Where my /Sisters/ at?
Where my /Sisters/ at?
Soon to be squatted/Slaaneshed
In the back while fucking Genecults of all things gets updated ;_;
Squatting, of course!
Somewhere in Limbo, soon to be joined by Imperial Guard.
As Genestealers Breeders
In the welfare line because I bankrupted myself on $15 metal models cast from 20+ year old molds.
where can I get these minis? I need them for reasons.
I keep hearing this, but haven't seen any actual evidence that they'd cut what seems like a very popular army.
That being said, if they gave heavy support vehicles and IG infantry options to Space Marines, that would look fucking awesome on tabletop.
Scions are better played with space marines to begin with
Forever waiting for any rumor of plastics to prove true.
This silly thing
Thank you, kind sir.
So I saw this Heretic on the battlefield
and then I shot him
Somewhere else.
Post sad pictures with sisters plz.
no tears only triumph
No tears! Only triumph!
I love that armor so much
Busy adding a new balance update to the Veeky Forums 7th edition fandex: drive.google.com
Also joining in on the Sisters picture posting
fuckin gorgeous
Off topic but what is that half-cape that starts at the waist called? I see it all the time in fantasy art but can't find any real world term for it.
I don't believe it's generally the appropriate design for the helmets or armor but damn does it look fine.
It's literally called a waist cape.
Move the Bloody Penitent Engine to Elites.
Heavy Support is already overcrowded.
Any assault transport?
Also Mortia Squads ones they hit they are normal S3 Humans?
A showgirl skirt.
>No ridiculous sized boob plates
Now that's the kind of codex we deserve!
>Knocking boobplate
I have two partially assembled exorcists on my desk and I do not have the drive to go through the pain of making the organs not fall off and painting them since they're never going to see tabletop use anyway.
>Penitent Engine to Elites
I've kicked this idea around, but ended up keeping them in HS for two reasons.
First, that's the roll they fill in a penitent-themed army. You have Repentias and Aco-flagellants for Elites, Mortias for Fast Attack, and Penitent Engines for Heavy Support.
Second, it keeps them from competing with Repentias for Elites slots.
>Heavy Support is already overcrowded.
Heavy Support has the same number of units as Fast Attack (ignoring the rhino) and Elites, so I disagree
>Any assault transport?
Repressors have been made assault tranports in this codex
>Also Mortia Squads ones they hit they are normal S3 Humans?
Mortia Squads have a S6 AP2 hammer of wrath, but after that, yes, they fight at S3. They're designed to slam into an enemy unit, use their AoF to kill any survivors who kill them, and, if anyone's still alive, use Hit and Run to come back and Hammer of Wrath them again.
Thanks user!
Have more badass sisters everyone
>suicide bikers
It's designs like that that make me imagine a world in which GW can do sutble female designs.
And that Space Marines were as a much as sausage fest as Sisters are a clam bake. (jacob and Priests get to be men amoung Sisters.)
Makes me think of this design an user posted a few months back.
>tfw you make your own female priests anyway
Warrior priests with the heads replaced with statuesque female heads look cool.
I don't know 40k lore very well, haven't played anything in the universe except for an Only War one shot that went nowhere. So forgive me if this questions seems silly.
Why do all of the battle sisters, whatever there chapter is called, have white hair? Some kind of gene manipulation to make them more ready and able to be space marines? Isn't the 40k setting really misogynistic? Not in any crazy SJW way, but actually legitimately misogynistic?
>Why do all of the battle sisters, whatever there chapter is called, have white hair?
They dye it because their leaders and saints had white hair. Shows devotion, and its also just the generally human instinct to copy things of the people they want to be.
>Isn't the 40k setting really misogynistic? Not in any crazy SJW way, but actually legitimately misogynistic?
It was made in the 80s and the target demographic was men. Less hateful, more just hasn't caught up with the times and thank god for that really, GW going full left-pandering would be nightmarish
Some people think that space marine juice not working on women is misogynistic.
>she has skull nipples
40k luvs skullz too much
Forever Pious and Burny
It's not that user
Khorne won
>It was made in the 80s and the target demographic was men. Less hateful, more just hasn't caught up with the times and thank god for that really, GW going full left-pandering would be nightmarish
As I understand it the setting in an incredibly religious and feudal style society that was given space flight and other advanced technologies. It makes sense to me that that kind of society would be misogynistic.
