One of these
One of these
seems cute!
Thank you!
Should probably update this with something about the Polish Deluge, "fuck the prime directive", or medieval knights with AKs.
some oldies.
I've always held an opinion that if you need to explain this meme, you suck.
You suck at this.
that's a little gay man
Actually there's two of them and they're kobolds.
this is the correct opinion
Black Crusade. It was a fun game.
Or at least it would be, if it hadn't gone on hiatus after 6 sessions.
didn't mean to quote
At least you got six sessions, user.
Before you ask, yes, she hasn't killed a single person.
Not really blue-boardy.
I miss this game.
I'll have to be inventive and make three posts to participate.
Here's what I made first.
What the DM saw.
What I played
I had a friend complain that I only play humans. I ran a dwarf forgepriest named Clansman Firehammer Beardcrafter. Iron Beard plus the fire touch thing is a hell of a drug.
Is there a difference between those last two panels?
Might as well post this.
They started to choke on a lozenge?
That... is a fair interpretation.
The armor is too heavy.
How did you manage to get armor to heavy for your to wear and then insist on using it?
Probably carrying capacity.
-4 STR
if you don't know this meme please turn in your official Veeky Forums posting license
No idea.
I confess that I am not the mage knight player in question.
I am the one who drew the questionable art of the last two images.
The player will not be using it.
Hence my posting here for someone to enjoy.
The lozenge comment alone was worth it.
Nearly titled it that, but had made that joke too recently.
...Aelar, is that you?
this image is disgusting and you should be ashamed
Does always wanting to play techpriest in 40k table tops make me a bad man?
really fucking gay
Uhh... nice spotting?
is this a gay kobold thread now
I endorse this development.
I meant gay as in shitty but I guess both apply here
Can't we have a non gay kobold thread? I hate all the fags that cause the decline of the Kobold master race.
>I guess both apply here
>I guess
You're not 100 percent certain? You only guess? How much more gay do I have to make that pic, dude?
I have literally never seen a non-straight Kobold thread
I have seen some gay kobold pics in my day, one image in particular always gets posted, but you sir are not wrong.
I long for threads devoted to the selfless bravery and devious trickery of the kobold race, unblemished by thick thighs of female kobolds.
Homosexuality is necessary for Kobold population control
That's true of several races, no whoop.
>no whoop
Then you're doing it wrong
Because homosexuals need whoop?
I have evidence to the contrary.
>one image in particular always gets posted
Enlighten me
I'm assuming the player got to play two kobolds, since kobolds a shit compared to normal full-sized humanoids?
As best I can remember, this is it.
I remember a more pronounced package, but memories are fallible.
"Redish kobold, clearly male enough to satisfy"wou
As best I can remember, this is it.
I remember a more pronounced package, but memories are fallible.
"Redish kobold, clearly male enough to satisfy" would be my description.
Don't have the file anymore but. . .
What I Made: Mormon Missionary
What the DM Saw: Cleric
What I Played: Black Templar
Deadlands game wherein I threw all of my disgruntled Utah upbringing into the fray.
I grew up in Wyoming.
Was Utah that bad?
It was that Mormon to be sure. It was fun to let loose in a way that's clearly ridiculous (40k fanaticism) with a realistic undertone like The Church.
Glad I asked
Weird but understood.
I grew up in a agnostic/Catholic household, likely miles from you.
I grew up with God, Santa Claus, and ninja turtles.
The only thing I grew up to rebel was assholes.
Good man.
Hah, I remember drawing one of those pics ages ago, glad that someone got use out of it.
Draw more
>Kobold population control
Kinda defeats the purpose.
Besides, isn't that what adventurers are for.
Hm, good point. I think usually their mortality is so high that it doesn't come up as an issue, but if a colony gets large enough that they start lacking room in their warrens and caves (say, they're protected by the presence of their dragon overlord) then I could see the high population density triggering latent homosexual behavior (especially among younger males who are left without a mate). Prison gay kobolds in my game? More likely than you'd think!
This is assuming that kobolds are monogamous in the first place, isn't it?
Playing as women is fun
>but if a colony gets large enough that they start lacking room in their warrens and caves
Then they dig some more.
Stop magical realming your players you fucking degenerate.
In polygamous societies it's usually one male that keeps a harem of several females, leaving the younger, low ranking males without mate. From evolutionary standpoint young males are generally speaking disposable.
Then in a situation where they cannot expand their habitat, like being confined to a ghetto in a human city for example. "Tame" kobolds could be used as a cheap source of labor (to replace human child labor like in real world) but they would be kept penned in because they tend to be little shits. And gay.
I'm with you until the last panel.
You played an ara ara girl, the DM thought she was a slut, but it turned out she was a slutty ara ara girl in an army?
the third image is dead bodies
she has a huge kill count
My fetish for gay fantasy lizards is causing me to learn a lot. Do you have a source for these facts?
Look at it this way, middle pick looks like an actual orthodox or chasidic Jew doing martial arts. The last panel is Adam Corolla Jewsploitationing around fighting Andy Dick.
I'm sorry, lesser known comedian Adam Goldberg. Got Adams confused.
>he didn't play solaire
Best in thread. Pls tell us about it.
>special needs droid
>waifu droid
>GAINS droid
I want all three of these, what system are you in?
Best character I've ever made