What kind of punishments does your paladin doll out for crimes that don't necessarily warrant a death sentence like...

What kind of punishments does your paladin doll out for crimes that don't necessarily warrant a death sentence like theft or adultary for examples


>Not punished by death
Asketh how I knowst thou art a lowborn knave

For nasty shit?
Mutilation, imo.


>adultery doesn't deserve death

I bet you don't even go to the mosque.

Community service - and before you ask, yes, holding his torch in the dungeon totally counts as he is a member of the community.


In a setting where people are regularly threatened by dragons, orcs, and evil wizards, I can't imagine giving a shit if some noblewoman fucks a married dude.

Generally when people are living in harder times morals become more important in civilizations.

Even if that's true, I feel a Paladin still has bigger fish to fry. That seems like something the NPCs involved can solve in house.

If I were playing your standard dungeon-romp D&D game and the GM halted the action to force some idiotic "there are rumors the Duchess is having lewd, illicit affairs" scandal plot you can bet is give the dude the stink eye.

I'm a pretty conservative dude but adultery is and always has been a fucking petty thing to get law enforcement involved in.

For theft? Labor equal to the value of the stolen goods. Adultry? He could care less.

Well, if their crime didn't warrant death, they'll end in heavens, so I kill them anyways.

But seriously, punishment before the enlightenment was Brutal. We can thank Beccaria for our modern laws.
You had things like getting quartered by horses, or getting molten lead poured on you*.
I remember a list of old naval punishiments, they had you go under the galleon (tied by a rope, the rest of the crew hauling you as fast as possible so you didn't drown) for swearing. It was port to starboard for minor cussing, aft to fore if you had a particularly dirty mouth.
Even today, I've seen merchants killing a pickpocketer by putting a tire around his neck and setting it on fire (in west Africa).

On this regard, google the execution of Ravaillac, Henry IV's assassin. It was monstruous. And the crowd found it too lenient, so they helped.

>On the morning of 27 May 1610, the Parlement de Paris handed down its verdict. Ravaillac was "duly attainted of the crime of high treason, divine and human, in the highest degree, for the most wicked, most abominable, and most detestable parricide committed on the person of the late Henri IV […]." For this, he was condemned to make an amende honorable at the gates of Notre Dame, and to suffer the fate of all regicides at the Place de Grève in Paris.

>Having been subjected a final session of torture, during which he fainted from the pain, Ravaillac was taken from the Conciergerie at around three in the afternoon, placed on a cart and taken to Notre Dame. To his great surprise, he had barely exited the prison when the frenzied crowd began to hurl insults at him – wicked, parricide, traitor, murderer – and attempted to strike him. He who was convinced that he had acted according to the will of God was completely convinced that most of France was on his side. The journey from the Conciergerie to the Place de Grève was another form of torture.

>The insults and invectives were so loud that his amende honorable in front of Notre Dame went unheard, as did the public reading of the death sentence handed down by the Parlement. Between the cathedral and the Place de Grève, the fury of the crowd increased in intensity. Before mounting the scaffold, he was asked once again to tell the whole truth. He reiterated his version. The execution then began.

>The sentence handed down by the Parlement was carried out to the letter. It stipulated that "[his] flesh shall be torn to pieces with red-hot pincers from his breasts, his arms, and thighs, and the calves of his legs; his right hand, holding the knife wherewith he committed the aforesaid parricide, shall be scorched and burned with flaming brimstone; and on the places where the flesh has been torn with pincers, melted lead, boiling oil, scalding pitch, with wax and brimstone melted together, shall be poured; after this, he shall be torn in pieces by four horses, his limbs and body burnt to ashes, and dispersed in the air […]." What they had not planned on was the eruption of violence that accompanied and followed the execution. Under the jeers and insults of the onlookers, the doctors from the Sorbonne who were supposed to recite prayers for the soul of the condemned man were prevented from doing so. While Ravaillac was being drawn and quartered, some pulled on ropes to help the horses. One of the animals became tired and was replaced, until Ravaillac's thigh gave way. The horses were put to work again, and finally, after more than two hours of torture, Ravaillac died. At that moment, the mob fell on the corpse and tore it to pieces. According to Nicolas Pasquier, one woman even tore into the flesh with her teeth – a horrifying symbol of the level of hatred towards the murderer. The executioner, who was in charge of gathering the remains in order to burn them and disperse the ashes, could find no trace.

