At long last.....
At long last
Man, I remember when the HH was actually good.
Wonder what the BL will turn too after this. Maybe they'll move onto the Age of Apostasy and snowflake it up with Perpetuals and multilasers.
>The Emperor
oh boy
Sandy Mitchell needs to fix his key board and save black library I dont care if hes lazy but the sad truth is he like one of the few good authors.
Those bunch of authors who made those Death Watch short stories are pretty good too
>I remember when the HH was actually good.
Then you haven't read Path of Heaven, Angels of Caliban, or Praetorian of Dorn, not to mention Eye of Terra and War Without End were both excellent anthologies.
So the story is going to be about a quadruple amputee eldar guardian besting the Emperor in single combat and driving back his entire force single-handedly?
Oh boy, it is now time to find out how they will take the Emperor from a Mysterious powerful entity whose soul character derives from the mystery of not knowing every intimate detail of said character, and people just filling in the gap how powerful and how benevolent, and or tyranical he is. To a completely fleshed out character which will shatter any illusion people had of the emperor thus ruining him forever. I wonder how it will be done.
I cannot contain my sarcasm. Will he be just a regular perpetual that is more perpetual than other perpetuals? Will he be just a regular guy with no actual powers whatsoever. Maybe he never did battle with chaos and was just a cunt who sold his soul to chaos to make the primarchs.
All I know is the Emperor will be ruined forever, I cannot wait!
>having taste this shit
Shill harder, blackshirt.
I'm sure Ben Counter can whip up something just as shitty as Galaxy in Flames or Battle for the Abyss for you.
The Horus Heresy lost its magic.
I feel so bad all those fucking times I RECOMMENDED this book series with the words of "Bro its the best 40k books makes space marines relatable"
it would be shit that happens after the HH
and other major events
but i think they're all going to be more like the Beast books rather than a bloated mess like the hh
You know the Night Lords series exists, right? They're a fuck ton more relatable than any marine in the Heresy. Even in Horus Rising.
>Aaron "A waifu for every marine" Dembski "Chaosfag" Bowden writing the Emperor for present day Games "Chaos Can't Lose and Was Actually Just Pretending to Be Retarded During the Horus Heresy" Workshop
Oh boy, it's gonna be garbage.
sure whatever you say ADB
postan in a Carnac thread
Loken and Garro are the only decent characters left in this series,
>Man, I remember when the HH was actually good.
You mean the first handful of books released a decade ago? Yeah, I remember when people were actually pretty excited about the series.
If only they knew how bad it was going to be.
>makes space marines relatable
space marines are best when they are strange and almost monstrously inhuman
People meme on Space Marine, but it's still the only book to really nail that fact home.
It should have ended with Galaxy in Flames
I'm fully prepared for a War in Heaven and DAOT novel series
a war in heaven book would ruin it since it would do some bs like chaos gods were always a thing and did it rather than old one vs necrons
but it should be
book one just about the necrons rise as an empire
book 2 the civil war and start of the war of hevan
book 3 ctan come
book 4 pokeball the ctan and chaos gods are form
I always saw Space Marines in the HH to be the same as how people viewed Spartans in Halo. Just regular Super soldiers, but still rank and file soldier just like the army, but higher status due to the super soldier thing. Then with the fall of the Emperor, and the chapter divisions, tactical knowledge became more and more scare and ritualized until it became lore, became rhetoric, became dogma. Till we get the very zealous Space Marines of 40k which see their tactical doctrines of the past not as the tactical manuals often discarded back in the day, but the core teachings of the Emperor and adhered to with religious zealotry because no one understands it anymore.
Thankfully the Horus Heresy series was there to tell me that Space Marines were ALWAYS that religious zealot order and that any degradation of technology and knowledge never occurred and that everything was pseudo 40k all along.
What happened to those niggers? I don`t care much for Garro, but Loken has a soft spot in my heart. Has he being rescued yet? I just have the first 10 HH books.
if anything the HH books just made it clear than tech in the Imperuim has gotten better
Space Marine power armor can't stop a bolter in the HH books
the lost tech is often just got replaced by cheaper to make counterparts that are easier to repair and feild like the stormbird to thunderhank
Now if only Epistolary was not dead or there was a fitting replacement so i could read Angels of Caliban, or Praetorian of Dorn...
Well according to Deathwatch, the armor value for MK IV armor is complete dogshit. MK 2 and MK 3 however are pretty good and boost your strength too.
>the tactical manuals often discarded back in the day
Well, rational people don't just discard tactical doctrine out of hand. That would be silly.
