Board Game General Thread
something something edition
>typical question?
>One more?
I just really want this thread back up lol sorry i suck at starting these...
Board Game General Thread
something something edition
>typical question?
>One more?
I just really want this thread back up lol sorry i suck at starting these...
Is Talisman worth a buy?
I'm super conflicted on this one, and have been bleeding cash for games lately so I'm a bit hesitant...
It looks cool, but I wanna hear some opinions...
I'm feeling some pressure because from what I hear this one's going OOP or something so idk im scared u guize.
Any thoughts?
The games take too long, one or two players usually become the apparent winners after not too long and the others just go through the motions.
I have the base game and 5 expansions and we'll never play it again.
i totally forgot to make the subject bgg, im retarded =-=
thanks lol i was kinda interested and its honestly a relief to hear a dissenting opinion on it coz idk if i wanna make an impulse buy right now, not to mention its 50 bucks!
I absolutely second this guy, and I flippin' work at FFG. The game is clunky, awkward, and not fun. For players coming from something like Monopoly, it seems cool, but if you have even a sliver of experience with good games, you are going to have a very unenjoyable time with it.
If you like that style of game, allow me to recommend instead:
Eldritch Horror
Mice & Mystics
No. Only thing the game has going for it is 80s nostalgia. Other than that it just has not aged well. Also I'm pretty sure Talisman will be one of the first games Games Workshop will straight up start printing itself again once FFG's license is up, or just license again to someone else, so I doubt it'll really be OOP in a year.
If you're hellbent on picking something like that up I'd look at Relic, which is more or less 40k Talisman with actually some necessary changes included. Ruleswise that is more FFG work so I doubt that will see a printer again unless some weird licensing shenanigans happen. But it's still Talisman and I wouldn't personally touch it.
So what's the deal with GW games? Are you guys doing one more shipment of stuff like CitOW?
Thanks for all the feedback!
I appreciate the recommendations! I've heard of all those except for Prophecy; checking that out now. Eldritch horror is also one i've been meaning to look into since its brought up quite a bit, just haven't gotten around to it yet.
I'm looking through my potential purchases for the future, still got some research and leaning out of the list to do, but here's what seems interesting so far (it's kinda all over the place)
Blood rage
Five tribes
Pixel tactics
Space Hulk death angel card game
Isle of sky
would you recommend any of these? anything I should know about em?
Blood Rage and Kemet are both very good games and kind of fill a similar niche. Very confrontational battling with your armies on the map, with variable powers bought in some fashion during the game. Either one is probably a good pickup, though I feel Blood Rage might still have a bit elevated rankings in places like BGG because it's pretty fresh out of the oven.
man, I don't know if I'd actually enjoy the gameplay of mechs vs minions, but god damn that production quality is crazy
So, about this fall...
>A Feast for Odin
>Mansions of Madness 2 Expansions
>Great Western Trail
>Trials of Indines
>Robinson Crusoe New Edition
>GIPF Reprints
>Pax Renaissance
>Bios: Genesis
>Mechs vs Minions
I can't even afford to get half of this list
I really like Isle of Skye. Seasons you can try yourself on Board Game Arena (I think it's okay). I've played Blood Rage and Five Tribes and would personally pass on getting both
I have the following filters for Subject and Comment which works for 85% of boneheaded OPs:
/board game/i;boards:tg;op:only;highlight
I'll probably get locked out, but I have to at least try to snag one. Price is a no brainer, it WILL sell out, and if I feel buyer's remorse at any point, I can undoubtedly sell it for a profit.
kinda feel the same thing about the, ive never even played LoL before. never really cared about it.
when i saw the leaked stuff, i was expecting it to be at around the $100+ range.
surprised its only $75.
and just like what said. im sure ill be able to resell it for a profit if i ever get bored.
while you might be able to resell it pretty quickly for a nice profit, it sounds like riot plans on keeping it in print. the initial 30k will be a bit of a test run, but there's apparently an official forum post that I'm too lazy to find where they say they'll print more if it's popular
I have to say, it's quite the feat for both rahdo and tom to say this will almost certainly make their top 10. you don't often see both of them this excited for the same game.
GIPF reprints??? Waaaah finally!
