This here is a rogue thread. Post rogues. Post stories.
Anyone ever run/play an all-rogue campaign?
This here is a rogue thread. Post rogues. Post stories.
Anyone ever run/play an all-rogue campaign?
I've got some art.
Personally I prefer as few rogues as possible in a group. Rogues are excellent foils both thematically and mechanically and you cheat yourself out of that when everyone is the same class.
Never seen a campaign like that but I got a greentext for ya
>friend wants to try DMing for the first time
>really goofy guy, know he'll make mostly randumb shenanigans
>decide to make Jax the rogue
>basically like dave the human male fighter, but with rogue stereotypes
>first place party goes to is a village of friendly kobolds who surround the party for dialogue
>luckily Jax stealthed before they noticed us
>ask whats in there pockets when I succeed in pickpocketing one of them
>just, like, a dagger or something...?
>hol up hol up, all of them?
>yeah....? Why?
>leave village with 47 daggers
>towards the end of campaign have nearly 4000 daggers
>iron, gold, mithril, silver, jeweled, cursed, holy, wooden, adamantine
>every kind of dagger imaginable all in bag of holding
>have exquisite crystal dagger Jax calls the ignition dagger.
So bags of holding are an entirely separate dimensional space, but it can all slam back into the 3rd dimension by piercing the side of the bag. Given enough stuff it can be explosive. Anyway
>party surrounded by high level demons
>half of us dead
>no way out, end of the line
>tell the paladin it's a good day to die
>throw the bag in the air, toss my ignition dagger
>level like 5 acres of forest, eviscorating everything.
Worth it.
"What are things that never happened?" Alec.
Bumping because more people should like rogues, less edgelords who act surprised when the party hates them
It's Alex, but you are correct.
>Anyone ever run/play an all-rogue campaign?
If there are enough archetypes to fill out different roles I don't see why not. In fact, I would encourage it for all the classes in 5e
This just in the validity of a greentext on Veeky Forums is called into question. More shocking news at 11.
Try to laugh once in a while user
There's no divine Rogue, so you'd need a Trickery domain Cleric at this point.
It's really the only cross-archetype that doesn't exist at this point. And Homebrewers are too busy cooking up shit-tier Paladin and Warlock arches.
Make real friends, play real games with them, and then you'll have stories that are even remotely convincing.
Sure as hell sounds like a shit-tier lulrandumb DM
Nah, he's ronery to the point of "theorycrafting" his own adventures with his imaginary friends.
It's a desperate cry for help.
Does it have to be divine as long as it has some ability to heal?
The idea, at least to me, isn't to perfectly replicate what every other class can do. It's still a rogue but has bits and pieces of other classes tacked on. maybe an inquistior or something similar can bridge that gap.
One of the suggested ways you can play an assassin rogue is a Faceless Men-style death god cultist. I wouldn't mind an inquisitor archetype though.
Is it so hard to believe that some dumbass high schooler first time DM let that shit happen? I guess just be pissy then.
>If there are enough archetypes to fill out different roles
There's no tank, no AoE caster, and no support/healer.
All you have is a bunch of lightly armored yahoos who can stab and run away, or snipe.
Which is great for Sherwood Forest or ambushing a single foe in an alleyway, but shitty in a dungeon where movement and LoS is restricted, unless everyone is going to run around the dungeon like a Benny Hill episode.
One monster with an enthralling song forces a WIS save, and it's pretty much over.
I assume an all-rogue party would pick their fights carefully (stealth and all that) and rely on tricks and schemes to tip fights in their favour. You're right it probably works better if you're not playing the standard dungeon crawl.
A bard, trickery cleric or shadow monk would help round things out without breaking theme.
Played a game where everyone had gestalt Rogue levels. Wasn't bad actually, kinda turned our dungeon diving into...well basically mario party.
>All Rogue Party
Wouldn't mind if it ended up like this.
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Rule 1 of being a successful rogue; don't make it immediately apparent that you are a rogue from a glance.
Unless you're talking about a literal armored fighting vehicle (which most parties don't have, but would be damn awesome), tank-type characters become obsolete once combat devolves into save or dies making HP/AC irrelevant, with everyone expected to have the required saves on-hand, though there's nothing stopping a rogue from donning full plate bandit-style if you absolutely NEED someone to fill that role for a while. Rogues can jury-rig support as needed and use alchemy to emulate the AoE.
It's no caster party, but it'll pull through.
The best rogue I've ever had was a halfling on a D&D oneshot, he infiltrated the Pelor cult and was a cynical backstabbing Judas priest.
Now I'm playing a T'skrang on Earth Dawn. I joined the party unknowingly and took a premade character, but as the campaign keeps growing more epic, I'm starting to need a backstory. Since the sense of duty is essential to the party, I'm trying to think of the guy more as a gentleman thief, some sly Arsene Lupin. However in practice he's more the silent shadow shooting from the dark.
good advice there.
A pretty new player in my game pleasantly surprised me by making his kleptomaniac thief character appear to be an entirely respectable high-born bard to the outside observer.
>Anyone ever run/play an all-rogue campaign?
In one right now, in Pathfinder.
Well, not expressly all rogues in terms of class, but we're a band of hired thieves and ne'er-do-wells that do various shady jobs throughout a large city. We've got a bard operating as the fence and faceman, a barbarian as the muscle, a more traditional rogue to snipe key targets and do skilly stuff, and a summoner of all things using her magic and minions to go where the rest of us can't. I think there's also a Vigilante on the way.
Best rogues coming through.
Rogue/bard you mean
Currently playing in one where everyone MC-ed into rogue.
Shadow monk/Thief who became faast and the party healer with medic kits.
Swashbuckler/Dragon Sorcerer former pirate captain (party face and melee man)
Assassin/Druid utilizing wildshape.
Arcane Trickster/Abjuration wizard.
Ranger/Thief/Long death Monk who uses darts most of the time.
Rogue/Battlemaster archer who does trickshots all the damn time.
Str based Bear barbarian/Rogue with tavern brawler.
The DM just sorta realized we are decked out for everything so he abandoned his campaign to let us play "One piece"...
There was a game with just me and the Bard at level 1. We were ambushed by some bandit types. 6 of them. Due to some creative retreating and circling back, we were able to effectively take them out.
Then the guards came, so we buzzed off.
The point is, with some quick thinking and Backstabs, anything is possible, user.