Post-Apoc inspiration thread

Share cool character concepts, pictures, anything


So to what extent is everyone's preferred level of post apocolypse society?

Total collapse of civilization back to stone age? Break down of major institutions with neo-feudalism? Eclipse Phase style post apoco where most of society is shifted away from the blasted husk that was the old world?

Collapsed enough that nearly all modern tech is lost and near-impossible to reproduce and that the world has overall fallen back to the middle-ages or so, with the landscape littered with paranoid groups unwilling to trust each others is the best.

A cyberneticly enhanced wasteland traveler. Travels around the world, sees and hears all sorts of rumors and trades goods between various outposts and towns.

>This is how I paladin

You know, if D&D ever did a "modern" setting they should throw away the tired cyberpunk aspect and just shit like in that pic because I want to have a celestial motorcycle mount while shooting monsters with Smite out of my shotgun.

I prefer mine shiny and chrome.

Soft Apocalypse where things are shitty, but countries and societies carry on somehow, despite the bioengineered plagues and climate change disasters and endless financial recession

Say no more










My last one, for now

pmuch this, op's clean cut wastlander cosplay doesn't do it for me. Too cowboys and indians.

You gotta admit his expression is amazing though

Post-Magical Apocalypse.