When how what huh??
hey, at least you spelt board game correctly and chose a good picture
Blood Rage deserves a special caveat: in CitOW, battle resolution uses dice; in Kemet, cards that you will always have an unvarying number of. The basic resource of battle is largely independent from the resources of things like power projection, special abilities, etc.
In Blood Rage to be better at battling means passing up far more interesting abilities.
Xia is excellent fun, play it with my mates and they all enjoy it.
>count them
>ecklund games
Now if only Ares Magazine weren't a shit.
Reminder that if you're planning of picking something that will disappear, at least momentarily, because of the GW / FGG split, Fury of Dracula (3rd edition) might be the hidden gem of the whole bunch.
And that gem would be quartz.
>generic answer
>why not two?
good job anyway, user
Some guy has the whole Warhams Invasion LCG up for sale (one base, one each of every pack and deluxe exp) for around $250. I know it's a good deal, but I'm not sure if I should go for it.
Is it a good enough game to own everything there is for it?
favorite card games?
I think he means that lots of people may not realize it's a GW game, since it doesnt carry the Warhammer license.
This. Everything else on the list is either Talisman, Warhammer or 40k.
There's been so much reworking of the game rules by FFG with the 2nd and 3rd editions, that I'm honestly not sure how any possible printing of the game post-FFG will happen.
Talisman is my guilty pleasure. Its not a very good game but its still fun to play when im with normies. Its a very light and easy game. Almost like a social game when you have a small group of people.
GIPF and YINSH are out already apparently. I like TZAAR though which is out this fall along with one more I forget
holy shit how did I not hear about this
The short version is: We wanted to make Rune Wars; GW said that us making a minis game steps on their toes and breaks our license contract; we said fuck your license contract and dropped them like a bad habit. We probably will do one final print run of some of the more popular stuff out of courtesy to the players, but the actual limitations of the new deal aren't fully clear yet.
I haven't played any of those you listed except Five Tribes, and I liked it a lot. However, it is definitely not an adventure game, and really feels is euro (not a bad thing at all, just might not be what you're looking for, based on the other games that have been brought up so far).
also Blood Bowl: Team Manager and it's expansions... very good card game. I wish they had made a blood bowl lcg :(
Blue Moon: Legends, Battle Line, Cold War: CIA vs KGB, Jaipur, Rock Band Manager, Fairy Tale, Blood Bowl Team Manager, Battle Con, Star Realms.
Highly recommend any of them.
aaah noice noice
I really wanted yinsh and tzaar but was so disappointed at their prices!!
glad i'll have the opportunity to finally snag a copy :)
How do i even find these gipf reprints?
I just looked at their website and nothing useful really...
this is where my digging has led me
and idk if that's any help either considering multiple people have said that yinsh is apparently out already
If anybody knows where i can buy/pre-order myself a copy, let me know!!
I just started getting into board games, like 2 weeks ago I got Cosmic Encounter. My group had played Munchkin before so I figured they'd like it.
I don't live in an English speaking country so what are games that don't depend much on cards/text?
Other than that here's a list of what I'm looking forward to buy:
Fury of Dracula (RIP I don't think I'll get one for cheap now)
Letters from Whitechapel
Betrayal on the house on the hill.
Dead of winter long night (2016)
oh and I forgot. The resistance but idk if I should get the regular or avalon version
You sure you want to get Letters from Whitechapel and FoD? They're both really similar experiences with one another. I guess it really falls down to how willing is your game group to sit down and listen to rules?
that mostly depends on what theme you like better. they added the new roles from avalon back into the regular version with the hidden agenda expansion, plus you could easily add those roles yourself with just the base game. just say the old lady = the commander/merlin
fury of dracula, betrayal, and dead of winter rely pretty heavily on text. they might have been localized into your language, but that's something to keep in mind. be sure to check on bgg
for every game. if you scroll down a bit past the description and just before buy a copy it says additional suggestions and has the language dependence. that'll be your saving grace. you'll want to find games that have no necessary in game text or some necessary text
>fury of dracula, betrayal, and dead of winter rely pretty heavily on text
I would prefer to get FoD but since FFG lost the rights and is apparently not reprinting it I think I'll go with Letters from Whitechapel.
Dont you have localized games in your country ? Most countries have a decent BG scene these days it seem, FFG games are localized in a plethora of languages...
