Is there a system that might work to play a Jojo rpg?
Is there a system that might work to play a Jojo rpg?
Other urls found in this thread:
Mutants & Masterminds
Savage Worlds
There are several homebrew JoJo games.
Here's one
Isn't there a thread on here which regularly make custom Stands and other things?
Yeah, Super Stand Saturday
*Super Stand Sunday
>jojo fags being retards
Stay in your containment thread. Or better yet, just stop spamming your shit series at every available opportunity.
> shit series
There's no helping your shit taste, user.
Gonna get some flak for this, but...
Pathfinder had the synthesist summoner that wears a translucent summoned creature in combat like power armor.
When fused with their Eidolon, a synthesist gets all it's natural attacks and physical stats, while still being able to use their other class abilities (spell casting with somatic components requires the eidolon to have hands of course).
Cross-classing gives a wider range of abilities the synthesist can use while fused.
If you want to make it straight up JoJo, you'd only need a minimal amount of rule changes.
For example, make class abilities a function of the Eidolon instead of the player character, so they have to fight with it.
Normally an Eidolon dies and is sent back to its home plane when it's HP reaches 0 for a synthesist. If you have the Eidolon and player characters starting a health pool, then you're back on target.
As for forcing a power theme, most players will impose this on themselves (eg: I'm an evocation wizard. My specialty is fire, and catching EVERYTHING on fire)
Holy fuck, NO. JoJo takes place in modern times so even if there's a Pathfinder build that fits the concept of a stand, Pathfinder would be god awful to use outside of its own setting.
While you are correct...
>takes place in modern times
JoJo is TIMELESS, you fool! Whether it's stand battles in the crusades, on space colonies in the distant future, or in the 80s, JoJo is still JoJo. You can run a campaign of JJBA in any time period!
But not in a fantasy world. There has to be some grounding to actually make the cast stand out from the world.
>i like dumb fags
It's too bad being either stupid or gay aren't crimes in your country, because you are one dumb fag who enjoys one hell of a dumb fag series.
I never said anything about a fantasy world. You specifically specified "modern times", not "earth."
>When fused with their Eidolon, a synthesist gets all it's natural attacks and physical stats
That would completely defeat the point of stand combat.
The stand itself is powerful, but the user is a completely normal human.
Keep in mind that most of, if not all the rulebooks are for enemy/player building primarily. And if you attach all abilities to the Eidolon, the setting could very well be anything.
If the stand is the only thing swinging swords and slinging spells, it's pretty much spot on.
Then I guess regular summoner may be the better starting point for the suggested changes, as the Eidolon would be a separate entity.
Sharing the hit points and having the eidolon be the source if all class abilities would still be necessary though.
But some stand users in the series certainly had stands akin to the synthesist.
One of us has shit taste, and it isn't me.
Hey, buddy, your idiot is showing. You might want to do something about that.
I feel like you need mallable systems to do Jojo. This means either something autistically detailed like HERO (okay, possibly GURPS), or something free and narrative like... hmm, I'd personally recommend a refluffed PbtA supers game, Worlds in Peril
Look at the fucking JoJo thread.
If you don't like JoJo, maybe you should, oh, I don't know, filter it and not participate in the thread? I know you're new and kind of special, but surely you have enough brain cells to bang together to figure out filters.
Filters exist for a reason, fuckwit, that way you don't have to be reminded of all the WRONGBADFUN that other people are having and we don't have to hear the ass-pained whining of a four year old who can't wrap their head around the idea of people liking different things.
I'm one of the people helping make a JoJo tabletop. I just think people should look at the catalogue so they don't fill the board with useless threads.
Word it like that, then, not in a way that sounds like "WAAAA, PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING I DON'T LIKE!"
I just told them to look at the thread in a rude manor. Not my fault you assumed I wash trashing the series.
We really don't have that many JoJo threads, usually just /sss/ and one or two "What if [non-JoJo character(s)] had a stand?" or "Stat [JoJo character], Veeky Forums!" threads that aren't even a guaranteed several per day thing.
>Not my fault you assumed I wash trashing the series.
There was no real reason to assume otherwise, just saying.
JoJo fans are like bronies.
You mean daily spam from jojo fags.
Fuck, these guys are so retarded.
Other boards exist for a reason, dipshit. Stop forcing your shit series here.
How about you stop being a fag? You think your spamming is sneaky or some shit?
JoJo has more fans than quest did. /JJ/ when?
Filters, that way you don't have to see all that awful WRONGBADFUN that upsets you so much. This may be hard for you to believe, but people are allowed to have tastes that differ from yours.
no u
Never, there isn't enough of it to justify its own board. Besides, you know that there'd be more "Your loli futa priestess wants you to gangbang and impregnate her and then sacrifice her to the tentacle rape god so you can save the world, what do? Also, she's a fox-person. NO, THIS ISN'T A FETISH THING, I SWEAR TO GOD!" threads that'd rush in to fill the void. Do you really want that?
Same exact thing quest fans said.
You forgot "She's also a tsundere redeemed succubus."
And unsurprisingly, that kind of thread was then made by butthurt questfags.
Just keep jojo in /a/. Or, at least stop making dumb threads JUST to spam jojo.
Also, having more obnoxious fans does not mean having more fans.
Then they'll bitch about the mention of anything that sounds even remotely RPG related, because roleplaying is for nerds and losers, unlike anime.
They won't, because you guys barely ever actually talk about RPGs here, outside of the few guys in the SSS who are not complete fuckwads like you.
I think Jojo is the dumbest shit ever, but I have respect for the guys who run the SSS because they do their best to keep the discussion in the realm of traditional games, as well as to keep all jojo in that thread.
You jojo spammers, on the other hand, can go fuck off.
That's a pretty trash pic OP
much like jojo bandwagoners
>any board on Veeky Forums shunning Jojo
I don't recognize this place anymore.
Reminder that JoJo human protags are anime protags, and therefore have crazy toughness.
Also, one a vampire's son.
I'm starting to feel that way too. It used to be you could discuss shit without a million people coming in just to scream "Everything you like is the worst thing ever! le dank frog maymay"
Before this there'd got detailed with whining about jojo being on Veeky Forums it was someone asking what system would be best for a jojo game.
Tougher than regular people, but it's the stand doing most of the heavy lifting, as opposed to being trained martial artists. Joseph in his prime was probably the closest to being superhuman because he had hamon and a stand.
I would actually argue that the Jojos have gotten progressively weaker physically, culminating in the second most recent one being a literal cripple.