Is magical realm shit just a meme or an actual thing that has happened to people in real games? Speaking as a person who's not really capable of it of I'm fucking amazed at how much this place fetishizes otherwise mundane stuff.
Is magical realm shit just a meme or an actual thing that has happened to people in real games...
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>Speaking as a person who's not really capable of it
So you're a eunuch?
Thread #745484618165184 with the same placement of words and questions
It's the most cancerous meme that only tryhard autists still use.
Just look at how this thread will turn out as proof.
Getting into the same tired arguments is a Veeky Forums tradition though. Also I haven't been on here in months.
I miss Decu.
I know it's real because I've done it.
Is this a cheesecake thread? because I think this should be a cheesecake thread.
Fine you fight amazons who seem to gain power by being barefoot
Adhesive metal disks, keeping images work-safe since the Hyborian age.
Daily reminder that it's all down hill from here.
>not really capable of it
You naive faggot, you're just asking for karma to kick your teeth in.
>memes can't be real
the implications of that image
What's that artist called again?
Oh, I am certainly a lewd as fuck person with a cadre of fucked up fetishes. Mine are just so strange and unsubtle that I could never put them in a normal game.
Closest thing I've experienced has been lonely aspies making their waifus into characters. I've run into that a couple of times, and it's always obvious as fuck that they're just statting a masturbation fantasy.
Forever DM reporting in,
I consider it a tax and also don't force my players to interact with it.
Which is the point of the meme-spawning comic, it would've been fine if he hadn't railroaded the players into the possibility forest but simply had it exist.
As much as iHate water sports, there are supposed to be FANTASY worlds. Don't like DMs fantasies? Step up to DM so they get to play.
>my fetishes are practically a generic villain trope
Feels good not to be caught that easily
I've snuck transformation into my games because it's part of my magical realm. But I don't dwell on it a lot when it happens, even though the best part for me is people dealing with the changes afterwards.
Still counts, though.
> "Oh wow, I turned that girl into something. Hahah. Well, we better move on now, no need to think about that too much. Hahahah."
absolutely real
question, why the fuck is softcore semi-nude art called cheesecake? tits and ass don't look like that particular dessert
Never "seen" it in one of my games, but since mine is guro/blood it wouldn't be entirely difficult to force in there.
I dunno. Why are buff manly guys called beefcake?
In high school I played with a furry that pretty much forced his furfaggotry into every game he played. His fursona was a giant blue dog that pissed acid. Shit was annoying.
transformation has always been part of fantasy stuff though, Werewolves, Beauty and the Beast, Princess and the Frog and shit like that
very easy to use and you could easily have PCs deal with a transformed person for a while to help them with no one caring
I dunno. I sort of did it. I'm big into catgirls so I made a high-powered catgirl mafia as one of the major factions in the campaign setting. I don't really play them sexualized, though, in fact I tend to make them all-business and pretty sexist. It's basically just the sopranos, only with girls with cat ears instead of italian dudes. Maybe a little yakuza shit thrown in for the weeb angle, but played pretty straight.
The only well documented case I'm aware of is greasy old Ed Greenwood shuffling unsuspecting con-goers through his explicit orgy scene.
But Ed is the ur-Whizzard anyway.
Yeah, but it's more difficult when I'm the player. There aren't really a lot of ways to turn people into stuff as the party wizard and then conspire ways to hang around them.
I don't know, in my last campaign I managed to get the domineering blonde girl (PC) to give the younger, naive Catholic schoolgirl her first lesbian kiss, and my players still didn't realize I was Magical Realm-ing them.
Sexy images of sexy guys are called beefcake because sexy images of sexy girls are called cheesecake. Cheesecake is by far the older term.
Is the name of their race just "catgirl"? Is it possible the players are imagining Khajiits from Elder Scrolls so it's legit? Or are you very clearly a super moe weeb?
Isn't that what Veeky Forums decided catgirls would realistically be in a fantasy setting some years back?
>tfw no idea what terms to use to search for more oldschool cheesecake.
I run fetish campaigns online for my online friends. I never do that stuff at the table. Two people in my group do though, one playing it straight while the other bitches, and the other trying to work his vanilla shit into the game. When we were still in high school and playing online he tried to get me to RP flirting with and boning a shopkeep after the session and despite being an arch perv I noped the fuck out.
If they didn't notice, then you're not "magical realming" them. When used as a verb it specifically means you're being That Guy, like the Whizzard was.
Either your fetish is too tame to even register, or they noticed it and went along because they liked it. either way, you're fine.
Nekomimi is the race name. And nah, cat folk, like Khajiits, are a seperate race. Name just translates to 'cat ears' but better than just calling them 'catgirls'.
really? Convenient. I just made em when I was full on magical realming at 15 years old and loved the Sopranos. Over time they (and the whole setting) became less cringey and more fun to explore and over-the-top.
Redcats for life, tho
they even have a weeb name? if the PCs don't care, okay, but this is clear realm shit my man
>Anal Vore
How the fuck do you even get into that?
