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>How to Jumpchain
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How many Harry Potter updates is too many?
In the search for an answer to that question and many others the jump has been updated again.
Natural Potioneer is now called Moste Potente Potions.
Companions are now a little cheaper in certain cases. Single companions with CP are now 100 CP a pop, upgrading imported companions using the 200 CP for 8 option now costs an additional 50 CP each rather than an additional 100.
You can now choose the House and Identity for any companions although for the 8 import option you still have to roll for Family Wealth. Reason for this is as I figure the Identity stuff is mostly going to be used for fluff reasons so I was being a jerk for no reason.
For some reason trying to open this pdf shitfucks my firefox harder than if I've left it open for weeks on end.
This never happened with the previous versions so I'm curious as to what you did mechanically to make it so hard to load.
>Master of Magic let's you enchant things with indestructability.
Uh... do you mean the Invulnerability enchantment? It's very nice, but it's hardly indestructability.
Addendum: downloading it and opening it with a pdf reader works dandy. So I have no idea what's going on.
Confirming, Firefox does not like this PDF (probably coz the reader is crud). Can still sorta-kinda half-render it though, and it can still save it so it opens normally in a proper reader.
Yeah that is odd. My Firefox goes mental as well but it opens fine in Chrome.
Same way of converting to .pdf as always.
I've uploaded it to the new jumps folder and it seems to open fine from there with Firefox anyway so it's got to be just Firefox having a problem opening certain sorts of .pdfs straight from thread.
Looking over that spell again you're absolutely right. For some reason I thought it did a lot more than it actually did.
It might still help as a durability boost though nulling light damage and a whole lot of non-magical attacks isn't bad.
Woah. KOTOR, you out there? I was just listening to a cello rendition of the Star Wars music and suddenly realised: we have three Star Wars jumps so far and not a single soundtrack perk between them. If you're not sick of updating them by now, any chance of fixing that?
Alternately, can anyone recommend me a generic/customisable soundtrack perk which will give me some of that sweet John Williams composition as performed by the London Symphony Orchestra? (+1 internets if it allows me to also have ThePianoGuys)
Metal Gear and Counter strike both have soundtrack perks that can play whatever you like.
The metal gear one needs speakers though.
The most indestructible way to make something I can think of would be to combine the Stasis power from Worm with Amazo's Backup Memory from Young Justice. Wouldn't work on anything with moving parts or stuff that needs to move though.
Wonder how people would react to soundtrack perks. I'm pretty sure that people in settings where recorded music never existed would freak out badly.
That would still mess with solid-state devices, it's frozen in time. Well, maybe optical effects would work, given that the things Clockblocker freezes aren't perfectly reflective, but it's still an ineffective way to do it. Go for the Sting shard, instead, those are just as indestructible (that's how Lily defends herself, she uses her powers on her costume) but can still act on their surroundings.
Nah, most perks have a note where it says no one finds this strange.
Sure, if you want it to wreck everything it touches
While this is true the counter strike one doesn't. People won't bitch at you to stop playing dubstep, but you'll have to do the explaining for the music yourself. Which is a good thing I think since freaking people out with orchestras from nowhere should be a thing.
80s Action Movies has Theme Music for 200cp, which can also allow "all" to hear it.
>Jumper blows up the Death Star. Suddenly the _entire galaxy_ hears the Jumper's theme song start to play. Even those in hyperspace at the time.
>Much later, when the Vong arrive, it is discovered that they heard it too.
Bonus points if it doesn't require ears or the physical ability to hear.
That's not actually true. "All-penetrating super bullet" is the most notable application of Sting, but it's capable of more nuanced manipulations of physics. For example. Flechette can get around easily because she can play with friction to just slide up walls. Making something that is immune to external forces without destroying everything it touches should be within its capabilities. Or at least, the potential is there for you to tinker with once you've distilled it into a piece of technology that you can modify and experiment on.
