Old Thread: Awesome resources: pastebin.com
CYOA General
I finally finished writing all 50 companions. Man, that was not easy for me.
The first page is mostly done already, I just need to add the items onto it, and then I start making the huge companion page. I still need to write out the quests, but that should be much easier since I already know what I plan for those.
I bet it really bugged you.
Could someone post the Karma CYOA, where your points depend on what you actually did in real life?
Sorry, I don't have Autism Prison saved.
That was a joke.
Universal war?
Where is my Necromancer update?
Where is my Blood Magic update?
Where is my Conduit update?
Where has the love gone?
Which™ update™ specifically™?
All of them©
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
So, uh, anyone up for OC?
Where have all the good men gone?
was blood magic getting an update?
And the Mystery Box for anyone that wants it.
Always up for content
I am pleased with this.
Yeah. The author is the same slav guy who made fantasy slav CYOA.
They're busy watching the world burn.
>Political Prisoner (17 left)
Or, more accurately...
>Born in Prison (11 left)
My father spoke out against the occupations and annexings, and they took my mother to make him suffer. She was two months pregnant. She died giving birth to me and my twin brother. That is the story I was always told.
>Lackey (10 left)
It is true, no one here respects me. I just want a quiet life. But I'll never have one.
>Harms Children (20 left)
We were both seven years old. He'd just joined up with one of the gangs. His final test of loyalty was to kill me - the only other family he had. We fought. I won. They put the tattoo on me in revenge. I suppose that was fair.
>Religious Iconry (17 left)
It was me or him.
>Not a Slave (14 left)
Nor was my father.
And there's nowhere else to spend these points.
I don't understand this pokemon nonsense. I'm just to give myself a jigglypuff and call it 5 points
maxed out pokedex (10)
maxed out food thing (21)
15 pokeballs (24)
all camping supplies (32)
hover bike (44)
psychic (50)
Mystery box, since I don't know these places anyway.
I rape unsuspecting poketrainers in the forest after putting them to sleep with jigglypuff.
Took a break from the Superhero CYOA, decided to do a remake of the Doom of the Demons CYOA and make it a bit more original.
Hope you enjoy!
Actually, because of the box you get to be the Jigglypuff!
Also, there are no humans but strangely enough everyone knows what a human is.
Page 2 is really small, but I think I'll add a bit more onto it later. I can't really tack it onto Page 1 as the image becomes too big.
Meant to say .
No, Jigglypuff! No!
>Super Genius
>2x Stats
IQ of 600 that improves twice as fast, telekinesis of 4x my body weight at 10 meters, can read the minds of two people at a time.
>The Fantasy Monster Trainer
Rolled 7 (1d8)
>Pokemon: Archen (46 left), Amaura (43 left), Aerodactyl (38 left), Tyrunt (35 left), Omanyte (32 left)
>Gear: Map, Bag, Pokedex+Scanner (27 left), 5 Pokeballs (26 left), Medicine Bag (24 left), Food+Carnivore+Free Luncch (15 left), Camping Supplies +Outdoorsman+The Long Haul (7 left)
>Abilities: Base of Knowledge, Interpreter (4 left), Skilled/Cooking (3 left), Savant (2 left), Skilled/Drawing (1 left), Skilled/Creative Writing (0 left)
>Region: I actually don't know what to choose here so I'm rolling a d8.
Ha! Ha! I am the fossil child!
>Turns out the update just added a picture of Mercy
Congratulations, you win an all-expense trip to poké-hawaii!
Oh, looks like I'm in Alola.
All of these camping supplies will be useful, but maybe I should have bought a bike. Still, I should be fine like this. I even have a colorful bird.
> Origin: MURDEROUS.
> Companions: ALONE.
> Quests: ALL.
>Origin: Augmented
My spirit was willing, I see that now. But my flesh was weak. That's where these come in.
I did ask for this.
>Lucernium Plating, Revival, Welding Nanites, Melee Mastery
My body is augmented. It will not die so easily.
>Ironborn Armor
You will not break me.
>The Powerfist, The Gauss Rifle, The Devastator
You will break against me like waves upon the shore.
>The Civilian
And because I hold the line, society will rebuild.
>The Artificial Intelligence
We need our best and brightest, now more than ever.
eye implants
multi-lock auto aim
lucernium plating
wraith suit
Gauss Rifle
dual assault rifles
The AI.
Cool CYOA. My only complaint is the dearth of light melee weapons.
Well, at least I don't need to worry about some pokemon refusing my orders on moral grounds.
Do you have the interpreter skill? If not, I'm afraid I don't understand.
Starting pokémon:
Abra, Ghastly, Machop, Litwick, Ditto, Sableye (17)
Food and camping goods (16/33)
Psychic gift and interpreter. (9/25)
Well, everything I really need at half the price. It's not a bad CYOA but it could use more options.
In progress, eta is soon™
In all seriousness, don't expect anything this year.