Well, they're more commonly just called 'Ears' by the population. "Stay away from that ear girl." Not really a slur, just a slang term. Was straight realm shit when created, because 15 year olds can't control their hormones. Now, there's male cat-people and even non-nekjo members to the group. It just has catgirls at the top because it's a traditional italian mafia structure: You're not pure-blooded and of the given society's favored gender? Good luck getting made.
>Japanese naming is magical realm
The term has lost absolutely all meaning.
Is subtlety a requirement? I've had a few games go pretty sexual in ways players found uncomfortable. It wasn't the GM pushing it, but even when it was brought to the GM's attention as a problem by multiple players, he didn't do anything to stop it. But it's anecdotal, so I can't say it's as pervasive as Veeky Forums believes. I've played in... 10 campaigns? 5 didn't get uncomfortable at any point. One had one PC following around another PC masturbating. The followed player expressed not wanting this to happen. Another was nothing but a GMPC and another PC making out until I left. 2 other online games had heavy ERP in the main chat, when people were encouraged to save that kind of thing for private Skype chats.
It was nothing crazy fetishistic, but it was kinda shoved on everybody, which was shitty.
You have me stumped. No idea what crawled up his ass...
I've mostly seen it from the perspective of a GM having players trying to bring their magical realms into a game. But that's because I run more games than I play. I haven't had too many, and all of them were randies we picked up at our LGS.
>Is magical realm shit just a meme or an actual thing that has happened to people in real games?
Why not both?
>I'm fucking amazed at how much this place fetishizes otherwise mundane stuff.
Rule 34 of the internet is another thing that's both a meme and a quasi-accurate description of what goes on here.
>50% of your games involved sexual content that made the players uncomfortable
I think it's extremely rare to meet a DM that incorporates their magical realm into a setting and is extremely blatant about it (i.e. adding pissy trees). Anyone with a shred of self awareness would make their magical realm subtle. For me, I really like exercise wear and fit girls, and you could easily have aerobic elves in a Shadowrun game or something.
Also keep in mind that most things you read on Veeky Forums are works of fiction.
I have pulled it on players before. They never knew.
GM once did a session focused on a weird tradin town were rich families seal contacts by exchanging hostages after transforming them into valuable objects and furniture and so on. If the deal is fine, they get turned back. If not, they become property of the other family.
My IRL games never devolved into it. Online roll20 games are dreadful, though. I think that's the issue. IRL people, while they can be shitters, are not as likely to go full magical realm. But when you're online and can easily make a new account if you gain a reputation, it's just mayhem. 3 IRL games, 7 online games. 2 of the online games didn't go full ERP.
>Exercise wear and fit girls
My kaffir.
It's a good feel user
Very carefully. With liberal application of lube.
I noticed.
Holy fuck how do you guys do it? I only open up sexually with females, only if there is a deal of trust, and I'm vanilla as fuck.
Aww yes.
Is flea-cathing erotic?
Can somebody explain this meme to me? I think I missed something.
Could someone tell me what I'm looking at?
I'm assuming Succubus, Vampire, ???, Kitsune, ???, so what are No. 3 and 5?
Lots and lots of alcohol and hundreds of mental/emotional issues.
I drink very little and I'm too shy to open up. So maybe that's why I can't do it, I suppose?
3 is an oni. I don't think that 5 has been in any of his published works, so I can't say for sure, but she could be a chinese dragon based on her choice of clothing.
Plausibly. Just learn to drink more. Like me. I haven't been sober for more than an hour in the last three years.
My last few campaigns, all run 4 or 5 friends taking turns at GMing, have focused on giant sized PCs in radically different scenarios.
It's as blatant as it gets and usually involves a lot of homebrew stuff that spices it up.
I don't know if I could play without it honestly, shit is fun.
I don't have friends and I only drink when I'm with people I trust, in my case my family. Which in turn barely drink if at all. It'd be pointless.
Yes, in the sense that you will occasionally have some overgrown child of a DM or player cram their fetish into the game in a blatant and unfun way that raises the discomfort, if not the ire, of the table. That is a real thing that happens and when it happens it's a gigantic pain in the ass to deal with.
However, the weird mutation the term has gone through on Veeky Forums is extremely outside what most players care about. If you're doing explicit ERP in a group that wants to do ERP I don't care. If you're playing a half-orc ranger well but you're doing it because you think half-orc rangers are hot I don't care. If you and your SO are playing a brother/sister pair to fuel your mutual incest fetish for torrid sex after the game but are keeping it zipped at the table, I don't care.
If you think plant/mushroom people are the sexiest thing ever and that inspired you to write an adventure path where the Myconids and the Mi-Go are both stranded in the far reaches of the Feywild and every single NPC and mob is some form of mobile plant, but it's a great module that can be enjoyed on its own merits? I still don't care.
Do things happen in TTRPGS that people find sexy? Yes and that's not a problem. It's only when it's crammed in at the cost of the group's ability to function that it's a problem.