Oh, sick. Thanks anons, I didn't know that.
...wait. So how the fuck does Sting work
So I am looking at SMT and I want to know if I got it right.
Boosted Demonic Fusion puts the cap on your demon power growth somewhere around 800 races, 1000 races or boosted Chosen of Raphael?
Trying to decide whether to go full LAW or not. It seems cool but then again demonic fusion gives you cool appearance and I don't know which lets you become more powerful
I guess you could use it to freeze a shell around things. Then the only issue would be that it's immovable. Though I guess the entities must have found a way to lock whatever's frozen to the movement of the planet or it would have resulted in an indestructible object punching through the earth at 30 kilometres per second.
With magic that is thinly disguised as super science it exists in all universes at one time.
Scion Described her power as "charging objects with energy [...] the small pieces of alloyed metal unfolded, taking shape in not just this world, but all realities, at the same space and time, bristling with an effect that would sever their attachment to most physical laws."
Is the how it works note on the thing from the wiki, I guess the other applications are just partial versions of the "Super Bullet" application. With differing effects based on using only the energy or folding out parts?
Which one? I believe one of them has a crown of thorns that lets a demon grow like a human which is good as fuck because potentially unlimited growth.
The same way every piece of Entity tech works: "Something something many-worlds hypothesis". In all seriousness, though, it's sort of the reverse of the Endbringers. Endbringers are countless alternate-dimension copies of a thing folded into one space. Sting expands one thing into countless alternate dimensions. Something about the interface it generates to do this plays merry havoc with physical forces. Interesting side note, it probably is literally the opposite of what Endbringers do. Chevalier's power works on the same principles as the Endbringers, and Wildbow's said that if he and Flechette tried to combine their powers to make one super-weapon it would cancel out.
Yo /TG! Hows it hanging.
I'm still working on the Minish Cap.
The Princesses’ Friend, an Incarnation [+0 or +600]: Instead of normal you find yourself waking as your grandfather, the king’s favorite smith, calling you down to meet with a visitor. You begin as an incarnation of the legendary hero Link at the beginning of the game. The +0 point version of this Drawback grants you Links memories and you now must play through the games storyline to completion and ten years beyond. The +600 point version of this Drawback grants you the Hero Origin in addition to your own, if you are a Hero already you gain a discount on the Drop-In Perks, but this because you’ll have all out of Jump Perks, Powers, & Items barred from you.
Thinking about dropping the upper level of this one. Opinions?
Sting was an acient weapon that the Space Worms (Like Scion and his GF) used verse other Space Worms. It works via temporarily imbuing nonliving material with the power to ignore select laws of physics. Most notably, they could punch through anything. It was used on the Foil's costume to reduce the effects of friction or make her shoes bite into surfaces.
Scion Described her power as "charging objects with energy [...] the small pieces of alloyed metal unfolded, taking shape in not just this world, but all realities, at the same space and time, bristling with an effect that would sever their attachment to most physical laws."
Also it was the Entities who referred to her power as 'Sting'. It was originally used for fighting other Entities, as I've said, and they hadn't found a way to improve it for aeons, but it was still useful to see how other powers interacted with it.
I think it's treated as giving an object the cumulative density of it existing in every possible universe. It probably has the same sort of thing going on as the end bringers that stops the gravity that sort of thing would cause from destroying everything around them. So it lets you multiply the density of something by 10^500 without that causing a black hole. And something with that sort of density is not going to stop very easily.
600 version shouldn't give a discount, makes it not worth the 600. With that it's 300 at best.
Kind of hope that it only gives it the effect of existing in all possible universes other than actually existing in all of them because that would kill so many people in other worlds when you use it.
Maybe the reason that Sting messes with physics is not just for added penetration but so that it can harmlessly phase through the things in the neighboring universes?
Well without the specific gravity it generales the density would not matter for punching through as a bullet as the mass would not change enough to give it the extra punch. Remember you need mass x velocity in a bullet. Would be an awesome shield though.
