Fucking awesome
Dr Li From wotc made an irl Sword fo Feast and Famine
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Is that a scimitar or a falcata? where's the edge?
>where's the edge?
In your heart.
It's a really cool design for the sword.
Too bad fire/ice is garbage.
I like the built in power glove though
...how does it work, Kumar?
>dr of Biomechanical engineering
>Works on magic the gathering
> prop designer
>graphic designer
>computer artist
>hot as shit
Jesus Christ this like maximum over waifu
It burns people and then freezes them so hard you learn things.
>that eldritch moon
Also she built literally fucking power Armor
>Creative Designer for Kaladesh is irl artificer
>Calls them mecha with a soft 'ch'
Brilliant and beautiful, but that irks me.
She must have had so much fucking fun with the art crew on this one.
>hey look at this cool servo
>yeah can you move that gear another 90 degrees and up the angular momentum for it's claw?
Kelly Digs is also a Dr of neuro logarithms , and I am pretty sure Ethan van Fleshier is a historian. And of course mtg was founded by a bunch of Math drs and grad students.
And none of them knew how to make a good game.
this only appeals to autists lets not fool ourselves
Who and what?
Sword of Feast and Famine is a really good card from magic the gathering
Dr. Mel Li is a Creative Designer for the game, who also happens to be an accomplished cosplayer and engineer.
She designs props for cosplay and 3d prints them.
Sword of Feast and Famine got a new printing with premium art and so she designed it irl with instructions for other people to print it off for themselves.
Come on, anyone into cosplay, 3d printing, mtg ,design, cool looking shit or hot asians would dig this. Now all of those groups are full of autists but you dont need to be one to be in any of them.
Ah. Ok.
So I wasted my time here.
Still, thanks.
Only two people would say that:
an autistic in denial
an autist trying desperately to be ironic.
Thank goodness she has a flaw.
>mecha with a soft 'ch'
That should honestly be a slappable offense, IMO
>fire/ice is garbage
Ur u stoopid?
Someone hold me, I have to cry.
The new art is trash
Amateur Blacksmith here. I want to make a couple of blades from MtG, though probably start simple with something like the Silver Inlaid Dagger.
Some of the stuff gets crazy though.
I think he meant 'how the fuck do you wield that?'
You poke people with the red-hot end, I imagine.
Yeah, we dangerously approaching the waifu singularity.
I swear to god she isnt bisexual or Veeky Forums's collective genitals may explode.
It has a powerglove, you hold it with that
Innistrad and ravnica say hi
Maybe you should make a sharpened pitchfork
I like her shirt.
No one is 10/10. She's just 9.99
I move to put her on the banlist for crushing the waifu metagame.
How can anyone compete with that?
That one seems doable. I wish you luck with Trepenation Blade though.
She's gay.
I refuse to believe this woman is not a fictional character.
Like jesus christ. She's like a mary sue fantasy brought to life.
>she literally built power armor
>just regular light armor with random lights attached, tons of exposed skin
Powered exoskeleton. Look them up.
why would you abandon science though
She's dual-classing into magic user. This only makes her more dangerous.
we must deal with it.
The most interesting, talented and independent women usually are.
Sucks for me really, being as I have a willy, I'm always crushing on brainy dukes.
I guess that's because interesting, talented and independent woman basically converges towards being a man.
You may be confusing her cosplay, which is almost always electrcially active, with her actual humah enhancement and robotics research in the biomechanical and medical fields.
If she is NOT making her actual human enhancement and robotics creations as sexy and futuretastic as possible then she's just not worth our time.
That she has actual human enhancement and robotics creations suggests that it is, in fact, we who are not worth her time.
The fact she's willing to cosplay says otherwise. Don't put yourself down, user. I'm sure you're great.
I'm printing it out myself right now. Getting it ready for the weekend.
>she will never make you discard a card and untap all her lands right in the vagine
>not being a PhD yourself
it's okay user, not everyone can make fucking nanomachines, son
Being a PhD is fairly easy, but it's extremely difficult to do actual research as you've got to be one of the absolute smartest people in the world in your field of study to get any grant money.
Being knowledgeable isn't enough in-and-of-itself though, because so is everyone else. You have to put in absurd amounts of time and dedication to your craft, and this precludes extensive indulgence in hobbies, in establishing a family, etc.
You don't "abandon" research as much as you by default are not doing research. You can, if your passion is research, embrace it, but you're not abandoning it if you just decide it's not worth pursuing (and it almost never is worth pursuing)
Kelly Digges is one of my friends from high school, and he's so cool. I say that, like, almost jokingly, but you know when you're around someone and you feel really shitty about yourself because you feel like none of the ideas you've ever had amount to an idea that was almost not cool enough to make it into his one-shot tabletop session?
And then you throw something out when you're brainstorming, and you see his eyes light up and he says something positive about it, and you only think "OH SHIT maybe i'm kinda this cool and creative too."
He's so effortlessly smart that it makes you want to be a better person.
And then he'll move to Washington and you'll never see him again.
I know she has a PhD, but what a dumb cunt.
Both had Richard Garfield working on them, who knows how to make a game.
>and you'll never see him again
isn't that what the internet is for
>Being a PhD is fairly easy,
where's your PhD?
At my desk gathering dust. Most degree require time and patience. Also money.
Fucking porn stars have Ph.D. And masters is not hard.
The only reason I got a Ph.D. Is to troll Medics that call them self doctors.
What about Invasion
I almost made a $6,000,000 Man reference in response to this, made me realize I'm getting too old for this internet shit.
If they wanted people to pronounce it "meka", they should have spelled it "meka".
It's the first two syllables of mechanical user, pronunciation is implied by the context.
which does raise the question about why mechanical is spelled with a 'ch'.
Of course, English spelling and pronunciation is a mongrel cur of a language. So maybe this one is from a germanic route like the 'ch' in 'bach'.
Probably more like Greek. Chimera, chirality, chaos, etc.
>filthy casual
of what?
Smooth end is the edge, filigree side is the back. Dont touch the filigree side, thats most likely what causes the mindfuck, once the blood flows into the filigree it siphons into the plant restoring your mana. Same concept for the mirrodin version, except the magic plant is replaced with green sun empowered metal and the filigree that causes the aether to rot their mind is replaced with black sun soaked metal that causes the same effect.
oh boy another bladesmith
what kind of steel are you gonna try and use? 1084?