Stat us

Stat us.

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STAT US Veeky Forums

I'd swap Charlie and Mac on that, but otherwise agree

Seems about right. What about actual stats?

Charlie has a very high CON, low INT and WIS, average STR and DEX, mediocre CHA

Dee all stats below average.

Frank with above average INT and WIS, low CHA, STR and DEX.

Dennis has high CHA, everything else average.

Mac same as Dee.

Charlie is more evil than Mac. Mac is just dumb while Charlie has a very devious side (see Charlie and Dee find Love).

I did this once but I screwed up some things

no rope use for Dennis

forgot to lower Dee's Humanity

I statted everyone in the system that I felt best exemplified them. For instance, I statted Dennis in d20 Modern.

Very nice, pls post more if you have them.

Page 2 of the DENNIS method

Dee gets World of Darkness obviously

I statted Frank in Shadowrun 2nd Edition

Frank's back

You also made the mistake of not having him be a dwarf

Hmm I actually think WoD works best for all of them.

I statted Charlie in Unknown Armies

Believe me, I thought about it very hard

>Not a troll

I statted Mac in Risus.

It was before that episode

I can't even imagine what a giant Danny Devito would look like, but I don't really want to

Unfamiliar with UA but I guess Substance Abuse should be higher while General Education should be lower.

Also Charlie can't drive for shit,

Giant Danny DeVito is how I picture God.

Yeah, Charlie is almost Machiavellian when he wants to be.

Evil non-edgy party done right.
I would say this thread was just as funny as that Seinfeld D&D thread we had the other day.


I immediately thought the same thing.
Underrated post.

Charlie is an amazing singer. I feel like that should be in here as well.

4 lvl 1 commoners and a troll

No, Charlie has high CON, high INT, and abysmally low WIS and CHA.

>no allegiances
Sounds about right

Shouldn't Charlie have at least a couple of hard marks in Violence after all the rats he's had to kill and the time Mac tried to put a giant massacred Jesus up in the bar?

Surely not being able to read is INT, not WIS?

Not being able to read is a unique disability. Charlie is a mastermind when he wants to be.

Yellow: +5
Danny DeVito +1, doesn't stack.