It seems like when there's a translated version it is SO much more expensive.
e.g I can get long night/crossroads dead of winter for about $45 from amazon with free shipping. And about $84 for Crossroads (since I'm sure long night has not been translated yet)
There are quite a few games with little text, but they often come at the cost of complexity.
I would recommend Hanabi, sushi Go!, Incan Gold, For Sale, No Thanks!, and Sheriff of nottingham
Battlecon is very easy to PnP, but it doesn't really do more than 2 players. The english, once you understand how the game works and how the keywords work, is very easy to understand.
Plus if you life in South America or something everyone will eat that shit up because it's heavily based on fighting games.
My copy of Roll for the galaxy only came with 1 player mat and I didn't find this out until the 30 day returns limit had passed.
Is there a printable components sheet floating around I could laminate, or am I just going to have to photocopy the 1 I have.
contact the publisher about it. most are very good about sending replacement components for free
Prepare for terribleness.
>We wanted to make Rune Wars
So you're giving up the GW license for something that will be dead on arrival?
>implying he actually works for FFG and posts on an Indonesian water polo fan site
Maybe, maybe not. I personally think Rune Wars is a lot of fun, and really has some really cool mechanics. Terrinoth is pretty bland as far as settings go, but they could do worse.
FFG has been looking to get into "real minis" (everyone knows X-Wing and IA don't count) for some time now. Whether or not the game is a flop, it represents the beginning of potential big changes for the company.
Oops, meant for this to be a continuation of I never said I work for FFG. I said I work *at* FFG. Not a developer or anything, just a low-level nobody with a lot of friends in the building.
Let's see what their lords and masters have to say about that... Miniatures are far more niche, dunno if Asmodee is willing to push that far, they're going for mass market and casuals.
So how hard do you guys think it will be to try and order Mechs vs Minions come the 13th?
I almost feel that I'm going to need to camp out at my PC to try and snag a copy and still lose because I didn't type out my card info fast enough.
What's the big deal about minis anyways?
They're fucking cool?
>totally not a cashgrab
Only valid reason to hop onto that train is hoarding the boxes a few months and then make idiots and money part ways after it sells out.
HUCH! is doing the reprints. May be UK only right now...
If Ares didn't suck shit, it wouldn't be an autumn 2016 release, now would it?
I put both Ecklund games because I own 4 already and it takes everything in my being to resist the new ones.
Bohnanza, Hanabi, Innovation
Not sure but maybe log into the LoL merch store and save your address into it beforehand. It will sellout in minutes so
After seeing all the videos and listening to Secret Cabal, it's looking like this is probably GOTY. You're allowed to disagree though
Dunno man, I feel it's gonna be Super Dungeon Explore tier. Super cutesy, great components, but overhyped and ultimately flawed
well, SDE's retail price is 100...
prices aside, I'm hoping this game delivers on the promises of Space Alert. I own Space Alert, I like Space Alert, and unfortunately the audio aspect means it doesn't really get played. Also we really don't like the interior threats. Don't know much about SDE but I don't see any point in drawing comparisons because they're different genres
Even if they're different genres, both games can still have similar aspects. It's not like one particular genre is immune to being overpriced, for instance.
Point of comparison was just expectations vs disappointment. Guess we'll have to see if it delivers.
>my stupid meme picture was used as an op again
FFG has a proven track record of making niche things appealing to the mass market -- that is literally the reason that Asmodee flagged us for the merger in 2014. Sperg about it all you want, but the cold hard truth here is that Asmodee is pushing for us to do more shit like this.
Short version: There is a very large market of people who like hobby games but aren't willing to make the plunge on full-blown miniatures games. FFG/Asmodee believe that demographic hasn't been tapped to its full potential, and wants to get in before GW figures out how to unfuck themselves.
is twilight struggle Any good
If you're into the hyper-strategic history simulation games, it is hands down the best one out there. But you have to enjoy that kind of game. I personally do not.
new to that genre, any liter starters?
Not sure if there's anything really considerably lighter, Twilight Struggle isn't honestly that heavy in my opinion.
Second designer of TS has 1960: The Making of a President out, which uses similar system in a different sort of setting. A good game apparently.