Space marine juice? I'm assuming it's some kind of super soldier serum that improves the human body.
>Why do all of the battle sisters, whatever there chapter is called, have white hair?
Not all of them do. It is just that the most portrayed Order is the Order of Our Martyred Lady, whose Sisters do dye their hair all white as you're used to seeing no doubt. I'm actually using hair color to denote the various SoB squads on table top, with only senior members (i.e. Celestians, Canoness, etc.) having their hair white (My army is an Orders Minoris offshoot of Order of Our Martyred Lady)
>Why do all of the battle sisters, whatever there chapter is called, have white hair?
Not all of them do; it's just what the Order of Our Martyred Lady do as part of their uniform. And because they're the postergirls for the SoB, lots of people assume that all Sisters do that.
>Isn't the 40k setting really misogynistic? Not in any crazy SJW way, but actually legitimately misogynistic?
Was there anything in particular you were thinking of that seems misogynistic?
No, user is just joking. The creation of a space marine is actually a long and arduous process: wh40k.lexicanum.com
40k as a setting is not inherently misogynist or anything like that. The entire point of the setting is that the Imperium has zillions of worlds of varying cultures and development levels with the main unifying aspect being worship of the Emperor. Some planets might have a culture where women or gays or whatever are not treated equally but other planets are just as likely to not give a shit and overall women can do basically anything there is to do in the setting except be space marines.
GW as a company however has its own signs of being somewhat misogynist, especially Kirby.
>The Marine taking a sip during the drama
Every fucking time.
I keep expecting her to shoot lasbeams out of her eyes, and then I remind myself that's too ridiculous, and then I remember its 40k
>Was there anything in particular you were thinking of that seems misogynistic?
I don't know the setting or lore well enough to give examples, but from what I do know and as it was described to me the humans are extremely repressed and traditional, which I guess in my mind also included misoginy. I mean, I see that Female Guardsmen and SoB are a thing, I just thought maybe the societies or women at home were relegated to more traditional rules as house wives or care takers.
Also, "Finally, he had a bionic eye implanted to play on the Orkish superstition that he possessed an evil eye and could kill with a glance. This so-called "Bale Eye" can produce a laser beam in combat at Yarrick's mental direction, so Yarrick can live up to this reputation."
Tradition in M41 is drastically different from tradition in M3.
I assume by that you mean 40k and fantasy? I really don't know War hammer very well.
oh yis
Lol. We're M3 right now. It was a 40K joke. I liked it.
I mean 40K and real life. M41 and M3.
Also, pic related is canon.
Gotcha. Humans are oppressed in terms of human rights (An Inquisitor can kill someone for the merest suspicion, for example), but as said, it really depends on the culture or planet you're on. Some are hardcore patriarchies, some are matriarchies, it varies widely across the galaxy.
Fairly sure he actually means modern day.
For what it is, the Imperium is actually quite progressive, for Catholic Space Nazis. Everyone worshipping the Emperor means religion isn't a fiasco and religious wars within humanity are extremely rare.
Racism and sexism are virtually nonexistant, and any person can reach any position based upon merit and the proper reach.
Hell, the only reason women can't be space marines is that the biology of certain organ transplants don't match up within the female body, causing severe health issues.
Like I said. Surprising for SPEHSS Nazis.
Also canon...
Religious wars happen all the time in 40k. Technically, they're wars over heresy, but when the only thing in common between religious groups is what god is at the tippy top, and every single one of those groups is heavily militarized, of course there will be conflict.
> will never purge heretics in the Heresy Heresy
Dayum, Sister Marilyn Monroe there has legs for days.
I know some folks don't like the high heels but replacing them with full size Space Marine Mark VI booties aint great either.
I came here to say this
SeeYou were ninja'd hours ago
Holy fuck I love that design, especially the helmet. Color Swap a bit of it to white and it could be the baseline for all the Sister's armor.
Women in realistic plate has to be one of my favorite things when it comes to armor. Don't know why.
How about this?
Whoops. My fault for not at least skimming the thread first.
7/10. 8 with proper colors.
