Warhammer40k Kill Team/HoR: Read, nigga, read edition
HoR rules available at heralds-of-ruin.blogspot.com
Tell us about your Kill Teams.
Warhammer40k Kill Team/HoR: Read, nigga, read edition
HoR rules available at heralds-of-ruin.blogspot.com
Tell us about your Kill Teams.
I'm going to ask same question here, since in original thread noone is answering. I'm playing HoR, have some rules questions.
Could someone tell me how does multiple assault work if I'm assaulting 1 single model with a squad of 5 boyz?
> I pick a main charge target during shooting phase
> I can fire my assault weapons shots
> If target died to shooting, then I need to pass LD test(can't reroll it with mob rule) to select another main target to charge at
> I roll 2d6 to determine charge distance
> I can now use this distance for every separate boy in my squad to charge at whoever I want (but I have to get at least 1 boy in base contact with main charge target!). Unit has to keep it's coherency though.
Rate my chapter.
Only missing a name, a story, and maybe half a logo.
So far it's the Novamarines logo but in other colors. I'm looking into alternate symbols for the inner skull of the logo.
Veterans have silver helmets and the company color is in the knee, along with the squad number.
I'm doing it Forge World Imperial Armour style, so everything will be more random
Gun casings will be black / red / silver and a combination of those.
The eagle will be dark green / jade.
It's a trademark of them, but not part of their logo.
The logo is partly red, to contrast with the purple and bone white.
And there's also the chaos version, which I think works well with bronze accents.
Maybe to be used as part of their story.
OP of the old thread here, thanks for making the new one.
Holy shit I just realised how broken a Solitaire is in GW's kill team. Its an elite, it has a 3+ invun, moves 12 inches and has blitz. It can even take specialist rules for even more BS. Give one hatred, suddenly re-rolling everything that is not a 6 on the first turn.
How many points is he?
Canonically Solitairs are horrifically deadly, but they also, as their name would suggest, commonly fight alone
>all this edge
Should i place more Kroots (10), give special equipment/more troops for my (3) stealth team?
Ah shit I just realised you can't take him because the smallest a Harly squad is pointswise is 97. Ah well. Just use a squad of harlies with Fusion pistols for one shot instant death on everything.
Not him, but 145-150 iirc. So you'll get wrecked by Deathwatch.
A single Black Shield with a Xenophase Blade will kill it. Since Xenophase Blade forces re-rolls of Invs and Black Shields double their attacks against Monsters and HQ's. So two melee weapons means, on the charge, the Black Shield will do 8 attacks, which force re-rolls.
Solitaires can't be taken due to points issues, but A solitaire will kill anything it spends one turn of combat in with. 6 attacks base, auto wounding when 6 is rolled, one str 6 ap 2 instant death on 6 attacks, Focusing down the guy with the blade will be super easy.
Also, Solitaires are not Monsters/HQ. They are elite
True, but the Black Shield could also take a Storm Shield instead of an extra weapon, making it 3+/3++. Would be a lot harder to kill. Especially when that would cost 73 points to make.
I was looking through BA's dex and I think Lemartes would be a decent unit, until I realised he's like 135 points with 2W.
Doesn't it have IC?
It has Character, but it is not a Monster or a HQ. Black Shield specifies HQ.
>Atonement Through Honour
>A Model with this special rule doubles its Attacks in the assault phase if it is locked in combat with an Independent Character, a Monstrous Creature or a Vehicle, or if the combat it is in contains more enemy models than friendly ones (count all models locked in combat, not just the ones engaged with this model)
So, if Solitaire has IC, it takes the hits.
45" pulse rifle
22.5" rapid fire
15" extra death
I love eagle eye
Okay. but this is assuming the Black shield survives the 8 attacks that hit it, and manages to roll enough 5s to hit back.
>Stalker Pattern Boltgun
>54" Range
Seeing as the Solitaire is double the price of a kitted out Black Shield, I'd rather have multiple more models.
Obviously you'd have to increase the limit from 200 to like 250 to fit in a Solitaire, at which point that allows more Deathwatch in.
Yeah. Id prefer more clowns with neuro Disruptors than one clown of ultimate death anyway. Its just that I really like solitaires since mine killed a Lord of Skulls in a big game once and then survived the resulting explosion.
>No rapid fire
>No supportive fire
Stalker Pattern Boltgun with Kraken Bolts is Heavy 2, Sniper at AP4. At 54". Your guy is dead before he can even get in range.