Volko Ruhnke's COIN series might be worth looking at. Cuba Libre is generally thought to be the gateway game to that series - definitely a lot lighter than Fire In The Lake (the Vietnam game of the series) on my shelf.
>If Ares didn't suck shit, it wouldn't be an autumn 2016 release, now would it?
>I put both Ecklund games because I own 4 already and it takes everything in my being to resist the new ones.
Pax Renaissance and BIOS: Megafauna aren't Ares IIRC, they're jsut doing High Frontier.
>any liter starters
Twilight Struggle is very light, the reason it's so good is the emergent complexity from the simple interacting parts. GMT themselves place it barely in the medium tier of complexity.
Not sure about dead on arrival, some gameplay gimmicks seems fine. Also, most of "GW license" stuff was reprints and remakes of old shit, so i dont see problems with that.
Talisman is absolute shit and I love it. Gameplay is trash, heaps of boring downtime, but it's great as a storytelling mechanism, where a bunch of crazy fantasy shit happens to some hopeless adventurers.
I'm fucking keen for it. At best, a cool new game and a good way to gateway drug some of my friends into wargaming, at worst some minis for Kings of War.
Why is everyone so assblasted about this game? Looks like ok-tier engine-building game.
What's the deal with Through the Ages and the two different publishers again?
>aquasphere $20 through daily deal
>mite b gud
>get it on hold
>watch vasel run through it
So I can tell I will wither adore this game or despise it, but I can't tell which yet.
I'm curious how you guys would adapt random tables from rpgs to a board game. I'm toying around with an idea for a game and for it I want to give a sense of exploration. I think something like this would work well, but I can't think of a good way to implement it
just having a reference sheet like that and rolling a die would break the immersion, but you also couldn't have a dozen different decks of cards and have each result printed on a single card since that'd be absurd.
I'm wondering if grouping them up would work, so each card would have for example one of the foliage options, one of the perception options, and one of the interesting locations options on it. that would limit the randomness by a bit (not ideal) but it would cut down on fiddly shit and it could also be curated so there's no continuity silliness (a strong gust of wind brings a strange smell that disappears when the wind dies down; you see a large boulder with odd carvings on it; you investigate the cave to discover a vast network of tunnels stretching for miles in every direction)
probably because it should be so much more if it wants to use the moo license. it honestly doesn't look like a bad game though, just not what anyone would expect from the name
Mah nigga. I only found out about the CCG well after its death.
Played Seasons about 3 times, and it still hasn't really "clicked" for me. The basic dice mechanics are kinda interesting and simple enough. But a big part of the game's strategy is based around picking 3 groups of 3 cards that you gain access to at the start of each of 3 "years". And you can't really do a lot of meaningful strategy until you've pretty much got all the cards in the game memorized. On top of that, the dice add even more randomness to a genre that's already pretty random.
Pixel Tactics is kinda annoying because every character card can be played in 4 separate ways, and about half of the characters are based around having their own unique mechanics. So there's gonna be a lot of playing a card, then waiting a minute or two while your opponent reads what it can do. That said, it's a pretty fun little game if you can get over that hump. A lot of depth in a small package, so good for traveling or just throwing into a backpack. At $15, I'd say go for it.
Underappreciated geology joke
I'm not really that into cold war history or that kind of thing. But once you start to figure out how the game works and are playing against a decent opponent, it's the most tense 2+ hours that I've ever had in a board game. Every new hand of cards feels like you're constantly right on the edge of losing. You find yourself blindly fighting over territory while wondering whether your opponent actually has a score card for that region or if they're bluffing. Or maybe they're about to play an event that will wipe out your influence in a key country, and you better start shoring up the neighboring ones. You feel like you're constantly getting screwed over by bad events and you're only hanging on with conservative plays and subtle strategies, and your opponent is probably gonna win next turn. But by the end of the game, you realize that your opponent was just as tense, paranoid, and close to destruction as you were, right up until that final moment.
It does take about 2 or 3 plays before you actually get to that point, though. And the first time we played it took us almost 5 hours. The drinking probably didn't help.
Im pretty sure i want
Space hulk death angel
Also considering
Welcome to the dungeon
Vault wars
Pretty much set on those first three.. kinda iffy about sellswords but figure it should be cool
Im a bit unaure about vault wars... seems like the type that one should play in order to truly know if its their shtick. Anybody got an opinion on it?
