> Every player will be rolling his stats.
ITT instant red flags
... Fucking sausage fest.
Well that's not so bad...
>>... 3d6. In order.
That depends entirely on the game. If it is a modern iteration of D&D, yeah. But if it is older D&D or something like Rolemaster, not so much.
>You have to choose class before rolling
Why wouldn't everyone roll stats? Same with point-buy. I refuse to live in a world where rolling and point-buy are mixed at the same table. It's unnatural and an affront to our Lord, RNGesus.
It's actually an old filename, any sort of stat rolling is a red flag for me. I'm still salty over that on Star Wars Saga game, where all jedi rolled their stats extremely well, with multiple 18s, while the rest did far more modestly. The jedi are already overpowered as fuck (though somewhat weakened by being MAD), but this made the obvious disrepancy between them and us even more glaringly obvious.
This seems like a good thread for what not to do as GM
More tips, I don't know any D&D faux pas'
>3d6 in order
Druid it's
>playing SAGA
>the jedi get multiple 18s
>the most broken class in the game with 18s
Holy shit dude, how long did that game last? I couldn't have played that to be honest.
This. Had a Traveller game where one player insisted on using the alternate point-buy method. His character just felt so artificial because it was perfectly built for the "role" he wanted it to fill.
Meanwhile, everyone else has genuinely realistic backgrounds with odd run-ins, knowledge skillsets, and generally felt more organic.
I fully realize pointbuy is not for everyone.
Please don't reply to the shitpost.
Fine, then I won't reply to you.
Wait, shit.
>I want to play a wizard specializing in mind control
>shadowrun, huh? I want to play Jubei Yagyu. Yeah, from Onimusha.
>My Inquisitor could totally take your Druid. He's not immune to swords, is he?
>I'm going to be pickpocketing, like, everyone.
Much longer than it should have. But wait, there's more - we all were pretty new to the system, so we didn't quite understand the rules. For example, there was no understanding the rules of Reactions. This resulted in combat that looked like this.
> "Jedi, you're getting shot at by a blaster bolt."
> "Roll to deflect as a reaction."
> "Wow, it somehow got through."
> "Fine, I roll to use my Intercept force power."
> "Again, somehow you're hit."
> "Fine, it hits."
> "You've received 20 damage."
> "I use Negate Energy force power and also spend my force point, I ignore the damage and get healed by 20 hit points."
Yes, this was real, and it happened again and again.
Literally happened to me, I went with sniper and minmaxed the shit out of sniping. GM proceeded to reduce the range of every ranged weapon to 1/200th of their original range. Suddenly I had problems sniping farther than 20 meters
Lets not forget that throwing grenades farther than your own square has hard as fuck
A perfect storm of shittery, wow. Why did none of you check up on that?
Yea, just wait until he starts talking about how the books smell.
Then I decided to reroll a jedi, to which DM replied with "no, there're already two jedi", so I went soldier with vibroaxe. And got nerfed again. By then I knew DM only wanted his best friend and his gf to be broken while the other 3 players were just sherpas or pages at best.
>"I'm a very random person [...] I want to play a chaotic neutral [...]"
These two things together are very, very unsettling!
>"My character is very quiet and antisocial"
Fuck you and the ass you rode in on.
>game is not Paranoia or similar
>"GM, can my character be secretly evil and with a great plot to kill the party"
I hope that someone puts a cactus on your seat before you sit down and you don't notice.
>"You can't do that! That's not justice REEEEE" paladins in a group of mercenaries/murderhobos extraordinaire
>the paladin doesn't even suggest on any other course of action
Go choke on a bag of dicks.
What do you mean, nobody? Eventually, when I got tired of whining, I did check up on that. But it was too late by then, most of the campaign passed already.
Oh, and if that didn't sound bad enough, one of the jedi died really early (he didn't have his lightsaber with him and was killed by a sith, who had his).
That was horrible for one simple reason - he acted as a restraining bolt on the second jedi and a safeguard against him. The second jedi was actually a grey jedi, not afraid to get his hands dirty, which means "sith", yes. Takeover as a party leader and some liberal use of Mind Trick on party members followed immediately.
That sounds awful, did you get any enjoyment from this?
>Grey Jedi
Fuck that shit, unless I know the player can play it well beforehanded I'll never allow that shit ever. That's just a Sith without having to deal with the Sith issues in every other case.
Yes, I did get SOME enjoyment. I was secretely an imperial agent working against the party. Sabotaging one of the jedi and ensuring his death, then almost killing the second one, that felt really good. Though in the hindsight, I should not have killed the first one at all.
By the way, after the campaign ended and my traitorhood was revealed, we started a second one - this time on the imperial side. This time, I've played a perfectly loyal sith, who wanted Empire to rule over all. Everyone else played:
1) A sith who was actually a jedi shadow sent by the Order as an infiltrator.
2) A sith who was actually working for the main villain.
3) A sith who was actually a grey jedi working for the Hutt Cartel, except she was not, she was actually an independent force user who wanted to destroy the Empire and the sith from the inside.
4) A sith who was actually a second, independent inflitrator from the Jedi Order, who did not know about the first one.
