I think it makes play go a bit faster when you don't have to dig around a bag for a d4.
Do you sort your dice Veeky Forums?
Ive never needed more than one single set of dice. All the other dice are for players who forgot theirs or don't have any yet, so I don't need to sort them.
I sort my homemade monster standees
Definitely don't keep your dice in a bag when you're playing. Lay them out on the table for easy access. If you want your dice to be easier to identify, you can color code them by size.
I separate the ones I've tampered with from the ones I haven't, but that's about it.
I sure as fuck don't sort them like that.
why do i keep buying dice
i don't even need them, i rarely even get the chance to play games anymore, let alone games that would require more than one set
but i keep buying dice and bags of dice and boxes of dice and assortments of all kinds just because i like them
i need help
I used to, but then I got on a minimalist kick. Now my ideal set is so small that I don't need to sort them.
2d10 (percentile)
Ten dice, and that's enough for most games. I suppose you could double it if you really wanted to, in which case you could play just about anything, even games that require piles of d6's like 40k and shadowrun.
I always lay mine out behind my referee's screen more or less like this.
How well do those d4s/d2s roll?
Gurps is the minimalist dream muthafuckas
There are people who buy more than one set? I'm not sure what you'd need that many dice for.
I just keep a standard set in a drawstring pouch.
I've got two times the chessex pound of dice, because I liked the gambling involved in getting a random assortment. Like a additional layer of dice rolling. Can't really justify getting more though.
I keep the full sets together, miscellaneous in bins by size.
This is my communal box. Newbies don't usually have dice, and players in my group forget theirs often enough.
I pick out whatever dice I think I will need for a character when I make them from my huge unsorted bin of dice, and then put them back into the bin when that character gets retired.
Until then, they inhabit the dice bag along with a bunch of d6, because you can never have enough d6.
What's with these itty-bitty dice collections?
Like dice.
Get a dice bag that unfolds into a rolling mat. That way you won't need to carry a rattle around.
>the d6s
this is sexual
Why would you need that many dices? I have one complete set with 3 d20 for instant talent rolls and 3 d6 for instant damage rolls.
Do you bring them for the whole group or what?
Sorry, my London is not good.
Sure, dude. How else are you going to pluralize a dice?
d6 - giant plastic bag (I'm a Shadorun player so I've aquired a lot of d6)
d20 - smaller plastic bag inside the bigger d6 bag
d4, d8, d10, d12 - in another small plastic bag
and my 2 special Golgari dice I use for EDH are in a small plastic dice box
Sounds like a neat way to kill a day: War, but with dice. Both players grab a die without letting the opponent see, roll on a three count, highest number takes the dice. Ties are resolved by rolling an additional die of the lowest sides in the conflict and adding to the first total. Play proceeds till one player is out of dice.
I just keep them in a big ol bag, sometimes I get a separate bag to grab all my d20s when going to an Infinity Tournament.