> not punishing people for oathbreaking
> not branding an A for adulteress on their forehead

>Finally, as the death sentence called for, Ravaillac's worldly possessions were confiscated and the house where he was born was demolished, with a ban placed on any other construction on the spot. His father and mother were forced to leave France "under the penalty of being hanged and strangled", and it was forbidden within the kingdom to take the name of Ravaillac.

I'm sorry, I was too busy fighting the child-eating witch queen to stop and hand hand out what is basically the Paladin version of a parking ticket. The girl's father can handle that. If this is the kind of world where being a little loose merits corporal punishment then his authority is just as recognized asine in this incident.

>you triumphantly brand the duchess, completing your task of pursuing the lecherous adultress until she has paid for her crime

>suddenly skeletons burst in and kill everyone

>well, you never did fight the lich going after the artifact allowing him to raise an army of undead, did you?

8/10 gave me a chuckle

Fucking Liches. Every time.

>doll out
The word is "dole".

Amputation of the most applicable limb.
Theft? Amputate the hand.
Adultery? Amputate the penis/breasts+clit
Minor ass-kicking in drunken brawl? Amputate the foot.
Thoughtcrime? Amputate the head.

Have the thief give back the thing he stole and 5 times the value of the thing. Unless he stole food because he was starving: that's one warning. The next time he will get the whip.
Same procedure as theft, only that the culprit has to give back ten times as much. On the second fraud, it's off with the culprit's tongue.
>Disfiguring someone
Deal the same disfigurement to the culprit and chop off his or her thumb on his or her main hand.
>Wounding someone
Pay for their treatment and give them ten times the value of said treatment.
Expose to the public at the stocks. Second time also has flogging. Third time and it's off with that tongue.

How much less could he care though?

Well, he's not officially a lawman or religious authority, so he'd probably consider it outside of his domain.

>not using a full table of punishments

I'm sorry that your paladin's player is an arbitrary plebeian unfit for the tittle of Paladin.

Report it to the guards and let them deal with it. Asking a Paladin to deal with theft or adultery is like asking a SWAT sniper to deal with vandalism, it's not really their job.

>robbery/racketeering punitive punishment
>executed and fined 1200 gp
>executed and fined

Turn their ass over to local authorities, provided said local authorities are just. If the local authorities are malign and despotic, then he'll be worrying more about dealing with their perversion of justice.


I like the idea of a Paladin who has a Big Book of Punishments, dictated by his god, which the Paladin refers to whenever he has to deal with a crime.

Only his god is some blind, mad, eldritch deity, so the punishments are often wildly disproportionate and/or absurd.

If he cared any less he wouldn't care at all. Don't you understand colloquial phrases, retard?

Remember your Arthurian myth!
Grails, wet ladies giving out swords as a mean of choosing the king, half-devil wizards making people look like someone else...
cuckholding a noble was still a most grave offense, and fucked Lancealot up.

The game has a rule, where if you pay three times the listed fine, you can avoid the punishment.

For instance, if a robber gets a punitive punishment (1200gp fine + execution), then his life is spared if he can cough up 3,600 gold instead. If he's executed, presumably the fine is taken out of his stuff.

Or if someone is caught for bribery, he can pay 150 gold instead of the standard 50 to avoid the stocks.

If someone can't pay their fine, then they must work it off at a rate of 3gp per day. That means a penniless burglar (fine 600gp + branded) might get 100 days hard labor if he can't pay the fine.

>the stocks just for slandering someone

Y-you know what happens at the stocks, right?

>Sex equal to the value of the stolen ass.

Public humiliation.


Little kids tell each other dick jokes, big kids tell little kids lies and slanderous rumors about what happens at the stocks.

Rise dead make them work till fine paid then undo spell

>don't necessarily warrant a death sentence
>theft or adultary

Fuck off leftist

Harcore anal rape

I think you should lay off the weeb porn.

What happens at the stocks... is sold on the stock market.

>punishing adultery

The only smiting I'm gonna give whores is a righteous dicking. I'm too busy fighting evil for this shiet.