Anybody got some recommendations for good solitaire games?
I know death angel is decent for that.
Ive considered onirim and thats currently something like my "deafult" but im holding out on the hopes if finding something better. Opinions on onirim? I also looked into those other two games from that onirim universe. They both look alright but onirim interests me the most.
Probably a combination of tiles (if you're going dungeon crawling, cards for something more abstract) to define the foliage, perception, and location, and cards for the encounter, using colors to define a particular entry to a particular combination of tiles. Alternatively just use tables for the encounters, most of the random encounters with narratives games use them (Tales of the Arabian Nights, Above and Below, Seafall).
Continuity will always be a problem with any random encounter game though, and it's almost impossible to ensure something silly won't pop-up without essentially diluting the encounter enough that it can be applicable to all situations and still keep it interesting and unambiguous. It's probably best to narrow down what it is you are actually doing in the game ("you are traveling the world in search of fame" to "you are band of adventurers, sent to claim back stolen goods from a group of goblins hiding in a cave"), a smaller scope would allow for better and easier encounter design. Aim for new situations each time they pull it out of the box instead of every single encounter (there's actually a dragon in the cave; next time it's a portal to the netherworld).
Can you elaborate? Do you mean the two versions of Through the Ages?
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civililization is a revised and updated version of the original game with some significant enough small changes.
I had a short circuit where I assume you know what I'm talking about, even when I switch subjects mid-paragraph. High Frontier isn't on my wishlist (and as luck would have it looks like I couldn't get it anyway), while Phil's other releases look really enticing.
Eagle-Gryphon is the publisher you want to avoid if possible. Don't know if they even publish the new edition
Tales of the Arabian Nights incorporated randomly generated results in a storytelling game, the "scripts" are in this huge ass ring bound book.
I can't agree with pixel tactics issue. At any point in time cards only have 2 options, order or if they are in a lane use that lanes abaility. Now there are other options to do other then those 2 but that's a part of the strategy of the game. As for the cards at most they have 2 options at any given time max
Help tg, my group is looking for new boardgames that take less than an hour to play. Looking for something that squeezes in at lunch.
Any recommendations?
large galaxy + optional rules 8 player TI3
Dunno how "new" you want. Codenames clocks at under half an hour easily and is excellent, though I'd want six players at minimum. One Night Ultimate Werewolf distills that genre decently into fifteen minutes. Mysterium might go fine too, though I'd put it at 45 minutes.
I've been detached from league for over 3 years. Honestly don't even have that many good memories of the game. I'm gonna try to get my hands on it though because it looks like a really fun novel concept and is pretty cheap for dat fuckin production value. I just wish it didn't carry the League name. While it'd make convincing my friends to play it easier, it also makes it a huge freakin target for scalpers and non boardgame fans. With it only being available on their own website that will inevitably crash from traffic, it's gonna be a shitstorm.
Most light card or dice games, rather than "proper" boardgames can be done in less than an hour: Try Love Letter, Bang! the dice game, Biblios, Las Vegas, any social deduction game, Skull, Fluxx, 1000 Blank Cards, Liar's Dice, Coloretto, For Sale, Zombie/Cthulhu Dice, Roll for It, Sushi Go, Saboteur, Say Anything, Dungeon Roll, Cockroach Poker/Salad..
If you like dexterity games like Jenga, Cat Tower, Toc Toc Woodman, Rhino Hero, Animal Upon Animal are also nice.
For some more complexity and somewhat longer games Carcassonne, Splendor, 7 Wonders, King of Tokyo, Citadels, Forbidden Desert, Qwirkle, Ingenious
>under an hour
nigga what the fuck are you smoking?
Never in my life have I had a game of saboteur go for anything less then an hour and a half.
Set a time limit per turn, game becomes lightning fast and really tense. Gotta be super sharp to shut the sab down.
What are some cheap (
Yeah, we can't really do that with the guy who owns Saboteur. Major case of Analysis paralysis
deception murder in hong kong, assuming your group is large enough (at least 5
Self bump shame.
Sellswords is a solid 2P light-weight game, I totally recommend it considering how tiny the box is