I can also drop down to 45" range as well and go to Heavy 2, AP5, Sniper and Poisoned (2+). Or Heavy 2, AP5, Ignores Cover, Sniper.
Obviously Sniper is a bit shit, but can also do 45" S4 AP4 Rapid Fire.
>solitaires since mine killed a Lord of Skulls
I like them too, don't have one, but I've always liked super killy shit like that. I'd happily raise the points limit to 250 if you wanted to fit him in. Or whatever. Hell, I'd go up to 500 points, with a larger board, to have more fun.
-1 Kroot leader with rifle and sniper rounds.
-1 Kroot guerilla Specialist with Promethium Charges and sniper rounds
-1Krootox weapon specialist with Master Craftsman
-1Krootox combat specialist with Hammer of Wrath
-15 kroot with sniper rounds
-6 kroot hounds (beast) objective catchers (amazingly good at that job in Killteam).
Taufags BTFO by SUPERIOR Imperial weapons!
Question, when it says 'troops' does that mean you have to include two minimum troop choices with minimum squad amounts?
So I can't do, say
x1 Brother Corbulo (120)
x4 Death Company (80)
Would a Commissar with a plasma pistol be of any use for a veteran squad? 40 pts seems a bit high and I don't know if he will do any good.
No HQ allowed
Can you get bonuses from Formations?
x5 Veterans (110)
x1 Terminator (40)
x1 Vanguard Vet (25)
Leaves 25 points for upgrades. Possibly a Frag Cannon for a Veteran. Or perhaps Assault Cannon on Terminator and Power Weapon for Vanguard.
But it also forms a Furor Kill Team. So do they get the benefit of such formation?
But I thought you could add a commissar to a troop platoon without it being HQ?
It is a pity that these guys are Heavy Support Slot (I don't know why they are Heavy). Otherwise, I would have made a KillTeam with them.
>Longshot Pulse Rifle 48" X AP 5 Rapid Fire, Sniper
>eagle eye
>Suddenly 72
>Rapid fire at 36
Path of Glory any good?
You can't take Terminators in Kill Team, so no formation to begin with.
Thanks. I totally forgot about that. Replace Terminator with Biker. Does that get the bonus then?
Blastmaster with Eagle Eye
72" S8 AP3, Heavy 1, Blast, Ignores Cover, Pinning
54" S5 AP4, Assault 2, Ignores Cover, Pinning
Get styled upon, ye dogs of failed empires
Yeah, well, we have new models. HAH!
You cut me deep, user.
You cut me real deep.
Can I ask why Skitarii Sicarian Infiltrators are considered so good in GW kill team?
I play and but have none of the elites, so I might buy a box for Kill Team, but as far as I can see you have 5 T3 models with substantial overkill versus more modest Vanguard or Rangers. Don't get me wrong, it sounds awesome fluffwise, but why is it good rather than just cool?
Need a decent list for Iron Hands.
Because they have stealth.
and fnp 6+
Missile Pods
>Assault 2
>Can take 2
>FnP 6+
>Krak Missile
>S8 AP3 Heavy 2
I guess a bunch of Tacmarines?
Make sure you at least put them in a METAL BAWKS. Make some use out of those chapter tactics.
I keep making Kill Teams.
Send help.
>5 Rangers - 60
>5 Striking Scorpions (Exarch, Biting Blade) 100
>Vyper (Shuriken Cannon) - 40
The Party Bus:
>6 Noise Marines (Doom Siren, Blastmaster, 4 Sonic Blasters) - 159
>Chaos Rhino - 35
Do one for SoB!
+++ KillTeam Tau (200pts) +++
+ (Elites) (115pts) +
XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (115pts)
····Rules: Infiltrate, Shrouded, Stealth, Supporting Fire
····Stealth Shas'vre (45pts) [Burst Cannon, Counterfire Defence System (5pts)]
····Stealth Shas'ui (35pts) [Burst Cannon, Counterfire Defence System (5pts)]
····Stealth Shas'ui with Fusion Blaster (35pts) [Fusion Blaster (5pts)]
(Counterfire Defence System: Description:Overwatch at BS2)
+ (Troops) (85pts) +
Kroot Carnivores (85pts) [Sniper Rounds (10pts)]
····Rules: Acute Senses, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Stealth (Forests)
····10x Kroot (60pts) [10x Kroot Rifle]
····3x Kroot Hound (15pts)
So, how common is Assault in Killteam? Is it enough to justify the Counterfire Defence System instead of bringing more Kroot?
What should a Blood Angels kill team include?
