Battletech General: Disco Archer Edition

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BattleTech video-game pre-alpha gameplay [Open] [Open]

XTRO Primitives V is out
(Haha!) TtS: Butte Hold


>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions?

>How do I find out which BattleMechs a faction has?

Unit Designing Softwares
>SSW Mech Designer
>MegaMek Lab

>/btg/ does a TRO: spam)

>How do I do this Against the Bot thing?

>Map of /btg/ players (WIP):

>Rookie guides

> - BattleTech Wiki

>Megamek - computer version of BattleTech. Play with AI or other players

>BattleTech IRC
#battletech on

>PDF Folders


No. You didn't take care of the ones you had, and now they're gone. Maybe once you've grown up a little you can have a Zechetinu II, and if you make sure to feed it and water it and take it on regular walks into the Capellan Confederation we can talk about getting you a real WarShip someday.


But the Calderon Protectorate gets to have a real WarShip and they aren't even a great house!
It's not FAIR!

This post more than anything else has convinced me that you're a parent.

so I just made a new mech in Skunkwerks, but it won't let me open it again.

I've previously made another one, which can be opened, but the other one is showing up in the "Select Mechs" screen when I use "Open Mech".

It is in the right folder; in fact, both mechs are in the same goddamn folder.

Any ideas?

hit the refresh on the select mechs menu?


I see now.

I'm retarded. Thank you for solving this conundrum for me.

Mods are asleep, post silly mechs.


I need artillery refits for my merc unit. I've already got the obligatory AC-20>Thumper swap with the Hetzer and Demolisher.

Take an Ontos, rip out all the guns/laser shit (but keep the 1.5 tons of turret, even if empty, to simplify it), add front-mounted Long Tom and 8 tons ammo.

Alternately go with one turret and one front mounted Thumper and the same 8 tons ammo.

Also, Behemoth, remove all guns for turreted Long Tom (to keep turret the same) and front-mounted Thumper with 2 tons Thumper ammo and 5 Long Tom ammo.

Rolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d6)

Hey all, My newest (freeoborn) character just landed a Couger Prime. I'm considering scrapping the LRM's for something cooler to end the Blakist Jihad era with. What should I go for?

Sniper for everything on a Pike, goes in turret.

Thumper for everything on the Tiger T-12, again in turret.

Replace all that useless drone shit on the Hi-Scout with a Thumper forward and 5 tons ammo. Keeps the SRMs for emergencies.

3 MPLs and a DHS, or 3 S-SRM-4s with a ton of ammo.

Or 6 ER MLs and a DHS for keks.

You could get it refitted to the A or B configs, both are solid.

If you really want a Prime spinoff that keeps the LPLs, replace those LRMs with a TarComp and ERMLs+DHSs (up to 3 ERML to keep the TC at 3t/3s, 4 total between ERML and DHS).


So I have some IWM minis to assemble, and I don't have much experience with such things. What do I need and how should I proceed so that my mechs stay in one piece as I paint and use them?

Superglue? Modeling glue? An accelerator to speed glue drying? Something else at the joints to hold them together? I'm okay putting in a bit of extra work for sturdy minis.

Cyanoacrylate (general superglue) has always worked well for me, in terms of holding the mechs together (sans rough handling).

If you are certain about the poses you want them in, it's best to pin them with short pieces of thick wire or paperclip. How you accomplish this is to use a Dremel or other rotary tool and a tiny drill bit that's the same size as the wire you want to use, then drill holes in the relevant pieces of the mini after dry-fitting it to be sure of the pose. you clip a short section of wire, glue it into one hole, then fit it with glue into the other. It's way stronger than just gluing the flat surfaces. I've seen pinned minis survive falls from shelves and tables onto hard floors with just some minor bending and paint chipping, so it's a very strong way to assemble them. It can be a pain in the ass to do with certain sculpts though; some IWM minis come in 11+ parts and that's just crazy. And some parts are just too thin to pin.

I've head of people doing Omnimechs with tiny rare-earth magnets (for switching configs) but I have never actually seen it in person.

