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How do different kinds of animal people get along in your campaign?

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Fox people in my setting are stereotypical French vixens.

Gareth you never got back to me about the reaver. What did chris say?

What's wrong with the reaver?

He was looking to make a stealthy PsiWar that tapped into some of Cryptic's pattern themes.

Tell me more about your setting.

Quick question. I'm working on a character for a campaign and was thinking of trying out a psionic. The Tactician looks pretty interesting, but I'd heard people say bad things about it. What are some of the problems?

Yeah, I probably could do with a rewording of it- possibly 1/4th Slayer level to all skill checks made against your studied target and knowledge checks to identify creatures, spend a point to double that bonus?

You'd bet your ass there's gonna be Dishonored references! It's probably gonna be one of the inspirations for it.

>realize i want to play a cute cha-based support caster
>deep voice
>hate text games
why did my brain do this to me

2hu is the best person in these threads

I want to marry 2hu and wear fluffy tails for them to touch!

I want to kiss 2hu's cute lipstick covered lips.

I'm jealous of your ability to post shitty thumbnail gifs!

The vixens inhabit a large forested region within a strategic mountain pass between Not!Germany and Not!France, and have carefully maintained safe roads within this forest to ensure trade can flow safely between the two kingdoms.

The vixens of course take their toll, often in the form of wine, good clothes, bread and exotic foodstuffs, and tobacco. They also enjoy taking human men as lovers, as their sexual appetites are quite insatiable.

The forest itself is known also as the Forest of Adventure, because anyone with an inclination for quests will always find one within days of entering under the canopy. These quests are, of course, carefully constructed by the local fae for both their amusement and the generation of belief (which is what empowers the fae.) Particularly ambitious fae will seek human Knights, who under the rules of courtly love and chivalry might take them as their lord/lady and thus spread their name that way, furthering the legend by creating grand adventures for their Knights to embark on, such as seeking wayward grails or spears.

Mechanically, taking a lord or lady as your patron gives you tangible bonuses that range from an at-will fire effect for your weapon to Insight bonuses to AC to per day healing.

Just play a booming bard with a personality as big as his dick

Well, there are twelve city-states that are safe havens in the world. Some of them appear ultramodern bordering on cyberpunk, others look like they wouldn't be out of place in Middle Earth, but all have some trait that keep the monsters in the dark out of their walls, be it peerless technology and military might, powerful magics warding away dark spirits, or an ancient awakened tree at the city's heart that has grown so old and powerful that it has become like unto a god.

Every god is derived from human consciousness, with the only "True" god being the collective amalgamation of Humanity's ancestor spirits and their creativity. There are 256 untrue deities, who are themselves expressions of the urges and instincts Humans see as "Good" and "Evil". 128 make up the Good Side, known as the Luminous Song, and 128 make up the "Dark Side", known as the Sacred Void. Those whom are truly spiritual honor each god, making peace with the urges and instincts they represent and accepting that they are each a fundamental and important part of being Human.

The Luminous Song and the Sacred Void each of two chief deities, equals and opposites of each other; the Luminous Song's are the Goddess of Love and the God of Justice, while the Sacred Void's are the God of Hate and the Goddess of Vengeance. The Goddess of Love heads the Chaotic Side of the Song, while the God of Justice heads the Lawful Side. Likewise, the God of Hate heads the Lawful Side of the Void, while the Goddess of Vengeance heads the Chaotic Side.

The God of Hate is probably the single most reasonable and personable of the four chief Gods - Love can be prone to annoying flights of Whimsy, Justice is stoic and can often seem inapproachable, and Vengeance is a bit of a bitch. But Hate? He's the grumpy wise guy at the local dive who always gives out good advice whether you want to hear it or not. He wants more people to have more hate, and to freely act on that hate, he tells his followers to make it useful

its okay user fate is cruel and unusual. and i just want to tell you that one day you will find a group that will accept you for your role playing needs.
pic unrelated

We already have one of those

It's a bit boring.

Like even when it got all its new special Reaver talents, it's still kind of boring.

Now that I think about it, our group has never had more than one type of animal person at a time, or rarely even more than one animal person in general. Shame there's a campaign coming up where we're all playing different breeds of merfolk; this thread will be long dead by the time I have something to say about it.

Gareth, what did you mean by
>It's not like malefex has a monopoly on the mean streets, after all.

