How do we unfuck Rifts, Veeky Forums?

How do we unfuck Rifts, Veeky Forums?

Why would you do that? Rifts is supposed to be fucked, that's half of what makes it great.

how do we unfuck this thread

The only way to get ourselves out of this fuck is to push our way deeper until we come out the other end.

Keep the setting
Use different rules that adhere to fluff.

Rebuild the system completely.

What this guy said. Keep the crazy interdimensional fuckery of the setting, use a rule system that isn't shit pretty much no matter how you look at it.


Much as I absolutely despise GURPS, it's objectively a million times better than the schizophrenic mish-mash that is the Rifts system.

It's already been unfucked, thanks to Savage Rifts.

Divide everything by 100. MDC, damage, people, skills, guns, coalition vehicles, everything.

Rifts is unfuckable. The setting is worthless too. Just do not buy Palladium systems, do not play Palladium games.

>Rifts is unfuckable.
That means it can't be fucked up.

I think you meant to say inunfuckedable.

One thing that doesn't get enough focus is the desire of the core system to be as "simulationist" as possible.

That is, not trying to balance in any kind of meta-game way, but running the system as an attempted simulation of reality with certain conceptual breaks where necessary.

So, characters aren't balanced based on "points" for balance or anything, it doesn't take 10x more damage to kill someone at level 10 compared to level 1, professionals are fairly competent from the start, etc...

There's a lot of concepts that could be applied in a better game system.


Fucked is what makes rifts rifts you fucking monster, leave Rifts alone


Good luck!

Try Hero System

Why wasn't this mentioned earlier?

Genuinely curious.

No joke. A GM I knew successfully ran Rifts using GURPS. Of course, said DM was a real prick towards me and my characters.

Probably because the OP didn't know about it. Which I find really surprising because it's been all over Veeky Forums for the last couple of months. Savage Worlds officially getting a Rifts license is the best thing that's happened to the setting in 20 years.