Shit dude, you've got 30 STR. What weapon do you use?
Shit dude, you've got 30 STR. What weapon do you use?
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A spork.
This. 30 STR? I get an unbreakable spear, so I can swing the fucker like a sword and rip people in half.
Big stupid cleaver swords.
It was much too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was like a heap of raw iron.
I pick gada and put some spiky bit on it.
Using my 30 STR, I'll beat people to death with the SHEER FORCE OF GUN.
I use a vulcan rotary cannon, the kind that's normally mounted on planes.
I had a magic axe that turned corpses to gold if I killed them with a crit. I was also the dictator of a tiny island nation so I mostly just melted the statues down and used them to make coins.
Oh, and for ranged conflicts I would nail people to the wall with javelins.
No. That spear scales of faith, your str is wasted.
Me? I'm partial to a really big hammer.
a pair of nunchakos
I weild a tarasque.
This nigga gets it.
Impale 'em and whack 'em on the floor for extra fun.
what to do with 35 agility though?
30 mm GAU-8 Avenger rotary cannon
That, or a caravan.
it's beginning to sound like a spear's the answer to a lot of questions.
Crush them with your lamia body
what's the point without a magic helmet?
What's a wrestling move with an awesome name, but not inspiring technically?
what if I'm a half-elven fuckboy of a rogue...
Then become a high-class escort and take over the kingdom with your physics defying sex moves.
This is the American way
Throwing darts, a one handed mace and a heavy spear.
Pulp bitches at range with the darts, force the spear point through the toughest armour and scales and use the mace as a back up weapon. The spear could also have bits like a crossguard so it could also be used like a pole-hammer.
Bidenhander and huge, thick metal shield. Fuck you and your spears.
I carry two siege cannons.
The reach is bretty gud when you've got +10 to attack, anyhow.
AA12 with drum magazines, the ones they use on drones heavy enough to absorb the recoil and fire fully automatically. I guess a S&W 500 .50 cal revolver, with that strength I could easily shoot that gun all day until it blew up in my hand. Of course I could go full krauser with a strong enough knife.
That ridiculous swordwhip
While it's a nice damage bonus high STR won't make your fists magical.
In a fantasy setting, an ordinary sword sized for an ordinary man, but enchanted to be indestructible or at least much more durable than a normal weapon. That way I can bash it around, smash through enemy weapons, crush through armour, and otherwise abuse the weapon in ways only someone with superhuman strength could.
If I'm that ridiculously agile and coordinated, then I'm going to use something appropriately ridiculous.
A tree. Herakles had the right idea, when you have effectively infinite strength just get a giant chunk of metal, rock, or wood and hit things with it. Armour doesn't matter worth shit when you have 200 lbs of something slamming into your body with the speed of an MLB batter's swing. Could also do the Samson option and murder everyone with the jaw of an ass or something oddly specific.
Neo had the right idea when he ripped out a stop sign and used the concrete base as a maul.
The party's Dwarf
At the same time he swings his hammer/axe I swing him, for double melee bonus
A pinnacle of strength such as myself should only use one of the most elegant, sophisticated, and useful weapons ever crafted by human hands
Therefore, I choose to use a nailbat
I prefer the classics.
Lucy and I will see you in the arena, I'll be the one in the Platinum armor
I mean same idea, you are so strong armour literally doesn't matter anymore, and anything that has enough armour to survive your attacks (eg. a tank) will probably be killed by the blunt trauma of being hit by an object with so much kinetic energy.
a sword
>Social Combat.webm
Whatever's handy. A rock, that bandits axe, that bandit.
any thing I can get my hands on,
bar stools, tables, other people...
>Improvised weapons
what if I hit them with a magical creature?
>Exalted Social Combat.webm
depleted uranium sling shot bullets should do the trick
Bitches Love Cannons.
Sword because swords
Depleted Uranium Warhammer.
I'd use a spoon but sporks are nice too
I would try to wrestle reality for substituting STR for my other stats.
Let me explain this.
If you had 30 Str (that's about as or stronger than an ancient white Dragon) you'd have a hard time finding a weapon that can compete with your body in terms of power/durability etc.
So the answer is you wouldn't use a weapon. You'd be the weapon.
Club made out of an ancient white dragon femur.
