What magical races would see humans as exotic?

What magical races would see humans as exotic?

Would limbless creatures view us the same way we view tentacle monsters?

>Oh no, please mister scary human, don't force your legs and your arms into my defenceless holes.

Aaaaaand suddenly I realize how tentacle monsters probably feel.

>They have these, these openings, and on top of their head stalk they have one large one, and they use it to communicate and to breath, but they, holy shit get this, they have these bone extrusions and they use them to rip and tear up material to aid in digestion.

>What the fuck, man.

>I know, right? Apparently they even touch each others holes and exchange bodily fluids as a sign of affection.

>*sounds of someone gagging*

Look up Sexy Losers. There's a tentacle monster character in some of the strips exactly like that.

Anything not made out of meat, for example.

>Would limbless creatures view us the same way we view tentacle monsters?

Probably, I can wiggle my ears and move my eyebrows individually and people wonder just how the hell I can do it or how it feels, a creature with three fingers would probably marvel the same way at a creature with five fingers.

TO be honest, I don't think limb;less creatures would ever have the same level of civilization we do.
Tool-use is pretty important for that.

Oh hello mr. boring. Telekinesis helped them develop culture.

Do japs view whites as exotic

Not really, they're "different" but they're not exotic.

Humans can't be exotic, they're boring and normal.

To humans.

Dragons do.

Imagine you have a cage of mice, and every once in a while some of them spontaneously achieve godhood.

Wouldn't it be?
>dont force your limbtentacles (aka fingers and toes) into my defensless holes

Slivers would see humans as food.

Gnomes and halflings, probably. Any race taller than them.

That sound like an interesting premise of a book or game

I always loved the idea that the aliens in Galaxy quest didn't understand acting. It was so foreign to them that we could "lie" to each other for fun.

If you were to breed with a sliver what ability would it inherit from you to share with the hive?

And wings would help them overcome problems early human cultures had with communication and natural barriers to ground-based exploration and trade.

>All slivers you control get thicc.

but wings are limbs


I hate Nu-Slivers so much. Why does a Sliver need thick birthing hips anyways?

It was inevitable. Copying the abilities of other creatures over time will eventually result in humanoid slivers

"All slivers have 'At the beginning of your upkeep, pay 1 or tap this.'"