Superglue works for me. Can try pinning if that fails.

What is the best way to run a mercenary campaign set in 3145 using megamek? Does the total chaos stuff translate alright in megamek?

Not sure, but i think you have to set up a campaign thru MekHQ. Megamek by itself is just the base tabletop game.

You need MekHQ. You won't be able to do all the administrative things you need to do without it. Even if you do it all in GM mode and don't use rolls, it's still a hell of lot better.

Sometimes accelerator is useful, but you should know that it makes CA more brittle, at least in my experience.

Dremel+bit sounds like you're begging to offer up a blood sacrifice. Just use a pinvise, and you'll be able to control it a lot better.

Noob here
I very much like the Atlas in its many forms, especially the S (is it possible to mount the rear-fire weapons up front?)
Which would be a nice lance to deploy to maximize it's potential?

Refitting the rear weapons to fire forwards is pretty simple.

If you're fielding an Atlas-S you're Lyran, so stick it in a Lance with Highlanders, Fafnirs, Thunder Hawks, Devastators or Nightstars.

>Refitting the rear weapons to fire forwards is pretty simple.
How? Do I have to just say "those back weapons have been moved to the front"?

>you're Lyran, so stick it in a Lance with Highlanders, Fafnirs, Thunder Hawks, Devastators or Nightstars
No Zeus?
As much as I'd like to field a full Assault team, it's quite probable I'd go over the point cost of 5500-6000
What about going Atlas S, Zeus 9S, the SRM Hunchback or a Wolverine, and a Light mech?

>How? Do I have to just say "those back weapons have been moved to the front"?
Well, setting aside fluffy refit rules for running a campaign, basically yes.

The important issue is that switching rear guns to face forward affects the BV, so that needs to be recalculated. Using SSW or megameklab is the simplest way. Also bear in mind that as this is now a custom, even if not some super munchkin machine, you should make sure everybody you play with is cool with it.



And where the hell is everybody, anyway?

Hey bros, filthy mexican here. Don't have time to get back into BT at just this moment, but hopefully I'll be able to think of some dank meme's to keep our IP in the collective consciousness.

Peace Out,
Love Ramirez


Just had a successful job interview, so I've been busy. Also can't get SSW working on my desktop, so I'm not able to design challenge these days.

>And where the hell is everybody, anyway?
I'm kinda at work, like most reasonably responsible adults, who seem to make up most of the Battletech player base and a decent chunk of this thread

I don't know if MekHQ has the map updated to 3145.

Work and school, probably. Don't see too many kids involved in CBT.

Getting set to have a son born

Dubs names him (must be BattleTech related)



Herb Rome de SummerIsle

Alexander Kerensky (your last name)
He will aff neg his whole life not knowing why.

Stefan Amaris [surname]

Grayson Death ________

That was too close.

Victor Allard (your last name here).

With those namesakes, nothing bad will ever happen to him.


Richard (Rick) Fokker-Sterling [lastname].

See if Harmony Gold sues him.


Hogarth Maximilian Taney


Had that actually worked, I would have rescinded the requirement. I couldn't do that to a child.

What said, what about naming the kid after a Mech instead of a character? Who doesn't want a kid named Götterdämmerung?

You have made a terrible mistake, user.

That said, Conrad Toyama is a perfectly good name.

>not choosing a mech that works as a name

Blake Did Nothing Wrong

Planet names would be better.

Kooken's Pleasure Pit Smith, get to your room at once!

Cameron St. Jamais

Malthus Batchall [surname]

Or instead of characters or Mechs, what about people in the community?

Medron Pryde-Caulderon, for example.

Surat [surname]


Theodore Victor

Archer [last name]

There's only one answer to that, then. Butte Hold (last name).

Thomas Marik (Last name)


Welp. Kid's gonna have an awful time in school.

Oh fuck


Sorry NEA, asked for trips and not dubs

Looks like Thomas Marik it is

"Dubs but not trips", and I totally understand. Luckily, gave you a safe way to weasel out, and I *completely* understand weaseling out of that.

