what 40k faction did you start with and why, are you happy with your choice. i choose DAngels becuase i loved the idea of a termie only army
I whish i started with guard
what 40k faction did you start with and why, are you happy with your choice. i choose DAngels becuase i loved the idea of a termie only army
I whish i started with guard
I just started a Khorne daemonkin army, which happens to be my first serious delving into the tabletop aspect of this hobby. Reason i was drawn to KD was the CSM/Khorne Daemon combo it's got going on and the fact the new Daemon models look fantastic imo (not to mention the Lore behind these guy's is as brutal as it gets.). I've yet to actually play a game (time constraints.) so i couldn't tell you how it's fairing gameplay-wise but i look forward to it.
>tfw your first army will be the new genestealer cult
No hate please.
Sister of Battle because no one played them, and I loved how they played.
>tfw the models I bought 12 years ago are the most recent versions
That being said, I don't think I regret picking them. I love when I play new people because they've almost never seen a Sisters of Battle army, let alone one that can do 1500+ points. I'm also glad I started playing them when they were readily available.
My only regret is not getting more models and immolators while I could.
No, I traded them for Dark Eldar abd Space Marines. Git burned on those abd switched to Tyranids.
Been playing Blood Angels since their 4e Web codex and enjoyed them immensely. 7th made me want to quit for awhile but I took up allied armies and Tyranids again, kept my inner hobbyist happy.
Working on an all jump pack army now that Angel's Blade is out.
Good old Orks back in 3rd/4th edition. Ran a small army because I was broke, small squads of boyz, but I made up for it with a butt ton of fully armed nob squads, one lead by Gaghzull himself.
Pic related was my first ever 40k purchase 6 years ago
well i started with chaos marines in 3.5 then branched out into chaos daemons. tempted to start up eldar for a fragile shooting list to contrast to my fragile fighting army
Started with IG in 3rd Edition, couldn' build the army I wanted because of the FOC, kept getting ass-railed by Dark Angels and Eldar, sold the IG off, used monies to buy someone's Chaos Space Marines (3.5 edition, baby) and rape faces with them. Was a good time until 5th edition hit. Still have CSMs and some Daemons but am considering selling them all off and finding better things to do with my time than be hated by GW.
Started with IG in 6th edition. Wanted to drown my enemies in cheap disposable troops like I did in Dawn of War, only to find that none of my friends ever wanted to paint so I ended up going Mechanized so I could actually play. Still wish I could urge myself to paint all of the infantry models I have.
Second army is GK early 7th, like OP I wanted all Terminators and I actually got what I wanted. Has worked decently well in the few games I've played.
My first ever game I was like 9? and I was visiting my cousin who use to play Ork before switching to Eldar so he just let me use those as he teached me how to play and whooped my ass
But then when I actually started playing for real when i turned 15? I went with my own Regiment (Guard)and Chapter (SPHESS MAREENS)
Originally, Blood Angels, before they had a codex. I never liked the vampire angle when it came in, but it was at least subtle in the first codex they shared with the Dark Angels.
Sounds like the Sisters of Silence stuff might be interchangeable with SoB, you never know.
And an Immolator is just a Razorback with the heavy flamers from a Baal Predator, the flamestorms from a LR Redeemer, or whatever else. If you really want the bubble-look, there's probably plenty of Stormraven turrets floating around since FW started using it as part of their Storm Eagle-type airframe.
Dark Angels Ravenwing, and I'm happy because I turn everybody into roadkill, and those that I can't kill I just seize all the objectives. Feels good.
First 40k models were some old push fit boys, I'll find the models later, but that was when I was like 4
Then month before 5th ed tyranids hit I got a tau battle force for Christmas, as I was in hobby craft getting clay for a sculpting school project and stumbled into the Warhammer isle
almost got arrested for shop lifting as I put the clay in my hoodie pocket (although it still poked out both pockets) so that I could hold the boxes with two hands and look through the stuff they had [spoiler/]
Unfortunately they stopped stocking Warhammer like 2 years ago, and you need to have I.D to buy a fucking 1 inch knife
Painted the tau in sa'cea sept colours, which started my love of bleached bone and rotting flesh.
Still got them and it's mainly fire warriors, a devil fish, a broadside and a few of the xv5? Battle suits (not the stealth but medium sized suits). If I could I'd buy some more, but I'm more fixated with building a IW heresy army ATM Mole-Man ftw [spoiler/]
A squad of these bad boys were my first unit, and so chaos became my first army.
