/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

Sexy Sterns edition

Previous Thread

>Hawk Wagame's website, with links to models, rules, and forums

>DZC rules, units, errata, etc

>Phase 2 units

>Phase 2 fluff

>free DZC army builder

>dropfleet preorder, showing prices and lotsa pics

>DFC Kickstarter, lots of useful information to drudge through

>All currently leaked photos of the DFC rulebook, courtesy of the facebook group

Reminder to ignore bait, unless it is masterfully crafted.

Subject for the thread: If you have multiple fleets coming in, which one(s) will you be painting first?

Other urls found in this thread:


This thread is far to lewd for my innocent eyes.

I am painting my UCM first!



Dear Fantastically patient backers!

We are able to confirm that we have just received our delivery of printed material. This means that we have begun to pack specific rewards, and will begin to dispatch very soon. In terms of timeframes, we will now do everything we can to get these out as quickly as possible, and can only thank you for your support and faith in us to get us to this point.

We are really happy with the quality of everything we will be sending out to the backers of this Kickstarter, whether that is the Dropfleet Commander Core Rulebook, and of course the rules themselves, through to the Tape Measure in the 2 Player Starter Set.

The dispatch process should take an estimated 3 weeks due to the quantity of shipments and collections, though we have organised extra vehicles in advance to ensure we get shipments out as quickly as possible, and with as high a quantity as possible. During this period we will endeavour to get back to you quickly about questions you might have, though we have planned to utilise some of our brilliant office team for extra shifts at our warehouse and dispatch centre.

We will be showing a full break down of every item that was a reward over the coming weeks, so that you know what will be coming your way, and we will be sharing more about key Dropfleet Commander events that we have planned for the retail launch and during the rest of this year!

Thank you to all of those who turned up to our Autumn Invasion 2016 two day tournament. It was a great success, and we really appreciated all those who visited us for the open weekend too. The attendance was the highest ever for a Dropzone Commander Tournament, and the representation for the tournament included the USA, Canada, Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, and of course, the UK! Dates for Invasion 2017 will be out soon, along with a date for our first (Invasion sized) Dropfleet Tournament in 2017 too!

Thank you to all of you who have supported us to get to this place. Not long now... back to packing!

Kind regards

The Hawk Wargames Team.

fucking knew they'd update on the first business day they had the books. Good to have some hard numbers from them. So going off the claim of about 3 weeks, we should be expecting everything to be out by October 10th, maybe October 11th for safeties sake.

Planning to paint Scourge first, with UCM right behind them. i've also got a few people lined up to do some basecoats thanks to called in favors, so I can hopefully get everything basecoated in short order.



>So going off the claim of about 3 weeks, we should be expecting everything to be out by October 10th, maybe October 11th for safeties sake.
Only if you're on the extreme tail-end of dispatch, I'd expect some lucky stuff to be going out after a week, maybe before two weeks.


>The dispatch process should take an estimated 3 weeks due to the quantity of shipments and collections

Would this mean they'd start sending stuff in three weeks, or stuff will finish arriving in three weeks?

I assume that means everything should be out within three weeks.

After the Marcus Barros Overcompensation Hour last thread, here is a challenge

Invent weapon sets for these PHR ship classes


I'm a Houston user and the mail sometimes forgets my address exists, so I'm just gonna hope for October 10th and be pleasantly surprised if it arrives earlier.

assuming they'll have batches getting sent every day or two, they probably intend for everything to be out the door and on the way within 3 weeks.

Cruiser with a light DMC for a prow weapon, with all of its broadsides replaced with capacitors

Support frigate that can deploy regenerative nanites to friendly ships within a few inches

ECCM corvette that randomly affects enemy movement and turning within an aura.

Paint Schemes:
PHR: White Hulls, Orange Stripes, Red Markings
UCM: Either Kiith Somtaaw (HW Cata) or Mass Effect Systems Alliance
Scourge: Borg. Green under-lighting, under charcoal with light grey highlights.

bretty good; honestly, I think I'm almost definitely going to go for the studio colors, but if I had to go for custom;

Grey rather than slate blue, with white and black accents. Full on NASA, "Grey Ships of Man" kind of vibe.
Alternately, the GDI scheme from CnC.

A proper pearlescent blue, with complementary highlights and details.

Blue and gold main, with the normal dark metal for the gribbly bits. Full on EMPEROR'S FINEST

Make them look like ships made of ice and lightning maybe, shocking, electric blue with water-like cores.

>A proper pearlescent blue, with complementary highlights and details.
Actually, maybe a pearlescent white instead, like actual pearls.

>So going off the claim of about 3 weeks, we should be expecting everything to be out by October 10th, maybe October 11th for safeties sake.
So, as a non-backer, does end of October seem like a reasonable sort of date to hope for stuff in shops?

>Initial topic
Probably going to buy the starter box to get into the game, so my multiple fleets will just be scourge and UCM th begin with. Will be painting scourge first as I like them more, and I also think they may be easier (less greebles on the ships than the UCM, and I'm hoping just drybrushing the ridges will go a long way).

