What would have happened if the Emperor and Isha decided to make babies of their combined god genes?
What would have happened if the Emperor and Isha decided to make babies of their combined god genes?
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40k is so stupid.
Shit doesn't work. He's a human afterall and she's a literal goddess, I doubt she even has genes.
Ynnead. or Malal. or both.
You know this being an origin for these mother fuckers is not a bad idea.
Or Isha decided to take a step further instead of whispering cures to nugles sickness she said fuck it and lets bless human infants.
Essentially turning into a version of Lady of the Lake 40k style
Did any one else just get lore blue balled?
I want more info on these guys
Yes, this, I want this. She begins to bless human children to defeat Nurgle, imbuing them with a small fraction of her power as a gamble to escape him. This gives her veritable legion of kids that seem to be drawn to one another as well as practically immune to disease and toxins. This eventually leads to a fleet of pissed off armed dudes kicking in nurgles garden, finding her and freeing her. Their first words spoken to her being "uh... Mum?"
We already have this with Orkz.
>Would Eldar be grateful for Humans they freed her, or be pissed off for not being able to di it themselves?
How is she their mother if she's only blessing them?
>The only reason nurgle is interested in them is because he wants to a great father figure in their lives
>Our best farseerers couldnt even get past the garden
>Meanwhile tacticool humans break in bust some shit up and save their mother
>Saving xenos
This thread was bound to turn into some HFY shit, wasn't it?
Well its not really HFY if the Lions are getting blessed by isha.
If it means putting chaos in check and keeping it that way.
That's what happened with the Jokaro
You can sell it like that, I saw Breton-fans doing something similar.
This make me laugh.
Also gods getting married to unite their species in alliance is not something I has considered before.
>The Deltic Lions are really just sleeper agents for Isha
Jesus Christ is almost every Scion regiment some sort of seedy black ops shit not for the Imperium?
The Scions being Ishas sons or Alpha Legion Sleeper agents is better than the VERY LITTLE official lore they got
>If it means putting chaos in check and keeping it that way.
Oh yeah thats why he totes helped the eldar during the heresy.
The Emperor isnt a force of good, he doesnt ally with xenos, he subjugates them.
I'm not well versed in 40K lore and Lexicanum, 1d4chan and 40Kwikia don't help, that's a known Isha symbol?
Ace of Spades? Nope. Though we could make a joke saying how the Deltic Lions are Ishas "Ace in the hole" so to speak since shes basically only known for being a crying bitch in 40k
Though it means its a "Death Card" so who knows maybe they are actually Ishas son. If your new to Veeky Forums alot of people just do this since were either autisits or it sounds better than actual lore.
Mostly since were autists
There would be so much anal annihilation and salt from both Humans and Eldar that a fifth chaos god would be born. A god of raeg. It would spend it's entire exixtance in a realm of salt, screaming in autistic rage for all enternity. Basically, pic related
>Implying Isha would ever cheat on her husbando
How is that even HFY? Not everything with humans in HFY
What the fuck is that in Big E's hands?
And why he is gifting it to Isha?
>Scions go in guns blazing in nurgles garden
>get isha out and nurgle is awakened
A gift of knowledge
>Big E
>How could you say that my boys, to your own-
>No, really. You're not.
Last I checked he was roach
>Thus the Scions of Nurgle are born
Persian, which is distinct from arab
Ancient Anatolians were not related to the Turks. It's just that modern Anatolia is Turkish territory.
Fuck off
Well its either 2 ways
The Veeky Forums way where nurgle is a loveable lug where he and isha have nice adventures
or grimderp where he just uses her for body experiments ALL THE TIME
Forgot a few question marks and exclamation points there.
>Big E
He's from Turkey
>american education
Are these guys necron sleeper agents?
I'm American and emps is from the region that would later become modern day Turkey. I forgot the exact name of said region. I've seen it debated a thousand times in threads like this if the people from that region at that time are the ancestors of modern turks, and I don't care to see the debate now.
It hardly matters anyways. The old lore of the emps is gone, replaced by Perrrrpetuals!
Roaches can be pretty white tho
Fuck, perpetuals were and are such a stupid idea.
But user, we got Ollanius Pius back, better and a thousand times more badass before. Isn't that what you wanted? Someone who has no relation to why people liked the old fluff in the first place? Black Library's fanfiction tier OCs are just the best.
Scions should get shotgun lasguns
Hey user, you know how in every videogame shotguns incorrectly have a range of 3 feet? Well, a shotgun las gun would literally have a range of 3 feet.
So is every regiment of these guys some sort of Traitor red gerring/sleeper cell group?
Isn't there a not!Alpha Legion regiment that supports the Smurphs?
Pretty much
The paratroopers might be the only legit ones
Thousand Son sleeper agents or Alpha Legion backup plan
Wouldn't it just be more likely that some shard of the Emperor's soul was at work here? I don't recall Isha particularly liking humanity
They never specially said which mortals isha whispers the cures to
I'm aware of that but even if she does has an inkling of control over where her whispers end up why would she consistently give that secret to a group of mon'keigh soldiers using it to shoot the undead somewhat better?
