>transparent dice
Transparent dice
Do you have any specific complaints about transparent dice that you'd like to elaborate on?
Look cheap.
Feel cheap.
Can't actually read the fucking numbers on 'em.
Scratches and dirt show up way easier.
Transparent material muddles the silhouette making it hard to tell similar shaped dice apart at a glance.
Outnumber opaque dice sets 3-1 in stores and online.
They're T R A S H.
>opaque dice
What if they made transparent miniature Q-Workshop dice?
>Physical dice
>relying on the computer to produce your heroics.
plebians need not apply.
>Using a digital computer
>Not using an analog random number generator
>transparent miniature
Transparent dice are made of a single, uniform material, and therefore roll with an even distribution. Opaque dice are often a plastic shell over a core material, which often does not have an even weight distribution, leading to queered numbers.
>Black dice with red numbers
>Use them for monsters and encounter rolls
When I kill a PC, these are the dice I want to use.
Also, overly-embellished dice are the real cancer here. If your whole group is sitting at the table, squinting directly at a die, and only the die's owner can tell what number came up, then you know there's a problem. I prefer large numbers that clearly contrast with the die's color, and whose meaning not obscured by illustrations or hard-to-read fonts. Yes, it's nice that you got a die that looks like it belongs in a death metal album cover, but if no-one can read it in dim light, it's not going to be very useful in a.
>it's not going to be very useful in a.
..in an actual game.
>Can't actually read the fucking numbers on 'em.
>Transparent material muddles the silhouette making it hard to tell similar shaped dice apart at a glance.
Grow some fucking eyes you casual.
Hey guys, ready to play?
Um, what are you doing? Yeah, I'm gonna have to ask you to use this, ok? I've had a bad experience with cheaters lately.
>metal dice
on a glass table
Alright, sure. Maybe now the dice won't fly off the table every third roll.
>Can't actually read the fucking numbers on 'em.
Only if they aren't painted
>Scratches and dirt show up way easier.
Keep your dice clean maybe.
>Transparent material muddles the silhouette making it hard to tell similar shaped dice apart at a glance.
From across a table, maybe.
>Outnumber opaque dice sets 3-1 in stores and online.
So what?
Also, being transparent means you can see bubbles and other things that can heavily fuck up the dice's balance.
>GameScience Dice
>Ice Dice
I bet someone has done it.
I've seen a d20 ice mold.
That would actually be a pretty cool prop for some kind of limited magical weapon. Maybe it adds 1d20 or something crazy to your attack/damage rolls, but only until the die melts.
You use semi-transparent die to ensure they are balanced and that there aren't any bubbles.
I keep a dice tower on the table during games as a shame device.
The number of fuckwits who can't manage to roll die without smashing models, knocking chits or disrupting the game board is retarded.
So now we have the Dice Tower of Shame for all those fuckwits who never figured out that throwing die across the table is Bad Form.
>not a promblem
>not a promblem
>not a promblem
>not a promblem
>not actually a promblem
desu i feel you
>shaming the players who just want to have a goof time
>shaming the players who give you a hobby
>not just talking to players or having them role onto a tray of some kind
it's no surprise you use the word retarded casually
you're probably "that" DM
hyper-competitive, passive aggressive, OCD-wannabee, terrible communication
you don't rock, please change.
Say what you will, but they're great for Camo tokens in Infinity or stealth units in other games.
>you're probably "that" DM
I don't roleplay. I play board games and war games. I spend hours of time and hundreds of dollars putting together miniatures and painting them to use on the table.
I get annoyed and upset when players repeatedly damage my miniatures and games with dice after being told to roll in a tray, or seperately or just away from the expensive shit.
People who can't figure out now to hit shit with dice deserve to be shamed.
Go use the tower, user.
Every time, too. It wasn't a mistake, he genuinely thinks it's spelled that way.
oh. that's completely justified then.
>he must genuinely think it's spelled "promblem"
lel that was me. i was joking AND i just copy/pasted the phrase five times because who the fuck would straight up type it out like that? not me that's who. also i don't think basically anyone thinks problem is spelled with two m's and one who did probably wouldn't be capable of clearly writing a post with even that complex. also, it's *they unless you actually know their gender, motherfucker.
I just picture some user 'rolling' with a pachinko machine
>3d dice
>i was only pretending to be retarded!
I'm pretty sure they're all 3d
>Only pretty sure.