Are you planning to add more classes to the mean streets?

Is there a guide to Piecemeal Armor? If so, what's the best you can do while keeping Light Armor?

If you are still present, here is what I imagine a generic, Silver Crane-using steelfist commando would look like:

Level: 1st
Race: +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma race of choice
Class: Warlord (steelfist commando)

Ability Scores: Dexterity > Charisma > Constitution > Intelligence = Wisdom > Strength
Traits: Mock Gladiator. The rest is your choice. Bear in mind that Irrepressible will not stack with the warlord's Force of Personality.

1st-level Feat: Weapon Finesse
Warlord Bonus Feat: Deadly Agility

Custom Weapon: See here , and remember that steelfist commandos are proficient with all monk weapons.

Martial Tradition: Empyreal Guardians
Disciplines: Golden Lion, Primal Fury, Riven Hourglass, Scarlet Throne, Silver Crane (originally Solar Wind), Unquiet Grave (originally Thrashing Dragon)
Bonus Class Skills: Autohypnosis, Knowledge (religion)

1st-level Maneuvers Known: Flurry Strike (Broken Blade 1), Encouraging Roar (Golden Lion 1), Minute Hand (Riven Hourglass 1), Scything Strike (Scarlet Throne 1), Enduring Crane Strike (Silver Crane 1), Thirsting Axe Strike (Unquiet Grave 1)
1st-level Maneuvers Usually Readied: Flurry Strike (Broken Blade 1), Encouraging Roar (Golden Lion 1), Minute Hand (Riven Hourglass 1), Enduring Crane Strike (Silver Crane 1)
1st-level Stance: Pugilist Stance

2nd-level improvements:
Extra maneuver known: Panthera on the Hunt (Primal Fury 1)
Extra maneuver usually readied: Thirsting Axe Strike (Unquiet Grave 1)
Extra stance known: Eyes of the Crane (Silver Crane 1)

3rd-level improvements:
Extra maneuver known: Rapid Strike (Riven Hourglass 2)
Extra maneuver usually readied: Rapid Strike (Riven Hourglass 2), replaces Thirsting Axe Strike (Unquiet Grave 1)
Extra feat: Either Extra Presence (Diplomat's Presence) or Martial Charge

This is a very simple character to play. At 1st-level, use Encouraging Roar to buff yourself and your party and Flurry Strike to evaporate enemies. Minute Hand can delete another enemy, and Enduring Crane Strike can heal in a tight spot and heal out-of-battle as well.

At 2nd-level, you have some extra durability from Thirsting Axe Strike and noncombat utility from Eyes of the Crane, but at 3rd-level, you drop that in favor of Rapid Strike so that you can put another enemy into the grave with more efficiency.

If you so wish, you can drop the Empyreal Guardians and Silver Crane in favor of another tradition and discipline of your choice, but that will give you no source of at-will healing.

The best light armor, unfortunately, is still a mithral chain shirt.

The true winners under the piecemeal armor rules are *medium* armor-users. This is somewhat fair if you consider how poor medium armor in Pathfinder is.

Medium piecemeal armor can support the following:

Horn lamellar arm piece: Medium armor, 25 gp, +1 AC, +5 max Dex, -2 ACP, 5 pounds, no speed reduction.
Studded leather leg piece: Light armor, 5 gp, +1 AC, +5 max Dex, no ACP, 3 pounds, no speed reduction.
Chain torso piece: Medium armor, 100 gp, +4 AC, +4 max Dex, -2 ACP, 25 pounds, no speed reduction.

Final suit in masterwork: Medium armor, 280 gp, +7 AC (including suit bonus), +4 max Dex, -1 ACP, 33 pounds, no speed reduction.

That is an incredible deal for a Strength-based martial who has only medium armor proficiency.

>tfw I just realized Malefex is the perfect class to play as pic related thematically
Dang, Gareth must really like Teen Titans, since he keeps making options for them.

>Dang, Gareth must really like Teen Titans, since he keeps making options for them.

You're talking about the Eires and Ethus again, aren't you?

Quite possibly. After all, it's not like "came from a bad background" is unique to malefex as a class - you can easily get or imagine barbarians, fighters, rogues, slayers, harbingers, and more coming from those same tough towns or shit neighborhoods. No reason to necessarily exclude them from the fun.

