Read the Map (yes, the whole thing), then
>Leader Name
Make sure your leader's name is in your signature, and keep track of your bonuses; they DO NOT count if you don't.
Read the Map (yes, the whole thing), then
>Leader Name
Make sure your leader's name is in your signature, and keep track of your bonuses; they DO NOT count if you don't.
Testing if only banned on pol
Prussia claiming
:) name Purcans
I claim Cuman Khanate!
>Khan Ash of Cumania
You're in
Name actually Parcuns
just an FYI, we'll start once we get 4 rollers. I'll only play if we get three and nobody turns up for, like, 10 minutes or something like that.
freddy, are you in the qst thread?
I had an idea today, that might be pretty good.
Are you claiming, or just here to talk to Freddy?
We need rollers pretty badly, so I'd appreciate it if you play
Will go soon. Almost home... prob 15 min
Cool. Give yourself a leader name and you're good
I have to go
Alright, just so we can get this going, Claiming England.
>We must unite the isles beneath one banner; Invade wales!
Shit man, we were literally just getting started.
Pagans unite! Invade pomerania.
Tfw risku is kill
Your Rsik version looks very interesting. I think i undertsood the rules. But pls consider that i'm quite new to this.
Cumania > Alania
>Khan Ash of Cumania
You're in.
I you've read the map and still have questions, I'd be glad to answer them
Hell, I'll jump in this game.
>Emirate of Granada
>Sultan Goldstein
Both of you, go ahead and roll on the mupdate.
alright, lets start to annex the muslim neighbors in Iberia.
Join as Saxony
sorry for the historical inaccuracy in my name with regards to the time period
I'll count this as your roll. Which faction are you going to attack with it?
Shit fuck nigger
Join as Poland
Wait is saxony not taken? If it's not attack south as saxony
If it is, play as poland and attack towards baltics
Ok, roll
Yeah, if i understand it right that players who picked a kingdom get a bonus for being a king but me as Saxony have to be elected to an emperor because i am part of the HRE, am i right?
I already sook saxony :(
when you roll make sure to tell OP where and what you want to do
Damn I wanted to unite the HRE but I guess playing as poland is fine
Saxony is indeed taken, but you're in as poland.
If enough people choose nations in the HRE, they can vote to elect an emperor, yes. However, you can still become a kingdom through other means
>when you roll make sure to tell OP where and what you want to do
Ok, thanks
roll for annexind Meissen
Thx for the explenation OP
Because I feel like it and I like history?
Already fellas, we're off to a decent start. It seems that Prussia and Poland are likely to butt heads, though
there are seriously like 5 players or less with OP playing... We have a saxony, prussia and now poland.... history happened everywhere you know
Cumania > Alania; spares into Ryazan
>Khan Ash of Cumania
Roll to continue claiming Meissen
roll to keep conquering Iberian land
>said march towards baltic states
>attacks prussia instead
sure thing OP
defend, continue filling poland and baltics
Möchten Sie mit mir verbünden? August der Starke war auch einen König von Polan.
forgot about my +1
incase your german is rusty, I was proposing to ally as August the Great was the king of Poland too
You didn't attack Prussia, actually
Still, you're right, my bad. When I saw "Baltic" I immediately thought "Baltic Region".
Oh I was worried I declared war on someone.
Thats fine anyway, no big deal as long as I didn't declare war.
>Möchten Sie mit mir verbünden? August der Starke war auch einen König von Polan.
Gerne, ich habe kein Interesse and preußischem Lande. Sie können es für sich haben. Außerdem würde ich auch gerne das HRR vereinigen
Harald Hardrada
Switching, then?
Central Europe IS a little crowded, so I'll allow it
March on the Finns
Das gefällt mir. Woher kommen Sie aus? Ich bin ein Amerikanischen Student. Ich habe Deutsche Klasse seit zwei Jahre gehabt.
Sachsen and I are allies.
Gotcha, keep track in your sig. I have yet to add little icons to the map
Speak american, you fucking kikes
keep on conquering Iberia
Cumania > Ryazan; spares into Kiev
>Khan Ash of Cumania
>Woher kommen Sie aus?
