Superhero General

The recently late Mutants and Masterminds thread went swimmingly, lets see if we have enough discussion to keep going.

Talk it all - characters, plots, systems!

>System repository

Other urls found in this thread: High, Revised Edition (PDF)

Didn't people bitch and moan last time we had /shg/ ?

People were bitching when it was overtaken by one worldbuilding project, which I'm not bringing up in the op.

I hope you're not a fan of the Freedom Fighters.

During character creation I have each of the players come up with an outline for their arch-nemesis, which I then flesh out mechanically.

I always wanted run or play M&M but I always kept stumped with character creation and coming up with a plot.

Character creation: pick up archetypical options in this here book, then tweak some points here and there for better fit to your ideas.

Plots: ok that's harder.

The plot is slice of life.

In high school! High, Revised Edition (PDF)

Maan capeworld had some good stuff but occasionally just went too far up it's own ass rather than being generically usable assets.

Are superheroes in a cyberpunk corporate setting possible?

Currently building an superhero completely out of the gadget guide and thought about putting him in such a setting. Seemed odly fitting.

There are plenty of shady megacorps with very wide variance in ways they try and get superpowers on their payroll, so generally yes. Go have a look at Emerald City books (both guide and secrets) if you want to grab some ideas to rip or are already playing in the M&M's standard canon.

So I want to run a one-shot/short campaign revolving around a bunch of shitty street-level villains having to fight a 90's-style edgelord anti-hero, who's taken to slaughtering villains in their droves.

Any ideas for some pre-gen characters/the villain/system? I've never done Supers RP before.

Can someone explain how damage works in M&M? I usually DM shit, but this time, one of my player's want to try DMing (THANK GOD) but, he's confused on how HP and Damage work in the game. I understand it has something to do with Toughness, but it's just going over my head at this point.

The only thing we've run before is D&D 5e and that was through me begging them to try out these kinda games.

My character is a Tuxedo Kamen ripoff

You roll 1d20 + Toughness to save against damage. If you fail, you take a bruise. If you fail harder, you become stunned, and if you fail hardest, knocked out. Lethal rules exists, but they kind of suck.


First comes the big departure from D&D: you do not have hitpoints. It works more like saving throws.

Instead you roll d20+Toughness versus DC of Damage+15. If you succeed, nothing happens.
If you fail, you get a cumulative -1 to further saves against damage - buildup of these penalties is what denotes how much you are banged up.

If you fail the roll by more than 5, then you are additionally Dazed for one turn.
If you fail by more than 10, you are Staggered (until you recover). If you are Staggered again, you're knocked out.
If you fail by more than 15, you're knocked out.

Check here for the description and here for TABLE: DEGREES OF SUCCESS AND FAILURE

Thanks user, I figured that was how it should work, but wasn't exactly sure and needed some confirmation.

Oh yes and as other user points out: by default, due to superheroing setting, all damage is nonlethal.

Lethality is optional rules and basically adds an alternative to knocked out: if you're knocked out with what you define as lethal type damage, you start dying and have to make saving throws to stop it.

And an addendum: the Minions, aka generic goons, do not do the degrees of failure and penalties. If they fail the Toughness roll even by 1, they are KO'd.

Or any other effect. Fail a blinding affliction roll? Bliiiind. Or frozen, or transformed or mind controlled or whatever.

I'm running a Savage Worlds superhero campaign this week. The premise is that each player is given the standard 4-color allotment of points. With one Player acting as the villain, and the other players as the team of superheroes opposing him. It's actually quite frightening how well he's min-maxed his character to be an equal force to the other players(mostly through abuse of the Filthy Rich edge and a fuck-ton in Inventing, coupled with his multi-form ability to swap around skills and stats(playing it as multiple personalities)

My question is, how do I run this? I'm obviously not going to let him bullshit his way against the players(neither would his personality allow him to do so) But I'm a bit of a loss as to how I simultaneously run a villain and a Team of Heroes.

Make way for the best DM screen ever.

>He's never seen Batman Beyond

Only a few clips. Never wanted to watch it fully.

Was in my marvel phase back then.

Seems like it would take about 15 successful attacks on someone to knock them out unless you're insanely stronger than that person.