>So, as a non-backer, does end of October seem like a reasonable sort of date to hope for stuff in shops?
Most likely, at the very least by the first week of November.

>nine months of waiting
>and the end is finally in sight
Post yfw, lads


>If you have multiple fleets coming in, which one(s) will you be painting first?

Well, not sure. I really like the PHR ships (my love of broadsides is hard to contain), but the UCM is starting to grow on me.

Probably do what I usually do - Paint up a frigate from each faction, and see which I like the look of the most.

In terms of schemes for the fleets...
Either hot-rod red, or a metallic purple for the smooth plates. Otherwise similar to the studio colors.
Really want to try my hand at a colorful coral reef scheme. Really push that crustacean look home.
Homeworld. Not sure which, either Kushan or Somtaaw.
Cant remember if I selected a Shaltari starter or not, but if I did, going to paint them exclusively with inks and washes over a basecoat of white. Should be fun to experiment and see what I can come up with.

>Really want to try my hand at a colorful coral reef scheme. Really push that crustacean look home.
Oh, I like that; lots of greens, oranges, pinks, and purples.
Might be hard to pull off, but it'll look great if you do.



Marcus preserve me, the hype is too real.

It's gonna be hard to toe the line of "pretty underwater fleet" and "who vomited on my palette." Definitely gonna be an interesting process.

>dispatch in three weeks
>I move out in two
For once it is a good thing I've been living with family.

Yeah, if you're not careful it could end up like this.
It's a shame to see that some of the first painted ships are so... sticky and unthinned.

Nah, dispatch BY three weeks. If you're lucky, you'll get it before you move out.

Ehh...with another wash and some highlights it could be saved, but I see what you mean. There will be lots of hideous looking frigates painted before I decide on a final scheme.

Also, in regards to PHR, which one in the pic do you folks recommend? Kinda partial to both.

>that pic
So THAT'S what caused the huge crater in west Africa.

I like the bluish, spectral purple on the bottom.

I'm a big fan of bottom, get it looking like a proper dildo.

I like the top one, but the bottom one would probably look better painted onto a ship because it's brighter. The dark purple of the top would be harder to get to 'pop'

I'm assuming the dual-tone metallic is a solvent based paint (MEK probably, same as automotive paints)?
Just keep in mind that you probably can't spray that with an airbrush that has been used for acrylics, it'll destroy the brush if you're unlucky.

I have a dedicated cheapo Iwata Neo just for Alclad solvent based paints like that.

Thanks for the input, leaning that way now. Seems like there are a lot of spray cans with similar colors available, but I'm antsy about the thicker automotive stuff.

Used to use Duplicolor Sandable primer for everything, and that stuff goes on nice and thin (for half the price, too), so maybe they'll have something similar.

Yummy caramel ship.


>All those subtle color changes
>All those details picked out
>That hint of interior color pointing to sub-assembly style painting

I don't know if I can do it.

It's really just a metal base and then some washes, user.


Duplicolor Sandable is the best primer for Minis full stop.

>tfw got a good airbrush +compressor for cheap
Lads, how does using washes/glazes in an airbrush work out?

You might want to go check out the /WiP/ generals, there are a lot of handy guides in the first few posts (unless someone fucked it up).

Daily reminder that the Shaltari battleship is clever as fuck.

>unique launch assets when

Why, when Droparmada Commander releases, user :^)

When Dave's compulsive obsession overrides his good sense.

Or, alternatively, when they release fully 3d dropsquadron commander for orbital space dogfightan and atmospheric interceptan

PHR one isn't too far behind, looked a fairly simple switch of the two nose sections in that video.

Stop toying with my fragile hopes, user.

Nah, by clever I mean how they integrated the visible hangar, while making it entirely hidden for the Diamond

We'll be getting that one after their heroic scale skirmish game, Droptroop Commander.

Don't suppose anyone who saw the beta rules can remember the stats for this thing's gun by any chance? I know the cruiser lances are 3+ damage 2 (ignoring armour). Wondering if the frigate will be 4+ lock, only damage 1 (ignoring armour), or both.




>three command cores
I wonder how often they have 1v1v1 honor duels to decide which gets to be in charge of gunnery/ATC.

Been thinking, the shaltari's speed may actually prove to be a disadvantage. Because you have to go up to half speed under all but one orders, shaltari ships may have trouble hanging back out of range as they have to cruise forwards (at least 5" per turn for their cruisers).

On a similar topic, I wonder if the best use of the scourge's sneaky ships (especially the shenlong) isn't to shoot while silent running, but to go full thrust without taking a spike. Just really close the distance and start oculusing stuff.

>plotting firing solution
>goddammit Frank that's the second time you forgot to carry the remainder
>fuck you Bill
>pistols at ten paces

Where should I preorder DfC from? I'm in the US.