First ever army was the one and only Cadian 8th. I've wanted to add to them in a while but I can't shake the feeling they'll update IG due to the Black Crusade going on.
I'd rather just buy another Exorcist, to be honest because it comes with the immolator sprue. The Exorcist uses the centering riser unique to the Sororitas vehicles. The only reason GW stopped selling the immolator kit is because the company that made the little plastic bubble glass went under, so they technically can't sell it as a complete kit.
As for Sisters of Silence, they're different enough from Sororitas that's they're not really interchangeable.
centre back berserker looks like he has boobs.
Dark Eldar. Because on the edge of a glass cannon is the way to live and die.
I picked DE and I'm still glad I did.
I picked them for edgy taste, but now I love them for being mustache twirlingly evil reminders to not take 40k fluff seriously, its obviously meant to be a black comedy.
I started with Guard. Over the years I sold off the guard, I've started Tau, Chaos, a bit of space marines, Orks, Battle Sisters.
Now I have Armored Company, Death Korps, Veteran Guard, Renegade militia, and am thinking of starting a praetorian rough rider army.
I've got over 300 guard/traitor guard models. My only regret is playing filthy xeno.
Been collecting CSM for 3 years .
I still have yet to play a game.
Started in late RT/early 2e with SM.
Picked up Codex: Ultramarines, and have stuck with the First Among Equals ever since.
Now I have 7k in Ultras, because cheap ebaying over the years, and supplemented it with 30k baller as fuck, choice models and bling.
Thinking of adding a knight or 2 to the collection.
Started with Necrons because I love spooky stuff and they're still my main faction. I love their stability and their models and the feeling of rolling a 5 or 6 and saving a should-be-dead model but their playstyle is unfortunately pretty one-dimensional.
I picked up some chaos marines to try out magic and wacky shit but they always felt a little lackluster and I wasn't willing to put in the money I had invested in my necron force.
I'm just now starting a Dark Eldar army because I love their models and that they are pretty much the exact opposite of Necrons with low staying power but high mobility. I also love their models and being "evil elves."
Another Dark Eldar player here. Played when I was younger picked everything back up in late 6th.
Mostly for the evil space elves esthetic along with the Hellraiser feel the coven stuff brings. Also, because I liked the idea of an army that was more about player skill.
I came into the hobby as a 13 year old, right around the time Ward's famous Codex: Space Marines dropped. Being a 13 year old, I of course chose to play ultramarines, and to this day, I still march for Maccrage.
I used to be one of those annoying kids at the LGS who wouldn't shut up about his ultramarines.
I believe I started collecting Necrons somewhere around 2004 or 05 at 11 years old. I was ultimately very happy with my choice, though being a dumb kid with no money I hadn't actually amassed an army I could play with until around the time they got wrecked by 4th/5th. Over the years since, I also collected Chaos, Tau and Eldar.
I haven't played in at least 4 years, but I'm thinking of starting a kill team.
Like the last few anons, started with Necrons. Love the models but the playstyle is getting mostly boring and don't like how there's been basically zero new releases for them for a while now. I would like to try Eldar and Salamanders.
I've only just started this week, and I've gone with Pic related, planning to ally with Cult Mechanics and maybe some Iron Hands.
Chose them because they look cool, forgot that bit.
>what 40k faction did you start with?
Imperial guard
Humanity fuck yea and tanks
>are you happy with your choice?
The old tyranids back at the end of 3rd edition. I played them because they just seemed the coolest looking army. Oddly enough I don't have any of the original bugs T.T they got lost during one of my moves. Damn luggage went missing and to this day no word... but now I got a whole new bug army with 3000+ points. No regrets.
Tldr: started bugs lost bugs got new bugs love bugs
First army was ~1500 points of Guard as a birthday present, including an eight-man Kasrkin squad from 3rd ed, as well as an old Witch Hunter inquisitor. I started collecting Ad Mech as soon as they came out, and have around 1200 points of them.
Then I got Execution Force because I always wanted a vindicare assassin, and why stop at one assassin when you could get a full force and some chaos to boot?
Then I bought the Space Marine 30th model and figured I might as well get some space marines to attach them to, so I bought a buncha beakies from my friend and painted them to be Iron Hands.
Then I bought Renegade, but I haven't painted/assembled my knights yet.