Does your group have a certain "disconnect" when it comes to powers and exact rulings in-game? I find my group drifting into freeform stuff in combat.

Oh. Well it was more or less babby's first cyberpunk show, and a great example of how to do superheroes in a cyber-future setting. Villains ranged from mutant corporate saboteurs to renegade psychics to Shadowrun-style BTL pushers. The interaction between Wayne-Powers and the rest of the Gotham corporate sector framed a lot of the episodic plots of season 1 and recurring villain Mad Stan was a Pink Mohawk in all but name.

user? You got me sold on it. I´m putting it back on my watch list. I´ll probably start with it later this week. Thanks.

That's how long it takes to beat them down to the point of any hit taking them down, but by all chances they're going to go down sooner - hell there's a chance to two-hit-KO a guy of equal toughness to your strength if he rolls badly (either twice in a row below 5 or one time below 15 and then a 1). Scoring a crit on the attack adds 5 to your damage, so that helps too.

general threads are fucking cancer
just have a goddamn conversation with people you stupid bastard

Then there's recovery, abused defense bonus stacking, and not rolling a 20 for the first 6 attacks.

>abused defense bonus
like how?

what's so great about it?

big franchises need containment threads though

You buy a higher defense value than you could actually buy with your PL limit. Many GMs don't notice.

It has literally everything you need for the game.

A munchkin cheating his sheet is not a system's fault.

So you cheat. That's, uh, not absurd, that's called fucking cheating.

But combat does take way too long regardless.

How obvious do you make your expy NPCs? I've noticed pretty much every RPG Supers setting includes obvious analogues for either the Marvel or DC Lineup, but does yours? If so, are they just the characters with the serial numbers filed off, or do you mix things up?

Y'all want some superhero character art? I've got a bit stashed away.




Are the filenames their cape names? I want the filenames to be their cape names so badly.


Ahahaha, I just name them generically. I think "blue hand man" is actually that one guy from Venture Bros, though.








That's all I've got.

Thanks! Always useful to have character art for inspiration.

How would you go about hiding your character's secret identity when you need to expose parts of your character's body to use your power(s)? Examples:
>Power requires skin-to-object contact to work
>Power is a transformation ability that shreds clothing
>Power ends up obliterating any non-hardened material
>Power destroys non-living material
>laser beams emit from the skin so clothing is incinerated.
>Power increases your size but does not bring along clothing.

Finger-less gloves for the first one. The rest? No real idea, if it's all full body.

>or read the Marvel 2099 imprint

>Power requires skin-to-object contact to work
As opposed to other guy: open palm gloves to grab things. They're called FINGERprints, youknow.

>Power is a transformation ability that shreds clothing
Your mask only needs to cover you long enough until your face is unrecognizable. Going back is harder if you can't do Parker's thing with clothing stashes around.

>Power ends up obliterating any non-hardened material
Welll the question only applies if it's a destruction aura that covers yourself whole in which case you're kinda screwed unless you luck into having enough "resistant material" to make a helmet (yeah just sport the look from Elfen Lied's opening scene you don't have enough fucks to give when you're walking annihilation sphere)

>Power destroys non-living material
Same as above, luck factor now includes meeting a biomanipulator ally that can fashion you a suit of living plants.

>laser beams emit from the skin so clothing is incinerated.
Don't emit them from your head.

>Power increases your size but does not bring along clothing.
Wear stretchy clothes. Get super-stretchy shit from your local madscientist asap.

If you only need to expose parts of your body, only expose parts of your body. If someone can identify you by seeing your hands, they were probably going to figure out who you were anyway. If it requires a full body transformation, then transform somewhere safe before you go heroing, and when you're done heroing. If possible, work with a tech or biokinetic hero to create costumes which can get around your limitations.

If none of those work, then having a secret identity isn't for you. Just go Fantastic Four.

Maybe try slightly ignoring the GMs plot and he'll kill off your family, thus eliminating the need for a secret identity.

At the very worst, try to Clark Kent it up.
Slouch. Glasses. Voice pitch.

How are (insert term for super powered individuals) treated in your setting? Heroes? Villians? Ones on neither side?