Well played.

I'm just happy I specified dubs and not generic repeating digits :^)

Shit, didn't figure I'd win



Man I like Purple Burd waifu, and the stronkness of Purple Burd, but we need to get some more Purple Burd waifus to diversify things. Just like Purple Burd likes.

Baseball, Brooklyn... the words on your shirt.

LAVENDER LOVEBIRD won only on a bare technicality, so remember that.

Would you rather live in the Federated Suns or the Free Worlds League?

Federated Suns

If I can live on one of the Golden Wolds, the Suns.

If it's just a generic world, the FWL. The Suns has way too many shitpile planets, so overall the League is likely to yield a better place to live.

We're all basically NPCs, so definitely the FWL.


Eww, basically space Americans

It's the most consistently nice successor state to live in.

In middle school, I made my own TRO and handed it in as an english class project. My knowledge of how mechs worked was limited to the PC games and the TROs I'd bought to fantasise about what future MechWarrior titles would hold.

All designed lovingly in MS-Paint and BMD - which I think predated HMP. (I'll need to take some time to convert them to png from bmp. Veeky Forums isn't playing nice)

47-RMZ Remorhaz
90 tons
Maximum speed:54.0 km/h
1 Arrow IV Missle Launcher
1 LRM-15
1 Large Pulse Laser
1 Small Laser
2 Medium Lasers

Armour: Standard - 272 points
Heat sinks: 14 (28)
Jump Capacity: 0 m
Affiliation: Federated Commonwealth

There we go... Grinding out the rest that I still have around. I knew backing up my shitty old Geocities website from 8th grade would come in handy for more than just cringe, one day...

Maybe with regards to some superficial creature comforts.

(clan) Neptune
45 tons
Maximum Speed:97.2 km/h
Weapons:[primary config.]
1 Large Pulse Laser
1 Ultra AC/5
1 Medium Pulse Laser
1 ER Small Laser
Armour: Standard - 144 points
Heat sinks: 10 (20)
Jump Capacity: 0m
Affiliation: Clan Diamond Shark

Free World League. Either everything is okay, in which case, cool, got lots of different places to pick from, or things ain't cool, in which case, its time to kill some trashborn wolfaboos.

>superficial creature comforts.
How about both medical advances and most every piece of technology?

GNT-8H Grunt
70 tons
Maximum Speed: 32.4 km/h
2 LB 10-X ACs
2 Flamers
1 Medium Laser
1 Hatchet
Armour: Standard - 208
Heat Sinks: 16
Jump Capacity: 0m
Affiliation: Free Worlds League

Do any stores in Cincinnati (Ohio, US) run/host Battletech games, or stock Battletech product? I'm having no luck with the ones I know. Which is doubly weird because I thought BT was strong in Cinci, but I haven't found anything.

>Maximum Speed: 32.4 km/h
Oh wow

The Terran Hegemony, Federated Suns and Taurian Concordat all have better claims to "space America" than the Lyran Commonwealth.

(Yes, this was just my attempt at down-scaling the Atlas, because middle school. Also WTC hadn't happened yet, so the word wasn't really in everyone's lexicon and wasn't synonymous with "muslim" yet.)

TR-4S Terrorist
60 tons
Maximum speed: 86.4 km/h
2 Medium Lasers
2 LRM-5s
1 SRM-4

Armour:Ferro-Fibrous - 197 points
Heat sinks: 13 (26)
Jump Capacity: 0 m
Affiliation: Inner sphere

>smalle items largely regarded as unimportant
>cars with air conditioners
Wow, such amazing

It's what you get when you an urbie DFA's an urbie and picks up a hatchet.

Not even jump capable, though.

>Succession war-era
>everybody else is busy eating dirt
>Lyrans are rich AF and living the american dream

Not really.

>fat as hell
>rich nation
>incompetent military
>corrupt arms contractors
>"german and celtic heritage"

Lyrans are Space America.