Vibroblades, adamantanium, power fields

Vibroblades, adamantanium, power fields...

What other sci fi concepts are there for metal swords that can cut "anything"?

Batman Beyond had a sword that had 1 molecule thin edge.

Graphite sword, monomolecular edge...

... Ooh, you know what's a concept I've never seen done before? The edge, when activated, is constantly leaking antimatter, which allows it to cleanly cut through anything, even air.

that's gone further than that, i think. didn't 40k explain their fuckoff big knives working on space marines as the same reason?

Wouldn't that just explode?

confirmed for absolute pleb

Here's a single molecule.

Metals on the other hand aren't molecular at all.

High-frequency blades.

Also from XCOM 2 stuff like Fusion Blades that will additionally ignite you if you manage to survive the slash.

Yes. Yes it would. With nuclear power.

Fucking normie scriptwriters not knowing their high school chemistry!

Literature and arts students vs STEM- basically you never cross paths unless its sharing a bottle of cheap grog.

Not if the antimatter is produced in small enough quantities, which happens quite often with natural radioactivity or X-Rays.

Worm had a tinker make an axe that had an edge composed of nanobots that picked apart whatever it was "cutting".

How about the width of a few atoms then? Does that work?

Turboelevatorium blades

That would eventually give you cancer, not cut you

Not if your scabbard's made out of lead or depleted uranium.

>cut anything

I don't think that was the principle. It's literally just a blade that vibrates. The advantage of this remains to be seen, but maybe it can cut through bone more easily.

Clusterfuck science!

Not their fuckoff knives but eldar knives yes

HF blades from MGR

you misunderstand, it wouldn't even cut the thing it was swung at. A single atom passing through something doesn't destroy it. It doesn't have enough energy. It would interfere with the target on an atomic scale like radiation. This should be fucking obvious when you realize that radiation is just "1 atom thick" beams of particles at extreme velocity.

I always thought vibroblades worked like kars' armblade thingies where you have a really small and razorsharp chainsaw-like fast moving edge on the blade hence why it vibrates

That would be cool actually, a sword where one side of rhe sword is a focused beam of electrons and the other side a focused beam of positrons.

The blade actively breaks down molecular bonds and also gives the wielder cancer

And i forgot the image because i'm a faggot

>monomolecular edge
how about...stereomolecular edge!

Hi-Fi edge!
We mixtape your shit now homie!

I think the idea is that the _edge_ is monomolecular, not the entire blade. It'd keep getting steadily wider to actually part things.

>all these responses
>no space ceramics

Mono - wire sword in a stasis field. It has a bright red ball on the end so you know where it is. Not like you can see a single molecule wire. Stasis field keeps it straight and indestructible.

>How about the width of a few atoms then? Does that work?

For a so-called AFM microscope, you need a needle tip with, basically, a single atom pointing out at the end.

Manufacture of such a needle usually consists of taking a bit of wire, and just snipping it off with a regular pair of pliers. Because odds are that you'll get one atom standing tall somewhere there. Yet this mono-atomic point refuses to provide some magical ability to stab through basically anything like it was thin air.

When you cut someone, or something, with a blade, then causing the actual cut is only part of the work you do. The blade itself must then also be pressed in between the now split halves of the target, so you must both deal with the work of pushing that aside, and the friction between the target and the sides of the blade. This means that once you have a sword that is decently sharp, you don't gain much by making it sharper. Even making it blade that's only a single atom thick still leaves you with the friction problem, on top of needing magic to be strong enough for existence in general.

its fucken SHARP bruh

Ultrahard ceramite. Duh, do you fools even do lost civ dieselpunk?

>Knives made of china and clay
You're fucking silly

Get off your phone and pay attention to your O Chem lecture, fucker.

How about a force field blade? Take whatever your mechanism for force fields are, then use them to create a sword shape that comes down an edge as thin as possible.

I also like the "blades" which are extremely focused pulses of sound, although those can't really be used to defend against similar blades that well.

made with scifi tech? not silly at all. In fact I'm a chef and I use ceramic knives in the kitchen all the time. Way sharper than any of the metal knives I own.

Oh sure, but thread was about metal blades

I could go lightsaber but that would be cheating too

Explosive swords from Infinity.

Well I mean, it's bullshit sci-fantasy space magic but imelee weapons capable of "phasing" through different dimensions are one of the fictional "sword that can cut anything" concepts.

metal detectors

Nobody mentioned chainswords yet? Although I guess they don't really cut through anything...

40k also has transonic blades, although they might be the same thing as vibroblades and phase weapons which seem to teleport themselves through the target.

I can't remember where they are from, but I'm sure someone did collapsed matter blades at some point. Basically any kind of exotic material will probably be used to justify cut-anything-swords at some point.

The monomolecular "blade" is a longstanding science fiction trope, though. So basically, you're being the stupid one, here.

Ringworld if I remember correctly.

>Nobody mentioned chainswords yet? Although I guess they don't really cut through anything...
According to the RPG, at least, chain weapons are amazing at cutting up lightly armored targets. It's just that 'lightly armored' here means 'sub-flak', and there's really not much point in giving a weapon AP 6 on the tabletop.

Mayhaps a sword that telefrags? The blade blinks in and out of reality so that it doesn't really cut but just displaces all the matter. Doesn't even need an edge.

>This guy doesn't know about Nausicaa
I pity your poor taste, user.

How about this: The "Blade" is just a network of...say...six portals, three linked pairs, that teleport whatever goes through them. You swing the sword, enemy now has three tennis-ball-shaped tunnels through his body, and gore is fucking everywhere.

At that point what is stopping you from just teleporting his vital organs out?

Why three? Why not one pair of linked portals?


Because 3 portals means 3x the gibbage and damage.
Being able to create stable portals and using a teleportation effect so precisely as to rip a man's vital organs out of his body without breaking the skin are entirely different technologies, user.

One big portal means significantly more damage. Especially if you can do an elongated rectangular or ovular portal.

My nigga

That was the Variable Sword suggested by Larry Niven. You have a single molecular strand with a magnetic repulsed tether on one end. Extend the tether, slice through anythign except other monomolecular substances (diamonds, General Products Hulls, other variable swords).

That sounds more like a stand than a sword, user.

It was actually held in a stasis field, which made things invulnerable.

That was such a stupid tech.

Forcefield tech that holds something in stasis would hold the air surrounding the thing in stasis too, and therefore would be equivalent of hitting someone with a thin blade of air.

Or you could just skip the molecular strand and just stasis a series of air molecules to do the same thing.

>Stasis Air Blade
Sounds pretty dope.

Nausicaa had spaceships, aircrafts and giant robots made of ceramics.

They're the most advanced pottery known to scifi.