What's his name again?
What's his name again?
Help me out here, I think it was something like Rawboot Galahan?
Robot Girlyman
Robert Gillman.
this is the future Veeky Forums chose
Rowboat girlyman spiritual leige
Primarch Gilligan's Island
No, I'm pretty sure it was something like RuPaul Golliwog
Could you imagine being him when the emperor lands on the planet and reveals his lineage and the existence of his brothers only to find out more than half of them are drooling tards edge lords or autists?
or that one of your brothers was named Ronald Dork, a.k.a. Mister Fister
Miles Gloriosus
Benedict Cumberbatch.
Rawbutt Girlyman
roronoa zollo
Just smile and nod.
>I hate to be a burden, father, but something bothers me and I fear only you can answer
>Speak, my son, I would be glad to help you
>I can understand you taking in Dorn, Horus, Johnson, and most of my other brothers
>But, why take ones as helplessly deranged as Curze and Angron?
>I'll uh, have to get back to you on that one. I've got Emperor things to do.
Rumpled Goyplans?
Ronald Goiterplant?
Alexander Hamilton.
Rawbutt Girlyman aka ''Bareback Ladyboy''
A man who's ineptitude is just a way to reflect the true glory of I, CATO SICARIUS.
>Bareback Ladyboy
Naw that's Fulgrim.
Just another reminder that the same people who claimed we'd never get miniatures of the Primarchs also think we'll never get a miniature of the Emperor.
Also, also, who let this guy be a primarch?
Better warmaster than Horus
more handsome than Sanguinius
better fashion than Fulgrim
better commander than Lion
more humane than Vulkan
better son than Dorn
I feel a "no one fights like gaston" rewrite coming
Explain me why do you think all these qualities don't apply to Guilliman then.
which Primarch was the most narcissistic? That's the one that gets the Gaston song
What is it about this man that makes the traitor Primarchs so butthurt?
He beat them into Eye of Terror.
His cool name.
>yfw your legion gets called a bunch of whoresons by Rowboat
>yfw you get beat up by Rowboat and get called a punk ass bitch
I always liked his model and how it focuses on him being Caesar. I just hope the Russ model focuses on vikings and shit.
Until the end of the scouring, I doubt the two had any reason to dislike one another. They both had similar upbringings and methods.
Shame we're never going to see them interact much, and it's a double shame black library is almost undoubtedly going to ruin the scouring after finishing the heresy.
>Dem lips
Is Lionel really such a tool? I haven't read a lot of the actual fluff, but I browse Lexicanum sometimes and he always seemed, well, pretty vanilla but at least like a decent bloke
Literally the same picture. Amazing.
Hot Coldman
Rimworld Goodgame
you watch game of thrones
the sword skill and looks of jaime lannister
the brains of tyrion lannister
personality of stannis baratheon
that is basically Lion El Johnson in a nutshell.
Fusspot Moving fan
Wash'a'lot Jellypan
Well shit, I'd follow that guy into battle for sure.
He actually did that about a couple of brothers, as did Corax and... maybe Pert?
Don't think they were all about the same one, but I think Curze and Mort had concerns raised about them
>Better warmaster than Horus
But he didn't have the face to land the job.
>more handsome than Sanguinius
O-objectively wrong!
>better fashion than Fulgrim
True. Patrician taste.
>better commander than Lion
More stringent and rigid, everyone flips their shit when the chain of command is broken.
>more humane than Vulkan
But could he make everyone on a death world bros?
>better son than Dorn
That's a strange way to say absent from Terra.
I miss when Ultramarines were the jack of trade chapter.
>not an acomplishment
>wrong, Lion is stated to be the best commander out of all the Primarchs
>that would be Sanguinius
>that would be my bird-boy too
Julius Marinus Caesar?
Some of them are actually fine, i love how Ferrus Manus is twice as big as Fulgrim, meaning he is even bigger since he is in the back
Wreck-it Ralph?
>personality of stannis
>kills his children for his best interest
Stannis did do that in the show though. Possibly in the books as well.
>Halfsize Magnus
This saddens me.
Is that Reboot Gigabyte?
Robbie Geilimann
The voice of Lionel Richie
Rawbutt Gorillaman.
Depends on the story.
He's pretty bland in most, fucking great in Savage Weapons, then chimps out and downright kills one of his chaplains for questioning him i9n the next.
If you only gonna read one story about him, read savage Weapons.
Rahl-Boot Guillaumy-man
Roboute Guillableman
In the 3? Edition of the dark angels codex he was referred as Robert Guilliman.
>Robart just wanted to make the Imperium greater
>had no ulterior motives or mental deficits
>built a great legion, objectively the most effective of them all
>everyone despises him and makes fun of him simply for doing his duty better than the others
being an ultrasmurf is suffering.
His name is john cena
Big Bobby G
Robert Gayman
His name is Roboute Paulson.
My battle brother.
>Fulgrim the Primarchlet
aside from copy and pasting 1d4chans description on him you also missed:
the name of a gay alcoholic poet
betrayed the emperor
prided himself at secret keeping but was only second best at that like everything else
fuck dork angel fags, they're as bad as the space yiffs, and the edge lords. why the fuck would anyone want to be a trans loyal dress wearing jew knight?
Did someone say traitor Primarch? I got this lads
Can you imagine the Emperors reaction to landing on his planet?
He has just spent years going to the biggest shit holes in the galaxy to get his dumb ass sons, and then all of a sudden he lands on a planet almost as fucking good as his own, and sees his son is the big man in charge instead of some fucking pet or whatever.
Not sure whether b8 or butthurt.
All the Primarchs except for Angron and possibly Morty were in charge though.
more like honesty, something the dork angels lack.
Rawbutt Girlyman
Rillifane Ralathil
Robot Guroman?
Rupert Googlyman
Expandor Ulixis Magniat, it says so right on his podium.
Well said
I always wondered why the Ultra's were the "generic" space marines and not the Imperial Fists. The Ultra's have distinctive iconography in the form of Rome where as the Fists just seem to wear yellow armor.
Apparently they're supposed to be based on Prussia but I don't see it.
>Fulgrim the Primarchlet
>Magnus and Vulkan being one of the shorter ones
Roubete Guillimen
Perturabo is a better architect
Fists are autistic for fortifications while Ultras set the base template for others to base their tactics off of.
I think that some of it has to do with the Imperial fists names. Sigismund for example is the name for some notable German rulers.
All hail Galvatron!
Yeah, I know but nothing in their uniform actually reflects that, they just use standard, no frills equipment. Ultra's have a bunch of roman shit slapped on them to fit their theme.
Dork Angels are the generic marines
is this bait
Considering most if not all of them had the mental age and maturity of teenagers and remained arrogant every second of their life. except for angron, he was justifiably pissed.
but none of them had a moment of humility besides witnessing the god emperor, but many just took that as "wow I'm from this guy I could be better"
when you hear about the nice american pie designed rooms the god emperor had built for the primarches you have to wonder what he had in mind for them. they became adults dictating the lives of people by the time an average person was entering grade school.
Bleeding on the edge of fucking heresy. Don't talk about my nigga Sanguiny ever again you dink
You ever wonder if a chapter reserves an astertes to be kind of gimped in their gene seed implants so that they are kind of shorter, are also more wide hipped and so on. and then give them implants to be the chapter puss.
tit plate not for "protection" but for squad moral off duty.
The only ones with functioning multi-planet empires were Dorn and Guilliman, though.
Put my fetish down and back away slowly, user.