Fantasy Towns and Castles. Give them to me. Now.
Comfy thread
Is this photoshopped bits of Venice?
AFAIK that's in the new Final Fantasy game.
The building in the centre background is definitely the basilica di San Marco and that tower next to it
Art threads on Veeky Forums are usually pretty good.
It'd be nice if you anons could keep this thread bumped and running while I'm away.
Man, I really do love this picture. Every time I see it, I have to stare.
Also, contributing.
A big Thank You to the last 18 or so posts and whoever was behind them.
>tfw you will never go on comfy adventures with your crew
Post spooky stuff. I need it for an ERP campaign.
Erotic roleplay. Means I'll be DMing and masturbating.
That's the stuff.
Can I request some realistic castles?
Need some farming villages and hamlets. Really just fantasy farms and shit
If it's concept art it's not at all unreasonable for it to be indeed be photoshopped parts of Venice.
One last bump for farms and shit before bed
I've got a few, will dump
Well damn, sorry guys, was sure I had more than that, but I can't find any of it.
Guess I'm requesting farms and small villages too then.
Not a lot but here are a few farms
Sorry for the delay, idiot coworkers
>endless field of pure wheat like a 21 century crop
>implying it's edible wheat and not just some random yellow grass
>implying they don't rely on blessings from a harvest deity, gnomish farm equipment and elves singing to the plants to raise grain every year.