Hey Veeky Forums can you reccomend me some games like Unknown Armies? It's the first system I've played and want to try out similar sorts of things
Hey Veeky Forums can you reccomend me some games like Unknown Armies...
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Have you played UA 3rd edition yet?
Not yet, but I have read through it. I must admit I really don't like some of the fluff changes and some of the crunch changes, (partially because it overwrites some of the changes me and my fellow players made to catch up 2nd ed to the current day) and seeking other systems is partly down to said dislike of third ed.
There's nothing like it.
There's Horror genre games, there's crazy settings, and there's mechanically interesting systems. But all in one is rare. Maybe DRYH...
Call of Cthulhu/Pulp Cthulhu is the other great game about lapsing sanity, but here it is definitely a decay that terminates in NPC.
Nemesis is an ORE variant with Madness Meter by Greg Stolze.
Over The Edge, Kult, Mage, and Esoterrorists have crazy settings, but neither as crazy or as in touch as UA.
Everyone is John and Insylum are small games that use sanity in a funny way.
Don't Rest Your Head is a supers Horror game about insomniacs accessing the timeless Mad City.
If you explain what part of UA you liked we can look for more ideas in that vein. The combination of UA is unchallenged.
I suggest you try playing 3rd edition before you judge it. I've played it and it works great.
It's hard to put my finger down on one thing in particularly but I guess it's like, the magic from the mundane but at the same time, magic from madness quality to it? How insignificant events to the normal world are life changing events to those in the know? How the power of human obsession colours literally everything?
Something like that.
Mage has a similar structure to the setting, although much less inspired and not referencing any pop culture.
Specifically JUST Mage: The Ascension
> It's the first system I've played
Lucky SOB
Oh I fully intend to eventually, I just decided to branch out a little bit and see what else was available.
Why so lucky?
The average gamer will have to sit through years of DnD and Savage Worlds before even discovering CoC. Then it's a slow climb up to UA. Just finding a group for it can be considered fortunate. But to start off with UA and never have to deal with class/level, frivolously self serving mechanics, players balking at not having their power fantasies fulfilled in every session, games that just try to sell more books all the time, or miniatures on a grid map... that is probably more luck that you deserve.
UA is a game veteran gamers end up with after decades of playing lesser systems.
Look at DELTA GREEN. The design team has quite a bit of overlap with UA, many themes are similar, and The Fate is straight up Occult Underground. The underlying assumptions are different and the game dynamic is more CoC-like. But the New York book will probably be worth a closer look when it comes out.
>The day Veeky Forums was actually helpful, concise, and free of memes
Unknown Armies tends to do that. We have a resident pepemancer sacrificing rare pepes to keep these threads shitpost free.
Yeah, a Delta Green game focused on The Fate will probably be your best bet here. The new DG rules feel like a nice middleground between UA and CoC and while the cosmologies of the two games are entirely contradictory you can bring a lot of elements of UA into DG without really messing anything up.
This is what happens when we have threads about good games that not a lot of people play.
I think that guy must have got a major charge when pepe went mainstream. Hopefully this means our threads will be peaceful from here on out.
DG agents don't dive quite so deep down the rabbit hole. They can get hardened in violence and helplessness, but that's it. Self and the supernatural go straight through to bonds and give your daughter cancer.
Yeah, DG is still very much about the descent of the PCs but reaching 0 SAN doesn't necessarily mean that you are reduced to a gibbering mess all the time, it just means that your worldview is no longer compatible with the rest of humanity. If you look at it that way the closer a PC gets to 0 SAN, the closer they get to becoming a UA character.
In terms of mechanics, CoC can be a very stripped down version of UA (though obviously, CoC is the originator of using a pure d% system), Nemesis was very much the half-way house between CoC (for tone and game style) and WoD (big crunchy dice pools) with a slimmed down version UA's madness meter, all assembled by Greg Stolze, who was the main game designer.
Kult, Esoterrorists, Don't Rest You Head and Hunter *The Reckoning* were the contemporaries that it was fighting market space and general "creepy vibe" gaming niche for so are worth a looksie. Delta Green is a common one that UA players move into or from too.
I've heard a lot about Unknown Armies but the only thing I ever got from UA threads were weird rumours which I suppose are plot hooks.
So the setting is sorta the real world just that weird fucking rumours and urban legends that sometimes make their rounds are actually true and the players research and get to the bottom of them?
A good way to start the description is "Call of Cthulhu, but you're the cultists."