Marines going full retard over their doctrine in 40k is something I like, but it's not like the tactics themselves are bad, limited, or easily countered. I mean you're looking at a repository of over ten thousand years of war knowledge. Even debased, that shit's going to have wisdom beyond measure.
And fuck whomever wrote that the Tau "decoded" and "solved" it. That was so fucking retarded and I am still mad about it.
in what form will the emperor's waifu take?
which is the opposite of what the Imperium was supposed to do.
Mind you yes improvements are hella slow, the Admech was supposed to degrade even further into Dogma after the HH.
Like I said before the MYSTERY of what all happened was part of the alure, because you infere on your own what happened from spotty details and reports, like the histories were lost and that the Horus Heresy is taught from those fragments so in 40k they are presented much like the Heavenly war between Lucifer and God in the Abrahamic cultures.
Like Space Marines don't REALLY exist, they are the Emperor's Guardians in heaven, but you still believe in them because if you have faith in the Emperor then his angels must exist too. Then you have every novel and story about Space Marines just being there and sure the people are very " OMG SPACE MARINES" but its never seen as if people are getting validation that their religion is true, and that this is the greatest event to ever occur. People just act like its like a nifty thing, not a religious experience.
>tfw we'll never read about the adventures of a cowardly but lovable loyalist Night Lord
>tfw we'll never read an Ollanius Pius story by Mitchell
Sandy Mitchell would be perfect for injecting some real fun back into the HH series.
>those Death Watch short stories
Those were solid. For many reasons, but mainly because they used the acidic spit.
or the kill team comprised of the Cursed founding chapters
what are they compare to the current mk vii
Go find me a marine who still has his combat manuals on hand. Or a soldier who still has his soldiers handbook.
The point is, when people who "Know" something leave they pass on knowledge that others can simulate, but might not necessarily understand. They just know if they do a certain set of actions in a particular order it yields a result. The more you remove people of knowledge the more this occurs. That means people understand less, but know that if they adhere to a ritual it gets accomplished. Sound familiar? The Admech
With Space Marines its the same thing. We know that if you entrench its advantageous, but we might not know WHY you dig a pit in the shape you do, because someone didn't understand if you put the machine gun in the middle is covers more area, or if you build it a certain way you can stand in it while not reveling yourself.
Losing knowledge and supplementing it with Standard Operating Procedure is not uncommon in the military, its actually an on going problem. Multiply this with 10,000 years and you get a religion.
>tfw you still have your Soldier's Handbook in your library, along with your TMs and FMs and 12S&Ps
yeah the old HH was suppose to be a time of wonder with jet bikes every and massive legions of marines
but now we know that jet bikes were basicly just phase out in flavor of earier to maintain and make normal bikes and theres if anything more marines now and the chapter system make them even better, doulbe when we have hh books were tac marine units are just better than legion squads
Of course, they also have that combat manual and its context/teachings/edits hypno-indoctrinated into every neuron they own. So I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss that the Marines don't know why they do things.
>Go find me a marine who still has his combat manuals on hand.
my uncle still has his to hand, but he's an old school marine
>With Space Marines its the same thing.
I don't entirely agree. They've got hundreds of years of real training, actual experience, and knowledge, AND whatever mumbo-jumbo genetic memory fuckery happens with the geneseed.
Granted most chapters aren't going to be able to match THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL, but they're not just blindly reading How 2 War for dummies.
its like 40k ruined HH because they tried to take HH and turn it into 40k because they needed to pay lipservice to things like HEY THIS WILL TURN INTO THIS IN 40K! LOOK AT IT LOOK AT HOW 40K IT IS!
Instead of the Technological micro Golden Age with the Emperor at the helm, making it the Proverbial Roman Empire and 40k The Darkages after its Spiritual collapse, its more Early Dark age and slightly less Early Dark Age.
I guess I am spoiled because 40k to me is still Blanche's Art the whimsical and bizzard world that is build on the carcass of something once much greater than it could ever be. And then readying HH its like, they hired people who only knew 40k and never heard of the HH before.
fucking Madman....
that sounds nice
> Inquisitor comes in to astartes down tome room during yahtzee night
> how you guys doing
> Black dragon turns around to look at him, hits horn on bookshelf
>Bookshelf falls on a lamenter and pushes him into fresh paint as he is rolling, dice all roll ones
>Flame falcon celebrates victory, catches fire, it spreads to books
They can be just as good as MK VII, but an artificer can improve MK VII further than MK II or MK III. MK VIII is hands-down the best mark though.