That sounds like a badass story actually
> The cure, my children?
> It is bullets.
> Many of them.
> Perhaps all of them?
Extreme Heresy
"Should I tell my Eldar the secrets, so that they can endanger their rapidly finishing numbers utilising that information... or tell some of those fast breeding and disposable humans. Hmm; decisions, decisions..."
What danger? She whispers magical(?) cures to deadly diseases. There is not exactly a risk factor involved
>Isha whispers cures to the plagues to the Eldar
>Eldar all develop autism
They gotta bleach there buttholes! It's the only way to remove the Slaaneshi autism parasites!
>caring about fluff in 40k
I thought we were talking about nurgle fighting secrets. Never mind.
So basically we learned today that all scion regiments arent really what they seem to be?
>one scion regiment who is legit
>all the others think they must be some super ultra secret working for someone else
>they keep trying to work out who the legit regiment are working for
>but there's never anything to find
wtf you can't give them a 36" range assault weapon what's wrong with you.
Age of Sigmar basically.
All the Order beings against Chaos.
Except there'd be no Archaon/Abbaddoo, because Emperor would actually have REAL sons instead of insane clones.
Blessing them with her DNA.
There's actual humans that have DNA from three parents due to genetic manipulation, and have been since the 90's when they started doing it. Except in real life its one mother, two fathers, but still.
The only known symbols of Isha all come from Warhammer Fantasy.
There's three different symbols for her name, one from each race of Elves, plus her standard symbols which are bleeding hearts, crying eyes, and the Everqueen of Avelorn who is her mortal avatar and direct descendant like the Emperor of Japan to Amaterasu.
Since High Elves are the primary worshipers of Isha, their symbol for her would be the most accurate.
>When the Scions bring her back to the Turox they all get cuddle sessions
>Since they were never loved as children due to grim derp scholas
Nah, they just like to troll their preferred enemy (Eldar) by painting their helmets like the Eldar's genetic enemies (Necrons).
All that black and red in their color schemes must have an adverse affect on their brains.
No no, in real feet, not board feet. Like, if you were wielding a las shotgun in real life, you would only be able to hit something 3 feet away.
Why is that?
These guys look so dope. Too bad I'm not talented enough to paint their skull faces.
Maybe with the FW 30k Iron Warriors helmets?
Okay, so you know how a shotgun sends many projectiles out the same barrel? Well, with a lasgun that's not really possible. One barrel equals one projectile because you can't have many beams of light coming out of the same barrel without seriously messing up their angles of fire when you split up the beam.
Why is the Emperor a Native American in that pic?
The Alpha Legion only betrayed the Imperium ironically, so their sleeper cells are actually the good guys.
Just put a prism on the end of a barrel spliting them all and wave it away with some sci fi pseudo science
It'd a like rainbow of death.
this is ebin
It indeed is.
Honestly, ain't that Eldar territory?
Human-Eldar cultural marriage is really the only way to win for both sides. Not to mention it would be really cool.
So love CAN bloom?
Imagine this from the Eldar perspective.
>the most realistic and probable solution
>to save the galaxy and their culture from extinction
>is bestiality
Well it could be worse...It could be the Orks or the blueberries.
How would this even happen?
>Emps sends the Primarchs curently in the warp to storm the gardens
>They free Isha on the condition she heals the Emperor
>He gets off his golden seat and then pic related
>The two empires merge at the behest of their two love bird gods
>They both sacrifice a little bit of their essence so that the Eldar don't need to die for the star child
The Ace of Spades isn't one of Isha's symbols, no.
...It has been seen decorating /Harlequins/ though.
Nah. Just proper Special Forces, in that they are specialized soldiers meant for a specific task, are are EXTREMELY good at it.
Though that does make me wonder. Who are the "SEAL Team Six" of the Imperium?
Tempestus Scions are the SEAL Team Six.
Space Marines are elite tip-of-the-spear shock troopers for rapid assaults at precision points. Scions are the actual covert operators operating operationally.
That actually makes me chuckle a bit. All the vainglorious SPESS MUHREEN ANGELS OF DEATH are, really, are exceptionally useful bullet sponges that can soak up a /lot/ of bullets.
But when it comes time for an actual professionals touch, it's regular, if exceptionally trained, humans that pull the billet.
Let's not go that far.
Be fair. Regular Imperial Guardsmen and the Space Marines both get lots of major shit done. Shit even Tempestus Scions can't be expected to handle. Space Marines, for instance - objectively superior to Tempestus Scions in a frontline assault or deep strikes in metal boxes.
Granted, the Imperium is so stupidly massive, stupidly diverse, diversely massive, and massively diverse that I honestly (truly, I do) think there is no one specific 'SEAL Team Six.' Tempestus Scions, across the board, fit the mold best, but there are easily loads of competitors on the local level (as in, one sector and its surrounding regions) for the title.
But why would you reduce the intensity and thus power of the beam?
>But when it comes time for an actual professionals touch
u wot
We literally just got a codex for deathwatch and you're saying space marines are just brainless bullet sponges?