The world is essentially modern-day Earth, except with the usual cluster of supernatural conspiracies behind it. The big difference is that everything can be traced back to humanity. Demons are the spirits of people who die in the grips of their passions, for example. Magick [sic] comes from the way we perceive (adepts) and interact with (avatars) the world. There's also thaumaturgy, which has fallen out of favor.
In terms of cosmology, it's almost a perfect flip of Lovecraft. It's humans all the way up. The most* powerful beings in the setting are Archetypes, embodiments of the way we perceive others (some examples being the Warrior, the Mother, and the Messenger). When a new Archetype enters the public mind, or one changes so much as to be basically new, the person who best embodies that path ascends into the Statosphere [sic] and gains the sort of power that comes from being pure statistics. Once enough archetypes ascend, the universe restarts, molded into a new form by the previous archetypes.
*There's also maybe the Cruel Ones, but most of what people in-setting know about them comes from demons, who aren't really in a place to claim they're being perfectly honest.
There's more to it, like the Sleepers and the Room of Renunciation, but that's the gist of it.
Give it a read, user. You won't regret it.
Thanks, sounds pretty interesting I'll check it out.
Oh shit! Third edition is out already? Is it any good? What did they change?
Kult has a lot of similarities and it's worth reading for the setting. The system isn't great, though. I've been planning to port the important parts to CoC once I have time/energy to run another game.
It's not out yet, but Kickstarter backers got access to early versions of the first three books they're releasing.
The major difference in the system is that skills are now tied to the madness meters. As you become more unhinged you get better at certain things and worse at others. There are a new batch of Adept schools and the setting is getting updated for the present day. There are some new factions but most of the old ones are still around in some form or another.
Overall it's pretty good. I like the way the new system works and the new schools are pretty cool but it doesn't really hook me the same way that 2e did. Granted I haven't finished reading through the books and I'm still excited to find out what else is in the works. The only major complaint I have so far is that the books are pretty poorly organized right now. You need to read a few chapters in the first two books to really get a hang of how making a character works.
Skills have been replaced with an Over The Edge style identity system, but with more crunch than Over The Edge's implementation.
Body, Mind, Speed, and Soul have been replaced with default skills that are tied directly into your sanity meters.
A whole new set of Adepts schools. This time the Adept schools have all been made specifically to be easily playable in long campaigns; there are no longer any default Adept schools where you have to be tied to a single location, or risk killing yourself to get every charge.
The story has been updated to the modern day:
Mak Attacks is gone.
St.Germaine turned evil on 3/3/03. The entity that he now is seeks to end the cycle of rebirth entirely.
The Freak has replaced the old St.Germaine on 3/3/03
The New Inquisition died, and then got replaced by a new version of itself that's more cult-like than before
There are a shitload of new factions, including what is basically a magic Skynet called GNOMON that has an Adept class even dedicated to it
The writing is still great
UA is amazing and there isn't much like it. What Anons suggested in the thread is the best you'll get. But congrats on playing on of the best games out there
OP here, thanks for all the advice, I definitely like delta green after reading through it, and Mage seems interesting too.
Not found don't.rest tour head yet, plan to look for that now.
In the meantime, UA general thread I guess? I might post some of the adept types (2nd ed) I've invented if anyone's interested.
Speaking of fan schools, here's my favorite fan school:
Oh wow that one's really cool.
Wait, UA 3rd edition is already out?
It's out in an early closed beta.
>players balking at not having their power fantasies fulfilled in every session
>mfw player balks at not having her power fantasy fulfilled that session
>she wants to run UA
wake me up
Post them dude, always good to have more UA stuff.
How exactly is this an Unknown Armies thread when nobody is posting some sweet rumours?
Did you read the OP's text?
So where did the 15th floor go?
You really don't want to know.
OP turned it into a UA general once his questions were answered so if we're not gonna talk about anything else might as well post some rumors.
>A guy plays the board game Life. As a goof he puts two husband pieces in the front seat of the car instead of a husband and wife. The next morning he woke up gay.
>There is a Pontomancer in West Virginia calling himself The Mothman keeping the myth of the cryptozoological creature alive. Some believe he’s hiding something valuable under his bridges, most just think he’s fucking with the locals.
>You know those weird news headlines like “Florida Man killed trying to have sex with his car” or “Russian Man dies after injecting vodka directly into his bloodstream”? That real Darwin Awards shit? It’s all one big power struggle to see who’s gonna become the Godwalker of The Fool. On one hand, not many of them survive the attempt. On the other, every one who does takes a big step in the right direction.