Running a villain campaign, planning to have my players all meet in a transport truck en route to the country's supervillain jail. The truck'll get caught up in another supervillain's rampage through the city, allowing the relatively b-list villains to escape and get acquainted with the new city that they'll be operating in. What'd be a good way to keep the group together, and a first mission to provide focus?

The supervillains rampage is messing up another villains plans, the team she was paying got caught in the crossfire and the PCs get offered to take over their jobs.
The villain is desperate as she has been planning this for a long time and the window for opportunity is optimal right now so she is promising great rewards for every mission the PCs do for her.

Boom, potential ally / backtabbing target and the missions are also a sightseeing tour as they bring the group through the whole city and make them familiar with the local landmarks and culture.

Which is better; Increased durability or increased regeneration? Assume same point allotment used for either.

And yet over the years Clark has often looked like a burly male model.
That's always annoyed me.

Comic book artistry isn't on the top level, desu.
but this is gold.

Hey, I just thought of this power and I had to make it.

Teleport 8. Extras: Accurate, Extended, Portal. Flaws: Medium (Bus Stops)

The name of its user? Transit.

How extended? Worldwide? Galactic scale? Bus stop teleportation would be a really easy way to make money.

Teleport 8 with Extended allows travel of 500km for two move actions.

Extended adds 8 ranks to it, and rank 16 is.. 500 kilometers. To make it global, you'd need to make it Teleport 13, so that the extra 8 points increases the range to 21, giving it a distance of 16,000 Kilometers.

That would cost pretty insane though
2 base pp/rank, +1 accurate, +1 extend, +2 portal, -1 medium for a total of 5 points per rank.

Yep, for a total of 65 points for 13 ranks.


Which power would be neat for utility outside of combat?

I have a few saved away











Did anyone do anything with Canada after the basics were set up? I set up a few things then left when i realized how garbage the rest of the setting was.


See Batman Beyond, the Machine Man mini set in 2020, Marvel UK's 2020 books, and Marvel 2099.

I asked last thread about this, hopefully I'll get more this time: I'm looking for a good list of heroes/villains to name-drop in the background, to flesh out my world, and I've love to make those cameos of characters from you guys.

If you have a character you particularly liked and would want to cameo in the background of my campaign, just drop their name and a description of their powers and I'd be happy to include them.

I'll post a list of the background characters I've brainstormed so far in a little bit.

Link drop!
Pick and choose.

>I'm looking for a good list of heroes/villains to name-drop in the background, to flesh out my world, and I've love to make those cameos of characters from you guys.
That's kinda what the "Cape World" project was about - providing NPCs to drop in and flesh out the world. It went up it's own arse at times, but still had a good amount of stuff to grab the tags it was archived with are pretty scattershot so you'll need to scroll down until you find it.

Thank you! I've been looking to expand my folders. It's not enough until there's 300 in each subcategory.

>I'll post a list of the background characters I've brainstormed so far in a little bit.
Dude I'm waiting, I've been searching for something similar.

Not sure if you'd want to use her or not, but this was an Unwitting Villain-turned-Ally I used against my PCs. Basically controls music to mind control people. Used it as a lesson for the PCs to maybe bump up their Will saves a bit, as their heavy hitter instantly hit three degrees of failure when she used Waltz on him.

In the world she's from, she was being controlled by the BBEG to become a world-famous star while using her powers to make suggestions to the crowds she sang to. She has a twin brother who was always inside her shadow and protected her from anyone who sought to harm her. While she was unwitting, he was voluntarily working for the BBEG and offered her to it in exchange for the two of them being saved from his plans.

Used to run MURPG, it had it's moments...

>not PL capping all your defenses


Can villains have hero/victory points, or do they just generate complications?

I'm not sure if "Only while music is playing" should be worth a full -1/rank. You've got enough control over it that it seems more like a quirk or just a power loss complication.

It's not a PC, didn't feel the need to.
I don't consider the "Expertise: Singing" as part of the concept of "music is playing" when I created her to be fought against. The only thing she has to generate "music" is her MP3 player that's hooked up to her backpack which has speakers, which constantly played Techno. It took the PCs 10 combat rounds, even though I kept reminding the PCs where the music was coming from, to actually try to rip it off or destroy it.

Since it's a villain, any qualms brought up can be tossed over to the GM Fiat side of the table. Now if you want to critique my PC when we rotated GMs, here you go.