>Pesky 4d dice.
still better than the 2d dice one guy brought
still have not figured out how he managed to roll a 3
Was it a 2d d3?
>dice that aren't platonic solids
>Not having an opaque 10s die and transparent 1s die for your d100
kys senpai
>not having a d10 marked in tens so you don't have to mess about with that shit
That's some weird pinball.
With numbers?
>using miniatures without bases
I swear to god, I've seen it
Yes. It was quite large (Like a young child's fist).
You want to start a real dice argument?
2d10s for d100
Is it d10'0 + d10 or is it d10'0 for tens slot and d10 for ones slot?
>not realizing that dice are transparent to allow for visual verification that there are no imbalancing bubbles inside
>thinks dice are analog.
Dice rolling apps are okay IF they've clearly specified the number generator algorithm and the seed method. (which generally limits it to open source apps) Most dice rolling apps are very poorly done.
>neckbeard sperglords with assburgers
Enjoy your shit dice.
Well hot damn.
I'm happy with my dice tray and cant see why people are too retarded not to use them/use them well
i have some legs from an old music stand so i'm working on a way to make it so i dont have to always sit it directly on the table should there not be any room or the table is all scenery
...and i always believed im just unlucky.
You really do learn something new everyday.
What's that accent? Autist?
Redneck. Can't you hear his bucktheet and mullet?
I can't cook them without it being obvious.
I have one of those cancers in my group. The faggot uses these dice all the time.
And then like the special snowflake he is, uses one of these.
idk, I'm not an anglo.
How the fuck are you supposed to read that.
Number of triangles I think, on the image the top has 4 triangles, the left side has 5 triangles and the right side has 1.
>Not using metaphysical nth dimensional dice.
Fucking peasants.
>edible dice
Jesus christ
>TFW you're that special snowflake.
They're my only metal dice and I love them, I'm sorry.
...I kinda hate and love these at the same time. Who makes them?
They're called Ako dice, you read them with each line being a pip regardless of size by the way.
Have you ever seen someone go bowling and bounce a ball our of their lane into another one?
My players.
It's fat. Notice how short of breath this thing is.
But thats the beauty of it user, there is. Its doubly comprehensible!
>bounce a ball our of their lane into another one
yes, my little sister when she was 8. Thats sad.
I'm a simple man, I own three sets of Dice
Black with White numbers
Grey with Black Numbers
White with Black Numbers
I dont want anymore, nor do I need them.
Where do you stand on casino dice then?
Is it ok if the game I play uses a hex grid instead of base to base measurements?
Translucent dice are fine as long as they are decently dark, with a good contrast between the dice color and the numbering.
Is the Juliano not the sexiest mech in all of battletech?
My players like to "Kobe it" for luck. We're just playing dnd but it actually increases combat time when they have to try again and again to actually get in the fucking tray
>dice made out of bone
My friend uses these color for both his D&D and 36 D6 sets. It's eye gouging and I hate them.
Why would you want to be OCD? Its not fun at all being stuck in a room because there isn't exactly 13 things on the floor or needing to click the lights on and off exactly 27 times and if you mess it up you have to do it again.
I got one of those bad boys. I make sure to blast Them Bones every time I roll it and make tone of humerus puns.
>implying X wannabe actually want to be X
He is talking about people with minor easily overcomed obsessions for random things who claims they have OCD.
>anons acknowledge that they are objectively worse than solid color dice
>but you're wrong
I have a set specifically in case I think one of my players is cheating.
If his luck goes from amazing to average, he needs to subject his dice to me for testing. If they're weighted he's out, if they arent I apologize and buy him a replacement set.
If a player's luck goes from mediocre to plain old shit, I'll ask to only hold and roll his dice to see if they're warped or something.
If their luck actually IMPROVES, I'll let them keep the dice.
Fuck you.
get on my level
Just color in the numbers with a pencil, dudes.
That looks like vomit.
I should get some for Hellaween.
Literally the same.
Do you have some sort of problem with actual balanced dice?
Opaque dice can't be checked for defects.
>How the fuck are you supposed to read that.
The bitter angry NEET in me wants to say
>you aren't. the die's owner can just lie to you because you can't read it
But it's probably more like
>the die's owner has already spent hours jerking off to his die so he can identify the sides more easily
I only roll authentic Chessex Clown Puke ™ dice
Since this is a dice thread, what is the best dice to play with? I want to get one of those Chessex pound-of-dice next week, but I'm not sure if they're good quality