>Some people get really nostalgic for those cheesy goth night clubs you’d see a lot in movies and TV a while back. You know the ones that play nothing but industrial dance mixes and everybody looks like an extra from The Crow? Word is if you know the right people, keep track of the latest password and dress the part you can get access to the only club in New York that never left 1999.
Except rumors and random pics makes for horribly pointless threads.
If you want to find UA in the index, make good topics.
Alright, how about we take existing rumors and try to turn them into workable scenarios since a lot of them seem more like fluff than actual plot hooks.
In the mean time, here's a campaign hook I picked up from a thread a while ago.
>The PCs were all friends with a guy named Greg. One day after a wild party all of the PCs wake up to a world where no one remembers Greg ever existed except for each other. What’s worse, all of them are missing a molar that was removed at some point the night before. Greg Ascended as Everyone’s Best Friend, and in the process left behind a bunch of broken people behind, the PCs included. The teeth were taken by an Adept who Greg befriended trying to ritually find him, since he only knew about half of what Greg was actually doing. He’s hoping the PCs can help him piece things together.
It's a good start, but I think what it needs most is extending it. The big thing is, it seems like the PCs would start as fairly normal people, so I can't picture them going along with "oh hey, this guy can use his weird magic to find him." I'd throw in some red herrings, like them getting hit with minor supernatural whammies (someone getting an astral parasite or some gutter magick hex) to make it seem like they're hostile. Add in the sort of weird politics that happen in the upper echelons of Archetype interaction (The Loner probably doesn't like having his role opposed) and it'd make a good campaign.
No, captcha, not yet.
I was thinking a good way to start it would be all of the PCs wake up with a hangover and the adept (he'd be a major NPC most likely) is still trying to yank one of their teeth out. That way they can all get kicked out of the party together for being a bunch of weirdos who are either trying to pull people's teeth out or talking about some dude named Greg who doesn't exist.
The adept could then explain why he needed their teeth (some sort of symbolic connection to Greg that would allow them to remember his existence or something. The adept would have had to pull one of his own teeth too) and give them a little rundown on how the setting works and function as their "in" to the occult underground.
Ok here we go,
(Loners, Intros)
Ever felt that vibe in a quiet room? That profound stillness, that idea the rest of the world forgot the place, it can be quite a profound feeling, and it grows with the longer a place is abandoned. These places are the seats of a solimancer'd power, raw isolation conensed in a space. by harvesting these spaces, such lonliness can be carried with you.
The central paradox of solimancy is that by visiting these forgotten places and using them, they are remembering and giving these places purpose, the exact opposite of the solimancy's powerbase.
Like Cliomancy, a Solimancer's power is harvested from somewhere, not self generated. And just like Cliomancers, their charges eventually dissapate. Minor in a week, Significant in a month, and majors possibly never if you could bare to hold it that long.
Charging rules:
Minor: spend 10 minutes in a room where there is no external noise. A room such as this can only be harvested once a day
Significant: Spend 10 minutes in an abandoned building or similar isolated urban space. The same rules as above for harvesting apply.
Major: Be the first person to harvest a newly abondaned area. This is trickier than it sounds, it has to have been abandoned for more than ten years. Go in too early, and you reset the clock, too late and somone might be you to it!
>continued in next post
Charging rules:
That'd probably end up being really contrived, especially if they went along with it.
Would you trust someone who said
>yeah, I was ripping out your teeth to find Greg. Oh, yeah, symbolic magic exists and I could use these teeth to fuck you all up hardcore, but I'm not gonna do that, honest!
Seeing him leaving the scene with some still-wet pliers and having someone else act as their in might be better. Blanking on specifics right now, though.
>mfw a friend just checked it out after we'd played three games of DnD, first time in our lives
>mfw he got really big on the idea of it
>mfw he turns out to be a good guy for narrating horror and weirdness
>mfw doing UA with him is a lot of fun
>mfw he lives seven hours away and didn't tell me he was doing a game in the months leading up to my move
Solimancers have a blast, Creep, that damages opponents more if they are alone.
Random magick:
Solimancy deals with neglect, lonliness and the ravages of time.
Minor formulae:
Leave me alone: 1 minor
For the next ten minutes, the target of this spell cannot directly sense you. This effect breaks if you take a violent action against them, but could work for a suprise attack. Casting in a combat scenario puts the target at a -30 shift to seeing you.