Good GM's keep it hidden, bad ones are the one's you hear stories about.
Having a fetish that is also a common villain trope is a plus, and you can indulge in fantasy while hiding behind the claim its all normal procedure
It's your guy's collective inability to act like a rational human being and say "fuck off with your creepy bullshit" is the big problem.
"It's only ok with the appropriate group" is a cop out and I try to seduce the tiefling warlock by offering to let her use my face as a saddle.
Or having a fetish that's easy enough to populate the world with. It's completely logical that there are slender, lithe, young-looking girls among the fair races. Fae, elves, etc.
This was my Orc Witch in 4e
At this point anything and everything can be considered magical realm, so the term is meaningless. It's just a phrase that newfags who just learned it throw around so they can feel like they fit in.
The whole point of magical realm is that it isn't subtle. It isn't
>Oh yeah that assassin you fought and assumed was a girl was actually a drow boy in drag
>The magical belt you put on was a girdle of femininity
>The prince falls in love with your now female character
>The prince decides to have some knights kidnap you
I mean the comic the phrase magical realm comes from was anything but subtle
>See a Whizzard in the piss forest
>Piss in a troll's mouth to cross a bridge
Injecting your fetishes into a game is weird but if it is subtle nobody will care or give a fuck, it becomes magical realm when it starts to make players or the GM uncomfortable.
I suppose that for some people it's just not a thing to be at least buzzed for their entire life. Oh well. I can't recommend it, as it's extremely expensive.
Here's the origin of it - guy with weird fetishes forces them on unsuspecting players out of the blue, refuses to stop when told to.
From here the meaning shifted until now it's so vague as to mean "anything that might be sexy to somebody" and with the term rapidly becoming useless, the meme is just about dead now.
Pretty much. It could be kept useful as a term if people simply kept it to "Forcing your fetish into a game where it grosses other players out". Alas.
Talked about it here before, but I once say through an entire campaign spanning many months, revolving entirely around the DM's fetish which was impregnation and pregnancy. She was very clearly getting off on what was happening as the game progressed, and probably when we weren't around, getting herself off thinking about it.
I remember we had a group with a chaotic neutral Fighter. Not "Lawlrandum" or "strong arm everyone out of their loot", but he was rped as a jaded, bitter man who had been backstabbed too many times. You got one shot trustwise with him; you broke it and he wouldn't listen to you.
In character, he offhandedly expressed that if he could have one sexy encounter, no strings attached, he'd like to be with three half-elf chicks at once. Of course, the fighter knew that wasn't going to happen, and he had lost all faith in romance.
Later on, down the road, as we're hunting down a devil that's been plaguing a city with nightmares and cult murders, CN fighter saves, rather easily, three half-elf chicks from a few lemures, which at his level wasn't that much of a challenge.
As soon, as they started making advances, he tells the cleric it's a trap and asks her to cast Holy smite.
Ten rounds later, we had three dead Erinyes and a DM who was confused as to how he would have, in character, seen through that. I posed the question to him in character.
He shrugged and said "It would have made me happy. That's how I knew it was fake."
Them feels.
god damn
>Jaded, bitter
That's some good ass roleplay.
Also, god damn that story made me curl up and die a little more inside.
>Talked about it here before, but I once say through an entire campaign spanning many months, revolving entirely around the DM's fetish which was impregnation and pregnancy.
Damn. Was he okay?
Women can have fetishes as well, you know.
>the large majority of women want to have a kid eventually
>impregnation and pregnancy fantasies are so common, they aren't even considered fetishes
The player?
Oh, yeah, he was fine. He just wanted to play Auron with less mysterious quotes and more "Trust is the only thing of value".
He ended the campaign a paladin of Heironeous for, and I kid you not, strangling Asmodeus to death.
>how a feminist views herself
Damn. That's pretty cold.
Because the last circle of hell is frozen...
>I once say through an entire campaign spanning many months, revolving entirely around the DM's fetish which was impregnation and pregnancy.
I may regret asking, but in what way?
Just slutty elves? Succubi? Evil sex cults?
I can appreciate that the fact of it being a trap is a mark of a solid DM. Worse DM would have it as a non-monetary reward, and be super proud of himself while making the table a bit uncomfortable.
Not a game ruiner or anything, mind you.
No not just common smuttiness, she had a whole detailed and complex plot and story worked out, to believably shoehorn it into a normal and semi-realistic setting. She had us breaking into prison to knock up female prisoners, to get them lighter or dropped sentences. Found out later that she based the idea on something which sometimes happened in real life. Then had us help out and support (more personal and emotional than financial) some of the women who got out.
yeah, if it had been anything but a trap it'd be super-awkward.
It made the fighter look controlled, badass, and calculating. He gave all of our characters opportunities for such.
Mine involved donning a clown outfit and using vitrolic blast to kill child slave traders, for example, because the head of the ring was coulrophobic.