Oh looky that means you are an accidental endbringer.
Well Yes but i am trying to determine when Boosted Demonic Fusion alone caps out
Not really. There wouldn't be nearly the death and destruction they cause. They're horrifying because of the density of death they create, lots of it in one small space. This would be one or two people at most, from the perspective of anyone in the parallel universe. Sure, it would be repeated for each of those 10^82 universes that Entity tech interacts with, but for each individual one there would be little carnage.
It's a different mechanism. Endbringers can't hurt Scion meaningfully at all.
Actually it not stopping isn't a function of density but of the fact that it exists in all the dimensions. So if there is a world where there isn't any gravity it gains the benefits of that, also worlds without friction too. If there is a world where nothing is in the way they (All copies of the Sting'd Object) move forward as if they weren't held up by anything (Meaning they could go through anything as long as they didn't have something like a Sburb Juju to put in the way). It's freaky how dangerous that is and this was WoG from Wildbow,
I'll lower the bonus points to 300 then. But if so then, it'll be good?
Ah. That's how Sting works. This is scary.
Can you choose for the effect to not extend into certain realities to limit the effect because otherwise it breaks every single law of physics
Threadly reminder that Wildbow said that based of shown feats, not implied power, Saitama's punch that was used to kill Boros would one shot Endbringers.
So planet busting or less is enough
Sounds good. Without the discount I'd say it'd be 600 but with it it makes it much easier to deal with so a lower price like that works well.
And yet he still insists that the "Endbringers are as massive as a galaxy" assessment is correct. He's a weird fellow, that Wildbow.
Which statement was more recent?
It'd be pretty terrifying for everyone in the universes other than yours though. Insanely dangerous projectiles just randomly popping up every now and then. If you have a perk that empowers you based on others fear of you a single use of sting would boost you pretty high. There wouldn't be as many deaths but it'd still freak people out. Especially if you use sting on irregular objects.
It has been said that saitama could destroy the universe in 2 punches, because he would beed to turn around.
No, no it has not. But a bunch of people have been treating that rumor as ONE's express canon for some reason.
Wildbow can't into density
The One Punch one. Though like I said, he claims this doesn't contradict earlier statements about the Endbringers.
Yes, but Wildbow based this on observed feats, not potential maximums. And that's apocryphal, anyway, I can't find an actual citation for it.
Again, Wildbow based his claim off the already shown feats, not implied power or that statement from ONE
From what I understand most of the Sting is just flung through exsistance, as the position of the planet in all alternate realities isn't the same and very highly unlikely that you're in the same space as another world, also it seems like all but the original Sting is in a kinda weird phase of space, like how Shadow Stalker works. So there is that. It all folds back up when you shut off the power though.
Merely posting findings. Also Sting could kill Superman but not Merlin or Zatanna
>Makes it easier.
I wanted it to be more like the fact that you're assimilating some of Link's abilities, as either the Hero or some of the Drop-In trees have references to him, as you are his Incarnation this time around.
Yeah I think he's going off the high end calcs of Saitama. From the ONE continuity which is farther along than the Anime or Manga (Something about half the force of the Big Bang? Seriously SB go home you're drunk)
There isn't one, and ONE never said that.
I suspect it's a misunderstanding based off a bad translation somewhere along the line.
Will there be similar drawbacks to take Zelda or Vaati's place?
Zelda's place is as a statue from a no save curse, so no go for her. Vaati is the villain and I guess I could put one in where you are the villain Link must face.
Maybe he's basing on this guy? I dunno.
If the Mistborn author is about, if you take the Skaa background in Mistborn does it make you completely amnesiac or you just don't have in-jump memories?
>Zelda's a statue
Huh. For some reason I remember Vaati trying to marry her-OH, those were the later games where he was a bat monster, right, never mind then.
