Stat Dragonslayer for 5e tg you are my only hope
Stat Dragonslayer for 5e tg you are my only hope
Great sword. But one size category up.
two handed ultra great sword 3d6 slash
add an extra d12 when used on a demon,angel
aborition,or spirit type creatures , legendary weapon need a str of 19 or higher
Large lump of rough iron. Improvised weapon. 1d4 slashing.
Is there a way the berserker armor could work in D&D? Like it gives a strength or speed boost, but requires a will check to stop fighting?
In 3.5, it literally just gives the frenzy ability, as per the frenzied berserker prestige class from Complete Warrior. Same bonuses, same drawbacks.
Also the rest of the class features. Basically, it's the whole damn prestige class in a magic item.
Interesting. Would there be a benefit to a berzerker using the armor, or would it just be redundant?
Redundant. Guts is a fighter anyways
Just use an oversized great sword. I don't know specifically where the stats are, but there's probably a large creature in the Monster Manual (It might also be in the DMG) you could get it from.
Normally it's disadvantage to use an oversized weapon, but if you find a way to cancel that out reliably (like reckless attack or whatever it is barbarians have) it would probably work fine
Either way it's very much a DM permission thing
It's clearly a bludgeoning weapon.
That thing was too big to be called a sword. Too big, too thick, too heavy, and too rough, it was more like a large hunk of iron
In setting there's not actually special about Dragonslayer apart from its size. It doesn't become 'magical' until guts uses it to butcher supernatural creatures and it becomes soaked in preverbial demon's blood. The only real effect it has is that it can cut through ghosts and demons about as well as it can cut through anything else.
I'm not especially familiar with 5th edition, but its probably a +1 Greatsword that ignores any damage resistances an opponent might have.
The real question, I guess, would be how you'd handle the berseker armor, which is, you know, actually magical.
Large weapons are typically a die type higher than the normal ones. So a Large Greatsword would be 2d8 dmg.
Personally I'd up it to a 2d10 when fighting demons, devils, undead and outsiders.
I'd probably just say it lets you act as normal while making death saves and give it +3 bonus
It's also probably borderline artifact territory
In 5e, size for weapons is multiplicative (from the DMG's monster creation rules).
A Large greatsword will deal 4d6, Huge 6d6, Gargantuan 8d6.
>The real question, I guess, would be how you'd handle the berseker armor, which is, you know, actually magical.
Can keep fighting after reaching 0 HP, instantly die when you reach bloodied value in negative HP. Do death saves like normal after combat ends. Advantage to CON, STR and DEX saves.
Gain some Rage and Power Attack feature.
Thanks. Didn't have the books on hand to check myself.
I feel like part of the rage and power attack is Guts. The armor helps, but I'd probably limit it to advantage on ability checks or something and just add some sort of "you don't want to back down" curse deal
It seems to feed on the worst parts of him. We know he had his share of control issues with the Demon Dog in his head far before ever putting on the armour. The armour just makes it easy for it to consume him completely.
It'd probably be best to handle that part through roleplay and maybe a Will save at the end of the encounter, if appropriate.
New GM here, I may be ambitious, but I'm trying to prepare a Berserk/Diablo/Witcher kind of game for my group.
>It doesn't become 'magical' until guts uses it to butcher supernatural creatures and it becomes soaked in preverbial demon's blood.
How would you handle this in game?
+attack or a counter that once it hits certain milestones gets +1/2/3 against supernatural enemies?
>die type higher than the normal ones
Or like that?
Not a frenzied berserker. Barbarian yes, though. Of course, the party will hate you once you start attacking them...
So everybody has disadvantage with it?
Oversized weapons are ubershit in 5e, like literally stupid shit if isn't made for your size category
>add an extra d12 when used on a demon,angel
>aborition,or spirit type creatures
That's not really an inherent property of the weapon, just a side-effect of how damn many demons Guts killed with it.
I just realized that the DMG doesn't specify that the weapons in your starting equipment don't have to be sized for you.
That being said, GMs might balk at a level 2 barbarian swinging for 2d12+Str
Greater than Great: Dragonslayer is equivalent to a greatsword made for Large creatures. Its damage 'die' is 4d6. As per the PHB, Small or Medium creatures have disadvantage to attack with Dragonslayer. The sword weighs an estimated 500 pounds; consult the PHB's rules about encumbrance to determine which creatures are physically capable of swinging or even lifting it.
Fey-quenched: Dragonslayer is permanently stained by the gore of countless unnatural creatures. It is considered a magic weapon. It can be destroyed like a mundane item, but it has 19 AC, and hitpoints, damage threshold, and break DC equivalent to a 5-foot cube of steel.
Weight of History: Dragonslayer has cleaved so many in twain that it has forgotten that any other outcome is possible. Dragonslayer ignores all resistances and immunities, as well as the spells mage armor, shield, or any other spell that effects the target's AC. The user of Dragonslayer can use an attack to target a magical wall or barrier; if the attack is successful, roll damage normally, and the caster makes a concentration check as though he was attacked directly. Failure on the concentration check ends the spell, EVEN IF it's not a spell which requires concentration.
Guts is a big guy.
It's very rare that people describe my penis in threads like this. Thanks! *Rimshot*
1d12+Str > 2d12+Str with disadvantage
1d12+Str with advantage > 2d12+Str
Large Masterwork Cold Iron Ghosttouch Greatsword.
The armor is a sentient npc set of hellknight plate that takes over the wearer, casts Haste on itself, and has it's own levels in barbarian.