Literally a flock of wolves. We had a TPK on our first session, when we've all turned on each other.
>I was secretely an imperial agent working against the party
I hope you die of cancer's AIDS
>mfw I roll 3d6 straight down even when everyone else is using point buy
It seemed like a good idea at the time.
That's hilarious, and ignore the other guy, betraying the party is fun, especially when they try to control you
Do you enjoy having a bad time?
>"you can't play that class, it's nonviable!"
>"Martials are too overpowered, so I'm giving the Wizard a free magic item"
>"Suddenly, he grabs you! No save."
mfw I then get nothing but 18s
>betraying the party is fun
In Paranoia, yes.
Otherwise, it's 99.9% probable that you are going to suck at it. With .9% margin of error.
PvP brings bad blood to the table, 90% of the time.
>Oh you're playing a female character? How big are her tits?
> This will be a dark fantasy campaign, I'm drawing inspiration from Witcher and Game of Thrones.
>I play a sorceress with big tits.
forgot my pic, whoops
>no save
It does need to be done carefully, this is true.
It depends if they mean the Witcher novels or the games really.
> I will be playing as a lesbian
It can be done in a non-cringeworthy way, even by a fat neckbeard, but if you have someone outright announce this as the most important thing about the character... It will not be.
>Before you can play in the campaign, you have to read this ten-thousand page document of lore and setting details, all hand-crafted and original, made by me ;)
On one hand, I love GMs that create original and cool settings. On other hand, having more than 10 pages of setting details guarantees that the players will be playing in a heavily railroaded GMPC fest.
This actually happened to me
> My character is a necromancer
> My character is an assassin
Not always bad, but certainly worthy of some concern.
I don't think at the start of the game during character creation that it'd be too awkward to mention that, but it'd definitely still be a red flag
Especially if it's the first thing they mention about their character
Rolled 6, 2, 5, 2, 3, 6, 6, 6, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 4, 2, 4, 3 = 69 (18d6)
Well hell, why not?
>Play Not!Kamen Rider. Never shut up about justice.
>Tended to be his own brand of justice
>As in, if a villain violated whatever he thought was justice today, they would get punched into orbit
>One pirate sells his friends out to save himself
>I fly him 3000 feet into the air and drop him
>DM rules the resulting crater gives us a bonus to intimidate checks to interrogate the pirates he sold out
Pathfinder sucks, but fuck the Aegis is such a fun class
>No, you can't deviate from this lore, anything that even marginally contradicts it will not be allowed
Most definitely.
And also, when playing online
>player is late for most sessions, about 30 minutes with no justification
If you are consistently late and I see you playing a videogame when we agreed to jump on roll20 to play a game, I get murderous rage welling deep inside of me.
"haha no I'm a GOOD necromancer, I'll use my undead to revolutionize the economy!"
the said part is, they always think they're the first person to think of it
>13, 11, 13, 7, 16, 9
Retarded cleric or druid?
5e has good necromancers actually.
Trust, me I am all about that Justice when I'm playing a character that is just.
However, when my character, along with the majority of the group, have adopted more crooked ways and we have a paladin with a stick in his ass joining, I get the urge to smash my keyboard on the player's head.
In a similar vein, this one happened to me, complete with good end.
Not him, but I do tend to agree that good necromancers are not very easy to portray, they have been done already and aren't new they are getting king of stale actually and being evil just suits necromancers better. That's just in my opinion though.
Things that my DM said before his game started:
> Women adventurers in my setting are rare and not taken seriously.
> As in "you take penalty to persuasion" not taken seriously.
> Tieflings are viewed as an abominations, and your character will likely be burned at the stake in the nearest village.
> There will be no tiefling paladins in my game.
mfw none of those things he said turned out to be true, my character actually had it best out of the whole party and it was overall a great campaign.
Amen, you can even be rode
Forrest Gump, Cleric of Fharlanghn
>if your character dies your new character starts with a level lower
Why?! why some many cunts out there do this fucking shit?!
>Fuck you, user, I'm going to punish you for having bad luck
>Cha 9
>Not Druid
Yah its bad form to invite people to an orgy, and only wank off your friends
Rolled 1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 1, 6, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 5, 5 = 51 (18d6)
Challenge accepted.
I choose Bard.
It feels like some kind of grognardy holdover from the days of 2e, used only by the neckbeardiest of neckbeards or the most spiteful shithead DMs.
Lore Bard awaaay
That's a lotta 1s
Well I honestly expected worse.
>Lets play Werewolves in New York Central Park
> Let's play WoD in [insert DM's hometown here]
Dude, no. I know that basically nobody is playing WoD right at this point, but even those who play vampires as superheroes with fangs usually understand why vampires work in London, L.A. or New Orleans, but do not work in Chelyabinsk.
Rolled 4, 5, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4, 4, 6, 6, 1, 5, 2, 5, 1, 6, 6, 4 = 75 (18d6)
Straight 18s
Any more than two red flags is a huge red flag.
I can understand a few peeves, but not a laundry list
This is what you get for playing with a meteor child.
>playing vampires as superheroes with fangs
Do people actually do this?
No, he meant super villains.