So I'm going to tentatively schedule Tales of Phantasia to be done either this weekend or the one after. It's much easier by virtue of not needing two subsections, so barring a natural disaster it won't take long to finish.
I'm reconsidering my 'retirement' after Disgaea, but that depends on how burnt out I am after and how RL shapes up.
That aside, Jumpers, what do you do to relax?
So uh, for Disgaea, considering the power levels generally start at planet busting for most of the named guys and go all the way through to star/galaxy/universe busting...how the heck are you handling them? Or are you doing what Dirge was going to and assuming all the little technique cutscenes aren't actually 100% accurate ala Sephiroth from FF7?
Yeah, the Force Era is an odd place in the Zelda Timeline. Weird at points but I really like it.
I'm probably going with Dirge's solution, though it's too early to say how I'll handle it. Considering damage has more to do with your level instead of how crazy your attacks are in gameplay, I'm guessing the insane cutscene shit is the exception rather than the rule. Don't quote me on that, though, I still need to research it.
I'm still going to include options for a Jumper or companions to pick up some crazy shit, just that it'll need some or a lot of level grinding. What increases with level faster will depend on class and perks.
This is all subject to change, mind.
OI, Heavens.
The 100 cp Immortals perk that gives you the pool of Dark Matter that is twice the size of the Taiyoooh pool... Does it also increase if your Sol pool increases through Sol Trance + Lunar Blood thing?
Also, imma use Jojo stone mask to release the potential of immortals and Solar Children. Best idea or best idea?
Considering the mask, as far as I understand it, activates your BRAIN's potential thus making it so your body is literal plaything of your mind, especially so in Pillarmen case, at cost of being this dead thing kept alive only by force of will?
The results will be interesting, especially in settings that have the ones you use it on already use some odd esoteric energies
Why would that do anything but make them normal jojo vampires?
Because Immortals were not human in first place, thus they are more like Pillarmen
Also this The explanation makes sense. The mask was meant to, through acupuncture, release the potential of brain
It does not, that sentence is only for reference of the initial pool size. If you buy the Immortal capstone, this is compensated for with a constantly refilling meter instead of a bigger one.
>Thus they are more like pillarmen
Uuh, so? They're still not actual pillarmen. You're making some huge, unfounded leaps of logic here.
Wouldn't that mean the likely result would be some third, completely unexpected creature?
Depending on the mood, one or more of
- go flying
- listen to music
- wander a city
- explore a landmark
- sculpting
- walk in the rain
I see. That's a shame
last should be dance in the rain, so i can go flying, while wandering a city, while dancing in the rain, while listening to music.
Something more in tune with utilizing Dark Matter to affect their body, direct it according to their will or brain.
Maybe in this case, since Solar Children thing is also genetic and related to blood and such, that would do the opposite focused on Sol for them? Absorbing Sol like tree of Darkness but horribly weak to Dark, their antithesis?
Does anyone have any idea as to where I can obtain the most powerful curse removal ability in the chain? Normally my goto would be remove curse/wish from d&d but I'd be interested to know if there is anything a bit beefier or powered by fiat.
Curse Purge Plus from Rick and Morty.
"The Pillar Men came from an ancient race of humanoids that had extraordinary strength, intelligence and lifespan. This race once ruled the Earth, living at the top of the food chain and consuming ordinary humans."
Possibly. As long as brain structure is similar enough for mask to work. Still, so non-mask Pillarmen didn't even have absorption and such, they were just better humans with weakness to sun and gained the body manipulation that vampires get but combined with their better physiology and intelligence they can do more.
So using it on other things will prove interesting. But I think it is, again, related to just having your own body or such be plaything of your mind, as the body is dead, held together by your will. This is why your will shapes it
The purification ability from Generic Magical Girl. Maybe Imagine Breaker (Index) if the curse is a one time deal.
For some emphasis this comes from a cartoon so likely "just works", can be purchased with CP so can come with full fiat and works on stuff that the devil himself cursed.