Top 10 favorite cyoas, go. (Doesn't have to be order unless you want to.)
So in 2020, got it.
>Pokemon: Cyndaquil, Axew, Sigilyph, Buizel, Helioptile [35]
>Gear: Map, Bag, Pokedex+Scanner, Medicine Bag+Hyper Potions+Full Heals, Tranquilizer Pistol+Dart Restock, Food+Carnivore+Free Lunch, Conveyance [6]
Abilities: Interpreter+Pokeglot, Savant [0]
>Region: Sinnoh
I didn't buy any Poke Balls, but it's okay. Just another stepping stone on the journey.
Pokemon: Empoleon (3p)
Items: Pokedex, Bag, Map, Pokeballx5 +Upgrade Heal Balls (1P)
Abilities: Base of Knowledge, Skilled (P)
Region: Hoenn
This reminds me whatever happened to that other pokemon cyoa with the gijnkas?
What would you recommend?
Also, I think your math's off. 17 for the pokémon; 17, not 16, for the food and camping supplies(from the cost you put in, I'm assuming you upgraded them all the way, so: 3+3+3=9; 4+2+2=8; 9+8=17); and, I'm assuming that you didn't take pokéglot, so it's 9 for Interpreter and Psychic Gift, comes out to 17+17+9, which is 43 points.
If you didn't upgrade food and camping supplies fully, it still comes out to 17+7+9, which is 33 points, over the half-way mark by 8 points.
> Hero Academy.
> Pokemon Personified.
> Domain Master.
> Conduit.
> Hunter
> Titan Lands.
> Reclaiming the Empire(and assorted sequels).
> Skeleton Gang-rape.
> Royal Guardian.
The only thing that disappoints me about your post is the lack of humorous tabs in the screen shot.
Giggle opportunity squandered, my friend.
>Element: Earth
>Specialties: Magnetism, Earth Summons, Seismic
No fortress, no matter how strong, can stand if its foundation is ripped from under it.
Woops, I got a little turned around there.
I meant west.
Where is the manga CYOA?
Ultimate Elemental Wizards CYOA: (+2 Elements, +6 Specialties)
>Earth: No Specialties
>Life: Healing, Plants, Animals, Life Enchanting, Life Forms, Life Summons
>I'd ask why I was trolling a Wiccan forum of all things, but considering what's happening here I think it's safe to say I was either drunk or hallucinating. And probably still am.
>Honestly, the cave of goo is my best bet here.
>Origin: Augmented
>Powers: Melee Mastery, Lucernium Plating, Multi-Lock Auto Aim, Overclocking
>Armor: Doom Suit
>Weapons: Dragonslayer, Chainsaw, Gauss Rifle
>Companion: The Succubus
>Quest: The Distress Signal
With the ChainSlayer in my hands, the demons will be laid low before my might. I, the final holdout for humanity's survival, will remind of the hopes they once held dear, and inspire them to fight on.
And no, DragonSaw does not sound nearly as cool as ChainSlayer.
So how exactly does this pricing work? Like how much would a Bulbasaur be?
Bulbasaur's Base Stat Total is 318. As it says in the CYOA, it's 1p per 100 points of BST, rounded down, so a bulbasaur is 3p.
By contrast, an Ivysaur(405 BST, +1 for being a first-stage evolution) would be 5p, and a venusaur(525 BST, +2 for being a second-stage evolution) would be 7p.
Ah, had no idea what BST meant.
Kit's Pokemon CYOA was finished a long while ago user, and Pokemon Personified was updated again. Other than those two, there isn't one to my knowledge.
I had meant to actually write it out, but it seems I forgot to do that. Sorry. That's what updates are for, I guess.
How is goin the superhero CYOA?
how long do you think it is going to take you to finish it?
I was talking about Pokemon Personified. The drive from the pastebin doesn't have the updated version.
You got it?
New world?
>Heracross (45)
>Tyrunt (42)
>Shiny Honedge (38)
>Eevee (33)
>Eevee (30)
>Food (27)
>>Carnivore (24)
>>Free Lunch (21)
>Camping gear (17)
>>Outdoorsman (15)
>>Long Haul (13)
>Skilled (cooking) (12)
>Savant (psychic powers) (9)
>Interpreter (6)
>Psychic Gift (0)
Sounds like fun. I have a bunch of useful, or will become useful later, pokemon. The ultimate package of outdoor survival junk. I live in Not-Hawaii. And I'm an exceptionally gifted psychic for extra kicks.
Wish I could have gotten a good bike or the scanning pokedex, and the lack of fishing poles seems a bit strange, but no matter. Those will come in time no doubt.
Yes, I do. It's over twice as long, so be prepared.
Hear ye hear ye, this thread gets a meta A for the next cyoa's points
Damn that's a long ass read. Thanks friend.
Monster Hunter
Royal Revival
Heavy Metal
All of the Island derivatives
Power Armor
I really like Traveller's Tale.
>the succubus
Demons aren't for fucking, they're for fucking murdering.
