good fantasy games that are not DnD or PF?
its okay if it is a d20 system
good fantasy games that are not DnD or PF?
its okay if it is a d20 system
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Mythras is my favorite system.
can you post it?
Fantasy Craft, Reign, Warhammer Fantasy 2e, Shadow of The Demon Lord, L5R, Lamentations of The Flame Princess, Dragon Age, Ars Magica, Barbarian of Lemuria, 7th Sea 1e, etc.
L5R and 7th sea, what are they about?
L5R is playing fantasy samurai against what's effectively the Blight and 7th Sea is swashbuckling adventures on the high seas.
My group seems to be having a great time with RuneQuest 6. It's new for us, but we're really happy with it.
If you're familiar with Mutants & Masterminds 3e, some madman put together a system which takes its core mechanics and makes it compatible with virtually every d20-based system.
1. WFRP 1E
2. The One Ring
3. Runequest
4. Hârnmaster
5. Pendragon
Gotta shill for the new 7th Sea cause I know the creator and he's a fucking wizard.
(sort of) Tribe 8
John "D&D isn't a RPG" Wick?
Are there any differences between RQ6 and Mythras? Like, are the rulebooks exactly the same?
Conan d20 is pretty good, an underrated system.
wizards are cool, JW isn't cool, and the new ed is lame.
I can't imagine he'd be talking about anybody else.
Not familiar with Mythras, but if someone could provide a PDF I could look and see for you.
The system is supposed to be the exact same and it's merely a renaming because of licensing stuff.
That doesn't mean they didn't fold some errata into their new book or add more art or something; that part I don't know.
Which of these is newer? Mythras or RuneQuest 6?
Mythras is the newer of the names, and is what will be used going forward by the RuneQuest 6e guys.
Fuck you play Rolemaster
Ma nigga
no thanks
Rolemaster EXPRESS.....yes its very fast game. We also use D&D combat rounds.
Legend, Fantasy Craft, Ryuutama, Tenra Bansho Zero, Dungeonslayers, Make You Kingdom
Best answer in the thread. Get it while it's hot:
Fantasy Craft is my game of choice.
shadow of the demon lord is really a good game. especially paths (class system) are giving a feel of customization of your character
Where does one find a PDF for this Runequest that you speak of?
DoD AKA drakar och demoner
you're not a non-swedish speaking faggot are you user?
Which edition though?
the fourth
I've mostly played Trudvang, will be trying out the re-release of third edition once it hits though. DoD is pretty good overall though.
Here. There is a newer QS for Mythras, but I like this one better.
Seconding, thirding and fourthing Fantasy Craft.
Enjoy your caster supremacy at higher levels.
Fire Emblem
>shadow of the demon lord
which is better?
>shadow of the demon lord
both seem a bit similar. which is better?
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy. Check out ritual path magic for GURPS as well, its a really good magic system if you can get it down.
Both are pretty good, but symbaroum comes out on top for my money.
Savage Worlds?
I mean, you can do a lot with it.
Earthdawn, Fantasy Fallout with the best magic item system ever made.
Earthdawn is real good. Only problem is that FASA took what they knew from Shadowrun and clunked together an in-house system for it.
Despite the mechanics, Earthdawn is still real good.
what's so great about it?
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2e
Burning Wheel
Savage Worlds
Trudvang Chronicles
For the record, no real changes between Mythras and RQ6. A few things got rearranged. Spirits are now in the Animism section instead of at the end of the book to avoid page-flipping and whatnot. Otherwise just corrections and a removal of the actual Runequest rune stuff.
Burning Wheel
Warhammer FRPG 1st & 2nd ed.
Lamentations of the Flame Princess
Artesia: Adventures in the Known World
Do you have the pdf?
What you can tell us about this game?
Stuff that hasn't been mentioned yet: Barbarians Of Lemuria, The Black Hack, Ars Magica, In A Wicked Age, Reign, Mouseguard.
Seconding stuff that has been mentioned: WHFRPG1st/2nd, LotFP, DCC at least for ideas to steal, same for Earthdawn.
But D&D isn't an RPG. It's a skirmish wargame.
No element of D&D is designed to facilitate roleplaying, and all of its mechanics and progression revolve around killing things.
But RPing is up to you, not to rules
>has no sense of right or wrong
>creates horrific abominations for the lulz
>ruins everything then acts like you should be grateful for his presence
>convinced he's the smartest man in the room.
Ok, your story checks out. Sounds like a wizard to me.
>No element of D&D is designed to facilitate roleplaying,
But that is a definition that only John Wick subscribes too. And the people who have stuck their head up his ass, of course. To the sane part of the world, D&D is not only a RPG, it is the THE RPG.
You drones really do come off as seriously brain damaged.
I don't really play D&D anymore, I do more Savage Worlds and Legend of the Five Rings, but I agree with them. A lot of roleplaying doesn't need a ton of rules.
Swords and Wizardry
But OD&D and B/X combat is very lethal, more XP comes from treasure, and a reaction table means that most enemies can be bargained or negotiated with all imply that D&D is more about exploration than combat.
Bait a little better.
First off, people don't play your ancient grognard derivatives. People play and 5e.
Second, the regardless of XP progression, the actual mechanics of the game as well as the character progression are entirely about killing. A level 1 fighter is distinguished from a level 10 fighter only by his ability to kill better.
>Original D&D
Somebody shoot me. Better yet, shoot this assclown.
I was referring to "retroclones" as a whole, faggot, but sure, ignore the arguments because of semantic scapegoating.
Actually, hexcrawling with the mechanics of Wilderness Survival were a part of early DnD. There are also exploration mechanics in the AD&D DMG.
This seems like a case of having your head in the sand.
> no critical hits
> lethal combat
> reaction table
> because rolling a 1 after a rewarding interaction makes sense
> Xp from treasure
> implying that every D&D game is about treasure
> implying treasure is not the shittiest part of the game's balance
thanks for the you
Actually, high level fighters get castles and shit. So as it turns out, you're just straight up wrong.
Hmm... I'll give you that.
Now you're just full of shit. Since when is are the 2 earliest editions of the game "derivative".
>calling the original game a retroclone
top kek