Kek, I didnt know that was a common thing in hentai til recently but seriously. At least during the colonial era it was pretty well documented that if you got put in the stocks you basically got raped all night by every depraved fuck in town. I can't imagine it was much different in the middle ages.

The solution is simple
>stocks by day
>prison cell by night

Reminder half the point of the Paladin is you *are* the local authority.

Wasn't Lancelot innocent ? It was just a rumor he was fucking her


Cut off hand.


Cut off dick.

Takes like two seconds people, then we can go back to important matters like Liches.

Possibly. Probably, even.
It doesn't matter, the rumor was grave enough to fuck up the lives of the motherfucking flower of chivalry and the king himself.

Of course it wasn't a rumor, it's why Lancelot couldn't find the Grail as well, I think.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if some French Lancelotfag tried to alter the story so he did nothing wrong.

Wasn't Pride his sin, preventing him to find the Grail?

>Wasn't Lancelot innocent ? It was just a rumor he was fucking her
No. Lancelot repeatedly slept with her.

Mordred and his men caught Lancelot red-handed in Guinevere's room, which was one of the triggering events for the fall of Camelot.

Good call, Briggs, that's why you're the best paladin in the business.

>Forcing the perverts to do their thing during the day, while they should be working
If you don't put some guards around the stocks, it's even worse that way!

I dunno, ensuring Heirs are actually Heirs seems like a pretty big deal, especially given the dragons and wizards cutting down royal life expectancy.

I feel like that'd be more a job for whatever the settings versions of lawyers are.

Paladins are warriors first. They step in when a situation either has or is likely to escalate into violence.

No, no, you've got to amputate the parts of the brain thinking the bad thoughts. THAT's how you paladin right.

You're thinking of pillory.

Stocks allow you to defend from rape and thrown items, because only your legs are trapped.

Pillory is where the hardcore rape happens.

See picture for further details - left is pillory, right is stocks.

For theft, he cuts off their hand. For adultery, well, you get the idea.

Ah, ok then, thanks for the clarification. So in what case would pillory be used as opposed to stocks?


Stern Curse.

If a thief/miscreant is caught, his skin (doesn't have to be visible) is cursed with a stern curse. It doesn't hurt or anything bad, but when he attempts to steal/cheat or do anything naughty, a ghastly deceased paladin drops guilt-trips and yells "YOU WERE RAISED BETTER THAN THIS", "IS THIS HOW YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED", "ZIP THOSE PANTS UP MISTER COCKTOWN'S BLOCKED". Other people in the vicinity can hear this.
On the upside, the voice congratulates you if you do good, like help the poor or needy, protect the weak, community service and honest work.

Many ex-thieves and fuckups became new paladins one day. It's really merciful in a way, no arm-cutting or castration or other such shit that the regular law enforcement will drop on you, just an angry ghost yelling at you, hopefully either making you a better person or a new paladin.

Is the book written with the blood of his enemies on the skins of his friends?

Adultery- let their community and their peers decide. If the wronged partner were cruel or castrating or generally thought to be useless, it may be reasoned that they deserve their humiliation. If the wronged were a good person, loyal, faithful, humble before their fellow man and god, let the oathbreaker be exiled, shamed, and deformed for their vanity. A headshaving and a nose slit might be acceptable.

Theft- ass whupping and return of stolen property, followed by a month's public service.

The real question is what does your Paladin do to aid the community?

>no punishment for Usury
What is this, Rome?

Uggos and fatties get the stocks

Cutting off all of the fingers with a white hot knife.

Kicking knees backwards.

Nailing their hands to the outside of their own house's front door with their crime written on the door over their head.

Forcing them to break one of their own bones.


That said, I'm a LN inquisitor

>crimes that don't necessarily warrant a death sentence like theft
Theft was a very serious crime in medieval and early modern period. Mutilation for first timers and death sentence for repeated offenders.

>try to fuck whore
>get cockblocked by paladin ghost
kektimus maximus

No it isn't.

>no punishment for Usury
>What is this, Rome?
More or less. The default campaign setting has empires similar to those of classical antiquity.

The just punishment for usury is fat stacks and maybe getting your debtors turned into temporary debt-slaves (who totally aren't slaves because I used the word "indentured servitude").