And she's exceptionally good at murdering demons, user.
anyone have a cyoa that had to do with creation/trade skills, there was frankenstein mad biology, proper blacksmithing, golemancy and even spell "smithing".
had something to do with a potentially evil book, with some kind of outer narrator trying to (supposedly) help you?
>ORIGIN: Blessed
>POWERS: Holy Fire, Aura of Good, Resistance, Angelic Wings
>ARMOUR: Blessed Armour
>WEAPONS: Chains, Devastator, Staff of Life
>QUEST: Wandering Heretics
Hell has forgotten to fear Heaven and THAT must be corrected.
New Babylon CYOA: (+6 Marks, +2 Allegiances)
>Mark of Tezcatlipoca
>Mark of Dionysus
>Mark of Hades
>Mark of Ishtar
>Mark of Osiris
>Mark of Freyja
>Mark of Breksta
The Dream takes me, and I am no more. My flesh is undone, and I am remade. I am not the only one.
>Mark of Ishtar
They have taken, me, twisted me, made me a precious thing. I could not resist them. I did not want to, I should have wanted to.
>Mark of Hecate
They tell me to whisper in the ears of those who love me. They tell me to make them my playthings. I fear I can resist no longer.
Maybe... maybe the Paladins can save me. Maybe they can help me use these gifts for good. There must be a way, or this dream will consume me. I don't want to become a monster - but it tempts me so.
Melek Taus
Allegiance: Paladins
Don't shoot the medic! I'm too pretty to die!
A long dead supersoldier from a bygone era, reanimated as a cyborg.
>Eye Implants
>Multi-Lock Auto Aim
>Welding Nanites
>Remote Hacking
>Ultra-smurf armor
Like I need a helmet.
>Power Fist
>Uber Shotgun
>Gauss Rifle
Deadly at any range
>Desert Soldier
Nova was my waifu before I knew what the word was
>The AI
>>DAMSEL IN DISTRESS. Captured and partially-disassembled human-coded AI trapped on alien homeworld seeks succor from a tall, dark and handsome cyborg with big guns. Let my rescue be the basis of a lasting relationship. MRa4451 (5/23)
We pic related now boys.
>Origin: Augmented
>Powers: Melee Mastery, Lucernium Plating, Welding Nanites, Overclocking
>Armor: Wraith Suit
Extremely good when you combine intangibility with Welding Nanites to recover mid fight quickly and Lucernium plating makes up for the lack of defence
>Weapons: Powerfist, Dual Assault Rifles, Gauss Rifle
CQC, mid ranged combat and long ranged sniping, all covered
>Companion: The Succubus
>Quest: The Distress Signal
This the one Bliss posted the other day?
No, I just labeled it new because I wanted attention.
What sort of elements does Elemental entail?
Just the four classic Greek ones, or could you be a Sound or Music Elemental?
Humanoid [Human]
>Boss Perks (10)
Morphing [Giant, Draconic, Storm]
Domain Control
Vitality Prowess
Agility Prowess
Magical Prowess
Perception Prowess
Charisma Prowess
>Minions (28 Tokens)
Average + Humanoid [Human or Elf]
Large + Draconic [Dragonborn]
>Minion Perks-(8)
Empowerment.x2 [Storm, Dark]
Talented [Magic]
>Realm Perks
Grand Lair
1. Malevolent-(+3 Minion Tokens)
3. Downfall-(+5 Minion Tokens)
4. Hero-(+5 Minion tokens)
5. Quest-(+1 Shard of Power)
6. Nemesis-(+1 Shard of Power)
Bliss may have a different ruling, but I've always been ok with people going crazy with it.
With the power of the ancient dragons I shall remake this world in my image! I have gathered a following of some of the most powerful races in the world and united them in a cult dedicated to spreading magic and the draconic form to every corner of the world.
My people are powerful warriors, fierce conquers, defecated researchers, loyal servants to an ever expanding empire. As my territory absorbs a new domain it's people are assimilated and transformed into obedient dragonborn minions, however a few worthy souls are offered the chance to join with their minds intact.
While some recognize our power and right to rule over the world, most, unfortunately, do not. Aside from having to deal with all the foolish heroes that invade my realm I also have to hold off a never ending army of angels! Thankfully I'm practically a god while I'm in my domain and since my minions are also significantly stronger in this place, I think we can safely deal with all these outside treats and continue to conquer nearby domains.
>defecated researchers
They took a shit?
>This saddens me.
Anything killed by a Keeper's light clearly wasn't as good as you thought or else they would have lived. It's, like, a law of the universe.
If it has my name on it, it's the new version. It also has v2 down in the bottom corner.
But user, what if it burns me?
What can change the nature of a man?
>What can change the nature of a man?
Man's nature is one of constant change, to remain still and silent is to invite death.
lots to say on sex but not alot to say about us, eh?
don't rush just because we are eager, we are all here forever after all.
would hate to make a wordsmith have to rush his own work.