Probably not going to get better
To be fair Rick and Morty's Devil is even weaker than Preacher's God. Apparently you can just beat him up if you 'roid up enough.
Not to menton 'it's a cartoon so it just works' is a pathetic argument. Only thing you really have going there is the Jump fiat one, which is good and right, but the rest is unnecessary and really weak.
There's probably a better option out there, but off the top of my head A+++ Holy Sacrament augmented by an EX rank Anti-Thaumaturgy Noble Phantasm from one of the Fate jumps would probably provide some serious conceptual mojo. You may be wondering why not the other way around-and that's because as a general rule while magecraft in the Nasuverse generally do a broad slew of effects really well under a certain theme, Noble Phantasms do a a specific conceptual effect REALLY well to the point the Caster class (i.e. the one that specs in magic) is considered one of the weakest in a straight fight between Servants.
Trying to take a crack at the Great Curse?
I think the point there was just that you're not trying to get one school of magic from one setting to play nice with another as you're already using something that doesn't have to make sense.
Caveat is the main point but the fact that it's scientific as well helps. Means if there's something with a curse on it that blocks any magical attempt to break it it'd still work.
Pretty much. Currently looking at curse purge plus, a specialized A rank noble phantasm, epic level dispel/wish effects, a bunch of stacked purification perks, and a ton of magic power buffs. Fingers crossed it should be enough to pull it off.
Then it's agreed!
It won't work on you, but Stars and Stones from Dresden Files seems like it might potentially at least decrease the effectiveness of the Great Curse if your okay with only solving the problem for other people.
Would enough anti mind control/affecting perks work to prevent the curse from affecting you? Wouldn't cure it but if you're immune to the effects that could work.
Oadenol's Codex gave me a great idea, actually. But I'll need:
-The extract of a specific kind of oyster in Creation's western ocean bred to refine purified water Essence the way other oysters make pearls which has mystic properties of refinement
-The Water of Life
-Ambrosia from God of War
-A bunch of hekatonkhires butchered and fused repeatedly using the demon summoning program until they can be distilled into a type of crystal capable of harming the Neverborn: A Neverdreamt
-The Black Moon Crystals as a catalyst for the Neverdreamt essence, inverting its' deathly nature into something palatable
-Luxin drafted from the holy light of a Herald
-The Cup of Life
-A unique "racial skill" known as The Goal of All Death is Life which does the opposite of Momonga's skill by allowing normally unhealable, unrestorable targets to be mended by healing spells
-Flames from a pyre used to let an archangel who redeemed her mother's legacy achieve apotheosis
And a shedload of potioneering/alchemy skills. and all the Atelier Arland Alchemist perks to start with, on top of Infinity Alchemy from the same jump.
The crux of it all will be the Sunrise Coffee. The Unconquered Sun's esssence will be hard to acquire out of jump, but with access to THAT, sufficient Craft: Genesis, the Geneforge's research notes and Solar Circle Sorcery I intend to emulate the First Age technique of growing resursive seeds, in order to incorporate infinity into a new batch of coffee plants. Whose beans will be roasted over the redeemed Seraphic Pyre's flames.
I shall then apply potioneering techniques to mix all the ingredients, which I will then leave to steep inside the Cup-the ambrosia refining the Solar beans even more. As it steeps I will use Dual Art to channel the racial skill into a flow of essence which I will infuse into the coffee, creating aspiritual antivenin.
So far the biggest hurdle has been finding an appropriate form of milk to complete the recipe.
BLADE'S readthrough of Shaman King, part eight
>shamanic styles
there are six of these at 400, one at 300, and one at 500.
To be honest, I know jack shit about the religous/superstitious base behind these, so I dont really want to do anything to them.
At most, id even them out to all be 400, and discount the first one. Add in the shaman lineages discount, and they will get one free, which i think makes sense.
>general perks
>anti magic technique
>800 cp
>no discount
>thats a lot of Mu's
Granted, this is an endgame technique, but its also not very impressive to me.