Now you made me want to make a new monk archetype focused on gaining/crafting the appropriate weapon for their extremely tempered bodies and going full Monster Hunter with their crafting.
Rocks, crushed rocks, eventually myself.
high str + long , durable blade = big killzone
That's more or less what I did in Scrim. Kill dragons, turn their bones into equipment, walk around dressed in skeletons.
oh , we are talking Dnd
uhm , how much would 30 STR equate to in real-life terms?
Beyond human ability. You'd be able to pick up and throw boulders.
they could lift a small car.
A fresh piece of printer paper.
I will make the most painful papercut wound of all time.
And then I'll push them into the room where the floor is just d4s.
Any fucking weapon I choose.
Or pic related as two handed fucking instrument of skeletal rearrangement.
This for having fun.
My fists for when shit goes down I really need to kill something.
Being able to lift 1600lbs over your head in 3e. Hossein Rezazadeh, the clean-and-jerk world record holder, could be considered to have a strength of 22 or 23 by this metric.
On that note, if I recall someone said somewhere In the triple dodgers you start benching continents or more. How do you measure are that high?
18-20 is supposed to be the absolute maximum a mortal humanoid can reasonably ever achieve, 10 is average Joe.
Well, in 5e at least. Being mortal and heroic stat values aren't mutually exclusive in 3/3.5.
Whatever weapon I would choose I would need to pay way too much for it to be made of some unobtanium that's at least semi-unbreakable. Who needs weapons when you can just perform super sonic full body tackle into your enemy.
i never really played dnd , but does strength rise exponentially rather than lineary with the STR stat?
Once you go past 20 you're really just eyeballing it. It's like "you're as strong as a giant" vs. "you're as strong as a titan."
>Artillery gun called Harkonnen
Ten outta ten
I use my INT and CHA.
The first one even came with its own machine spirit that looked like the floating fatguy from the 80s movie.
The first opponent that comes within arm's reach each encounter
Literally the Earth.
That's what everyone did in scrim
Whereas in say, Gurps, it definitely represents a concrete level of physical ability and can be extrapolated infinitely, although the points cost will become prohibitive very quickly and many supers instead use super genre specific alternatives to do super stuff at a different rate.
Although to answer the question: possibly something like the Dragon Slayer from Berserk? Note that Guts is probably actually quite a bit stronger than is required at minimum to wield it, considering how he pretty much cuts people in half or gibs them when he hits them, and can cut several people in a row in half. The amount of damage you would require to do that to guys in even shitty armor exceeds the damage possible with that kind of weapon and the minimum level of strength to do that consistently.
(Of course, you WILL pretty much instantly kill single opponents and virtually never fail to penetrate even highly expensive armor. you just do too much damage. It's really a matter of degree. To get the kind of overkill guts does, you need more damage. But there is no way that someone is walking away from the damage output of STR 30, and a greatsword.)
First thing I can pick up
Frank the Spork. An intelligent wooden spork that is an interdimensional being that somehow makes cameos in every game I GM, regardless of setting or system.
technically what you can "lift" is just "anything with a DC less than 50", which gives you absolutely no details about what your upper weight limit is because the DC charts for skills go fucking weird past 20, however the encumberance rules show that it's supposed to be sort of vaguely exponential but the exponent is very small, so someone with 30 STR can only carry upto 1600lbs or 0.8 tons, but can conversely carry 0.2 tons or 532lbs of gear without feeling it.
An oversized yo-yo
Halberd. The best all-round weapon.
She would have 26 STR.
Sparkles of sheer manliness.
Tony Jaa's "Where's My Dragon?"
Damnit, beatme to it.
>0 of 0
That's surprising. If you could get your hands on a bow that's strong enough (but can still flex) and some arrows that are sturdy enough, then at 30 strength you could impale a dragon through a stone wall. Probably.
You. You I like.
A log.
Like so?
Real world physics or dnd abstractions? If real world I use a standard poleaxe or halberd, I should now be able to accelerate it to the point where I cleave people in two.
DnD: Really fucking big sword.
I haven't ever played 5e or 3/3.5, but I seem to recall that being the rule of thumb in 2e, which is the only D&D I've ever played, and a general guidelines for SW saga edition.
The fucking moon.