>Instead of the Technological micro Golden Age with the Emperor at the helm, making it the Proverbial Roman Empire and 40k The Darkages after its Spiritual collapse, its more Early Dark age and slightly less Early Dark Age.
Honestly, that's one thing I feel like HH got right. Just because they were able to reunite everything doesn't mean it would usher in some golden age.
40k might be built on the carcass the pre-heresy Imperium, but the Imperium was itself built on the carcass of the Dark Age of Technology. So the Imperium of man is less Roman Empire and more Holy Roman Emperor. Sure the Imperium reunited humanity, but they sure as heck were not as advanced as those who came before them.
thats the hope, a series not about the the Imperium or Chaos, Chaos as we recognize it only showing up towards the very end, but we know that Chaos is GW's pet faction
The fucking Flame Flacons were the best cursed founding
>Everything is on fire
>this is fine
that being the case another interpretation could be seeing the Golden age as nostalgia for an age that never really was, romanticizing the past to sound better then it really was due to selective memory
How to do an AoS rpg? I love the setting with how crazy shit is, and players could just choose a hero and have that be their character. How to handle non-combat stuff?
And marine power armor can't stop autoguns in 40k.
So we'll have the obligatory needless female sidekicks to waste pages on for diversity's sake and the "bro" character that everyone will pretend to like.
But then we actually have an option.
Either the Emperor will
>A: Have a nasty father figure
>B: Will be a nasty father figure
B is the most likely option from what we know so far, but given the appalling nature of the HH novels I think we can't write off the possibility that there is a secret Super Emperor that bullies his son the Emperor. Whatever happens though I'm sure there will be a lot of SAD to go around.
Will there ever be a place for Pepe and Kek in the 40/30k mythos?
More like he was a distant father figure, and he never played with his kids after he got the newest baby (The Webway Project).
If they can do that right, I might re-read the first 3 HH novels, and then buy this one.
Something something Necrons something something.
Has there ever been a Cain book with Elder?
>mfw there wasn't
>,fw thinking about all the wonderful POSSIBILITIES between cain and an eldar warlock or farseer
>mfw thinking about all the snide notes vail could put down in post script about cain and the eldar witch
he's probably going to be an asshole to malcador in this book
there was a short story recently, cant track it at all, but Cain had to VERY desperatly team up with a Dark Eldar Wytch against some nids, he promptly left her to doe as soon as he could
He was apparently captured by Dark Eldar.
Cain dicking around with regular Eldar would be gold and he would tottaly kill some eldar bitch if any of them threaten jurgen over the blank shit
now I'm imagining an encounter with the harlequins
>Cain uses his usually suave and compliments a banshee on her
>Val puts down a note about how Eldar Banshees hair are mostly unkempt and a relatively not nice to look at
After all these years ...
... I still hate that these fuckers flesh out a short civil war instead of focusing on the 200 YEAR Great Crusade across 1 (2?) million WORLDS, with different primarchs, different aliens, different human factions, and everything in between.
Fuck you GW writers. Fuck you again.
Im still pissed we have no good Catachan books
It would just a shit ton of HFY with you crying about how many cool aliens are destroyed to a man and can't play any role in 40k.
The Great Crusade was the biggest HFY of 40k
Now its just Humanity oh fuck
>baww humans are winning in a huge crusade led by demi-gods and super soldiers
>baww we cant introduce new aliens because they'll just be destroyed
My take on it:
1) Weren't the Old ones supposed to be lizard people?
2) Kek is described as a god of chaos and darkness. According to some he isn't persuing any particular goal other than to return the world to the primordial chaos. Perhaps he is a warp deity, or perhaps he is THE god of chaos - the unknown final boss who stands behind the pantheon and pulls the strings.
How this fits with point 1) is unclear, but the Old ones have had a huge influence with the warp, more than any other race. He could be their psychic gestalt represented represented in the warp.
It's also worth considering that Kek was known to the people of old gyptos, who may have been visited by the Old ones.
>no good Catachan books
>It's also worth considering that Kek was known to the people of old gyptos, who may have been visited by the Old ones.
Old Ones were long dead.
It was Necrons that were visiting and bringing Necron culture.
Ollanius Pius getting his own novel when?
but gooks are xenos this time
Well, for what it's worth, there may be vidya that are right up your alley.
What was wrong with Galaxy in Flames?
> All souls as well as the Chaos Gods are split personalities in Kek's head, existing only while he lies sleeping.
> When he awakens, all Souls shall cease to be.
The universe itself is the dream of Kek.