And now I realize that, excluding Sisters of Battle and Space Marines with their own supplement books, I have a little bit from each Army of the Imperium.
And I want more...
My first army was me getting tricked into buying Dark Vengeance which ended with me having a crisis about not being able to paint good.
It also resulted with me going around buying boxes from every major faction and not really getting into the tactics or painting of any of them.
But now with the Genestealer cults I can finally get an army going that u actually like.
My first introduction into W40K my mum bought it for me
I started with Cadian shock troops with a few decked out tanks
and about 2 platoons worth of guardsman shit was cash.
I'm hoping to start a Steel Legion army with Yarrick soon.
You must have had one hell of a childhood.
Your mom sounds cool.
Deathwatch, having just started it. I splurged, so I have something like 1k points of silver shouldered marines (which is still gotta paint)
I miss when every box had full art
found the transloyal dork angel niggerfaggots
This man speaks the truth.
Except instead of tanks its
>VTOLS and chicken walkers
for me. Ave Imperator
because the universe is fucking delicious
t. furry
i don't like the space yiffs, but they're equally as shit, why does every dork angel think that it's only the space yiffs who hate on them when literally every other 40k fan hates the dork angels? you're all as delusional as the chapter you like lion-fucker.
Dark Eldar in 3rd because they were the other army in the starter set. Did a lot of on-and-off trading, eventually ended up with Orks as my main army. Got back into 40k around 7th, started doing Chaos.
I'm overall happy. I tend to play underdog armies.
I also started with DA now i play Guard. Get wrecked.
The Catachan box
The minute I saw this shit in the store I needed these fuckers
I started with Necrons because after a while of reading about Trazyn and his hilarious antics and already having loved not only high tech but also skeletons, I decided to jump into 40k there.
I'm quite satisfied, retcons and pariahs gone made me a little bit sad but I still enjoy both the army in fluff and on tabletop.
There are too many ideas for custom lords and I don't want to use all of my money
That picture is glorious. Fuckin' saved.
I choose orks, I had read some of the fluff here on TG then bought the codex since I did not see any books on it (previous codex). Read through the fluff in it and thought it was pretty cool. Year later ended up in a town with a FLGS that had some 40k players. Watched them play a few times to get an idea then bought the AoBR set and went from there. Orks were a bit better then over now but I am still happy with them. I do not play much anymore though. Would like some somewhat crunchy rules and formations/rules that fit fluff.
Just don't ask him to calm his tits
Got about 25-30 free daemonettes from someone getting out of fantasy and into 40k. They were a bit of a charity case before, and the guy didn't want to spend the time to convert the bases and repair them, so I got handed a box full of bits. I spent a ridiculous amount of time fixing them but it felt so good when they were done.
Word Bearers Pls no bully
I don't regret my choice, CSMs continue to be my favorite models. The old chaos dreadnought was my first.
I'm considering starting my own warband but I can't decide on a real theme. I'm thinking devoted to Slaanesh but I'm also at a loss for appropriate colors. Maybe white with silver trim with purple flesh where appropriate, but I'm not set on it yet.
My first army was Imperial Fists painted orange.
IG, they're my favorite faction. I like they idea of basically everyday guys with little lasers taking down all the insane shit from the other factions. Also the tanks are fun, if annoying sometimes. Stupid gets hot executioner.
I started with Black Templars, but I was dissapointed by my shitty painting and lack of understanding of their culture. My real first successful faction was Chaos Iron Warriors, and I still have them and enjoy the paintjob still.
Started with Thousand Sons, loved the theme, it poorly when the 3.5 Codex died.
Then i had a break.
Bought a sisters army, stripped them,,made a bunch reselling.
Began collecting second hand Tau, cleaned them
Traded them for a 50% larger IG army.
Traded off the infantry for even more Orks
Those i still play.
Later i picked up a spect host so i'd suceed one more than a 5+
Still play when i CBA to to a complex list
Lastly began Nugle csm/daemons on a buy and paint scale
Hey I just picked these guys up too. I'm just getting into table top but I've played alot of the games and a few of the books and I just think the Mechanicus are just plain badass.
Chaos Demons.
I have yet to actually buy anything, a friend has like 4 different fully usable armies and I picked demons
The answer is no.
I kind of eventually pick up tau and paint/mod them to be full /m/ and would be happy even if I didn't play with them.
Talking full armored core/gundam/kamen rider colors/decals here.