YOU KNOW WHAT user, I fucking loved that show and am mad as hell that Snyder is about to shit all over Deathstroke SO THERE

Or it's a coincidence.

That or you're just obsessed.

Oh, yes, gambits. As a steelfist commando, Acrobatic Gambit and Victory Gambit are obvious choices.

Use Victory Gambit when you think you can finally bring down an enemy.

Settle for Acrobatic Gambit when you doubt your ability to take out an opponent; who knows, it might just kill off the enemy anyway. With high Dexterity and Acrobatics ranks, you should succeed more often than not. Try to masterwork your chain shirt or leather lamellar as soon as you can, or better still, make it mithral or darkleaf.

Arrowstroke in seasons 1 and 2 is probably the best live action Deathstroke we'll ever get, even if he only fights Green Batman.

>am mad as hell that Snyder is about to shit all over Deathstroke

Fair advice: stay as far away from the Arrow TV series then. Don't want you reverting back into a raging alcoholic now.

Okay, now I'm confused.

What's with the whole lipstick meme anyway?

One good character does not fix just how absolutely rage inducing the entire show is as a whole. Even if Manu Bennet pulled off a good Slade Wilson.

Season 3 and 4 are trash. Especially with the "I'm not going anywhere" from the fucking cunt formerly known as Felicity.

The first half of season 1 is mediocre.

The back half of season 1 through the end of season 2 are legitimately good. Even if Ollie is Green Batman instead of Green Arrow. They need to play up his nature as a progressive mouthpiece and have him FUCKING SMILE FOR FUCK'S SAKE. And kill Felicity. Especially that last bit. They could also stop taking themselves so seriously and maybe lower the stakes a little bit rather than the continuing mess of threat escalation. And do more cameos of Constantine (literally the only good episode of Season 4).

I think they just threw in Deathstroke as a villain for Batman so that they can later make him the badass protag for a Suicide Squad sequel.

Also, stat him

Myrmidon/Mutation Warrior Fighter

To be fair, I liked s2 Green Arrow because Slade Wilson has always been more of a Green Arrow villain rather than part of batmans' rogue gallery.

He'll still be villain #1 for the Titans though.

Hey /pfg/, I want my party to have to fight a Black Seraph-focused Warlord as a BBEG. How do I design the boss so that it doesn't wipe the party with no effort with things like Apocalyptic Strike, Armageddon Lance, and Vampiric Aura?

The plan is for the gestalted party of two to fight him around level 11, with the boss fighting alone at level 15. The party is a crit fishing Falchion-swinging Fighter/Ranger and an archer Paladin/Summoner.

>Mutation Warrior Fighter

Arrowverse is not canon!!
Normies get out!

Not gonna lie, that fucking speech he gave re: DRIVE AN ARROW THROUGH HIS EYE gave me chills.
Dude, he had a super-serum in the comics, too. It's how he got his healing factor. He's always basically been "What if Captain America was Evil" (and had a hardon for weebshit), and it's phenomenal.

Dude, he's literally a Captain America level Super Soldier in the comics with a minor healing factor.
I think Mutation Warrior stacked on top of Myrmidon is a fair translation of that.

Healing factor super serum mind.

Wait, which actor is playing Deathstroke?

Why are medium armor users so much better off with piecemeal armor?

I know Veeky Forums's motto is "You don't need any other boards"
but this is pretty much /co/ related now.

John Cena

Hey, it beats pfg being /a/.

Or /d/.

Let's get back on topic then!

Which is the most waifuable youkai kitsune subrace between regular, huli jing, kumiho, and zenko, /pfg/?

Hey Gareth, I really like your Malefex and I've got a character in mind if I were to use your class, but I have a question:

Are a Malefex' Spites considered arcane spells?
I want to grab the Arcane Strike and Deadly Dealer feats so I can play some kinda Cardtrick Gambler with a bit of a Mystic flavor in him.

How do I convince a player in a 6-man party that he shouldn't play a Cleric in a party that has only tier 3 and 4 characters aside from him?

Right now we're in a dungeon crawl, and he has Merciful Healer, so we're always at full HP after every single encounter, which is basically game-breaking.

They are not. They're supernatural abilities, and are actually closest in fluff to occult magic since they relate to recognizing, then manipulating, connections - in this case, connections formed by rivalry & hostility, on both the personal and societal level.

