even with no chance of romance most if not all of them would make decent roommates. This is why mankind invented dice.

Choice Images as a genre are Veeky Forums since it's about making builds like an RPG.

Why don't you just leave yourself if you hate this place?

Reposting like a faggot.

They'd probably have to equal out to the strength of a single companion, or only a little bit stronger but with a bigger downside. There isn't a whole lot of balancing in the companions for flavour reasons, but at the same time they should all be equally valuable for different reasons.

The problem is that /d/ is more aligned to getting your jollies off, while /cyoag/ is emphasizes waifuism.

Please read a post before you respond to it.

Well there would come a point where you could hypothetically just have a hive mind being incorporated into the Travellers, you could do it, but it would probably be a one time thing. Aglan and Baglan are a basic single functioning unit, so the hypothetical would have to follow suit.

But no.

Includes Suggestions 45
Make My CYOA 35
Graphics 30
Quick 25
Quality 15

They Shitpost (20)
Posts WIPs (25)
Like a Moth (35)

Is A Girl (25)
Is Hot (20)
Your Fetish (10)

I did. You want to banish CYOAs you don't like, like a bitch.


Size Class:

>Humanoid Demonic Hybrid

Boss Perks (-9):
>Vitality Prowess
>Physical Prowess
>Agility Prowess
>Perception Prowess
>Personal Guards

Minions (24):
>Large Elemental (E)
>Average Humanoid Demonic Hybrid (HD)

Mooks (-3):
>50 E Guards
>50 HD Servants
>50 HD Merchants

Elites (-7):
>10 E Warriors
>10 E Craftsmen
>10 HD Summoners
>10 HD Sorcerers
>10 HD Priests
>10 HD Agents
>10 HD Harem

Lieutenants (-8):
>2 E Champion
>1 HD Warlord
>1 HD Archmage
>1 HD Assassin
>1 HD Hunter
>2 HD Witch

>1 HD Oracle, Witch, Archmage

Minion Perks (-6):
>Specialty (Charisma)

Realm Perks:
>Grand Lair


"How much longer until we reach our destination?" the Prince asks. His lineage hails from long lines of royalty, born rulers and nobility. At first Prince Myrec was disappointed once his father had arranged his marriage. The life he had just returned from, a life of freedom and fame, suddenly gone, to be replaced by royal responsibility and duty. However, his expectation could have never imagined to who, and what, he would be introduced to next.

"Not much longer, Prince Myrec. We shall arrive before dusk." the woman responds. There was something off with these kinds of people. Streaks of blue energy cover their bodies, their features perfect and their eyes were piercing blue, shining brighter than the purest of sapphires. And along with their beauty, they have the social skills to match. These strangers could woo the coinpurse right out your pocket with just a flick of their tongue. The first time Myrec laid eyes on them he could immediately tell they were not entirely human. They were... Exotic. His thoughts of doubts and disappointment had vanished, and turned to those of intrigue and excitement.

I hope Miya doesn't have trouble finding all her clothes after this.

The story of this strange kingdom and its past was told to him in the most unusual of ways. By peering through a mystical prism crafted by the most talented of craftsmen and sorcerers, he witnessed a vision and a dialogue. An image of the most beautiful woman appeared before him.

"Greetings young Prince. I am Queen _____. Heed these words of our lineage. Centuries ago, before my time, our race did not exist. Ice and snow ruled these lands, and their elements were harsh and unforgiven. Of my Master's previous past, I do not know. But, upon finding this place, he performed a grand ritual. He tamed the elements with his power and fused it with the souls of the humans who have perished here and his own life's blood. That combination created us: the ones born from ice. Through our rebirth and with his blood, we had unfound powers, being to tame the elements of these lands as well as the weather, and it is even capable to feed and nurture us.

With his power, he shaped a grand castle for us to live in and call home. The ritual had torn his soul two pieces, with his other half residing within me. After everything, my Master had grown tired but set out to do one last thing before his rest. He willingly gave up his power and rule over us so we could be free. And with a part of his soul within me, I was named Queen. We are all forever in his debt..."

The story speaks more about the kingdom and its inner workings. However, the Prince snaps back to the present and looks towards his envoy. The familiar faces are those of his kingdom, consisting of a squad of fine soldiers, his personal guards as well as the ambassador and advisor. Surely there to discuss matters of trade. And then there are the more stranger of creatures. A group of elementals, so cold and yet flowing with energy, and the iceborn consisting of a few merchants, a seasoned hunter and two alluring maidens. He is barely able to contain himself. It has been long journey to reach these mystical lands, and the time passed has been slow from excitement. But then the envoy approaches a seemingly, average plain, but with a few steps, the forefront bodies disappear, as if they walked through an invisible drape. The rest follow suit and step straight into the veil of illusions.

The first thing that hit was the freezing cold, but then he fully takes in his environment. The turbulent snowstorms and flashes of lightning, its roaring thunder all but muffled by the soft snow. The ceiling is much like a snowglobe, and it shows a spectacular array of aurora lights. The iceborn begin chanting in a tongue unknown, and the snowstorms calm, revealing a path before us.

The stories he'd heard do them no justice. This mystical and foreign land is like that of a fairy tale. A quick look around reveals a large mountain in the middle, with an immense and awe-inspiring enchanted castle on top. Never had he seen anything so unique and exotic. The alluring maiden turns to him. "Welcome to our home. The Aurora Kingdom." They continue their path leading up towards the castle.

>Is a "be a schoolgirl" cyoa /d/ enough?
Depends on what kind of anime it's based on: hentai yes, magical girl no.

She has plenty of spare outfits.