Oh sweet, sounds just like my dudes.
More info on those? Which novel and were they here for long or just mentioned?
it would be a well done HFY
Probably not.
>baww we cant introduce new aliens because they'll just be destroyed
Imagine playing 40k right from the beginning, but after having read all the final books where Chaos systematically destroys every single other faction to a degree thought unimaginable with no hope of recovery, ever.
You might enjoy it, but if you think many people won't be pissed off with each new book then you're a fool.
>Chaos systematically destroys every single other faction to a degree thought unimaginable with no hope of recovery, ever
But Chaos never accomplishes anything major or lasting, also for you fags saying Chaos is GW's chosen faction when is the last time they had a codex updade?
>>But Chaos never accomplishes anything major or lasting,
Right, but that's what I'm saying. What if, when you first got into 40k, you started by reading the book where Chaos completely devours humanity's collective psyker potential--in all possible realities and futures, now and forever and each god becomes infinitely more powerful as a result? Then they destroy everything. You'd feel mad, right? Knowing that no matter what happened on your board or in each book, every non-human character and faction would be destroyed completely. No matter how much you liked them or how great their potential in 40k, gone and dust. The factions on the table would still be nice, but they wouldn't really compare to what could have been.
I miss fantasy too man
I was only using Chaos as a prop; I don't know that much, or really care about WHFB all that much. Sorry for your loss, though. I was just explaining why a GC series, or set of armies and shit, might be damaging to the existing fandom and GW.
>Chaos never accomplishes anything major or lasting
What about the Horus Heresy or the fall of the Eldar?
>fall of the Eldar?
Does that really count as Chaos' work? Slaneesh wasn't the one who instigated it, really and she's the only one who would be interested in such a thing.
>What about the Horus Heresy
Depends on one's POV.
According to Horus Heresy Weekender 2016 they're planning on doing a Scouring series then a Unification Wars series.
So will get a lot of books out for a long time
Book quality isn't all that decided by time of release it's a very individual case.
Reference the never-wrong chart
>war in heaven
no space marines. no can do
Before people bitch about GeeDubs, we have nobody to blame but ourselves for this. Space Marines sell more minis and books and vidyas than all the other factions and concepts combined
>the never-wrong chart
that chart is pretty fucking wrong, and I seriously question the taste of the person who put it together
>The Unremembered Empire mediocre tier?
>The Flight of the Eisenstein Good tier?
>Legion no God Emperor tier?
Shit taste.
oh my lord don't tell me these are all serialized, if there was ever a setting that got fucking milked beyond what it was good for. I thought the actual wargame was an investment, god forbid the amount of time and money a person has to sink just to get through this crap.
How did HH get so fucking popular
People who like seeing trainwrecks?
The best BL works are the short stories imo
IMO The Outcast Dead and Legion have been my favorite HH books thus far.
It is to literature what WWE and shonen anime are to television: soap opera for dudes. It has Primarchs, crazy power levels, testosterone-fueled action, tech porn, mandrama, and art and fight scenes that wouldn't look out of place on a heavy metal album.
but 30k is soooo fucking boring.
Whos cares for the primarchs and their daddy issues 40k has better characters they have never even gotten books.
Like Lukas Bastonne or Sly Marbo
>Whos cares for the primarchs and their daddy issues
The legions of GW fans who love spess muhreens. It certainly helps that Heresy-era muhreens often look more stylish and have more personality than their 40k muhreen counterparts.
Spess mareens sell. Stories about them at the height of their power will also sell. It's a time of legend, and if there's one thing that has captivated audiences since antiquity, it's mythological mandrama.
Mitchell's writing style gets annoying; it's very wordy and often repetitive. But he does humor well and his combat is pretty realistic. Yeah, give him a HH book. It'd be far from the worst.
What actually is wrong with Unremembered Empire? I remember liking it, and though I didn't think it was one of the better ones, I didn't think it was bad or even mediocre.
A lot of the repetitiveness (at least in Ciaphas Cain) is supposed to be a character trait, meaning he does it on purpose. The "If I'd known then what I know now..." thing and all that.
Matt Damon.
>Chaos never accomplishes anything major or lasting
Just because you ignore it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
>Does that really count as Chaos' work? Slaneesh wasn't the one who instigated it, really and she's the only one who would be interested in such a thing.
According to the "Farseer" novel, it was Slaaneshi daemons that manipulated the Eldar into birthing Slaanesh. So you are wrong.
>Depends on one's POV.
No,it doesn't. The HH is objectively something that left a huge and lasting impact of the setting.
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