I'm used to this: 2 minors
For the next 10 minutes you flip flop any madness checks on the isolation meter if the flipped result would be less than your solimancy skill. If cast immeadiately after a check, it removes the failed or ahrdened notch.
Forget-me-know: 3 minor
In a ritual taking 3 minutes, the target of this spell who knows your name (or else is sufficiently similar to you) forgets all about you until the next sunrise. If you add a significant to this, it becomes until they next see you instead.
The lonliest number: 3 minor
For the next 3 days, everyone ignores the target of this spell. Friends blow them off, loved ones treat them as a chore, and joe public barely even acknowledges them. The target suffers a rank 5 isolation check.
Significant formulae
Tune out: 1 significant
Everyone in a number of meters equal to your solimancy skill loses the ability to speak (or cast spells) for 10 minutes. This causes a rank 4 unnatural check, similar to being attacked with magick.
Billy no-mates: 2 significant
Choose a social link thar targeted person has. The link is gone, poof, terminated. Spouses are now tenants. best friends now acquaintences, and enemies are now strangers. The target however remembers them as they were. This can cause isolation, unnatural, or self checks (or all three!) depending on the broken link. Links of a particular strength (childhood friends, couples in true love, nemesises) may require additional charges.
>continued on last post (hopefully)
Quiet space: 4 significant
A contained area of your choosing becomes your opwn personal space. The area must be relatively small and easily defined, or an alleyway would work, an entire building or a street would not. Your quiet space cannot be found by anyone not looking for you, and anyone using mundane or magickal means to discern your location gets a -50 shift to such checks. Adding additional significant charges to the area increases the penalty by ten each time. You may only have one quiet space at a time. While inside your quiet space at twice the normal rate, you make no isolation checks and your charges do not decay.
Creep: 2 significant.
This is the solimancer's blast, hitting a victim with a creeping fear, causing a panic attack. If the target is with anyone it does damage equal to 2 x their failed notches on their isolation meter. If the target is alone, it deals 20 x the failed notches on their isolation meter, up to a maximum of your solimacy skill. You do not count as "with them" for the purposes of whether they are alone or not.
Forget about it: 1 significant
An item not currently held by anyone and not the target of someone's direct focus becomes invisible for an hour, becoming everyone else's problem. No one will bat a n eye at you taking or moving it, but electronic equipment gguarding it still works.
Make history: 3 significant
An item no bigger than a car lurches forward in times, as if it has been left out in the elements for 5 years. This only works on objects.
Major effects:
Make a building dissapear to everyone but you forever. Make someone lose all the relationships they currently have. Make yourself invisible or visible at will. Age someone by 10 years of hard outdoor life.
What you hear:
Frank Winston, one of the world's first and most prodigous solimancers is alleged to keep the mojo flowing by means of a ghost town in the mojave desert only he knows the location of. And he'll do anything to keep it's location secret.
First, check'd
Second, I like the style they've got going, especially since Isolation is probably the least-used track in an "average" UA campaign.
I especially like the blast. I'd make it 4xnotches if they're with someone else, just to make it a bit closer to the average melee hit, but other than that it looks great.
>While inside your quiet space at twice the normal rate
Something's missing, do you mean time passes outside at twice the normal rate?
it was supposed to be "you heal at twice the normal rate"
Nah, he spent the charge on a ghost blowjob.
He regrets nothing.
>though obviously, CoC is the originator of using a pure d% system
Nope, BRP existed for years before it got the CoC licence.
I don't know if I'd trust him but I'd probably be interested enough to see if he's legit. Especially if I were a UA character who typically has a reason to be interested in weird shit. It would depend on how it's presented really.
If the adept was at the party being kind of weird as adepts are, but friendly to Greg, it could help his case. Or if Greg actually ascended while at the party, kind of like a Naked Goddess situation, and the adept uses the teeth to jog the PC's memory after the fact to prove magick is real and get them on his side?
>rumors and random pics makes for horribly pointless threads
I enjoy these threads, thank you very much. They are quite entertaining to me.
Top quality, user. It's interesting how these guys are effectively the polar opposite of Cliomancers in everything but how they get a Major charge.
Did Veeky Forums or anyone really ever sketch up a Mememancy school of Magick?
Memes in this context could probably be any online joke that goes viral.
Minor charges could be about spreading your memes while significant charges are generated by having your meme get popular and get spread around without you helping along.
Major charges require something like what has happened with Pepe during the whole "Pepe market crash" (I remember major newspapers reporting on it as an online culture thing) or when Hillary Clinton mentioned Pepe in a speech.