>spiritual crafts
>500 cp
>no discount
>ghost robot thing yohs dad was teamed up with.
Item. Not perk. Why are there so many perks that are actually items?
>2oclock curse
>600 cp
>no discount
>voodoo stuff
This appeared in canon exactly once, where it backfired and killed the user.
>700 cp
>no discount
>two mandatory drawbacks
>what drove hao insane?
ITS A TRAP! [/ackbar]
...this isnt even useful.
>500 cp
>no discount
>is a book
>hao's diary?
>things that are discounted if Tchosenjiraketsu is bought
>armor oversoul
>500 cp
>actually kind of kickass
This is the shaman family 600 now.
>Furyoku nullification
>500 cp
>weaker version of Mumumu whatever
No comment.
>Fumon Tonkou
>400 cp
>the dodging thing that yoh does sometimes
>Kinji Jusatsu
>800 cp
>avada kedavra
...for 800 cp? I realize that interjump balance isnt really a thing, but 800 cp for something that is free in another jump?
How does this make sense?
>Jugon Zonshi
>800 cp
>resurrection technique
>very limited
This is even worse than the last one!
Okay, beyond my dislike if general perks at all - and the fact that this jump has so many - half of them are overpriced, underwhelming, or both.
This is gonna suck.
Once Majora's Mask hits you might have a solid start with Chateau Romani, it's a milk that can empower a generic mana bar infinitly for three days, even if you were to spend all three of those days in the Fierce Deity Mask spamming Blade Beams. Finding good milk will be kinda hard though, tis not often a focus of Jumps. Toriko, maybe?
Wow that's a lot of refinement you're in for BLADE. Maybe make Spiritual Crafts into a perk that let's you make such stuff?
I was going to make it an item, actually. It refers to itself as instructions on how to make them, so I thought it would work.
Could go either way though.
Shaman breeding program master race fiancee companion/import option when?
Wildbow in one comment said that it isn't killing people in parallel universes whenever Foil used the power. It's mechanism is a bit weirder than that, but it's not just brute force firing through every alternate reality.
It's weird. Just nod your head, roll your eyes, and say "Space Whale Wizardry amirite" in a tone reserved for nineties sitcoms.
That definitely sounds like a good start! As far as I know the only notable form of milk in Toriko comes from a kind of whale, and it's just really good tasting milk. I'm thinking conceptual, here.
I...really don't want to have to milk my more angelic companions unless it's absolutely necessary
Actually before coming up with Eternal Sunrise Coffee I handed my Exalted companions some Shift Consequence Gadgets so they could just crap out the Limit at other things.
Didn't it, in conjunction with Labyrinth's reality warping and Scrub's...scrubbing, tear open a portal to Earth Aleph?
And since the Entities reproduce/travel/improve by concentrating interuniversal energy on a single planet that goes kaboom, I vaguely suspect Sting is actually a magic space whale penis.
Comes with mandatory 'YOU WILL TRAIN' drawback.
Because it wouldnt be a Shaman breeding program master race fiancee without them cracking the whip at you.
Yeah it did which was a weird power intera-
>Magic space whale penis
Aaaaand I need a drink now.
Wildbow is a troll, Wildbow has admitted that he enjoys trolling people. Everything about Worm explanations makes a lot more sense when you realize that Wildbow enjoys telling people they're wrong.
>magic space whale penis
You're fired. Turn in your badge.
>Shaman breeding program master race fiancee companion/import option when?
Please explain.
Make things.
I had a video of a guy making a gun but the file was too big.
Oh, something that just occurred to me that I want to ask you about Boktai. If you get the boosted Immortal capstone, could you use it to purposefully keep the undead from rising in your range?
There is a breeding program to make super shamans. The main character's fiancee is part of of it, and makes him train constantly to be a worthy husband/super shaman.
>Angel milk
I'd buy it.