Komme tatsächlich aus Niedersachsen. Hannover um genau zu sein
>Ich habe Deutsche Klasse seit zwei Jahre gehabt
Dein Deutsch ist schon echt gut. Du musst mich aber nicht Sie zu mir sagen. Du geht auch
rolling for Meissen
Yeah yeah, i switch to english again. He just wanted to talk some german. It's cool
Been a long time since I used a tripcode, let's see if I remember how to do this right. Claiming Ulster and marching on Meath.
Take baltics
Entschuldigung, mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht.
I'll try to keep it english
fix straight get and spill it into northern russia
rolling to attack denmark
>Entschuldigung, mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht.
No it's pretty good from what i've heard here :) Well, i can't quess how your accent is but you are making just few grammar mistakes
The Norse have gotten same crazy digits, and now own much of Scandinavia and Northern Russia
Every time I hand in an essay it gets back littered with red marks about prepositions and adjective endings.
My accent is alright. If I try to hard it always ends up sounding a like Himmler
They only got dubs dude.
Finish baltics
The conquest of Iberia is almost at hand, keep on pushing
Their first roll was a reverse straight, m8
Our forces march to finish the Danes and then begin our invasion of Sweden
Oh that counts? Alright.
Also, why do straights count so much? What is the statistical probability like?
Even with just a 1 I should've gotten a territory, right? Is my first roll going to be on this round, then? Either way, still hitting Meath.
Ok OP, roll for attacking Franconia and spill Bohemia if possible
>littered with red marks
Oh, yeah german is very hard to learn but i can't tell because it's my first language
>If I try to hard it always ends up sounding a like Himmler
Haha, it's better than Göbbels
Wow wasted digits.
German isn't that bad, but genders are really confusing coming from genderless English.
desu, I have no clue. Someone else made the base map, I've just modified some of the rules and the available factions
Shit, that was the wrong map version. You're on there. Also, Your first roll was dubs, so you kinda conquered Ireland already and spilled into Scotland. should this roll go there?
for every third from last digit there is 1/50 chance
Cumania > Ryazan; spares into Kiev
>Khan Ash of Cumania
So they are twice more common than dubs but get the same points? gg map maker
>genders are really confusing
Oh yes. Sometimes i also ask myself why the ceiling is feminine while the floor is masculine. But it's a beautiful language and very efficient
dubs is 1/10
Straights are equally likely as dubs of equal length. A 2-digit straight is equally likely as dubs, a 3-digit is equally likely as trips, and so on. If we're counting reverse straights as well, the probability doubles, so straights are twice as likely as dubs of equal length.
Oh, absolutely. Let's invade Scotland.
meant trips, derped out
then reverse straights make it twice as likely
The Irish are doing far, far better than they ever did historically, and the Norse just barely fail to finish off the Danish.
rolling to finish off Iberia
cool, and yeah same value as trips
finish Denmark and invade Sweden with spills
we need a pope
Keep attacking Franconia and Bohemia
Take Baltics, light green dude
My vote is for Saxony
Onwards to England! Soon, I, Cuchulainn, shall be Emperor of O'Brittania!
I've been thinking about the Pope thing myself, lately. I'll nominate myself under the platform that Catholic player nations should avoid war with one another, but NPCs are heretics and therefore fair game. Anyone who attacks a fellow Catholic player shall face excommunication.
>we need a pope
>My vote is for Saxony
Thx, can i vote for myself too?
Cumania > Ryazan; spares into Kiev
>Khan Ash of Cumania
we vote ireland bro
So are Saxony and I both anti-popes, I guess? Also, do I need the tip of Scotland for my +1 bonus?
Nope unless someone changes their vote there is no pope yet
Unless someone catholic joins
Norway, I propose an alliance based on the many things our great nations have in common:
>Yay Catholicism
>Fuck England
I vote for Ireland if i can have the danish/norwegian territories inside the Germany Bonus Border
Guys, you're all gonna hate me, and rightfully so, but is anyone willing to take over as OP?
I'm dealing with a bout of flu right now, and my head and throat are killing me right now, but I'd hate to let such a promising thread die on behalf of my shitty health
alliance sounds good
i do not object to this
if noone objects i can pick it up... Ash you want it?
Sorry no can do it's a little late and I'm really busy now
Finish baltics, spill to kill green guy
Cumania > Ryazan; spares into Kiev
>Khan Ash of Cumania
I don't think whoever takes over needs to give up their kingdom. It's a game of perfect information.
keep on conquering Iberia
Veeky Forums is for discussing traditional games, not playing them. Take this shit to /qst/