Only needs a proper taboo, maybe something about how jokes are supposed to be funny but the nature of memes is to run them into the ground and when it's not funny anymore and everyone is annoyed to still repeat it.
>Only needs a proper taboo
I mean paradox, not taboo.
Though it would need a taboo too.
There are a few in the 3e beta that deal with social groups, but none particularly good for Meme Magic.
Maybe for charges
>minor: pass along a meme that becomes popular (posted across Veeky Forums, front page of Leddit, et c)
>significant: create a meme that becomes popular. Since this is fairly rare, maybe have it provide significant charges at a certain rate as long as the meme's alive
>major: create a meme that becomes so popular as to influence public discourse (such as Pepe)
One paradox idea is refusing to pass along memes that have died in the public discourse, making themselves a microcosm of the internet's web of memes with powers that stem from such. Sort of a crowd-sourced GNOMON.
Well I meant taboo and not paradox, so I guess that works out.
Taboo could be creating new memes or variations on existing memes. Mememancers can only compile and spread memes. I see them as full on uncreative "Look I posted it again" types. They have no goal or ideology outside of spreading the meme.
The paradox is that they spread something with no intention of it having meaning, but the act of spreading an idea gives it meaning
This got me thinking about how memes used to be years ago, remember "all your base are belong to us", Charlie bit my finger, the star wars broom kid or pic related?
Those all are old memes that internet culture was absolutely obsessed with for many years, this is something that couldn't possibly happen today.
Modern memes like Harambe all life and die fast, as spreading memes became easier, with more people using social networks and the internet in general, some memes just randomly manage to catch on before they die to make room for the new flavor of the month. In contrast the old memes were few and far in between and each and everyone got slowly milked over the course of years.
This could make for an interesting discourse between old and new Mememancers, the old school creators were uncontested kings, they were a small and elite group that enjoyed being at the top of the world. They where probably upset about falling out of favour for the highly competitive new sort where everyone has an equally minor chance to have their 5 minutes of fame.
Some rumours say that this shift in the average memes lifespan was a deliberate coup d'état by a few smart minds who saw the benefits of this adept types and wanted to stop the elite from hoarding all the charges. They were the ones who carefully engineered this new meme model and did everything to push it towards the mainstream, including helping create social networks dedicated to sharing them and even giving (or rather popularizing) the name "meme" to make the concept easier explainable to the public.
Very nice I like this one even more.
In 1853, a spiritualist preacher by the name of John Murray Spear constructed a new "Messiah" out of copper, zinc and magnets, all carefully machined parts. With no training or knowledge of science or technology and working alone in a fever of creativity, he assembled his mechanical god and symbolically "birthed" it. Just a few days later, he hurriedly and secretively dissembled his contraption, and never spoke of it to anyone again. The official story is that the new god was a failure, doing nothing but humming gently when powered, bu the horrible truth of what the New Motive Power told Spear has been safely forgotten, as has his god, which is still sitting in pieces in a box somewhere, waiting for a new prophet to assemble it.
The problem is that "meme magic" is basically what avatars and the invisible chorus *are*.
You need to establish what a 4chanian meme is compared to a jungian archetype - I'd make it a reskinned iconomancy, less posting memes and more becoming memes in a way that starts to press up against the entire concept of avatars.
Probably take it further even, break Mememancers up into specific schools focused exclusive on a single meme or group of memes - the Cult of Pepe Legba, Church of Feels, The Harambian Nation, etc...
Paradox: "memes have no context except ones they are placed in, but to embody those memes you must make the meme the context that causes your actions - thus a mememancer becomes a vessel for their patron meme, until they lose any context to their life other than the meme"
Taboo: break "character" out of the meme, not reeing at normies or otherwise fitting into non-neet society even temporarily is the common taboo of the orthodox cults of pepes, feelguys tend to avoid gathering in groups together too much.
Minor Charging scheme involves formal worship of your patron meme, often involving the ritualised posting of the meme or placement of the meme in public areas, to "give it life" as some mememancers think of it.
A significant charge would be gained by acting out or recreating the meme in a public space of non-mememancers, literally reeing and making "normies" leave an area they don't want to leave would gain a pepemancer a significant charge, for instance.
A major charge hasn't been achieved as far as anyone knows, but would likely involve being personally involved in a new meme's creation.
>Currently the zoo keeper who shot harambe is said to be in hiding after Harambians began showing up around his house with their dicks out and trying to kidnap him. during one of these attempts a harambian explained that it was felt that whoever can pluck out his heart and devour it will gain the "true power of Harambe".