Another. Always really liked this design. Also needs colors though. Hmm, I'll see if the artist ever added them.
I think pretty much every SoB redesign looks like shit but I dream of the day when Sisters have enough kits that they can get armour variant kits too.
>Fur color on plate
Fuck user you know exactly what I like.
Please go on.
Typically speaking, the Imperium is actually one of the most egalitarian forms of government when it comes to gender relations - at the Imperial level (not necessarily planetary, as those vary hugely by planet) if you can do the job, you get the job. The fight against the threats to Mankind do not allow for little things like "sexism" to get in the way. All serve the Imperium in their own way, and it doesn't matter who you are if you're willing and able to do it.
how could you cut the guard out of the lore and the game? The astartes cannot be the shock troops, main army and police force for the imperium.
They cannot get rid of the guard.
A Karma
Well apparently some kreig females are baby farms
Damnit I meant Collar. Fur Collars on armor do weird stuff for me.
Destiny did some great stuff with the Titan armor. Wish I had some good pics of it.
Anyone telling you there is a canon reason for the white hair is full of shit.
GW depicted a few that way because it contrasted nicely with the black armour of the Order of Our Martyred Lady and it stuck. There is no official reason for it.
They don't even all have white hair.
In reality it's probably way worse than that, because even Commissars think that it's inhumane what the Krieg do, and won't tell anybody what it is for morale reasons.
Just an expanded version of the previous. Artist doesn't have any colored versions either. And unfortunately, my Warhammer folder is one of my smaller Veeky Forums folders.
What would you like to see in a Sisters design?
I bet its highly organized orgies
>sexism [is] virtually nonexistant
Well, FFG disagreed but the 40k RPG line is ded anyway.
The canoness model has that.
40k is diverse as fuck
come back when you give that model a comically over-sized boobplate.
According to Dead Men Walking, it's all of them.
Tonks or Tonk hunters
Probably miserably industrial human farms.
That would be cool.
It's either that or they use cloning. As said, Kriegers don't really say what the vitae womb technology is. And, as I said earlier, some planets are more misogynistic than others; it varies widely from planet to planet.
>What would you like to see in a Sisters design?
I'd like to see the basic SoB-boobplate-armor design, one that's more like realistic armor, albeit still feminine (like or ), and one that looks mean and indomitable (like )
Still sounds better then being sent to fight in WW1 but on steroids.
The one in that picture on the right with the heavy flamer looks like she has a mustache.
Yeah, that sounds good. Though if I had a say in design, I would automatically veto anything that puts a large insignia on each breast. It just seems weird to me. And not just with SoBs, but with other designs, like Valkyrie from Marvel.
a true daughter of dorn
Huh. I believe it's supposed to be a respirator of some kind.
Not really. You spend most of your life in the constant hormonal flux that pregnancy comes with, as well as more-or-less incapacitated as a side-effect of the fertility drugs they keep you on. Assuming you survive long enough to reach menopause, you're worked to death in a factory or something similar.
> veto anything that puts a large insignia on each breast
Agreed. I've never understood that, it's such an aesthetically weird and awkward design choice.
On the contrary, I want something with bolter or flamer nipples.
>bolter or flamer nipples
I'm fairly sure the Mechanicus has something like that
Because the armour is supposed to be obviously feminine in an old fashioned manner, hence the fucking corset and high heels.
GW will never alter a Blanche design out of recognition. Chrissakes, White Dwarf has a regular feature on the guy!
The 40k universe isn't expressly misogynistic.
In particular the imperium of man isn't expressly misogynistic. The Imperium is however only being held together by
forcibly conscripted "tithed" armies from overpopulated hiveworlds
crazed priests that think your toaster has a soul
Steroid-filled genetically modified murder autists
and a church that believes that the single greatest human being was a literal god and that any who say otherwise will be burnt.
To believe that the imperium of man is misogynistic in the lore is to presume they give a shit about gender when every day is a struggle to keep the empire alive.
Now I will say that I think GW may be holding off on making sisters of battle because of the modern feminist movement and the fact that if they were to piss them off(which it is impossible not to), that it could cause them to lose money something GW refuses to do.
Or at least that is part of my theory on GW and the sister of battle.