Don't bother with the counterfire, take more bodies. Although assault is more common, more bodies means longer till forced to a break test. You'll lose half the kroot easily if broken.
What do you think is better? 5 Hounds for catching objectives or or 12 Kroots and 2 hounds for more shots?
Not OP, but what's edgy about this? The purple?
I'll try, but there are so few options outside of Heavy Support... Plus, how do Acts of Faith work in Kill Team? A Simulacrum would be completely useless, wouldn't it?
Holy Barbeque
>5 Battle Sisters (Heavy Flamer, Flamer) - 75
>Immolator - 60
>5 Battle Sisters (Flamer) - 65
Hounds, unless you can to bring a krootox. Gives you some longer range firepower to camp an objective
It's 0 to 2, dude. Optional.
Yeah but I mean, does it have to be a minimum size squad to 'count'?
The minimum size for a DC unit is 5, so does it have to be 5 for Kill Team?
And do formation rules apply to Kill Team?
No formations, just the kill team detachment (0-2 troops, 0-1 elites, 0-1 fast). Squads are purchased as in the codex, so minimum etc apply
Yeah but my point is, in Deathwatch, you make formations out of 5 Veterans 1 Biker 1 Vanguard. All for under 200 points, wouldn't the bonus rules apply anyway?
As for codex points, thanks. Means I can't do it. Not to worry.
sheer weight of attacks (Taser and 5 shot shred pistol)
aura of suck off each of them ( -1 WS/BS/I/Ld within 6")
dunestrider (flat +3" on all movement)
I'm experimenting with some lists that I think might be interesting/unique to play and paint/display. Not looking to be competitive, but hoping to be at least competent.
I'm not trying to run all of these, but just one to pick to make, since I've been out of 40k for a few years and my friends want to give KT a whirl.
1. 9 Warp Spiders with Exarch (200). Hop around and maintain an aggressive close range skirmish.
2. 6 Wraithguard (192). Big cool tanky models that punch through whatever they hit. Low model count hopefully mitigated by resistance to break testing.
1. 6 gauss Immortals and 6 Deathmarks (192). Immortals bring the offensive while the Deathmarks pick off special targets.
2. 11 gauss immortals (187) . Pocket sized 3rd ed March of Doom. Swap to carbines in the event of a horde opponent.
3. 3 Wraiths with whipcoils and 5 Flayed Ones (194). Creepy robot slasher brigade. Want to use the old wraith models if possible.
1. 6 Stealthsuits with shas'vre and markerlight (195) Sneaky squad with high volley of shots.
2. 11 Vespids with Strain Leader (190) Hit and run bugs that stick to cover.
3. 5 Pathfinders with Shas'ui and 3 rail rifles, 1 Shas'vre crisis suit with burst cannon/missile pod, 1 Shas'ui Crisis suit with flamer/burst cannon (200) Crisis suit commandos with scout support.
Any look particularly more entertaining to play/play against than others?
How can xeno bois even compete?
I would like to like GWs new killteam, but it feels a bit too greedy (as usual for GW).
Looking at HoR, it seems vastly more s superior, more depth and better customisation. Which one you prefer, /tg?
Quick question, would anyone here be pissed off if they had to go up against a LotD-based killteam? I kind of want to use one, but they look stupid powerful, to the point of irritation.
No you cannot use any formations only the kill team detachment
Technically this works even with the Tauros because it is a fast attack and it's HP is 2 and its armour value is 31? I'm not saying that it is a effective list, but damn would it be fun.
Specialist stuff from GW Kill Team is cool, but HoR every time for me. Former just doesn't have enough thought put into it.
Only missing a name, a story, and maybe half a logo.
You could call them the Charlotte Hornets.
how do you imperial guard for kill team?
Apparently the best tactic is just to go blob, but I don't want to do that. I want some specialist stuff dammit.
Chimera, grenadier veterans, plasma guns and maybe an autocannon team. Throw some specialists in there and you can wreck shit up.
formations are straight up banned in kill team.
As in you could have a formation that uses a single 40pt troops unit, it still doesn't get to be used as a formation. The units are still legal as long as they meet stipulations elsewhere, but there are NO FORMATION BONUSES
they count as an Hq but do not take up a slot, same as engineseers
Awesome thanks for clearing confusion that up
FNP +5 actually, note they have just FnP in their rules with no (+6) written next to it.
Also they have +4/+6, a straight up +3" to all movement (meaning bare minimum they charge 5" and run 4") Not to mention infiltrate is crazy good in Kill team.