Why is the occult underground so secret anyway? Is it like a Masquerade thing? Is it a spoiler?
People just don't want to believe their senses when it contradicts their logic.
Ever felt your food was making you sick?
Well, it is. But your perception gets filtered so that your world makes sense.
That answers my question
Praise Kek
Memes are about information. The taboo of a mimeomancer should be that he can't use memes to convey information, only to shitpost. So if he's sad about something, he can't post a sadfrog in a thread about that topic, but he could dump his collection of rare Yebs.
Due to the fact that using magick often requires you to be crazy the occult underground is populated by weird outcasts that can't gel with the rest of society.
Additionally the power players know that when the public "wakes up" people in the underground get royally fucked. See the Templars, Salem witch trials ect.
So basically on the small scale, nobody cares enough to see it but on the large scale too many people depend on things remaining secret to allow the word to spread.
>Why is the occult underground so secret anyway?
there are people who wish it to be that way is one explanation - the same way no one in the underground sets foot on manhatten
You know how if you feed the wrong signal from a mic back into the mic it causes nasty feedback?
Imagine you fed the awareness of the OU into the public conciousness, how would that effect the nature of the OU that feeds off of that same conciousness for its magic? It'd certainly be a life changing experience for all involves.
also a product of the unnatural sanity meter the game uses - let's say most of the public have a Mind stat around 25%, so a 3/4 chance of failing a stress check for most people upon finding out about the unnatural, so a 3rd of that three quarters of the public respond with a Fight response and try to destroy the unnatural, another 3rd Freeze and don't function, a final 3rd try to Flee from the truth. This response is what's called "The Sleeping Tiger" in UA - there's a bunch of rules for riots and shit breaking out if the masquerade is broken, not to mention certain groups in the OU actively policing the OU to stop things coming to that point, but they're almost a secondary concern compared to the threat presented by The Sleeping Tiger itself.
So does bumping from page 10 grant a minor charge or was that just a rumor?
Bumping without content actually breaks taboo, sorry pal.
Here's an artifact.
The Conch
Power: Significant
Effect: Whoever holds The Conch has the ability to command the attention of his audience. As long as The Conch is being held in plain sight by the speaker all Soul checks having to do with speaking in front of a group receive a +30 shift. In addition, the holder is the only person physically capable of speaking until The Conch is out of view unless the holder gives the audience permission to speak. The realization of The Conch’s effects prompt a Rank 2 Unnatural and Helplessness check on the audience. Once The Conch is out of view or out of the speaker’s hands the audience is filled with a jealous desire to take The Conch for themselves. The lengths they will go to acquire it depend on the speaker’s performance and whether or not they failed their stress checks but can result in anything from heckling to physical violence. The power of The Conch only effects groups of five or more people.
Description: This unassuming conch shell was the result of a Bibliomancer’s Major Charge after acquiring the original manuscript of William Golding’s Lord of the Flies some time in the early 2000s. Its powers reflect those of the shell featured in the novel. The Bookworm realized too late that the reflection was all too accurate when he was killed in a home invasion by a member of his book club days after making some very convincing points about why David Foster Wallace was full of shit. The Conch has been missing ever since but every time a political demonstration turns into a riot or a seemingly minor power struggle turns into a total clusterfuck rumors of The Conch’s reemergence soon follow.
Fine, I'll let it sage out then.
I was kidding around man, keep the thread bumped however you want.
(Well seeing as you guys liked solimancy, I'll post some of my others. I came up with this one before reading the similar adept in 3rd ed)
(Shutterbugs, Narcissists)
It's all about you. Everything is. Your life must be documented, so the unwashed masses can see your splendor. And that documentation carries power. History is the prelude to the future, and by obsessively documenting your past, you can control it.
Central paradox: Egomancers are obsessively documenting their own lives constantly. They're living in their immediate past, and forgetting their now. They're living in their own comet trail.
Minor charge: document a small change in your life. A new haircut, a fresh scar, a new location visited.
Significant charge: document a major change in your life. A new best friend, a new house, a major injury or illness.
Major charge: document a once in a lifetime experience in a way that makes you miss the event itself. Birth of a child, getting married to "the one" documenting a debilitating injury, missing a halley's comet flyby. Missing such an event will likely result in some harsh stress checks, but unless a record is made, it never happened, right?
Egomancers have no blast.