Pistol duels are laughably primitive compared to the ancient Shaltari arts of Thunderbird Chicken and Rock-em-Sock-em Warsuits.

>implying they don't play zeroG volleyball in warsuits
>with a lucky pungari as the ball

A part of me really wants to paint them like Amarr ships (Cream with Gold trim) or Caldari ships from EVE Though I might go with a HW style paint job. Either Hiigaran or Vaygr.
I don't know yet.
I might paint these guys up like Amarr ships. Though I also want to try a Kadeshi paint job.
Probably like the Bentusi (Gold/Copper mix with bright gold detail).

>3 or so hours after update
>THAT guy is already whining about not getting the update last Friday
>not because he wanted it earlier, but because Invasion attendants got to hear it first.

There's just no pleasing some people, user. It's sad, really - this is the kind of guy who could win the lottery, then bitch that it didn't happen sooner in his life.

Obviously models and books getting out is the best thing about the kickstarter delivering, but some of those fuckers hopefully finally moving on from moaning on the kickstarter page is a nice bonus.

>You're easily pleased, so I'll excuse you're comments. Hawk have not provided a good level of comms in this and a belated piece of good news a full 3 days (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) doesn't make up for the fact they've been showing these over the weekend when backers have been guessing what's going on. This might be your acceptable standard, it's not mine and (I'll say it again) it's not an unreasonable expectation that this should have been announced last week. Their organisation and communication have been a bloody joke.
>Now, they've got the books, let's just get the stuff shipped so we can get started...

>Sorry, they've been working this weekend and given they're behind this update should've been a priority.
I'm not going to debate this, if I'm behind schedule on a project and something happens worthy of update after 17.00 on a Friday afternoon I'll update the folks who need to know. It's pretty simple.
>Just because the final piece of the puzzle is alegedly in place doesn't mean they've done what they said they'd do (try reading the risks for the KS).

>the 'fucking' point is I'm not a comms 'god'. It's the basics. If I say I'll do something, either I do (and I tell the client 'job done') or I don't and I tell the client when there's a change. I don't let someone else (a third party) deliver the message in vague terms and update the client after the weekend. That's not good enough and I wouldn't consider that to be seen as acceptable by those who've paid for my product.
>I love Dropzone as a game, but I don't confuse bad delivery of a good product as faultless...

Just imagine the glorious butthurt if Hawk cancelled someone's order (with a refund, of course) for being too offensive and abusive at this late stage.

I'd probably cream myself in schadenfreude

More leaks; look like the "split dice" mechanic was removed; so stuff like the Ajax can only ever hit one unit per side, contradicting its fluff.


A shame that we didn't get the full fluff.


Fucking hell, scourge specialised CA is incredible.

Didn't someone say the Linked-[X] rule allows the weapon system to be allocated to [X] additional targets?

The thing that allows the Ajax to do that is that it has two different weapon systems per broadside and those two can be independently targeted

I did, and that's what I was GUESSING that it would do, but it's a fairly strange name for such an ability and seems to conflict with what admirals have been saying.

We'll see when the book comes in.

Each broadside is comprised of two weapon systems that can fire at the same time. Which means it can attack two targets at once.

But it doesn't; The linked rule would make sense if they had the full four profiles, but it's been condensed down to two.


>The Bloody Rapier, the Immolator, or the Haymaker
Good names. Also holy shit that close action damage and that speed. Just gonna run in and spray that damage out.

>Little Satan

I particularly like how a lot of infamous Scourge vessels are named after how they fucked up some unlucky UCM captain or admiral.

>Chang's Doom
>Kronstein's Lament
>Grant's Killer

Huh, that's weird.

Maybe... it can fire both sides without going weapons free, like the gunship frigate can?

>Miniscule Mephistopheles
>Minute Moloch
>Itsy-bitsy Beelzebub

That's what the admirals are saying, but it still explicitly disagrees with the fluff beneath if in regards to "being able to threaten 4 frigates". I'm betting on it being one of the (hopefully) few misprints, either fluff or rules wise.

>Small Baal

>the switchblade
now I know what I'm calling all my Djinns. Also, its really interesting how close in cost these 2 are. You're paying 1 point to lose a damage on your oculus shot and getting an extra d6 CA shots. I feel like in most scenarios I'm taking the Djinn and hoping for beats.

Technically it can still threaten four if it positions exceedingly well.

>broadside one
>broadside another
>BLT one more
>close action the last one


A versatile ship then.



Not the same user, but it may have been a reference to the PHR's magic 8 ball.

Oh, well now I just feel silly for not getting it.

w2c DfC 2 player starter set preorder?

Check miniature market if you're in the states

Yeah, but look at the Point Defence. It can dish it out, but it can't take it. You get initiative on this and a CAW strike of your own wouldn't be a bad option.

I mean, Bombers would be best, but PD 2 is tiny. Worse than some Frigates.

Looks like they deleted all their Dropfleet items :