Is there any other setting that does vampires as well as Warhammer Fantasy? Name me one modern vampire who is as cool as Vlad von Carstein.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Edward Cullen.
Krul Tepes.
Legacy of Kain?
It's been a while since I played those though. I might look back and find they were shit all along. The time travel stuff was weird.
Good Ol' Jack of course.
>The Count from Sesame Street
>Count Chocula
"Blood; it's your new rack of lamb, your new champagne... hell, blood's your new fuckin' heroine kid! Haha!"
and the whole setting of the game.
Count fucking Dracula
Mannfred von Carstein.
that hair color is triggering me so bad.
how can someone fuck up Remi's hair so bad
The same when you miss the image
I also came here to say Kain.
There's only one answer.
Perhaps she tried lightening it.
this is my first post on tg, i lurked around a few months ago, then stopped until today and i didnt know that there are such stupid people as u OP, lol i hope u are baiting
count orlok
blade (lolz)
1897 is only 119 years ago. That's way recent.
Also, best vampire right here. OG mang
Nobody wants to talk about Kendar.