Taboo: Egomancy's taboo is two fold, and similar to a bibliomancer's. The first part of their taboo is their archive. An Egomancer's power only works when they're in range of a record of themselves they've made ( a number of meters equal to their egomancy skill). For most, this is as easy as carrying their phone, but for those egomancers who put their power in a diary, a blog or similar, it can be harder.
The second is that they cannot destroy any record of themselves, or wilingly allow a record of themselves to be destroyed.
Egomancers start with 4 minor charges
Random magic domain: You! Alter yourself and alter how others percieve you. Egomancy spells all work on your own body though. No fiddling with other people's pasts.
Selfie Censure: 2 minors
Instead of a blast, egomancers get the ability to rapidly heal. Make a record of your wound in your preferred media and then destroy it (this won't break taboo). You will then regain hit points equal to the sum of the dice. If this is not enough to fully heal the wound, it doesn't dissapear but simply lessens in a way to reflect the healed damage.
I used to be quite a looker: 1 minor
You become an idealised youthful version of yourself for a number of minutes equal to the tens of the egomancy roll. Anyone who knows you well will be able to spot you, but it might be enough to throw those fellows looking for the "old guy with grey hair" off. In game terms, such people get a -30 shift to finding you.
Remnisce: 2 minors
Concentrate on a record you've made of yourself. After a minute of focus, you will get a frozen image of the entire space (with a radius of meters equal to your egomancy roll) at the time of the photo. With practice you can use this to snoop in places in relative safety, provided the photo is recent enough.
Doctoring the records: 1 minor
Lets you change a record of yourself subtly. Born in Ohio? Now you're texan. Born in 1989? Now it says you're born in 1986. No huge jumps, but enough wiggle room to get some good results. Only changes the record, so better practice that texan accent.
Just look at my I.D: 2 minor
Allows you to pass any one record of yourself as a similar type. Driver's lisences become work I.Ds. loyalty cards become credit cards. Hotel keycards become top secret security base keycards. The only stipulation is that the original record has to belong to you. Fools machinery, but astute guards might still notice it as "fake". -30 notice to spot the forgery.
Where are they now?: 3 minors
By focusing on a record of yourself that contains another person, you can get a brief glimpse of where they are. The higher your egomancy roll, the more you get.
Significant formulae:
Camerashy: 1 signiificant
For a number of minutes equal to your egomancy roll, you cannot be recorded in any fashion. You're invisible to cameras, heat sensors, the works. Anyone can see you, but if they tried to write down what you were doing, they wouldn't be able to. (Which may cause unnatural stress checks)
Polarvoid: 1 significant
This is the significant egomancy healing spell. As before, make and destroy a record of the injury, but then heal equal to the result of the dice. Polarvoid is a little more risky however. If the result is less than the total injury, the injury still dissapears, but the remaining damage remains and will slowly heal as per normal convalesence. Stops the injury from getting any worse though.
Ego trip: 3 significant charges
By focusing on a particular record of yourself in a ritual taking 3 hours, 3 minutes and 3 seconds, an egomancer can teleport himself to the location the record was made regardless of distance or knowledge of location. Does not guarantee no one sees you arrive. If the place no longer exists, GM decides what happens.
Photochop: 1 Significant
One record (and all copies of it) of you poofs out of existance. If this is a record you made, this taboos you. This doesn't mean it didn't happen, just that there's no record of it.
Borrowing from history: 2 significant
Allows you to retrieve (copy) an item smaller than a briefcase that exists in a record you have made of yourself. Artifacts copied in such a manner lose any abilities they had. The item isn't permanant though, and only lasts a number of days equal to the tens of the dice before crumbling away into nothingness.
(One last bit)
Lithographic immortality: 8 Significant
This is the big one. When casting this spell, make a record of yourself. If you die while this record of yourself still remains intact, after 3 hours 3 minutes and 3 seconds a copy of you will be created in that location, consuming the record in the process. The copy of you will have no memory of what has happened since the spell was cast, but will have a rough idea of how much time has passed, and that they are a copy. (Any experience earned is therefore lost) the copy starts with no charges, but is in every aspect a continuation of you. Be careful leaving these lying around though, the poor copy who appears after the egomancer's died after a long and fruitful life will be very confused indeed.
Major effects:
Become immortal as long as your archive exists. Travel back in time to a point in your own history. Change any event in your past. Create a copy of yourself.
What you hear: Rumour is, a shutterbug tried to catch the ultimate "once in a lifetime" moment by capturing his own execution. No one knows if it worked, but sightings of a suspicious man "showing up" in the background of photographs are making a lot of his old enemies nervous.