And before anyone gets on me for edge, remember that there's a lot of kinds of rivalry.

>badass protag for a Suicide Squad sequel.

That's not fair - Deathstroke is like throwing in a PoW class in with a group of tier-3 martials

Almost every single PoW class IS a Tier 3 martial.

It doesn't really seem like ANY class couldn't have a background in mean streets. Like a sorcerer or bard.

That's really, really debatable.

>implying Katana isn't a Bushi herself

I think he meant Tier 4?

But yeah, he probably could have solo'd everything in the movie right up until the Big Bad Evil Girl and her brother, which probably needed Katana's Katana to kill.

Nah, the Suicide Squad are at least tier 3. Better than regular fighters/soldiers except Harley, but she gets by with massive layers of plot armor in her booty shorts.

I want to run a wizard as a Cleric of Nethys.

Set up a temple, wear priestly robes, carry a holy symbol, the whole shtick. Maybe do some minor healing with a wand or the heal skill.

Maybe offer to hear people's sins, only to cut them off mid-confession to tell them that Nethys doesn't give a shit unless it's about magic.

That last part's hilarious.

>Like kitsune, they are master shapeshifters, but their carrion-heavy diet and heavy spiritualism has led many to believe—including the majority of coyōtl themselves—that they possess power over life and death.

They're basically an entire race of chuunibyo's.

>Fool! C-cease petting mine tail at once! Dids't thou forget that within mine tail is trapped the dark god of abso- oh. Ooooooh, that, that feels quite nice. M-mayhap the dark god won't notice. Yes, I sense his attention is occupied elsewhere. Thus, I shall allow you the honor to continue stroking my tail, just like that.

Why don't you want him to do this?

Merciful Healer is by no means game-breaking, and if he wants to use all his spell slots to heal the party, that means he doesn't have those spell slots to realize the potential being a Tier 1 class gives him, and being at full hp after every encounter is sort of the point of playing a healer. It sounds like you need to be better at designing encounters for the party.

I'm not the GM. If I was, I'd fuck him over hard, but I can't. It's probably the GM's fault anyway, since dungeon crawls are boring

What? You realize if you kicked that player out of the group and replaced him with a couple of Wands of Cure Light Wounds you'd be at full HP after every encounter, right?

He's literally as useful as a 750 GP item.

There are various reasons to ban tier 1 classes from a tier 3/4 party, but "the party is always topped up on hit points" is not one of them. Any party can already achieve such with wands.

If anything, taking the merciful healer archetype *weakens* a cleric.

The evangelist prestige class is made for exactly such a concept.

The evangelist also happens to skill-monkey-supercharge any arcanist, psychic, sorcerer, witch, or wizard it is applied to. The loss of a level of spellcasting progression will sting, however, and only several levels of the prestige class can compensate for the loss... unless one takes the Eclectic Training guild benefit from page 22 of Inner Sea Magic.

Wizardly healing is already possible via Infernal Healing, although you should ask your GM if they enforce Horror Adventures' rules for alignment-tagged spells and alignment.

Say, considering that they're thrown weapons, would I get my Strength to damage when throwing the energy bolts from Enter the Vortex? Likewise, would the benefits from Dragon Fury when two weapon fighting apply to them (specifically, the Competence bonus to damage)?

Why would you want to fuck him over? He is just doing what his character is designed to do, and doing it well.

You mean you'd rather have that Cleric tossing out Save or Suck spells on your enemies, soloing encounters and generally making the rest of the players feel like shit?

Regarding the Pact Wizard, would it be a good idea to take the Healing Patron and the Merciful Curse to become the super healer+arcane caster combo character, or is there a better idea I'm missing here? The idea for the character is to have made a pact with some mysterious being lording over the Positive Energy Plane for power.

>an entire race of chuunobyos belonging to a tribe of chuunibyos

double chuuni!

Keep in mind the Healing Patron really just gets the Restoration line. Which isn't bad, but you still won't have any of the Cure spells on your caster list (besides Cure Light Wounds, Mass). So your only healing ability will be Lay on Hands, and that's not bad but still not enough to really fill in for the healer slot.

>Arue claims to be the most physically developed
>Dodonko's got a bigger bust

Really makes you think.

Need opinions on AP concept.