>Why?! why some many cunts out there do this fucking shit?!
The original plan was to seperate "dies" from "dies out in the wilderness eaten by a dragon with no one around to revive you or bring back your corpse", because people were just party wiping and then rolling out Party2.0, the younger siblings of Party1.0, and expecting to just try the fight again.
What I mean is, people overemphasize the wrong aspects of the vampires. The fights, the flashy and powerful disciplines, the stuff that belongs in a superhero genre. An ideal vampire game for me is a game that involves, well, Masquerade. Vampires should be actively hiding from humans, staying in shadows, and the focus of the game should not be fights between superpowered beings, but instead personal relationships between vampires and other vampires. Also, vampires and mortals - this is really often overlooked. I've barely ever seen a vampire PC will relatives.
"Tonight I and my vampire buddies are raiding the Sabbath hideout with katanas and rifles" is a wrong way to play Vampire.
"My sister is concerned about my nocturnal lifestyle, she thinks I'm associating with a bad crowd and is involving other people, potentially ruining my unlife by learning too much" is the right way of playing Vampire.
that 9 should be in Int obviously if it's Forrest with the 16 going to Dex, dude had mad ping-pong skills. Besides, he should be just a fighter, he actually was one for a little while.
Patty Smyth - The warrior
Liam Neeson as Darkman
indeed but as an upside you can really start to respect
Patience. I played a Teifling who secretly hated the party because of family feud. Their fathers kill his father. But He was a bastard son and didn't know of his lineage until halfway through the campaign. The Party killed his Brother before he could put two and two together.
Now the Gm and I had set this up from the beginning. It was only a question of when the The teifling would figure it out. So when it did happen. I knew just what to do. Nothing. I waited. You see the party had become his friends. but He had grown to resent and hate them and himself for killing his family. He couldn't kill his friends but he still wanted revenge.
The group then went on a quest to Senete of the country to ligiamize their holdings. Now this campaign had lasted two years on and off again roughly. Now the Teifling had an offical title of the Fort where they had killed his family. and would claim as their own. Now I was playing the long game. The GM and I knew I had to time the reveal just right. So while the party was getting honorred for slaying a dragon and getting the Holds for the past adventures. This little guy finally stepped out from the background of the party onto center staged. Declared a Clerical error, Revealed his True family name and lineage, produced the Title and hell broke lose.
TWO Years of waiting and planning. and we even did a side game exploring the orginal family's save the village quest.
Looks like you don't qualify.
You could do good "necromancer" in 3.5 as long as you didn't create undead. Using terror spell to make your opponent flee instead of killing them and thing like that.
>Core/Minimal book selection only
>"It's balanced"
>15 PB
This. If someone limits their 3.PF game to core-only to avoid balance issues, then I know for absolute sure that they have no idea what balance is or what's wrong with 3.PF.
I'm a very random person, but that manifests in me playing a wide range of different characters due to always wanting to try different things.
so you think that celerity, potence fortitude, viseratika, flight and all those other discipline should be removed.
are you that kind of player that only get dominate presence and obfuscate?
thespians, urk, no fun allowed
well, it IS a valid playstyle, if everyone have fun, wheres the harm?
i dont like this picture, i know its meant to be taking generally, but dragons are not humanoid and immune to sleep.
I think the dragon is meant to just represent generic monster enemies.
actually this
all rpgs work better with a mix of genders, all guys turns into an ultra-masculine circlejerk way too fast
did you read what i just said...?
So you want to play Degrassi but with vampires basically? I mean...If that's you're shtick and everyone's on board...
Obviously I didn't.
We actually enjoy rolling our stats, weird as that sounds.
Unlike Spoony (before he walked the comments back) we do allow crit death if you're a particularly irredeemable cretin with -2, -3, -1 etc and no bonus whatsoever.
My players all prefer rolling so long as they're all together and will be playing a long campaign. Stat arrays are preferred for quick run-and-gun style adventures.
We've dabbled with 3d6 in order, but it never works out.
Depends on the guys. Feminine presence will curtail moderate That Guys and trigger overload mode on uber That Guys in my experience.
Your method is the opposite of what I'd do, if I ever rolled for stats at all.
It seems like quick run-and-gun would favor the randomness of dice because it sort of exaggerates the "fuck it, let's go" attitude of 1-offs and stuff. It's also pretty quick and can decide your role for you - dumb and strong? probably slotting into a fighter type so even quicker.
>We're rolling dice.
>rolling dice
>not rolling rat skulls
It speeds up the character creation process to just plug in numbers, honestly.
>No no no, that brand of communism failed because it isn't MY brand of communism. Implementing my version will surely succeed.
Every time.
>We need a new sorcerer in the party because the last one left. Want to play one?
>Ask for houserule list
>Very long list of nerfs to sorcerers
I think Skeletor or evil greedy fuck necromancers are so cliche they've come back around to being good fun again.
Honestly and being straightforward is now a refreshing change.
Because you can only go against cliche for so long before THAT now becomes the cliche so the original now feels fresh in comparison. Besides, Skeletor is serving ham for dinner every time he's over and who doesn't love a little bit of ham with their villains?