Major Meme Cabals:
>Name: Banists
>Domains: self empowerment, diminishing other's power, survival
>blast style: magical fire starts at the bottom of a target and rises up and burns them
>name: Kekists
>Domain: reversal of fortunes, good luck (mostly use their charges for hunches and flip-flops)
>blast style: no blast style of their own, can however "bounce" other school's blasts back at them, taking tens damage to themselves and doing the units damage to the original caster
>name: peperians
>domain: misfortune, curses
>blast style: similar to entropomancer blasts
>domain: protection from harm, protecting others
>blast style: no blast style, instead can render themselves immune to blasts for periods of time. blasts used on harambians during this period still use up charges but have no effect upon the memer.
-Fusion has already been figured out and it works. The reason that no one's using it yet is that powerful adepts have been gaining charges off of the symbolic burning of the earth's past in fossil fuels and aren't ready to give up that power yet.
-Every major political assination by gunshot was done by the same bullet. The american government had it for a long time, and half the reason for all the security invasion and terror alerts recently is that they're looking to get it back.
-If you ever see a plastic bag floating AGAINST the wind, catch that thing. It'll be sentient, and can be convinced to give you information for a bribe. What can you use to bribe a sentient plastic bag? I dunno, use your imagination!
-The Aliens didn't arrive during the roswell incident, that's when they left. No one really knows why, but people theorised that they maybe found the whole thing kind of offensive.
- Hillary Clinton is the creation of a mechanomancer. You can tell by the way her eyes bulge; if your parents ever dragged you to Chuck E. Cheese, you'll know animatronics when you see them.
- Beware the plutomancer in range of Fort Knox.
-The reason no true A.I have been created is that the majority of computer scientists are men. And you can't create life with only half the input, can you?
-An enterprising kleptomancer used a major charge to steal a fellow adepts charging method. He stole it, now it's his, and now he has two taboos to work around. Rumour is he's aiming for all the major schools, hoping to become some of omni-mage
They say the Sleepers tried to take on The Sprawl the other day. They couldn't kill it of course, tricky little bugger that it is. Never heard of the sprawl? It's an Urbanomancer bogeyman. Some dumb Urbanomancer went overboard trying to get his major charge and hurt his city too badly. Killed it. Nutcase that he was though, he draws the town's spirit into himself, but he can't control it and it messes with him instead. He's like a zombie now, moving from city to city, parasitising the places he lurks. He's urban decay made manifest, he's rising crime, lack of public funding, police officers looking the wrong way. And like a cancer, he's usually undetected till it's too late, and often too ingrained to be safely removed.
-The reason that no nukes have been used in war since the nagasaki and hiroshima bombings is that the godwalker of the survivor was at both and used his power to ensure that no one would experience what he had. He died 3 years ago, so now we really are living on good will.
-The spread of SJWs and the rising concept of gender being a political choice are the joint works of the godwalker of the flying woman and the freak making their move and attempting to ascend to the stratosphere.
-Werewolves actually did exist until they were made into movies. The "silver screen" finally killed them off.
-The reason brown blue and green are the most common eye colours is because the others were too expensive to make.
The really terrifying thing about all the terrible stuff your government does is that for the most part it's done with your best interest in mind.
-Chinese resteraunts serving pork are actually part of a global network that will dispose of corpses for a fee.
-Fluoride isn't really good for your teeth, but it is lethal to tooth faries.
-The universe isn't expanding due to the big bang, it's expanding to get away from the earth before it's too late.
-Certain powerful businessmen are ensuring that veggie burgers are tainted with meat. This is part of a plot to ensure that carnivore mentality maintains prescendent, which in turn perpetuates their "dog eat dog world" they succeed in.
-Neil A was the first man on the moon. Now say it backwards. Did we send him to the moon, or did we send him *back*?
>Werewolves actually did exist until they were made into movies. The "silver screen" finally killed them off.
That's perfect.
Bumping with a horror story
Ain't nothing but cogs below the lake.
Never look directly at the woman on the moon.
Never go down a highway on-ramp on friday the 13th.
Don't walk backwards down the middle of a one-way street.
did you know we know that Shakespear did a sequel play to Love's Labours Lost called Love's Labours Won? Alphabet Spaghetti is an attempt to destroy it, letter by letter condensed into pasta form and its bardic energies neutralised by the tomato sauce.
But the play won't STAY dead.