>Engines of War
>Being goblinoid is a curse, a constant roil of agony and fear under the heels of greater races. First they were slaves, then soldiers, then vermin, and now finally outcasts. However you seek to be outcast no longer, and instead become conquerers. The Adventure Path follows a war of conquest, of a great unified nation of goblinoids and lesser giantkind. You are members of Clan Mordrek, a small group swept up in the tides of war. Can you lead your people to greater position among the goblinoid clans, and lead your people to victory? In the wake of war you may be able to find not only your clan's past, but the forgotten history of the goblinoid people, and what lay beyond the clouded annals of time.

>Book one follows the Siege of Rohas Vel, the eastern jewel in the crown of the Dellish empire and the uncovered in the Temple of Pel Who Bit the Sun.

>Introduces several subsystems to the AP.

>Conquest is essentially if the players complete certain events in certain ways, acquire certain items, or make certain alliances they gain conquest. This gives them better or worse situations later on in the AP. There are guidelines for creating new conquests. Each divergent event has brackets for where the players currently fit.

>Mysteries & Truth
>The AP delves into the tortured history of the goblinoid people, and as such you uncover many of the lost mysteries of species. Similar to conquest certain items can be researched to gain truth. Truth can then reveal important secrets that can help you in the AP. Both players and NPCs can research such items using an adapted version of research from ultimate intrigue.

I'd rather not have a Cleric at all desu

True, but hp damage is what wands are for. I was looking for a more supplementary healer/dedebuffer.

What do you have against Clerics?

Tier 1 in a game of tier 3-4

Are there any limitations as to what you can Lock with Fool's Errand? Sizewise, soecifically. My GM has decreed that creatures bigger than me receive very big bonuses to the save, and I find this to be questionable. He's citing realism as his reasoning which really doesn't help.
>How is a medium human gonna stop a huge troll from moving? It should be really hard if not impossible.

So I was looking for cool exotic weapons I could try for my two weapon fighter and I found upon the rules for the Urumi.

Why are these weapons not light or weapon finesse compatible? It's a fucking sword whip, it fits into every stereotype that a light weapon finesse weapons should.


Tiers don't matter as much as you seem to think they matter, especially when someone is playing towards a specific concept, like dedicated healer.

At higher levels, he will have access to much stronger options than the rest of the party, but he won't be soloing encounters and overshadowing the other players unless the encounters are poorly designed or he goes into some serious powergaming, which he obviously isn't inclined to do, or else he wouldn't be a Merciful Healer.

Because they aren't used like whips, and they aren't aimed through dex. They're fucking flails.

You can't direct them with any measure of precision.

You could lock a miles long kraken in the middle of ocean to prevent it from swimming away from you if it failed its reflex save.

you're probably just being a faggy, and your brain is saying stop.

It's possible to purposefully play a class as weaker than their Tier, you know.

Adding onto and emphasizing this, Merciful Healer is a huge step down from vanilla Cleric. It means you can't do any of the spell list sniping that you would otherwise be able to do with Cleric domains that can make a Cleric so powerful.

Stop being a whiny bitch. He is literally knee-capping himself and not playing his class anywhere near its capabilities. When a Cleric just focuses on healing magic and doesn't bother casting its buffs or debuffs, it's basically a Tier 3 class.

What is the spiciest meme going around /pfg/ this week?

Go away

Can a kitsune still be cute if she wears lipstick?

>He is literally knee-capping himself and not playing his class anywhere near its capabilities. When a Cleric just focuses on healing magic and doesn't bother casting its buffs or debuffs, it's basically a Tier 3 class.

No, you're wrong! When you pick a class you need to hyper-optimize it to the best of it's ability! That's like picking a Wizard and only focusing on one school because of some faggy backstory reason, or playing a Fighter and *not* going Falcata!

Okay, well, how do I convince my GM about that, then?

By actually having a reason that he can't play a tier 1 class in a group of tier 3-4's?

Ahri is incapable of being cute, she's literally a semen demon.

can a kitsune be cute if she lectures you about morality?


Now I'm thinking about the Vampire Killer Whip. Basically a flail with a whip's special reach, and anything that works with a whip works with it too?

It'd be Exotic still, but I suppose Heirloom Weapon isn't so bad when your heirloom is an artifact.

Show him the rules. If he wants to ignore them, then offer to suck his dick. If he still isn't willing to agree then just accept that you're basically screwed.