It's this reliability that makes them look good. Keep in mind, I haven't actually used them yet, its just that the theory seems sound.
How about an Officio Assassinorum Kill Team of one? Anyone tried that yet?
>Have a Skitarii/Admech force
>See this thread
>look at .pdf
>"Canticles of the Omnissiah" is not used
>"Doctrina Imperatives" is not used
I am interested in a reasonable-scale 40k game that doesn't cost infinity dollars to get into, but do the rules really need to actively discourage me from playing the factions I love?
I feel as if I got into the hobby at the correct time
>love the kill team format
>here bro, all kinds of deathwatch kill teams
it's hard picking just one
I really love the Salamanders terminator in the Cassius team but I can't bring myself to care about the other models
speaking as a fellow disciple of the Omnissiah, being able to get BS fucking 7 on our entire kill team for a turn is kind of friggin broken. I don't blame them for taking it out.
Yeah it sucks one of our main rules isn't used, but for balance reasons its for the best.
Seriously, give them a try, theyre still good. We're one of the only codexes guaranteed to have a 2w leader, we get excellent small arms, built in FNP everywhere, and all sorts of other goodies. Taking out Canticles and Doctrinas is probably for the best
What do you think of this?
3x Immortals
4x Flayed Ones
Pts: 156
thanks man, the local meta are marines, so some meq deleters will be nice
thank God for kill team, a real army is outside my budger
not that guy but give this a try, I've been enjoying it
Grenadier Vets: Heavy flamer, Plasma (preferred enemy) Plasma (Ignores cover) Autocannon (Relentless)
Chimera with multilasers/heavy flamer
I was taking a bolter on the sarge but the spare 10pts would be better spent elsewhere. Heavily considering a lascannon instead of the Autocannon, or maybe even a missile launcher as dirty as I feel for saying that.
The base idea though works great, the Chimera ends up being an MVP every match I've used it.
Anyone actually play any games, or are we still theory crafting?
I'm wondering if I should actually worry about vehicles, or if I'd be ok taking 10 Seraphim.
Currently, I'm toying with the following, which may be more well rounded
+++ SoB Kill Team 2 (200pts) +++
Celestian Superior [Bolt Pistol, Chainsword]
Celestian with Meltagun
Celestian with Multi-Melta
Celestian with Bolter x2
Seraphim Superior [Two Bolt Pistols, Melta Bombs]
Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers
Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers
Seraphim with Two Bolt Pistols x2
Seraphim Superior
>Weapon Specialist - Sniper
Seraphim with Two Hand Flamers
>Indomitable Specialist - Relentless
Celestian with Multi-Melta
>Dirty Weapon Specialist - Expose Weakness
Celestian Superior
Ive played several games, and for IG at least, vehicles are good. Most of my AT pulls double duty as marine killing weapons (like plasma) but I would make sure you have at least some way of killing AV 12 in CQC. AV 12 being the armor on a Chimera or Armored sentinel, sentinels in particular being nasty because they're walkers and can assault. Granted, both vehicles have terrible side/rear armor, bit a clever player will play to guard against that.
No, you have to form a Kill Team Detachment. You cannot use any other detachment. A Kill Team Detachment consists of 0-2, 0-1, 0-1. It doesn't matter which ones you pick (so long as they're legal). It's like if you had a CAD with those units in it; they wouldn't just magically acquire the formation (detachment) bonus.
tl;dr no
That makes sense. I briefly considered taking an Immolator just in case no one was prepared for armor. As for AV12 in melee, all Sisters come with Krak, so there's at least a chance. I'd probably aim my Meltas there, though.
So, how do you think that list would do, then?
So I don't think this got answered last thread, if I'm playing Tau and want to get specialist rules for my Fire Warrior Support Turret, the turret is the actual specialist because it has it's own profile and shoots itself?
I like it when people get excited about their own custom fluff. I may not partake it in myself, but I love it when people get incredibly excited about their doods adventures and their accomplishments within the universe. You just don't see that kind of passion these days. Just let people geek out and have fun a bit, ok?
I havent played killteam yet, but from what I understand I still have fucking instinctive behaviour on my units. NIDBROS TELL ME ABOUT YOUR KILL TEAM.
yeah instinctive behavior still applies. Though luckily since theyre all units of one they at least won't eat eachother.
My kill team is a lictor and some stealers and a broodlord which seems about the normal choice.
Otherwise a trio of warriors and some gaunts or gargoyles or something is probably the way you want too go.
They are screaming soul drinkers successor chapter to me. Even fluffs in the chaos guys.
We have guitar guns.